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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

Page 6

by Gracie Meadows

  “She doesn’t do tattoos,” Razor said plainly, but if she did, he would be the one to mark her first.

  “I bet I can bring her to the dark side. Let me ask you something, Razor,” Razor turned and looked at Tex. “You get to fuck her yet? Is she bald, clean, and smooth just like the rest of her skin?”

  “I don’t know about that, mate, from what we heard last night, she enjoys playing by herself,” Casper responded.

  Razor couldn’t take this anymore. The sudden thought of what she really looked like under his shirt played in his mind a whole lot more than it should. He needed to distract himself from his wayward thoughts. Ignoring the banter going on between the two, he cleaned up and reset his station. He didn’t have any more clients today, but they seemed to have a lot of walk-ins. Two women for belly button piercings and others that he lost count. Knowing Tex was in a mood, he asked him to do the piercings since he enjoyed blood. He didn’t mind doing them, but he wasn’t in the mood for that much direction or talking.

  Calling the next person up, he was happy to see it was a cover up. A dumbass tattooed his chick’s name on his arm and then broke up with her. What stupid fuck would do such a thing? He always advised against tattooing anyone’s name on them unless it was a kid’s name. Looking at the space, he noticed that the original work was shitty anyway, and the ink was fading and blown out in places. He did a quick drawing for the guy showing how it would overlap the name and make it look like a sick snake.

  Setting up his station once again, he went to work. It was night before they closed up shop. He was hungry and knew food wasn’t something he kept in his apartment, so he would have to call it in. It would have to be something that was deliverable as he couldn’t ride a bike with food. However, he did stop by the liquor store and stocked up on more booze as he had been drinking more than usual, stashing it in his side pouch.

  Walking into his apartment, he saw Sparkle sitting on the couch watching an episode of the newest zombie series. He ignored her before lifting the phone and calling for pizza once again. It worked for him, and if Faith didn’t like it, well, tough shit, she wasn’t paying for it. Looking around he didn’t see her anywhere.

  “Where is she?”

  “Bedroom. Been there all day,” Sparkle said, pointing to the door. He pushed open his door to see Faith sitting on the floor in what looked like a bird’s nest of papers. She was mumbling to herself about something.

  “Hey, you okay?” He stood over her and got nothing. Huh, well that was weird. Ignoring how she was lost looking for something, he went back out and waited for the pizza. Sparkle left just as the food arrived. She claimed she had someone waiting for her. He called for Faith to come out and eat, but nothing. Grabbing a plate from the kitchen, he loaded it with two slices of pizza and took it into her. He placed it near her along with a glass of coke he had brought. Again, she ignored him. Whatever. She was in her little zone of work, and would eat when she wanted to.

  He ate his food in silence before cleaning up and then laying down. Faith had yet to leave the room when he started to fall asleep. The light from his room shined through the door letting him know she was still up. It was fine by him, just as long as she stayed inside the apartment. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep only to be woken out of a dead sleep by a bang.

  What the hell was that? Grabbing the gun from under the couch, he opened his door. Looking around, he noticed a cat had knocked over a potted plant. Stupid animal. Shutting the door, he locked it once again. The light was still on in the bedroom. Huh. Looking at the clock, he saw that it was only three in the morning, and he wanted more sleep. Closing his eyes after he laid down, he let sleep take him.


  He had to pee. Stupid body. It was fine; he needed to get up anyway. It was already past eight, and he wanted to be at the shop by nine thirty. Finishing his business, he knocked on the bedroom door. No response. Opening the door, he was shocked at what he saw. Faith was still sitting in the same spot, but more paper lay around her and the pizza and coke he’d given her remained untouched.

  How long had she been up? That’s when he remembered what she’d told him about the weird rabbit hole thing she had been in before. Her mind would be so focused on something that everything else went away. It was going on twenty-four hours, and he could tell she hadn’t eaten or drank anything.

  “Kitten,” he said her name, but nothing happened. He called her again, snapping his fingers, nothing. She was in some type of trance. So doing what he did to drunk people, he grabbed her computer, set it aside, picked her up, and carried her to the shower.


  Faith was almost on to something. She found who she needed; she just needed to find out what to send him. The computer disappeared, leaving her in a fit of confusion.

  Suddenly she was airborne, and water was hitting her in the face.

  “Snap the fuck out of it, Faith!” Someone was yelling at her. She blinked and then blinked again as warm water washed over her body. She was still wearing the clothes she’d had on yesterday. However, when she looked up, she saw a very concerned looking Razor looking at her. He was wet too. They both were standing in the shower.

  “Dreaming. I’m dreaming again. Shit, I need to wake up; I’ve got work to do.” She tried to push away from him, but it didn’t work. Damn, she’d fallen asleep; that was the only explanation for it.

  “Not dreaming, kitten, now come back.” She kept shaking her head. No, she didn’t fall yet, she knew she could stop going down the rabbit hole as long as she ate and took breaks. She did that, didn’t she? She must have because she was dreaming right now. It was the only reason she was in the shower with Razor.

  “Dream, yup, just a dream. At least I didn’t go down the rabbit hole; I’m going to be fine.” She smiled up at him; she was proud if herself.

  “Not thinking clearly yet, kitten, come back. Open your eyes and look, you’re awake.”

  “Nope, dreaming, but I like this dream.”

  “It’s not a dre-' She cut him off by doing the only thing she could ever do in a dream; she got on her toes and kissed him. Granted it was only a small kiss, but since it was her dream, she was going to make the most of it.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck she tried to deepen the kiss, but dream Razor wasn’t moving. She pulled away and could feel the fast beat of his heart. His brown eyes seemed to grow dark with lust, and she once again kissed him, this time, running her tongue along the seam of his mouth. He opened slightly allowing her to push inside, and like a moth to the flame, he busted out and kissed her back.

  One hand ran up and gripped her hair at the base of her neck while the other ran down to her ass squeezing the cheek. Boy, could this man kiss. He pushed her against the wall trapping her, but that was just fine with her. Her need escalated, and her hands started to roam around his chest feeling the ripped muscle beneath them. Reaching down lower, her dream gave her the courage to cup his cock through his wet pants. A growl erupted from him as he pushed into her hands.

  “This isn’t a dream, kitten.” And just like that, she realized what she was doing as the world spun black and the sound of Razor's voice could be heard with a, “Fuck.”

  Chapter Nine

  Razor looked down at the water soaked woman wondering what the hell he was going to do next. She had thought the whole time it was a dream, and yet he knew it wasn’t. He did his best to hold still, but he wasn’t a damn saint. When she’d slipped him her tongue his sexual urges took over.

  He hadn’t gotten laid in over two months, which was a record for him. Her little moan and whimper sent his cock into a raging hard-on, then she’d grabbed him. However, when she realized what she was doing, she froze. He would have never thought she would have blacked out, though.

  The water still sprayed over him. Holding her steady, Razor turned off the water and lifted her wet body into his arms. He needed to get her out of these clothes and figure out what to do next. Once in his be
droom, he didn’t want to put her on the bed and get that wet, so he put her on the floor and started removing her shirt and pants. She didn’t have anything underneath them. Sadly, this wasn’t the time to look at her as he too was dripping wet.

  Leaving her on the ground, he stripped and dressed quickly before finding another shirt for her. Lifting her into his arm, he put Faith onto the bed, pulling the shirt over her naked form. He quickly covered her body before he left to grab his phone. He didn’t know if he should call for an ambulance, so instead he called Mary Jane. “Hey, stud,” she said after the second ring.

  “I need help; something’s wrong with Faith.”

  “The chick you’re babysitting?”

  “Yeah her, can you come over?”

  “Sure, be there in ten.” With a click, he hung up.

  Mary Jane used to run part-time as an emergency medical technician at a volunteer fire department. She didn’t anymore, as she complained the drive killed her, but maybe she would be able to help some.

  He paced back and forth waiting for her to show. He shouldn’t care about Faith. Hell, the woman did this to herself, and she had told him this wasn’t something new for her. But a part of him knew that Johnny would be pissed at how callous he was being about it all, which was the reason he’d called Mary Jane. At least that was what he was telling himself. Bending, he ran his hand across her cheek, hoping for something from her.

  “Come on, kitten, wake up.” A knock stole the moment, and he opened the door to see Mary Jane standing there with a small bag.

  “Where is she?” She was all business right now, which is what he needed.

  Pointing to the room, he watched as Mary Jane went to his room.

  “Shit, what happened? Why is she all wet?”

  “She started to slip, I threw her in the shower to wake her up, and then when she realized she wasn’t asleep; she blacked out.”

  “When was the last time she ate or drank anything?”

  “I don’t know. Did she eat with you yesterday?”

  “No, so there’s my answer. She’s probably dehydrated, but with her being out like this, she must be exhausted. I take it she didn’t sleep either?” He shook his head, and she pursed her lips together in disappointment.

  “I’m supposed to keep her safe; there wasn’t anything about babying her. Damn it; it’s not my fault. Will she be okay?” it wasn’t his fault, but it was. Damn for once Razor was on the fence about what he should have done.

  “She’ll be fine. Let her sleep for a few hours, then when she wakes up feed her. If she doesn’t wake, in say three hours, then take her to the ER. Got it?”

  “Can’t you stay with her? I have to work.”

  “Me too. Look, Razor, I love you like a brother, but she is your responsibility. I can get Tex or Casper to cover the smaller appointments. You don’t have anything scheduled today. I would ask Guy, but he told Sparkle he’s leaving in two weeks to go back to Hawaii, so we don’t expect much from him. But seriously, dude, get your shit together, or I will kick your ass, and you know I can. Just because I’m a pretty face doesn’t mean I don’t know how to rearrange yours.” She smiled sweetly before she patted him on the back and left his apartment.

  “Damn it, not again,” growling to himself; he sat down on the bed next to Faith. He wanted to be pissed at this woman; the woman who was constantly screwing with his life and work. Granted, it wasn’t her fault as much as he wished it was. She was playing havoc on his normal life, and it wasn’t something he wasn’t sure he wanted to happen.

  Whatever the hell was going on had gotten his brother killed. A small lump formed in his throat just thinking about what Johnny went through to keep the information safe and how he still protected Faith, even through death. Not wanting to wake her up, Razor laid down on the bed next to her. When she woke, he would get them some real food and see if he could help her with anything. He may not be a genius like Johnny, but he knew how to help if needed. Before he realized it, he was asleep.


  Faith woke to a weird sound. Her head felt heavy, but the world was still off balance. Where was she? She had so many questions, yet each one of them hurt her head to think about. She went to sit up, but something pinned her. Looking down, it was easy to spot a large, tattooed arm around her waist.

  Shit, everything came back to her tenfold. She’d slipped, damn it. She was on the verge of finding out who it was, but she did discover who she’d be able to give the information to.

  Her stomach growled, and Razor shifted, but as he did, he reached up and grabbed her breast, squeezing it gently. What the hell? Her heart was beating a mile a minute. She went to move, but he started to grind himself against her. Closing her eyes, she didn’t know what to do. She should be mortified that she was enjoying it, or getting turned on feeling his erection press into her back. She knew it was wrong in so many ways.

  A low hum sounded from his throat, and she tried her best to not move or make a noise, but he was playing with her breast and that sensation alone made her pussy start to pulse with need. No, she couldn’t do this. He was dreaming, and God knows who it was he was dreaming about.

  Seeing as she wasn’t going to get out of his hold, she did her best to pretend to be asleep and start to roll some. Maybe it would be enough to wake him. But no such luck, as she did, he started to kiss her neck. Oh shit. His tender nibbles along with his thrusting into her made her lose all inhabitations. That was the point she remembered when she’d thought she was sleeping and grabbed him.

  Damn, she had started this whole mess with him. Why couldn’t she be at home, with her removable showerhead? She had always wanted a vibrator, but never had the courage to go to a store and buy one, or even order one from the internet. She knew how easy those transactions were to track.

  “Razor,” she rasped as he pushed against her again. This was going to be really bad. He just hummed along her skin. Grabbing his hand, he finally released her breast, making it easy for her to slip out of bed, and quickly. He stirred, but rolled over and grabbed a pillow. She thought she heard him mumbling her name, but wasn’t sure, and really didn’t want to wake him to find out.

  Not wanting to see what he might do, she shut the door behind her. All she knew was that she would need to change the sheets again tonight. Her body, however, was pulsing with desire for him, and the thought that he might be thinking of her too made her turned on more. Damn it all to hell.

  But right now she needed food. Dizziness was sweeping over her, but Razor wasn’t waking, so she needed to find something.

  A can of Spaghetti O’s grabbed her attention. She didn’t know if he’d eaten, but right now, she didn’t care. After opening the can, she found a bowl, dumped them into it, then put the bowl into the microwave. While it cooked, she grabbed some water to drink. Her mouth felt like sandpaper.

  After one whole glass was downed, she spotted the time. It was two in the afternoon. Damn, she had been out for a while. When did he pull her out of her trance? The microwave beeped letting her know the food was ready. Grabbing a spoon, she stirred it before taking a bite. She didn’t want to take it to the table, especially since her legs felt really wobbly, so eating over the counter was a good option. With half the bowl empty, the sound of a door opening let her know Razor was up.

  “You're awake.”

  “Yup,” she said between bites.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like shit.” She was honest.

  “You look like it too.” She turned to snap at him, but he was standing without a damn shirt on in only new sweatpants.


  “You really eating that?” He pointed to her bowl.


  “That’s kid’s food.”

  “That explains why you have it.”

  “So is bitchy a symptom of becoming normal from your little trip to wonderland?” “What?”

  “You snapped yesterday, Faith. You
hadn’t eaten, or even left the same spot.”

  “How long?” she whispered, scared to know the answer.

  “Little over twenty-four hours,” he stated frankly. Damn. Not what she expected at all, but at least it wasn’t longer. Had she been at home, who knows what would have happened.

  “I’m sorry.” Faith felt like shit. She’d never wanted him to see her like that.

  “Okay, don’t do that shit again. I don’t like it. People need to eat, sleep, and so on. Set a damn timer if you have to. Every three hours move or something. You’re lucky as fuck that I knew what the hell was going on and was here. What do you think would have happened if I wasn’t here?”

  “I get it, okay. It won’t happen again.”

  “Damn right.”

  “You know what, fuck you, Razor. You’re not my father, brother, or lover. So shut up. I have had it. Okay, I get it; you’re a caveman. You banged your chest and got your point across. Shit happens, but if you hadn’t noticed, I’m doing my best to get out of this situation we’re in right now. So back off.” Faith was fuming mad. She knew she fucked up, but she didn’t need people pointing out every damn flaw she had.

  “You know what, kitten, forget it. Eat your food; I need a shower.” He turned and left her, but not before she saw a small look of hurt cross his face a little. For once in her life, she was lost as to what the hell just happened.

  Eating the last of her soup, or meal, or whatever Spaghetti Os were considered, she went to the bedroom. She was tired again. Not even caring if the sheets needed changed, or if he needed something, she collapsed onto the bed. She never heard the bathroom door or really anything as she let sleep take her. Her last thought was once she woke, she would finish her work and move on. It seemed Razor didn’t want her here any more than she wanted to stay. Sometimes life just sucked big, fat monkey balls.

  Chapter Ten

  Razor stood in the shower longer than he normally would. Between the fucked up dreams he’d had about Faith, then fighting with her, it seemed to set his cock into overdrive. What the hell was wrong with him? He needed her out of his damn life. Needing to get away from her, he finally turned off the shower after the water ran cold. He couldn’t stay here.


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