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Page 6

by M. W. Huffman

  “Alright Director, we will do it your way. I will have the military coordinate directly with you so you can inform them of exactly what you need. They will be placed under your jurisdiction for now.”

  “Thank you Mr. President. Then if you will excuse me, I want to get going on this immediately.”

  “Fine. Good luck Director Miller.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  After he left the President said, “How did he ever get to be the Director of the CDC?”

  “Well Mr. President, he is the most respected and knowledgeable person on both commutable diseases and how they spread in the country. He is actually quite brilliant,” Andria said and smiled quickly.

  “I suppose,” Thornburg said.


  By the time Riser had driven to Breckenfield, Kentucky conditions had deteriorated even further. He stayed in touch constantly by cell phone as he drove along. His only stops were for gas and to grab a quick hand full of snacks.

  The death toll was at one hundred and seventy-nine by the time he arrived at the CDC command center. Over three hundred suspected cases were catalogued.

  “Damn, I’m glad you’re here,” Conroy said when Riser entered.

  “We have reinforcements on the way. Anything at all on the cause of all of this?” he asked while putting on his full biological suit.

  “We are pretty sure it came from the Bedford Delta Mine. Something was released into the air when that machine bore through the side of the wall. It opened the shaft and released the toxin.”

  “So how did it get there?”

  “Unknown. It's five miles down. We have no way of investigating it at this point. For now we have sealed the entrance to the mine and don’t say it. I’m aware the horse is already out of the barn.”

  “The military will be here tomorrow to set up a containment area. Nothing will be allowed in or out of a twenty-five mile radius.”

  “That is too little, too late. Maybe two days ago that would have helped but we have cases showing up as far away as Louisville and Columbus, Indiana. Mark, I think it’s too late for containment,” Conroy told him.

  “Now what? This has the potential to spread clear across the country.”

  “Further. Louisville has an international airport.”

  “Okay. We call in DVCT. Not tomorrow, right now.”

  “I was hoping you would say that. I contacted them an hour ago when I found out about Louisville. Sorry I didn’t wait for your approval Mark.”

  “I’m just thankful you already did. Every minute we wait it will spread further.”

  “We have only one other real anomaly. One of the very first people to come in contact with the virus is still hanging on. We don’t know why exactly, but he is.”

  “Who is it?"

  "The President of the mining company. A Paul Miller. I doubt he will make it but we are trying to figure out how he has lasted so long. What makes him so different?”

  “Keep on it. Let the Deadly Virus Containment Team take over if they want. We need answers not egos getting in the way,” Riser told him.

  “I can guarantee no problems from our end,” Conroy answered, “Oh, and one other bit of bad news.”

  He pointed to the television screen. The sound was off but the scroll under the reporter was warning people about the possible outbreak of a deadly virus. The name wasn’t mentioned.

  Good, he thought. Maybe the President didn’t want it out but there it was. This was one time he was glad for nosy reporters. The sooner people took precautions the more lives that would be saved.

  His phone rang and he quickly answered it.

  “CDC, Director Riser.”

  “Doctor Riser. Hold for the President.”

  Uh-oh. He waited what seemed like forever before the President came on the line.

  “Doctor Riser. President Thornburg. I want to know who is responsible for this leaking to the news. I certainly hope you had nothing to do with this.”

  “Mr. President. I just found out myself. I arrived at the CDC command center not more than ten minutes ago and saw it on the television. Sir, my people did not let this out. We have very strict protocols about alerting the public.”

  “Then how did they find out? Someone told them.”

  “Sir, I honestly don’t know.”

  “Then how do you know it wasn’t one of your people?”

  “Mr. President, the same way you know when someone on your staff does something. Respect for the chain of command.”

  “I see. Any ideas how it did get to the media?”

  “When I arrived I was informed that suspected cases were showing up in Louisville and now Columbus, Indiana. It is spreading out of Kentucky. Our containment plan has gone out the window,” Mark told him.

  “What is your next step then?”

  “We have activated the DVCT. They will be on site in less than three hours. Once we meet with them, I will update you on what we need to do next.”

  “What you think we should do next,” the President corrected.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Then I’ll wait to hear from you. When you call, give the operator this code: E1-Alpha. That will get you directly to my office.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. President. Oh sir, It would be wise if you and your staff, not to mention congress, start thinking about protection.”

  “You don’t mean to say it could be here in Washington,” he said shocked at the suggestion.

  “Yes sir, that is exactly what I am suggesting. Louisville’s airport is international. A lot of flights take off out of there with Washington as a destination.”

  “Well, I guess we should discuss that. I’ll get my people together and talk it over. Thank you for the warning.”

  “I’ll keep you posted Mr. President.”

  “Alright,” was all he said and hung up.

  “What is the President going to do?” Conroy asked when he hung up.

  “Call a meeting to discuss if they should be prepared or not. Who voted that man in office? What were those people thinking? What a dolt,” he said as he set the phone on the desk.

  “While you were talking to him. The first members of DVCT reported that they are less than an hour out.”

  “Thank goodness. That’s the first good news I have had all day,” Mark said.


  Jerry Washburn had always been on the very edge of being a flim-flam man. Constantly looking for a way to make a quick buck was a way of life for him. He spent more time cooking up scams than looking for an honest job. He always had some scam going.

  Watching the news, he saw this as his big chance to hit the jackpot. He turned up the volume.

  “The death toll continues to rise as the deadly virus is leapfrogging across the nation. New cases have been reported as far away as Reno, Nevada and Las Vegas. In an unusual move, the Center for Disease Control referred all questions to the White House. President Thornburg will hold a national televised address at 8:00 p.m. this evening.”

  This was it. A chance to make some real money. All he needed was some supplies. Where to get what he needed was only a minor problem. He knew a lot of slippery people that he had dealt with over the years. He started calling them immediately. He wanted to jump on this before someone else did.

  * * *

  I would like to talk to the Doctor who first diagnosed the Ebola virus,” Riser said.

  “Then you had better hurry. He is in the final stages. I doubt he will last the night.”

  “Then I should do it now. After that I want to talk to the President of the mining company. We have his medical records but something has to be missing. Why is he still alive? Oh, I didn’t mean that like it sounded,” Riser said, realizing how callous it sounded.

  “No. I have been asking myself the same question. Only a few of the miners from the company are still alive. Most have already died. Only three are still alive.”

  “I need to talk to them as well.”

  “Then we should go now. Two of the three won’t last the day,” Conroy told him.

  Dressed in their full biomed suites they went to visit Paul first.

  “Mr. Miller. I’m Doctor Riser, head of the CDC. I need to ask you some questions if you don’t mind.”

  “Why not? I can’t dance and I don’t seem to have much strength to do anything else. Ask away.”

  “I’ve reviewed your medical records. What is puzzling us, and I apologize for this in advance, is why you seem to have managed to fight the virus off.”

  “Wait. Are you saying everyone else from the company didn’t make it?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Miller. Only three are still alive.”

  “Mac, Ann, Barney. They are all dead?”

  “I’m sorry. Yes. One of your foremen, a Mr. Art Stenson is still hanging on. I would be less than honest if I said that he would make it much longer.”

  “I had almost a hundred and fifty employees. Are you saying that only the four of us are left?”

  “I’m afraid I am.”

  “I don’t understand. This is crazy. It was that fog that came out of that shaft wasn’t it?” Paul asked suddenly.

  “We are not a hundred percent sure but it is the most likely explanation,” Riser replied.

  “A stupid accident caused all of this? this limited to the mine employees?”

  “No. It is spreading across the country. Over five hundred and ninety people have died. Another two thousand are in the early stages.”

  “My God. Can’t it be stopped?”

  “We have the best minds in the country working on it but we have nothing that will stop it at this point.”

  “How can I help?”

  “I want to go over your medical records with you. I want as much information as you can possible remember about each treatment, procedure or anything else you can think of. Even if it doesn’t seem relevant.”

  “I’ll do the best I can,” Paul replied.

  “That’s all I can ask,”

  * * *

  “Wait. You are telling me that you want me to stop all air, boat, and train traffic. On top of that, you want no one allowed in or out of the country, no matter who they are or where they are from? Am I hearing you correctly,” the President asked.

  “Essentially that is correct, Mr. President. I know it sounds drastic but even then it may not be enough,” the head of the CDC told him.

  “Doctor Riser, can you even fathom what the results of such an order would do to this country?”

  “Mr. President, can you fathom the results of not doing this? We are talking about a worldwide epidemic of Biblical proportions. Mr. President I have the head of the DVCT with me on speaker phone. Maybe you should listen to what he has to say.”

  “DVCT? What is that? I don’t recall ever hearing of them before.”

  “I’ll let him explain. Mr. President, this is Doctor Randal Peel. He is the world’s foremost authority on deadly viruses and containment of spreading.”

  “Mr. President. The DVCT was first initiated during the 60s and 70s when the cold war was raging. DVCT stands for Deadly Virus Containment Team. President Kennedy created the agency to counteract a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack by the Soviet Union. Certain protocols were initiated and passed by congress that created the funding and outlined the authority of the DVCT,” he explained.

  “Alright Dr… I’m sorry, what was your name again?”

  “Randal Peel.”

  “Alright Dr. Peel. I assume this is your recommendation then?”

  “Not exactly Mr. President. You will find that Executive Order 60600.1A, B, and C address the authority of the DVCT. That authority remains in effect today.”

  “Dr. Peel is it? I have no idea what is contained in Executive Order… whatever. You say it gives you specific authority. What might that be?”

  “Mr. President, the name is Dr. Randal Peel. My authority is delineated in the Executive Order. In short, Mr. President, it gives me the authority to shut down all air, land, and sea travel into and out of the United States. It is incumbent on the director of the DVCT and does not need the approval of any other authority.”

  A long silence followed. All Peel could hear were some background noise and the President breathing.

  “Doctor Peel. No one has a higher authority than the President of the United States. Not the CDC, the whatever your agency is called and certainly not you Dr. Peel. I will determine if we stop all travel in and out of this country,” the President said.

  “Mr. President. I urge you to read the Executive Order. The number again is..”

  “I don’t need the number. You will do nothing without my permission. Do I make myself clear, Dr. Peel?”

  “Good day, Mr. President,” Peel said and shut his cell phone.

  “Don’t you dare… hello? Hello? That son-of-a… I want that man tracked down and relieved of that position immediately. No one hangs up on the President. I don’t know who he thinks he is but I will not stand for it.”

  “Sir. I’ve been looking up the Executive Order. Maybe you should read it.”

  “What? Are you telling me he is correct?”

  “Sir,” he said holding out the volume containing the document.

  “I don’t care what it says. I will not stand for this. Do you understand?”

  “I think you may have to change your position on that Sir.”


  “That could have gone better,” Conroy said.

  “It will get worse. I’ve already issued the orders to stop all air, land and sea traffic. I’m pretty sure he will blow a gasket when he finds out. I intended to tell him but we never quite got to that stage.”

  “You really did it? You issued Directive DVCT 0995?”

  “It is in the hands of all airline companies, trains that cross into Canada and all docks and harbor facilities. It will be announced on the air during the five O’clock news. All stations will carry the story.”

  “Mark, he may have you hauled off for this. I know what the directive says but what if he won’t allow it?”

  “This was put in place by President Kennedy and the US Congress. It can only be rescinded by a two-thirds majority vote by Congress and even then, the Supreme Court has to verify the legitimacy of the proceedings,” Mark told him.

  “You know he won’t allow this. He won’t abide by the directive.”

  “Oh, I think he will one way or the other.”

  “You obviously have something up your sleeve,” Conroy said.

  “Well, you should never show all your cards at once. Especially when you are playing at this level. Yes, I do have a backup plan and while it may gall the President, it is within my authority to initiate the process.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be you at around one minute after 5:00 p.m.”

  “I’m pretty sure he will know before then. The news will want confirmation from the White House. Then it will hit the fan,” Mark said.

  * * *

  “You are sitting there telling me that this Doctor has already scheduled a press conference for five o’clock? Before my scheduled news conference?”

  “That is correct, Mr. President.”

  “Well I don’t think so. I want that conference stopped. You get hold of all the news stations and have them pull the plug on it. He is not to go on the air. Now get on it while we still have time.”

  “Sir, the news stations already know what the subject is. He has already given them a general outline. Also all of the major newspaper across the nation have a release. We are already too late,” his Chief of Staff, Harry Becker told him.

  “Harry, I don’t want to hear it. Do whatever it takes to stop him from holding that press conference. I don’t care what it takes. Talk to the network owners, whoever it takes but I do not want to see him on television.”

  “Mr. President.”

  “Stop,” he yelled and slammed his hand down so hard on the desk that his ink pe
n jumped out of the holder, “I don’t want to hear another excuse. I don’t care how it is done but it will be done. Call the police, FBI, CIA or anyone else you can think of and have him arrested or charges of treason. He is trying to overthrow the Presidency,” he said, his voice continuing to rise.

  No one said a thing for several seconds.

  “Well? What are you waiting for? Get this done,” he said quickly standing up from his chair.

  “Sir. The Executive Order is quite clear on this. It was, in fact, written to prevent exactly this,” Harry said.

  “And you are not listening. I don’t care what the Executive Order says. I am superseding it immediately.”

  “Mr. President. You can’t do that. It takes an act of Congress to change the provisions of the order,” the Attorney General, Amy Snider said softly.

  The President turned and glared at her. His face was red and he was visibly shaking. He grabbed the Executive Order volume the Chief of Staff was holding and threw it across the room.

  Vice President Andria Toll, saw it just in time to get her hand up in front of her face. The force still managed to knock her over against the sofa back. She touched her cheek where the heavy book had grazed her.

  Everyone just stopped and stared. First at the Vice President and then Thornburg.

  “Why are you all sitting here? I’m giving you direct orders. Find Peel and have him arrested. Get that news conference stopped or you will all find yourselves out of a job,” he screamed.

  Vice President Toll, stood up and faced the President.

  “Jim, you need to get yourself under control. You are certainly not acting like the President of the United States. You are throwing a temper tantrum. You need to take a deep breath and think about what you have just done. Executive Orders are law. Even the President is not above the law.”

  “And I am telling you I am not bound by those orders. Do you see Kennedy in this room? Do you see anyone in this room that has accepted them as law?”

  “Yes Jim, I do?”


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