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Mr. Hollywood

Page 14

by Tracy Tegan

  “Have her come here and stay with us,” Grayson offered.

  “She won’t. I tried that already.”

  “Then I don’t see what else we can do other than wait for Ethan to get home.”

  “I know. I know. I’m just frustrated. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

  I walked up to snuggle up next to him while he enclosed me in his arms.

  “I know you don’t baby. And I love that you are so fiercely protective of your friend. I have to go to the studio today for another fitting and to film some test shots. Why don’t you go to her office and surprise her for lunch?”

  "That's a very good idea. Thank you, Grayson. I'm going to do just that."

  I didn't know what time she normally took lunch, but I figured by the time I got ready and made it downtown from Malibu, it would be around lunchtime. Sure enough, I was right. When I finally arrived at the offices of Ginger Flora PR, it was just after noon. What a strange name for a PR agency. I had to try and remember to ask Jennifer what the meaning behind the name was.

  My thoughts of the company name were interrupted when I ran right smack into a huge man, who was blocking the entrance to Jennifer’s office.

  “Excuse me but is there a reason you are blocking the door? I need to get through to see my friend.”

  “Sorry ma’am, but she’s busy right now.”

  “What do you mean she’s busy? Who the hell are you?” I demanded to know.

  I turned to Jax, who was standing behind me. "Jax, this man won’t let me in to see Jennifer.”

  Jennifer must have heard the fuss out in the hall and peeked her head out her door to see what was going on.

  “I thought that was your voice I heard,” Jennifer said with a big smile on her face. “What are you doing out here? Get in here already,” she said as she grabbed my hand and drug me into her office.

  I glared at the big man who wouldn’t let me in before.

  When I got in her office, I found she wasn't alone.

  “Who’s your friend?” I said as I pointed to the man.

  He lifted his chin in a guy sort of greeting. “Hey, Justin Hart.”

  “As in Hart and Soul?” I asked. Surely it wasn’t actually Justin Hart, the rock star sitting in Jennifer’s office.

  “Yeah man, that’s me,” he said before turning his attention back to Jennifer. “So what about lunch?”

  “I don’t know,” she sighed. “I’m not really sure what I’m in the mood for. Alison what about you? Would you go to lunch with us?”

  “That’s actually why I came to your office today, to see if you wanted to have lunch.”

  “Perfect. It’s settled then. We’ll all go,” she said as she jumped out of her chair, clapping her hands with excitement.

  “The Ivy Lobster Cobb salad sounds great. Don’t you think?” Jennifer asked me as she grabbed my arm to lead me out the door.

  “I guess, sure, that sounds good to me.” I wasn’t sure why she wanted to go to The Ivy of all places. She had to know that going there would attract all kinds of attention from the paparazzi.

  “The Ivy okay with you Justin?” She called over her shoulder, not really seeming to care what his response would be.

  When we got outside, Justin noticed for the first time my bodyguard and limousine. "Why don't you ride with me Jennifer and your friend can meet us there," Justin said.

  “Don’t be ridiculous Justin. You and your boys can pile into your car and Alison and I will go in hers.”

  She didn't give him time to answer; she just hustled me into the back of my waiting limousine. Jax jumped in the front seat, like always, and we were off.

  "Okay, what the hell is going on Jennifer?"

  “What do you mean?” She said feigning innocence.

  "You know the second we show up at The Ivy; the press is going to be all over us."

  “And your point is?”

  “They are going to link you with Justin Hart and that will get back to Ethan. Don’t you care?”

  “Did you forget that he left me? No, he didn’t just leave me, he paid me five million bucks to go away.”

  I sighed. "Alright. You win. I'll play nice, but between us, I'm not a big fan of you dating some rock star."

  "Don't worry Alison; I've got this under control."

  When the car pulled up in front of The Ivy, Jax jumped out to open our door and escort us inside. Jennifer, however, wasn't having any of it. She waited patiently for Justin to arrive, even with all the cameras around taking pictures of us non-stop.

  When he got out of his car, he immediately went up to her and laid a big kiss on her. The paparazzi went wild. Jax was barely able to get us inside. It was a total and complete madhouse.

  While we ate, Jax called for more members of his security team. It was probably a good call because if things were that crazy when we came into the restaurant, it was going to be ten times worse by the time we left.

  What I noticed over lunch was that rock stars were nothing like movie stars. They don't really have any sort of etiquette or thought for their surroundings. Justin's hands were all of Jennifer and people just stared. It was really kind of embarrassing.

  Jennifer tried somewhat to fend him off, but she didn’t put in too much effort, especially when she noticed the camera phones pointed our way, recording everything that went on at our table.

  “How about we go out to a club tonight, the three of us?” Justin asked.

  “I don’t know if Grayson would like that.”

  “Grayson Chase? I thought I recognized you. Holy shit, that’s fucking great.”

  “Let me text him and ask what he thinks.”

  After sending a few messages to Grayson, he texted me back to let me know he was going to be home late. The test shots were becoming problematic, and he didn't have a clue when he would be done.

  “Okay, I guess it’s fine. He will be working late tonight, so it will just be us three.” I looked over my shoulder and noticed the rest of the security team making their way towards our table. “Well, and them,” I giggled.

  After lunch, Justin and his annoying entourage parted ways with us, while Jax took Jennifer back to her office and then me home. After work, Jennifer came over to my house. She said she wanted to coordinate our outfits. What I didn't realize she meant was that she wanted to convince me to wear my sexy schoolgirl outfit because she had a matching one.

  “No way. Grayson would kill me if I wore that out in public.”

  She handed me a shot of liquor.

  “Alison we are going to a club. Everyone wears stuff like that in clubs. You would stand out if you didn’t wear something like that.”

  After a few more shots, I started to come around. What she said kind of made sense, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I think I knew it was a bad idea. Still, by then I was feeling no pain and just gave in.

  Jax lined up several men from his team to escort us to the club. He wasn't happy about what I was wearing, and I figured if I didn't agree to his terms of a full security detail, he wasn't going to let me out of the door.

  When we got to the club, we were ushered into the VIP section upstairs. It allowed us a more private setting but there was a big balcony so we could look down on the dance floor and into the huge crowds.

  The night was going pretty well with lots of drinks and selfies.

  Justin's entourage had picked up a few girls, and they were being nasty with them but besides that, overall it wasn't a bad night. Then before I knew it, Grayson burst into the VIP area, and he didn't look happy.

  “Baby! You are here!” I jumped into his arms. “I missed you so much,” I said as I kissed him. “Did you have fun at work today?”

  He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “What in the hell do you think you are doing wearing that outfit in public?”

  I frowned and pointed to Jennifer. “She made me do it.”

  Justin finally noticed Grayson in the room. "Holy fuck it's you, man." He got up to shake Grayson's
hand. "It's great to meet you. I'm a big fan."

  “That’s Justin Hart from the band Hart and Soul,” Jennifer explained. Grayson shook the guy’s outstretched hand but still didn’t seem to know who he was.

  “We had two songs in your last movie man,” Justin continued, undaunted by Grayson’s lack of recognition.

  I led Grayson to an oversized chair and sat him down; then I took my spot on his lap, my favorite place to be. I played with his hair as he and Justin made small talk.

  It took me awhile but eventually I realized that Grayson wasn't just pissed off that I was sitting there half naked, he was mad about Jennifer too. He still considered Jennifer, his friend Ethan's girl. That was sweet of him, and I loved him at that moment even more than before, if that was possible.

  We stayed for a few more drinks, but when the room began spinning, and the lights started blurring, I figured it was time we headed out. I was just about to say something when I noticed some of the security team surrounding us.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, starting to get a little nervous.

  “Word got out that you are here Mr. Chase. The crowd is getting restless. We might need to think about heading out.”

  “Oh no, we can’t have that,” Jennifer said as she jumped off of the couch where she had been sitting next to Justin all night.

  It was like she was waiting for an excuse to leave. Very strange since she was the one who wanted to come to this club with Justin in the first place.

  “Jennifer, I want you to come stay with us tonight,” Grayson insisted.

  “I have to be at work early tomorrow. Can’t your driver just drop me off at my place?” Jennifer asked as we started walking out of the club.

  “I’d feel better knowing you were with us tonight.”

  I had to choke back a laugh. It was so obvious what Grayson was doing; I loved this protective side of him.

  "I appreciate that Grayson, but I have to be up early for work tomorrow, and Malibu is quite a drive from downtown LA. Please just drop me off at my apartment."

  Grayson grumbled a bit but finally agreed to see her home.

  I had the security detail go home in Grayson’s car so that we would be alone once we dropped Jennifer off. That was except for Jax, who was always sitting in the front seat of the car. I knew there was no getting rid of him, but that's okay. I kind of liked that too. Plus, I knew with the divider up, he wouldn't see anything we might be doing in the backseat anyway.

  I could tell by the look on Grayson's face he was going to start in on me about my outfit, so I decided to head him off at the pass. I jumped on his lap and gave him a kiss.

  “I’m glad you came to the club with us tonight. I missed you so much.”

  “I was only gone for the day. You just saw me this morning Alison.”

  “True,” I said as I put my hand under his shirt and rubbed my fingertips lightly up and down his chest. “But I like seeing you. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Uh huh. Or is it more likely you are trying to distract me from being mad about you wearing that naughty school girl outfit in public?”

  "Hmm," I said as I tilted my head pretending to think about it. "You know what? You are right Grayson. I was naughty tonight, and you should most definitely punish me for it."

  “Don’t think I haven’t considered that.”

  Before he could say another word, I leaned in for a kiss, a passionate, breath stealing kiss. His hands cupped my butt and pulled me forward. My heart skipped a beat when I felt his enlarged shaft pressing against me.

  I undid his pants, grabbed his cock and played with it. Grayson groaned the second I touched him and then he grabbed the side of my panties. “Remove these.”

  I hesitated just a moment. “I said remove these now,” Grayson growled.

  Holy hell, Grayson dominating me was hot. I squirmed in my seat until finally I got the panties off.

  I sat back on his lap, positioning the head of his cock at my opening and slid down on his shaft. Electricity coursed through my body, and I dug my nails into his skin. He seemed to like what I was doing and savagely thrust himself inside of me. He was out of control. My hands slid through his hair, and I pulled his head down towards my lips and kissed him fiercely. I was lost in this moment of heavenly bliss. There was nothing else in the world that existed at that moment except for us

  Soon I began to feel the pressure building, and then my body trembled with desire. I came long and hard and cried out his name as I did.

  His hands slid down to my ass again, and he started lifting me up, slamming me up and down on his cock. I could tell he was about to reach his peak as he thrust his pelvis upwards with each stroke, forcing himself deeper inside of me. His lips parted as he moaned aloud. I was sure he was about to come, but he surprised me and lifted me up, flipped me over and pushed my face down onto the seat, forcing my ass in the air.

  With his hands on my hips, I felt his cock press against my entrance. My skin burned at his touch.

  “Grayson,” I whimpered.

  I wanted to push back against his erection forcing him inside of me, but I resisted the temptation to do so.

  “Tell me what I want to hear and I’ll give you what you want,” Grayson demanded.

  "Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard."

  “I do love your dirty little mouth,” Grayson murmured before pushing just the head of his cock inside of me.

  I moaned in delight. But I wanted more, oh so much more.

  “Do you have any idea what it does to me when you beg me to fuck you?”

  I didn't answer; I just waited for more. He rolled his hips with a short thrust and pressed himself deeper inside of me. I gasped at the incredible sensation.

  “Take me baby and make me yours,” I said.

  He growled and pressed deeper inside of me, sinking into me inch by inch. Then he pulled out of me completely. I was sure he was about to slam his cock back inside of me, but that wasn't what happened. Instead, his palm made contact with my ass, and he began to spank me over and over.

  "Grayson," I cried out when he hit me again. It wasn't painful, though, not like I would have imagined it to be. It was sensual and erotic.

  A second later, his cock was buried deep inside of me again. He put his arm around my waist and slammed his hips into me from behind.

  “Fuck, baby. You are so tight like this,” he growled as he slammed his cock in and out of me. Our bodies molded tightly together.

  I loved the force of his rigid cock slamming deep inside of me. I moaned and writhed against him as he pulled and pushed forward shoving himself deep into me in one hard stroke after another.

  He pounded into me like he was angry and maybe he was. Maybe I shouldn’t have worn that outfit out in public after all, but if this was my punishment, my fucking God, I would do it again because sex with him had never been so good.

  He kept slamming into me as his hand reached around and pinched my clit. His finger swirled in circles and then pinched it again. I could feel another orgasm building. My hips moved against him, finding a rhythm to his sensual torture.

  Grayson's animalistic grunts and growls were filling my ears as he thrust into me over and over, pounding me into the seat of the car and bringing me closer to my release. Soon I exploded, and my screams filled the back of the limousine, muffled only somewhat by Grayson's own hoarse shout as he came inside of me.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, I began to think about Jennifer. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was she was up to. She obviously wanted to attract media attention but she had to know there was no way Ethan would see it. He was in a location in Papua New Guinea. She had to know he wouldn’t have access to American media coverage while he was in the middle of nowhere. So why was she doing all this for then? She clearly didn’t have any real feelings for Justin Hart, thank goodness because he was kind of a douchebag and so were his friends.

  I started to get up to find Grayson. I wanted to talk to him abou
t it and see what he thought, but I needed to catch him before he left for the studio.

  When I came down the stairs and turned the corner, I overheard him and Jax talking in hushed tones.

  “The house is in total lockdown for now,” Jax said.

  Total lockdown? What the hell was he talking about? Why did he have our house on lockdown?

  “I don’t know if we should tell Alison. It will just upset her,” Grayson said to Jax.

  “She’s eventually going to figure out something is going on and then be mad that you didn’t tell her in the first place.”

  “Tell me what?” I asked as I stepped closer to Grayson.

  He bent down to give me a kiss on my forehead. “Good morning, Sunshine.”

  “Don’t good morning me. Tell me what the heck is going on.”

  Grayson blew out a breath before telling me what he knew.

  “One of the men who attacked you escaped from the county lockup.”

  I stood there, agape. How could that be possible, and was he coming after me? I couldn’t seem to formulate a single word. I just stood there shaking.

  Grayson immediately wrapped me in his arms, seeming to understand my fear.

  “I promise I won’t let him get anywhere near you. Jax has the full security detail here and the entire compound is on lockdown. Nobody can get in here, I promise you.”

  “When did he escape?” I asked in a small voice.

  “Sometime last night.”

  I was out last night with Jennifer and posting selfies on Twitter and Instagram. He could have used that information to find me and come after me at the club. The room began to spin and I felt my knees start to buckle. Grayson picked me up and carried me to the couch in the living room.

  “It’s going to be okay. I won’t leave your side until they recapture him.”

  I wanted to protest and say that we couldn’t stay locked up in the house forever, but I just couldn’t make myself speak. All I could do was cry. Was this really happening? When will this nightmare ever end? What did I do to deserve this?

  I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I finally started to settle down when Jax came into the room to announce the arrival of Cat, Grayson’s publicist.


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