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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

Page 13

by Gracie Meadows

  “Skull. Look, Merlin is hurt.” He turned to see four guys standing with various food items and looking like shit. Some of them had scratches and smelled of cigarettes and booze. Looks like they had a long night.

  “Got any coffee?” he asked as he clicked on the safety and slid the gun behind his jeans.

  “Yeah, but we might need something stronger,” Skull said. The other men were Candy Man, Crank, and Cracker Jack.

  Faith waited until Razor came and got her. She didn’t know what the hell was taking so long. But if something was wrong, he would have yelled or something.

  Instead, she opened the door and heard voices.

  “So what do we tell Faith?”

  “Let me tell her.” It was Razor talking to someone.

  “But she would want to see him.” Again, the voice she knew, but couldn’t put a name to it. Knowing that it had to be someone okay, she walked into the hall and saw the Hellhounds. Well, some of them. Where was her brother?

  “Where’s Michael?” She didn’t need a degree to figure out something had happened. Her chest started to tighten up as her heart started to seize with panic.

  “Now calm down, kitten. He’s not dead. He’s just hurt.”

  “Shot actually. In the stomach. Doc managed to pull the bullet out and patch him up,” someone to the left said, looking down at his feet.

  “He was shot. Oh, my God, I need to go to him. I need to make sure he’s okay. Is he at the hospital? Tell me what happened.” Her questions were firing faster than she could even process. Her brother was hurt, because of her.

  “No, you need to calm the fuck down.” Razor now had her attention. He seemed to know she was starting to freak out and kept her focus solely on him.

  “Someone talk; say something,” she was now yelling as tears welled in her eyes.

  “Sit down and we’ll explain.” This one she did know. He was Skull, the VP of the Hellhounds. She complied, sitting next to Razor. Skull looked at her for a long moment before he spoke.

  “As you know, we’ve been working on trying to eliminate the threat to you, but it seems no matter what we do someone is always a step ahead. However, we felt it was necessary to just take them all out. Once the threat was gone, we could focus on the whole crazy mess you got roped into.” She wanted to speak and protest. She didn’t get roped into anything; shit happened, and she just found the information. It wasn’t her fault the higher ups wanted cash in their pockets at the expense of our troops.

  “Anyway, we hit the Tomb Riders compound. It was pretty easy to enter, but it was a ploy. As we got in deep, we were hit with heavy gunfire. We managed to kill just about everyone, but a few managed to get away. Merlin went after one, Meathead, the VP, when he got cornered. He was outgunned and took a hit. He’s stable, and Doc is patching him up at our compound, but it was touch and go for a bit.”

  Faith just looked at him; she knew her look was blank and expressionless. She had been that way ever since she was a kid. If something was too overwhelming, she would close down and tune the world out. Michael always seemed to find a way to snap her out of it, but he was hurt. No, not just hurt. Shot. He’d been shot because of her. She needed to focus and find out what she could do about it.

  “What is going to happen now?” So many unanswered questions, she just didn’t know.

  “Right now, you lay low here. We have Merlin at the club under lockdown. It’s safer for him there. We will come get you when it’s time to move. We think the Tomb Riders will stay downwind for a bit. They’re licking their wounds right now.” Skull stood and shook Razor’s hand. It seemed as if things were moving in the right direction.

  “Oh wait, has there been any word about the email I sent? I gave them the club’s number so it was a number that wouldn’t be easily traced to anything but the business.”

  “Yeah, actually Sully took the call. Seems that you sent it to the right person. Something about a mole being exposed, and now there’s a big blowout. Oh, and the same thing we told you; stay low.”

  “Thanks, guys. Oh, and please stay safe.” She didn’t want to have to worry that more people were getting hurt because of her.

  “We always do our best.” Skull winked at her before they all left. It felt like hours, but in reality, it was about ten minutes before Razor picked her up and carried her down the hall.

  “Umm, what are you doing?” She didn’t want to play right now.

  “Bath.” Oh, he was putting her in a bath. That was nice. As Razor took her to the bathroom, she heard the water already running. She hadn’t even noticed that he’d left. A small glass of what looked like lemonade, probably spiked with vodka, sat on the side with her Kindle. Razor lowered her down before stripping her out of the clothes she was wearing, and then like a small child, gently placed her in the bath.

  “Now relax. He’s fine; everything is going to be fine. Looks like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” He kissed the top of her head, which was unlike him, before he pulled the door shut and left her to her thoughts. She needed to get her bearings back.

  Taking a long drink of her lemonade, she closed her eyes and pretended for just one minute that it was just her and Razor on vacation. She just needed to lay low for another week. She could do that; after all, Razor was getting pretty creative with research.

  Chapter Twenty

  Razor didn’t care for the look that was on her face when they talked about her brother. Understanding her a little better than before, he put her in a bath to try to help her relax. She didn’t do the whole crying-screaming thing when things got to her like this. Sure, she had cried several times, but it was an emotional release, and she knew she was safer. But it wasn’t just about her brother or friend; her mind was focused on so many things.

  After she was in the bath, he started to put away the food they’d brought. More meat and coffee. Thank God. They had run out this morning.

  Once everything was put away, he sat down to drink another cup of coffee, trying to process everything. He would need to find new ways to take her mind off her brother. He couldn’t help but smile at all the ways he had kept her occupied already. It was amazing between the two of them. She responded like no other had ever responded before.

  He felt drawn to her; not because she had a smokin’ hot body under all those baggy clothes she used to wear, or because she was unbelievably smart, but because she honestly liked him for him. So many women he’d fucked had slept with him because he did tattoos and they wanted a piece of a bad boy. Not Faith. No, she didn’t fall for all his charms.

  And hell if the sex wasn’t the best. She always made him think of different scenarios he could do with her. So far, they had played on all the surfaces in the house but four. Maybe he could fix that later today.

  He was about to go check on her when he heard another bike outside. Had they forgotten something? Maybe something happened to Merlin.

  Still not taking any chances, he drew his gun from his jeans and held it at the ready. Instead of someone unlocking the door, it came smashing inward. Six men came rushing in, guns drawn. He didn’t wait to see who they were, he aimed and shot. He hit one in the arm sending him backward, but as he went to shoot again, two rushed him knocking him to the ground. Razor went down hard. A fist hit him right in the ribs, while the other man kicked him.

  He managed to get a few punches in. That was something he could do well; fight. And right now, he was fighting not only for his life but for Faith’s. That’s when it hit him; she was in the bath. If she came out, things would go to hell in a handbasket real fast.

  He sent up a silent prayer for her not to come out. He could handle anything they did to him, but if they got her… He started to see red and rage spilled out of him. But someone managed to get a lucky shot and punched him in the jaw sending him backward, but not really knocking him over. He felt blood dripping from his nose and knew it was probably broken. The assholes would pay for that too. But it seemed as so
on as he was about to get his footing back, they used it to their advantage. They charged and got him completely unbalanced holding him tight, and making it hard to go anywhere.

  With one man holding each arm, a guy smelling like cheap beer, cigarettes, and sweat approached him. The guy reminded him of a bad bathroom you find at an old gas station that you never want to piss in.

  “Where the fuck is he?” the man sneered. Looking at his jacket, Razor understood a little more. He was a Tomb Rider. Fuck, he was in trouble.

  “Who the fuck do you mean? It’s just me. See anything outside, or in? Use your damn eyes,” he spat back.

  “Really? I saw them leave. Where are they stashing him?”

  “I don’t know who the fuck you are, or who the hell you’re looking for, but I’m the only one here.”

  “Bullshit. He didn’t ride his bike here. I saw the truck, and I know for a fact I shot the fucker. Now where is he?” The guy punched him again in the face. His lip was already split, and his left eye was swelling up. A few more hits and kicks landed on various spots on his body.

  “Fuck. You.” This time, he spat, making sure that it hit the dipshit in the face. A mix of his blood and saliva ran down the guy’s face. This seemed to egg him on, and the hits came quick and swift to his sides. Shit, he knew he would have a bruised kidney at this rate.

  “Really, you think I give a rat’s ass about you? I want Merlin. You either tell me freely, or I will gut you.”

  “Go ahead, you sick fuck. I won’t say shit.” He wouldn’t either.

  “We will find him.” He turned and faced the rest of the men. “Tear this place apart.” The other men started heading to the back of the house.

  Fuck- Faith. God, he prayed she heard the gun and grabbed hers. Razor was now glad he’d shown her how to shoot it earlier. Sure, she didn’t actually shoot the gun, but she understood the concept.

  The head guy came back with some rope and between the three of them, he was tied to a chair. He didn’t make it easy on them; he managed to bite one and kick the other in his jewels before another blow came back to his side. Fuck, they seriously needed to hit somewhere else.

  However, just as he was starting to think Faith wasn’t going to be found, a gunshot rang out. Oh God, all his blood drained and for the first time in his life, panic seized him.


  Faith heard the guns going off and understood that something was up. She quickly and quietly dressed and found the gun in the backroom. Sliding into the closet in the small spot they had created for her, she made sure the safety was off and held it steady. She took slow, deep breaths like Razor had taught her.

  In and out. She heard shouting and some thuds. Damn, she didn’t know what was going on, but she prayed Razor was okay. He was strong, and nothing could bring him down. She sat for what felt like hours, but it had only been minutes. Suddenly, she heard the bedroom door open, and someone started throwing stuff.

  “Look in the bathroom,” someone said. Seconds later, she heard a different voice.

  “Someone else is here. The bath is still warm, and a cup is sitting next to it.”

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” one man taunted. They had yet to find her. Trying to make her body as small as possible, she held the gun but didn’t close her eyes. She needed to focus and stay alive. That was what Razor said to her over and over.

  The most important thing is that you stay alive. If you kill someone, just remember it’s them, or you; you are more important.

  Suddenly the closet door opened. She slid her feet further back, but it didn’t matter, someone moved things to the side exposing her. “Well looky what I found,” the man with bad teeth said.

  Taking advantage of the moment, she aimed the gun and fired. She shrieked as the gun kicked back. The recoil wasn’t as bad as she’d expected, but damn if the noise wasn’t louder than she expected. “Fuck,” was all she heard before someone grabbed her by the hair, pulling her out. She screamed and tried to shoot again but dropped the gun.

  “Damn, you’re a fucking hellcat.” A fist connected with her jaw. She didn’t stop trying to get him to let her go, even though her scalp burned. “Think Meathead might like you.” He dragged her, forcing her to stand and follow. As she kicked and scratched trying to loosen his grip, they made their way to the kitchen area.

  Razor looked bad. He was tied to a chair, face bleeding, shirt ripped, with bruises showing. What did they do to him?

  “Razor, oh God, Razor, talk to me,” she yelled. His eyes snapped open and looked at her, imploring her to do something. But what?

  “Let her go. She isn’t a part of this,” he spat at the man who was now walking toward her.

  “Really, she doesn’t look like someone’s old lady. But she does look fresh and clean. Why does she look familiar?” The man who she assumed was Meathead pulled something out of his pocket. A phone. He swiped his finger over the screen a few times before a smile crept over his lips.

  “Oh, this is rich. We came here to get Merlin only to find his dear sweet sister. Must be my lucky day.” Now the bastard stood over her, running a finger down her jaw to the top of her shirt. “You look mighty tasty, but you’re worth so much more alive than dead. I think that maybe I’ll partake in you first. Revenge is so sweet. I get Merlin by taking something he loves, and I also get paid.”

  He turned and made a call that she couldn’t hear. The guy holding her hair let go and now held her arm in a tight grip. She knew it was going to be bruised.

  “Okay, seems the man is a little busy at the moment, so we get to keep the bitch a little longer. Come on; we’re bringing her with us,” Meathead said.

  “Like hell, you will.” Razor struggled with the ropes binding him while Faith did her best to pull away as they started to drag her.

  “You will come with me, and as for your little boyfriend here, you don’t need to worry about him. No one will know you’re gone. Well, at least not until they find his body.” He aimed the gun at Razor and pulled the trigger.

  The deafening sound of the gun was nothing compared to seeing the bullet enter Razor and blood spraying everywhere. She couldn’t help but scream as his head dropped forward and he stopped moving. “Worthless piece of shit.” And then the bastard kicked the chair over making Razor fall to the floor. Blood pooled all around him. They’d killed Razor.

  “Let me go; let me check on him. Please, Razor, wake up. Oh God, you killed him. Why did you do that? Oh, my God, Razor. I’m sorry. Please, please wake up.” Her chest was heaving, and she felt like her sanity was about to snap.

  First John, then Michael, and now Razor. God, what was she going to do? She was losing everyone. The only thing left was to lose herself. She wouldn’t let them take her. She would try to stay alive. All of them would want her to fight.

  As her tears ran down her face, and her vision blurred, she still managed to turn and bite the hand of the man holding her making him cry out and let her go. She ran right to Razor, bending down to check on him, but before she got too close someone grabbed her hair making her fall back.

  “Time to go, bitch.”

  She didn’t care about her pain; she needed to see to Razor. But before she could try to get away again someone else came up behind her and hit her on the back of her head hard enough to make the world spin black. She was in trouble now. She just prayed someone would find Razor, and her, before she ended up just like John.

  Whatever they did, she would try to survive. Even if it meant she would have to lose reality and go down the rabbit hole, she would survive. That was the very last thought she had before the nothing came and reality was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Her wrists hurt as the ties bit into her skin. Once again, she was tied down to a chair in the middle of some warehouse. Someone was talking, though she couldn’t figure out who it was. None of the voices she recognized.

  “Yeah, we got the bitch all tied up tight. You don’
t get her until we get the cash. All of us, or I will use her ass to make up for the money you owe us. Several of my guys would love to fuck the librarian. Fine, I’ll give you a week, then if you don’t come up with it, she’s ours to use as we want. Fine.” Then she heard the sound of heels walking toward her.

  “So the little birdy is awake, is she? Good, I’m glad to see that we didn’t knock you out for too long. I would hate to not hear your pretty screams.” He lifted her head, forcing her to look into the cold eyes of the man who shot Razor.

  “What do you want with me?” She knew it was stupid to ask, but if he was talking, he wasn’t hitting her.

  “Simple; money. Your pretty little head is worth 50Gs, and there’s a bonus for keeping you alive. Though I don’t see why we can’t play with you a little. Seems like such a waste to leave you like this.” And with that, he grabbed the front of her sweatshirt and tugged. The material cut into her as he started to rip it off her body, exposing her breasts. She hadn’t had time to put a bra on at the safe house.

  “Well, never expected these under that shirt. Maybe we should fuck more librarians and teachers if they look like you. Bet you’re tighter too. Have you ever fucked two men at once?” He sneered down at her while he ran his hands down her breasts. She did her best to try to move away, but it didn’t work. Her wrists were bound, and her legs were tied down too; she wasn’t going anywhere. “What do you say, wanna take a ride with a real man?”

  With courage she didn’t know she had, she gathered up all the spit in her mouth and spat in his face. “I don’t see a real fucking man. I see a coward who likes to hit women. Or is it, shoot men when they’re down?” Okay maybe she was hitting below the belt some, but she was pissed, and sore, and downright tired of being afraid.

  She didn’t see the fist that connected with her jaw. She didn’t know if it was broken or cracked, all she knew was it hurt, a lot. He didn’t stop there and pulled her hair making her head go back. “I will have you, make no mistake, bitch. You will be mine after the big guy has what he wants. Nothing sweeter than taking Merlin’s sister in all different ways. Oh yeah, we know who you are. Don’t worry about someone trying to find you. No one knows you’re missing, let alone anyone that cares. So sit tight and enjoy the ride, it might get a little bumpy.”


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