Nana's Biker Friend
Page 3
Alexander tried to reach over and take her hands, but Maria stood and stared out the window moving away from him.
“There is no mistake, Maria, you’re mine. I can’t explain how we know.” He placed his hand over his heart. “It’s in here. When I pulled into that diner across the street, just seeing the back of your head had my heart pounding and my blood warming.
“There is no way. I’m going through menopause, for Pete’s sake. It’s too late for me to have more children, and you do want children, don’t you? I have grandkids!” She shook her head and plopped down on the corner of the bed.
“Yep, there has to be a mistake. You need someone young, pretty. Someone who can give you a family and the loving you need.” She looked up and up to see him in front of her. When had he moved?
He grasped her arms and pulled her into his. He stood at least a foot taller than her. “First, you, and only you, will carry our children. I don’t know why, but three fourths of the time when one of us finds our chosen one or blood mate, she is older. And I am much, much older than you, Maria.” He kissed the top of her head and held her tight.
“I’ve started the bonding already. Your body is changing, so you will be able to have a life with me. You’ll be one of us and able to have as many children as you want. Personally, I want at least ten.” At a loud knock, he released her and headed for it.
“Ten babies! Are you out of your ever-loving mind?” She stared at his cute ass. “And what do you mean ‘started the bonding already’?” Her face heated, and she gasped. “This morning?”
He laughed and opened the door. “Oh, there will be ten babies, but we can spread them out if you like. And, thank you, but I think your butt is better than mine, though.”
“Mom!” Tara screamed and ran in and gave her a hug followed by her son Doug and Cain.
“I’m so sorry. If I’d known this was going to happen….You would have done the same thing. No one can stop anyone from attacking, baby girl. Who knows, maybe I just have some kind of pissed-off stalker. Stop crying. You know you always get all puffy, like I do.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek and was pulled into her son’s muscular arms.
“I swear, Mom, between you and Tara, I’m going to end up in the loony bin. But I love you.” He squeezed her tight. “Who is this guy, and why are you staying here?” Doug, more like his father than her in personality, stood back and frowned at Alexander.
“Douglas, don’t be rude. You’re not too old to be smacked upside the head and you know I’ll do it. This is Alexander…. Well, crap, what is your last name?” Her new friend slid in beside her and held his hand out. “I’m Alexander Winslow, and I’m going to marry your mother soon.”
“What?” her daughter and son shouted out at the same time. The only one who wasn’t shocked seemed to be Cain who busted out laughing.
“You find this funny, Cain?” Tara crossed her arms over her chest. “Just a few hours ago, you were threating to rip his head off, and now you’re allowing this man to take my mother.” The protectiveness in her daughter’s words and son’s actions warmed her, but her kids needed to back down.
“I haven’t agreed to anything. We’re just talking, and where would I go? I won’t put my kids or grandchildren in danger, so a hotel is my best option for the moment.” Maria went back to the small table and sat down. “Are you going to explain yourself to my children, Alexander?” She leaned back and grinned, wondering if he would accept her challenge.
“I have no problem with them knowing, since it’s obvious they are aware of other species. My people are called Pruvia. We are what some humans call vampires. There is only one female who is able to give me children. This person is called a blood mate or chosen one. Your mother is mine.” He took her hand and sat down, tugging her until she stood between his legs. “I’m not leaving, Maria. When one of us finds his or her chosen one, it’s like….” He rubbed her arms. “When I heard you were being shot at, my heart stopped. My world centers on you. If you are not happy, then I’m not happy. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are.” Alexander lifted her onto his lap before he focused his attention on her children.
“I know Cain has offered to bring you over, Doug, so your life span will be that of Tara’s and his, but I would like to make the same offer. That one part of the fantasy about our kind is true. The only way for us to die is to be beheaded. Your mother will live as long as I do; her life is connected to mine, as Tara’s is to Cain’s.”
“What is he talking about, my life linked to yours?” Tara pointed at her husband. “Spit it out. Since we’re all here, you might as well.”
Cain swept Tara up in his arms.
As a mother, Maria loved seeing her daughter handled so lovingly, but as a woman, she was slightly jealous. Twenty years of nothing.
“That’s because you weren’t supposed to be with your ex, but not to worry little one. You’ll have all the loving you can handle from now on.” Alexander slid his hand under her shirt, resting it on her hip.
“Let me guess. You can read my thoughts, too?” Maria leaned back and he nodded as his thumbs caressed her bare skin, making her squirm.
“Of course, you are my chosen one. Why wouldn’t I be able to read you,” he said. Cain sat in the chair she’d vacated. “My grandfather is a vampire, Tara. You know this. Since I’m descendent from him, I have some of the gifts vampires have—like long life—as you will, too.” Cain turned to face Alexander. “A few of my pack have informed me that they have seen Grangers around town, along with a few of his men. Is he still causing trouble with you and your house?”
Maria could have sworn she was sitting on an oven. The amount of energy radiating off of Alexander was amazing, but never once did his hold become anything less than gentle, even as his hands slid a little higher, resting right under her breasts. Oh, this new man in her life was full of surprises. “Alexander,” she whispered and tried to move, but he refused to let go.
Chapter Six
Alexander knew Maria was uncomfortable with his touch as he teased the swell of her breast while waiting, but she needed to get used to him because he was going to touch her all the time. If she kept squirming on his lap, he might have his first mishap since being a teen, though. “Stay still, Maria.” He placed a kiss on her cheek while Radar finished his call to his sergeants.
Her family had left after her son had agreed to give his suggestion some thought, but already he knew the boy wouldn’t be around them much. His prejudice was strong, while his sister was a lovely creature, taking after her mother in every way.
Radar disconnected. “Sir, all men are in position, and the first team is in search for Grangers and his men.” Radar tried to hide a grin but failed miserably. “You should be aware your parents have heard about you finding your chosen and are on their way here as we speak with half of your father’s men.” “Great, just great. We didn’t want to draw attention to being here, now we’re going to have to move. Radar, get on the phone and call the MGM Hotel. Ask for Gary; he’ll know what we need. We could use the extra security. Have our suite put under Max’s name. Pay this place off and they should be happy.” Alexandra lifted Maria to her feet.
“Want to ride my bike to the hotel, maybe take a little side trip down to the river?” he asked, watching the excitement sparkle in her eyes.
“Really? I’ve never been on a bike. Hmm, I need clothes. Yes! I saw a shop downstairs in the lobby where they should have some pants for me.” She spun around, reaching for her purse, and he laughed.
“Hold up, little one. First things first. Radar, let them in.”
Maria stopped what she was doing as Trent and Mathew entered. She stepped back and bumped into him as he stood.
“There is nothing to be frightened about. These two would risk their lives for you—as a matter of fact, they will be doing so. Maria, I want you to meet Trent Brush and Mathew Waters, your personal guards. You go nowhere without informing them. They will make sure you are protected whereve
r you are.” He squeezed her shoulders and she turned to face him, frowning.
“But I don’t—”
He shook his head and placed his finger on her full red lips.
“Yes, you do. How do I say this…?” Alexander hated to mention his family.
Radar laughed and pushed him to the side. “What the big lug is trying to say is, among our kind, the boss’s family is royalty. One of the oldest bloodlines still around. Now that his father and mother have heard about him finding his chosen one, nothing is going to stop them from coming to meet you and insisting on guards for the both of you anyway.” Radar snickered as Alexander shoved him away from his woman.
“Wait till you find yours! I’m going to have a field day when your folks find out,” he mumbled. “You see, even at the age of four hundred and three, our parents, well, my parents consider me young. Up until now they have left me alone to do what I need to do, but since they’ve learned that I have found the one woman I can have children with….” He shook his head. “They will not risk you being killed. My parents will insist on a full entourage, I’m afraid.”
“What are you talking about? Full what? And how long? I’m sure not taking a whole bunch of guards with me when I go out with my friends or take my grandbabies to do stuff. I can take care of myself.” She grabbed her holster and gun from the table. “Now I’m going down to the store to get some decent clothes. If these two want to go with me, fine, but, Alexander, I will put my foot down if you think I’m going be surrounded by men. Don’t take this wrong.” She shifted her attention to the two in question. “Having such nice eye candy is not a hardship, and I can work around two or even up to four, but that is all!” She took a step toward the door, but he swung her around to face him.
“You don’t need to be checking out any man, but till we know who is trying to kill you, we’re going to have to put up with my parents’ guards, Maria. They are right about this. You are too important to me. I can’t lose you, little one.” He placed his hands on her cheeks, holding her head still as he covered her mouth with his.
What was meant to be a quick kiss became something hot and demanding as soon as he tasted her. Their tongues dueled like swordplay in the old world, but finally his woman gave up control relaxing in his arms. He nipped her bottom lip, sliding his hands up her stomach to cup her breasts.
“Mine, and I don’t share!” He lifted his head and gazed into her dark brown eyes. He squeezed her breasts hard before he released her. “Get whatever you want but make it quick, and, Trent, don’t let her out of your sight. Have everything charged to our room.”
She traced her finger over her lips. “Thank you,” she whispered, and he frowned, seeing a tear slip down her cheek.
“What’s wrong, Maria? Why the tears? Did I hurt you?” Alexander stepped forward again, but she backed away.
“It was the first kiss I’ve had in so long. That, well, warmed me from my toes to the top of my head.” Another tear rolled down her cheek. “Half hour, tops,” she promised, following Trent out of the room with Mathew on her heels.
“I’m in so much trouble here,” Alexander said sitting down again. “I just don’t understand human males.” He shook his head as Radar took the seat across from them.
“You have lucked out, my friend. That one is innocent, yet strong and determined, and your parents are going to love her. What do you want done to Grangers when he is found?” Radar asked, leaning back in his chair.
“You know me too well. If there is proof of his involvement in this, there is no compromise. I want him hung up at the next Sha-la. He will feed the guests at our joining, along with his men.” Alexander hoped like hell his little one would understand his dark side.
Chapter Seven
The elevator opened and she stepped into it followed by her two guards. If her friends could see her, they wouldn’t believe it. “Trent, how big an entourage is Alexander talking about? Ten, twenty guards?”
“He means your every move will be planned out. We’re talking fifty to a hundred assigned to you. Alexander will have over two hundred altogether. It’s going to be impressive. When his parents come to town, they usually book the whole hotel, but since this is last minute, they’ll take whatever MGM can offer and spill over into the hotel closest to them. Think something like the Queen of England arriving on a state visit, but most of the time it’s very, very quiet. They avoid the limelight.” Trent flinched at the end. “Any more, I’m afraid you will have to ask Alexander, I’m afraid he’s not too happy I’ve told you as much as I have.” The man faced the front as the door opened.
“Well then, he’ll have to get over it. There is no reason we can’t speak to each other, if we are going to be together for God knows how long, and I will make him aware of that.” Maria sailed past Trent when Mathew signaled it was okay to come out of the elevator. “Telling people what to say, please!” she snorted.
Maria loved hotel boutiques. They carried everything, and the quality was great, but the price did tend to be a little high, so she wasn’t about to allow Alexander to pay for her clothes.
“Half hour.” She looked at her watch before heading to the back of the store. Maria wanted a pair of black pants and she’d seen a corset top in the window when they arrived at the hotel that made her mouth water.
“Trent, when will his folks be here?” she asked picking through the rack of jeans for a size eighteen. She always had difficulty finding clothes in her size.
“Later tonight. Most likely they will expect you and Alexander for a late supper.” He stepped between her and a woman who approached.
“Can I help?” she asked.
“Yes! Trent, move out of the way she works here.” Maria watched him bend down and sniff her closely before getting out of the way. “Sorry about that. I need size eighteen jeans. Also, I want three of those corset tops in the window…what colors do they come in? I’ll also need a formal dress. I like black, red, or green. Oh, and maybe a leather coat?” She laughed at the woman’s wide eyes. “I take it you work on commission?”
The woman’s blush answered her question. “Well, I tell you what. I have half an hour to get this shopping done and back upstairs so—” Before Maria got the rest of her sentence out, the woman was dragging her to a comfy seat on the other side of the store.
“Please, sit. I’m Lena and I’ll bring everything to you—all you have to do is try it on. I need to measure you, so we can save time.” She pulled her measuring tape out of her pocket and leaned over wrapping it around Maria’s chest.
For the next twenty minutes, Maria tried on about fifteen outfits leaving on the last one so she wouldn’t have to change when they got up to the room. She stared into the mirror, admiring the red corset and the black jeans that hugged her body. Hot, even with her gun, which was now once more attached to her side.
It was the first time Maria had allowed so much cleavage to show, but it felt great to be so free. She grabbed the clothes she had been wearing and stepped out of the fitting room.
A long whistle filled the store. Alexander stood up from the same seat she’d occupied and walked around her. “Damn, woman, you’re gorgeous.”
“When did you get here? Am I late?” She looked at her watch, but Alexander yanked her into his arms.
“No, I couldn’t stand being away from you, and I was done with my work.” He kissed the top of her breast and stepped to her side, guiding her to the front of the store.
“Wait, I have to pay for my clothes and give Lena a tip. She was fabulous.” Maria tried to spin around, but he towed her out of the store.
“Everything has been paid for and the rest of your clothes will be sent to our room at the new hotel. I even gave Lena a huge tip for taking such good care of my woman.”
“Damn it, Alexander. I wanted to pay for my clothes.” She stopped and stomped her foot.
“Let’s not make a scene here, little one. If you really want to pay for them, we’ll talk about it in private.” As they stood in t
he middle of the lobby, six large men surrounded them. “The guards are getting nervous.”
“What’s wrong?” Maria moved closer to him.
“Nothing that I can see, but the sooner we are out of here, the better. We will be safer at the other hotel. Security is already sweeping it for problems, so by the time we get there, our suite will be ready.” He grinned as he escorted her through the lobby to the garage doors. “You picked out a dress. Is that for tonight?”
“I’m sure not meeting royalty in jeans,” Maria said as Alexander swung his leg over his bike and faced her. “And if you are bound that I have guards, I want them to be able to speak with me. I don’t want strangers around me.”
“They may speak with you, but I wanted to be the one to inform you about my parents. I guess you can call me old-fashioned.” He held out a helmet. “Put it on, little one. There is a microphone in it so you can speak with me.”
Her stomach rolled, and she actually giggled. “I feel like a little kid going on a ride at an amusement park. Do you think we could stop by my daughter’s? I would love my grandson to see his grandmother on the back of a motorcycle. Plus, he’d get a kick out of all of us pulling into their driveway.” Maria slid the helmet onto her head. When she reached to adjust the strap, Alexander brushed her hand aside and fastened it for her.
“We’ll see how it goes, getting out of here. If no one follows us, I see no reason not to,” Alexander said. “How does that feel? Too tight?”
She shook her head, noticing Radar making a call a short distance away. Everyone was so busy and there was a lot going on she didn’t understand.
“Okay put your purse in the compartment on the side here.” He opened the one pouch and she did as he requested before climbing onto the bike.
“I love it!” she squealed and hugged him tight. “Thank you, Alexander. This helps make up for my shitty day. Even my head isn’t hurting anymore. I’m lucky it was a scratch. I still want the prick that killed my dog. I had him as a baby, even hand fed him with a bottle.”