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ME: The Complete Series

Page 43

by Logan Chance

  I stood there completely stunned as I tried to remember my words. “Yes.” Was all I could come up with.

  “Good.” The word snapped out of his mouth making me glance away.

  The goosebumps all over my body receded as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms.

  “Alright,” I said.

  Still entranced by the moment of being pressed so closely against his body, I clocked his movements as he ran a hand down his beard.

  “See something you like?” he asked.

  “You wish.” I turned on my heel and left him standing in the kitchen as I searched out Dex.


  In this last scene, Theo had Penny watch Lucy while he worked. This is when he came home from the bar and she was asleep. Again, very unedited.

  The right thing to do would be to wake her, or go sleep on the couch. There were a million and one things I should have been doing instead of moving closer to her.

  But, I couldn’t help myself. Some cosmic force was bringing me toward the bed.

  Out of my mind, but I no longer cared. I couldn’t focus on the voice telling me this was wrong in so many ways. I needed just a touch. One innocent touch. Was I mad, sure. But I was too far gone.

  She let out a soft sigh from her open mouth, and I stopped. Unsure if I should continue down this path of unrighteousness, or if I should just turn away.

  She was facing the wall away from me, and I studied her for a moment longer.

  The sound of the air conditioning clicking to life startled me and I stepped back. As if her body could sense the air, she turned in the bed toward me.

  Her eyes shut tight, her mouth open, and her arms tucked beneath her chin I couldn’t turn away.

  The only sound other than the low buzz of the AC was the ringing in my ears. So loud and so full of disgust at the thoughts I was having of Dex’s girlfriend. I tried to silence it. I shook my head, pushing away the images but I was still rooted to the floor.

  As if she sensed my presence she cooed, ever so lightly.

  “Theo,” she sighed.

  My heart stopped, and my mouth grew dry.

  Was she awake? Did she just say my name?

  I stepped closer, quicker than my previous movements had been. The moon, the only light, shadowed her face and I couldn’t tell if she was sleeping or fully aware of me in the room standing over her.

  Leaning closer, I brushed the hair from her face.

  “Penelope, are you awake?” I whispered closer to her ear. My knee met the mattress as I climbed half way on the bed.

  She didn’t stir, until a second later her arm wrapped around my neck. Her cool fingers dug into my hair at the base of my scalp.

  I was terrified to move, scared to break free from the attachment. It was obvious she was still sleeping but with each hot breath escaping her inviting mouth, I drew near.

  She tugged me until our connection was almost made. I hovered inches from her, as I tried to remember what the hell I should be doing.

  The moonlight sparkled off her hair as it framed her face. Her soft pink opening of her mouth curved upward as I ran the pad of my thumb across the lower ledge. I wanted nothing more than a kiss, nothing more than the sweet taste she possessed. To press against her in a magnetic way would bring me closer to the heaven I’d been searching for. The all-encompassing kiss I’d wanted since the moment I first laid eyes on her.

  Without time to react, our mouths met in a hungry, needy way as if her soft skin had never been touched in such a manner.

  My tongue slipped inside as she opened for me. Her hand on my neck squeezed harder, pulling me closer.

  I was entranced as our tongues entwined in an erotic dance only we were privy to.

  My cock hardened in a second as my palms were flat down on the bed propping me up. Stuck in the moment, I went deeper with my tongue as a moan escaped from the back of her throat.

  To stop now would be insanity, and I couldn’t think straight. I was mesmerized by the madness powering over my brain.

  She tasted sweet with a hint of honey and a shot of adrenaline exploded through my system. I needed her in the worst way.

  I pictured it all with her, every single fucking moment of the rest of our lives ending in our own happily ever after. Too bad it would never work out between us.

  With that thought, I broke the kiss as she rolled away from me.

  She never awoke, and I was beside myself with regret.

  With heavy footsteps, I left the room to wallow in my own misery on the couch.

  *Remember the deleted scenes are NOT edited. I hope you enjoyed the little glimpse into my writing process.

  Now keep reading for BONUS SCENES:

  Bonus Scenes

  The Wedding


  They say your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life. But, with me, every day since the moment I met Houston has been happier than the one before. I love him. He’s my best friend and my partner, and I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with him as my husband.

  I can’t believe this day is finally here. I’ve dreamt about this moment since I was a little girl—a fairytale wedding with me in a beautiful white gown.

  And that’s precisely what I’m in. Long, with a beaded bodice that highlights my every curve.

  Houston and I decided to have an intimate sunset wedding on the sandy beaches of Florida. It’s a breezy day, but nothing too horrible. It’s perfect.

  “You look gorgeous,” my sister, Lexi, tells me.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  My mother pulls me in for a hug as Lexi fiddles with the train of my dress. “There’s nothing to be nervous about,” mom says. “All the planning is over. And you’re marrying the love of your life.”

  I smile and my chest warms. “You’re right.”

  I glance at myself in the mirror one more time before I step out of the small room in the cottage where we’ve been all morning getting ready.

  Kayla and Lizzy, along with Lexi, make up my bridal party, and I smile when I see them in their long aqua-blue dresses.

  “You girls look great,” I say.

  “Thanks for not being a bridezilla and giving us pretty dresses,” Lexi says, and I laugh. “Let’s do this. You’ve got a hot doctor to marry.”

  Yes, I do. We make our way to the sandy shore where the band plays a slow melody as people are ushered to their seats. The sun hangs low in the pink and orange sky as I glance out to the crashing waves.

  And then I see him.


  Dressed in a stark white button-down and khaki pants, with the breeze ruffling his dark hair, he looks gorgeous. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have this man.

  So caring and my best friend.

  He spots me and his eyes light up. The music starts, and my brother, Erik, is by my side.

  “You ready?” he asks as the girls, one-by-one, make their way down the aisle.

  I glance into my older brother’s eyes. “I am.”

  I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.


  She’s like a dream I can’t wake from. A vision of beauty and pure grace. Today couldn’t be more perfect. She couldn’t be more perfect.

  From the front row, my mother smiles at me, dabbing her eyes, as Marley glides toward me with her brother escorting her down the aisle.

  I can barely hear the music over my raging heart. It beats wildly for her.

  The dark hair framing her exquisite face blows gently in the breeze.

  Marley’s eyes lock with mine and a silent message, filled with love and understanding, passes between us.

  She lifted me up when I was at my darkest hour, made me live again, and I will forever be grateful to her for that.

  I grab her hands the minute she hands off her bouquet of lilies to her sister.

  The priest speaks, and we pledge our vows to each other against the crash of the ocean.

  “You may now
kiss your bride,” the priest says to me.

  My bride. She’s more than my bride; she’s my life.

  I press my lips to hers and kiss her as my wife for the first time. It’s even better now. Our friends and family cheer as we make our way down the aisle and over to the cottage where the reception will be held. After we take photos with the wedding party, we are introduced as Dr. and Mrs. Houston Dale.

  Before the party gets underway, I glance to my wife.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention for a minute,” I say.

  Marley smiles.

  “I couldn’t be more happy today to be married to such a beautiful woman. I have something I want to say to her.”

  The crowd grows quiet.

  “There’s an Irish quote that fits perfectly with how I feel today.” I turn to her. “Marley, may you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn’t live a day without you.” I hold up my champagne flute. “Cheers, everyone.”

  Cheers fill the room and when the chatter of the mingling guests resumes, she places her small hands on my face.

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  “I love you too, Mrs. Dale.”

  I pull her in for a kiss. “We may have to cut this short.”

  “Shhh,” she teases me. “Someone might hear you.”

  “Do I need to remind you about the shushing?”

  “Maybe.” She winks at me. “Let’s go say hi to a few people.”

  We walk hand-in-hand over to where Lizzy and Ryan sit.

  “Ryan is having surgery in a few days,” Lizzy tells Marley and I.

  “Is that right?” I say. “For your shoulder?”

  Ryan was injured during his time overseas while in the Marines.

  “They’re trying a new procedure to try to give me my sight back,” he says.

  Lizzy beams beside him. “We’re very hopeful it’ll work.” She kisses his cheek.

  Kayla rushes over. “Ok, you two,” she says to Marley and me, “the cake is all delivered, and I have to say it is one of my finest recipes.”

  Erik wraps his arm around Kayla. “I’m sure everyone will love it.”

  She smiles and the band starts a slow song. We hired Ryan’s brother’s band, Pushing Buttons, for our wedding, and I am not disappointed. They really know what they’re doing.

  I ask Marley to dance, and soon, everyone is on the floor.

  Erik with Kayla. Ryan with Lizzy. And my sister, Katy, with Ford.

  “I have something to tell you,” Marley says, sliding her arms around my waist.

  “Lay it on me.”

  “You know that whole something old, something new thing?”

  I nod.

  “Well, the old and borrowed was easy.” She points to the pearls in her ears. “Mom’s earrings. My panties are blue.” I pull her in closer. “But the new…” she trails off.

  “Tell me,” I urge.

  “I’m pregnant,” she says, lighting up my whole world.

  A few days later….


  I’m too nervous to even eat. I’ve been sitting in this waiting room for five hours now, and not one word from the doctor’s on how the surgery is going.

  I’m not the only one who’s a bundle of nerves, Ryan’s parents sit across from me, flipping through magazines and checking the time.

  Lance and Devin, Ryan’s two younger brothers, type on their phones while I glance at the white door once more.

  “Lizzy, it’ll be ok,” Devin says when he sees me stand.

  “I know.” I pace the small waiting area, trying my best to clear my mind.

  The doctor enters and my heart races.

  “He made it through just fine. We won’t know anything about his sight for a few days until the swelling goes down. If you’d like to see him.”

  Ryan’s mother stands.

  “I just ask two at a time. Family only.”

  My heart deflates.

  “We’ll go first, then Devin and Lance. Lizzy you can go after,” Ryan’s mother says.

  “But…” I stall.

  “You are family, dear,” his mother says.

  I smile as her and her husband follow the doctor through the doors.

  When it’s finally my turn, I follow the doctor.

  “Down the hall and to the left. Room 338.”

  “Thank you,” I say and head off in that direction.

  I’m nervous at what I may see. I’m nervous at how Ryan may feel.

  I spot the room, and take a step inside.

  There he is. My brave man, the man I want more than anything to spend the rest of my life with. I love him.

  He turns a bit, and I rush to his side.

  “Are you awake?”

  The doctor told me he was sleeping, but I’m unsure.

  There’s a white bandage over his eyes, and I grab his hand.


  “Lizzy,” he says, his voice still groggy from sleep.

  “It’s me. How are you feeling? Should I call the nurse?” I don’t want him to be in any pain.

  “I feel ok. Is my family here?”

  “Yes, they’re in the waiting room. They just all came to visit you.”

  The doctor enters when he sees Ryan’s awake.

  “Ryan, how are you feeling?” the doctor says, grabbing a chart off the end of the bed.

  “I feel ok.”

  The doctor goes over all the different eye drops and as well as when Ryan can remove the bandages and cleaning his eyes.

  After a while, we leave the hospital and continue to his parent’s house. He’ll be staying a few weeks with his parents while he heals from the surgery.

  We settle in next to each other on the couch.

  “Are you in any pain? Do you want a pain pill?” I ask Ryan.

  His mother is already ten steps ahead of me as she brings him a pill and some water. After he’s done, I cozy up to his side.

  “I’m really nervous,” he whispers.


  “Because what if the surgery didn’t work?” He shifts his body and I sit up.

  “It’ll be just like it was before the surgery, nothing will change.” I’m confused by his question, but understand his hesitation.

  “Well, I know how much you and my family want this for me. You all have such high hopes and I just don’t want to feel the disappointment if it doesn’t happen.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “You listen to me, Ryan. We love you, and we can never be disappointed with you or with anything about this surgery. Do we want you to get your sight back, yes, but it’s not going to change how we feel about you.”

  “I know. I’m just nervous, like I wish I could take the bandages off now.” He offers a small laugh and I kiss his cheek.

  “I do too.”

  We stay up most of the night talking until Ryan can’t stay awake any longer. I help to keep him walking in a straight path from the pain medication to his old bedroom. I tuck him in, and then head home.

  The next day after work I head over to Ryan’s parent’s house.

  When I step inside everyone is in the living room. “We were waiting on you before we took the bandages off,” Ryan’s mother says.

  I drop my purse on the credenza and sit down next to Ryan on the couch.

  “Remember Ry,” his dad starts. “The doctor said your eyesight may be a little blurry for the first week.”

  Ryan nods his head.

  “Let’s take off those bandages,” his mother says.

  Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I grip Ryan’s hand tighter as his mother steps closer.

  “Ok,” Ryan answers.

  “Let’s see.” His mother begins unwrapping Ryan’s bandages, and I wonder to myself if I should even be in the room.

  Should this be a private thing with his family? But, then I remember I am his family. />
  So, I remain quiet, glued to the spot by his side. Devin and Lance mention the lights, and Ryan’s father lowers the lights in the room, and draws the curtains.

  “We don’t want it too bright in here,” his mother says.

  I smile to her, and she offers a friendly smile back.

  When she removes the bandage, there are still two patches, one over each eye.

  We all hold our breath as she continues to remove the eye patches. Nerves skate all through me.

  “Whatever happens, son, we’ll be here,” Ryan’s father says.

  His mom removes the patches and Ryan opens his eyes. He squints and I squeeze Devin’s hand by my side. He’s the closest, so he’s the hand I reached for.

  “I see blurry lights,” Ryan says.

  “It’ll take a little while for your eyes to adjust,” his mother says.

  Ryan’s mother steps closer toward Ryan and wraps her arms around him. “Ryan, I love you.” She sheds a few tears and Ryan, for the first time in almost eighteen months, looks into his mother’s eyes.

  “I love you too,” he says.

  The whole room releases the breath we’ve all been holding, and we step closer to Ryan.

  The room is filled with laughter and chatter, and I haven’t let Ryan’s hand go in over an hour. After his family leaves, he pulls me onto the couch with him.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Ryan, nothing can keep me away from you.” And I mean this. I love him with my whole heart. Unconditionally, forever and ever.

  “I just love you so much. You’ve stood by my side through all of this.”

  “And I’ll continue to stand by your side as long as you let me.” I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I don’t deserve you, but I’m going to keep you forever,” he says.

  I kiss his lips, then pull back. “You can’t get rid of me.” I laugh.

  He gazes into my eyes. “I can see you. You’re so beautiful.”

  A single tear rolls down my cheek and he swipes it away. “Ryan, you’re my best friend.”

  He brings me closer. “And Lizzy you’re my everything.”

  The End

  Katy and Pollux

  A little midnight rendez-vous.


  It’s late as I turn out the lights in my gallery. Today was a good day. I was able to sell five of my pieces and can’t wait to get them delivered and start on some new work.


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