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Say No To Joe?

Page 22

by Lori Foster

  “Well.” Joe rubbed his hands. “Since we’re already here, maybe I’ll just ask him right now.”

  Luna didn’t think that boded well for anyone. And the idea that Joe wanted to prolong their trip to town was something of an insult. After all, they planned to spend some very special time together once they returned to the house.

  She knew Joe still wanted her—that hadn’t changed. She saw it in his every look, his every touch. Joe watched her with the heated intent of a lover, though they’d yet to sleep together. And if his looks were hot, his touch was even more so. He’d used every available moment to build the tension between them. If he found her alone in a room, he kissed her nape, fondled her backside, murmured suggestive compliments, and basically drove her insane.

  But since the fire, he’d also been distracted, dark and calculating. The rage inside him seemed barely suppressed and served as a testament to his strength of character; though a volatile confrontation was imminent, he remained gentle and patient with Austin and Willow.

  Luna made plans with Julie on when to pick up the kids, then followed Joe across the street to where Clay leaned on the front of the jeep. The young man straightened as Joe neared, his gaze watchful.

  Luna stepped in front of Joe, saying quickly, “Good morning, Clay.”

  Her jovial greeting threw him, but Clay couldn’t seem to pull his gaze away from Joe. Luna cleared her throat. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  Staring at her with the same caution he might give a bear trap, Clay finally swallowed and murmured, “Ms. Clark.”

  Today Clay wore loose-fitting jeans, a long-sleeved tee, and a baseball hat—set on his head the correct way.

  Joe put his hands on Luna’s shoulders and gently, forcibly, moved her to his side. “We had some trouble the other night.”

  “I heard.” Clay shifted, defensive and defiant. “I’m glad no one was hurt.”

  “Know anything about it?”

  Clay scowled at the blatant accusation. “Only what I’ve heard around town.”

  Luna elbowed Joe hard, earning a grunt and a frown. To make up for Joe’s bad manners, Luna smiled sweetly. “Clay, we were hoping to discuss a few things with your stepfather. Where might we find him?”

  Trying to determine who was in charge, Clay looked between the two of them and finally settled his gaze on Luna. “Usually he’s in the offices above the shopping center. But he’s home sick today.”

  “Nothing serious, I hope?”

  Clay shrugged. “He was in his room when I left.”

  Joe said, “I’m going to assume you’re not waiting here for Willow.”


  Luna started to elbow Joe again, but before she could, he caught her arm and held it.

  “If you are,” Joe continued, “I expect you to be polite and to make damn sure anyone with you is polite.”

  Luna relaxed, because after all, she expected the same. As long as Joe didn’t order Clay to stay away, Luna figured Willow could handle herself. She was a very resourceful young lady.

  Clay screwed up his courage, rearranged his ball cap, and then faced Joe with as much pride as a male his age could manage. “I was going to apologize.”

  Joe’s dark expression cleared. “S’that right?”

  “Yeah.” He looked at Luna, and color brightened on his cheekbones. “Maybe I could stop by and see Willow sometime?”

  “That would be up to Willow,” Luna told him, but deep inside she was so pleased she felt like laughing out loud. She had a feeling Willow would make Clay work for his forgiveness, and that was as it should be. “But if she’s okay with it, then I have no problem.”

  “She’s too young to date.”

  Joe’s unconditional statement fell hard into the middle of the pleasantries, causing Clay to gulp and infuriating Luna. Through her teeth, she said, “She’s almost fifteen and it depends on the date, Joe.” Then, more sweetly to Clay, “Let’s take it a day at a time, okay?”

  Relieved, Clay nodded. “Thanks.”

  Before Joe could burn the young man with his bluster, Luna said her farewells and dragged Joe away. And she was dragging him, she realized, because he still had his watchful gaze surveying the area, and he seemed in no real hurry to leave.

  Which meant he was in no real hurry to be alone with her.

  Her vanity pricked, Luna punched his rock-solid shoulder the moment they were ensconced in the car.

  Joe glared down at her. “What the hell was that for?”

  She crossed her arms and glared right back. “I know you’re concerned about things, Joe. And of course, that’s why I brought you along, as a safeguard for these situations.”

  Joe started the car and pulled away from the curb. “Uh huh. That’s why you brought me along.”

  The way he said that gave her pause. “Joe, I do appreciate your … enthusiasm.”

  “My enthusiasm?”

  Luna waved a hand. “The way you’re so grim and threatening and watchful. You’re so tense right now, you look like you could explode at any second.”

  “That’s about it,” he agreed.

  “Well … good. I mean, I want you to use your experience to keep the kids safe and protected. But I thought …” She trailed off. How did she say that she wanted him blind with lust? For her?

  Joe made a rough sound of amusement. “I am tense, Luna.”

  “I know.” She sighed, realizing how silly she was being. The kids were her number one priority. If Joe could help keep them happy and safe, that’s what mattered most. “This whole thing of being harassed and not knowing who it is—”

  “I’m tense,” Joe interrupted, “because I’m so damn hot for you I can barely draw breath.”

  Luna stared at him.

  “You think I’m stiff legged with anger? No way, babe. The best way to fight is to stay loose, limber and ready. And believe me, I know how to fight.” He reached across the seat and slid his palm over her bare thigh. His fingers just barely went beneath the hem of her dress. “But I don’t know how to deal with wanting you so much I can’t see straight most the damn time. Until I get you under me, I’m going to stay tense, so it’s a damn good thing you’re finally ready. Once we spend an hour or two burning up the sheets, then I can bend my mind around figuring out who the hell is bothering us. And when I do, I’ll take care of it. I promise you that.”

  His hand slid higher, making her catch her breath, teasing at the edge of her panties. His voice lowered, smoky and deep. “But first things first.”

  Luna swallowed, drew two breaths, and then nodded. “Yes, okay. But, Joe?” When he glanced at her, she whispered, “Drive fast.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They made it back to the house in record time. Luckily, there hadn’t been any traffic, any mysterious appearances by Jamie, and not too many stop signs. Joe barely had the truck in park before Luna was out and hustling her sexy ass toward the porch. Knowing she was in a hurry made him doubly anxious.

  He reached the door only seconds before her. He unlocked it and pulled Luna inside a little more forcefully than he intended. Not that Luna complained. The second they were inside, she was in his arms, burrowing close, her hands sliding up his shoulders, his neck, to furrow into his hair.

  “Luna,” he said, and she turned her face up to him. From the moment he’d met her, he’d been filled with constant grinding sexual need. He detested being out of control, but around Luna, he had no choice.

  Joe took her mouth too hard, too fast, but she was open, hot, just as eager, and it made it impossible for him to slow down.

  He pinned her up against the wall and closed one hand over her breast. The clinging dress and bra posed no barrier. He could feel her nipple against his palm and it made him wild.

  Pulling her mouth free to gasp in air, Luna arched into him and groaned. Her eyes were closed, her head tipped back.

  Enjoying that response, Joe growled, “I can feel your nipples, Luna, already puckered and tight. You like this?”
While kissing the soft flesh of her throat, he dragged his thumb back and forth over her, and when that wasn’t enough, he dipped down and closed his mouth around her, sucking at her through her dress and brassier.

  “Joe.” Her hands clenched in his hair.

  “You wore this damn killer dress today to tease me, didn’t you?”

  She shook her head, but whispered, “I don’t know.”

  When he’d stepped into the kitchen that morning, only half awake but with a full morning erection, he’d taken one look at Luna and known he was a goner.

  Playing a sexy Martha Stewart, she’d already made coffee, had fragrant waffles cooking for the kids, and was fully dressed and made-up. The sight of her had hit him on so many levels, Joe knew he couldn’t deal with it, not that early, not before coffee.

  Without so much as a “good morning,” he’d escaped to the upstairs bathroom and a long, cold shower that had only served to temper the lust rather than diminish it. Since then, his need for her had throbbed and swelled until he felt savage with it.

  Joe thrust one leg between hers, forcing the sinful dress high. Her pale thighs enclosed his denimclad leg, practically riding him. He wished she was naked already so he could feel her and only her against his thigh.

  Spreading his fingers wide on her fanny, Joe dragged her up close and tight to his groin, pressing her to his swollen erection, moving her against him in a tantalizing rhythm.

  A moan blossomed from deep in her throat. Joe took her mouth, obliterating the sound with the thrust of his tongue. She tasted so sweet he had to fight to stop kissing her long enough to say, “You’ve got too damn many clothes on, woman.”

  Her hands tugged at his T-shirt. “So do you.”

  Their gazes clashed, his bold, determined, hers soft, willing. Joe bent at the knees and scooped her up.

  “Your ribs!”

  “What ribs?” He carried her to the stairs.

  Arms around his neck, Luna asked, “Where are we going?”

  “To your bed. It’s bigger.” His double bed was much more comfortable than the cot, but Luna had a queen-size mattress, and with the ride he intended, the more room, the better.

  He bounded up the steps with her cradled in his arms, and Luna murmured, “How romantic.”

  “Tease.” He kicked her door open and practically tossed her on her bed. She immediately came up on one elbow, then watched while Joe stretched one arm over his back, grabbed a fistful of his shirt and stripped it off over his head. He threw it to the floor and toed off his shoes.

  He saw Luna surveying his chest. Her gaze tracked the recent scratches he’d received the night of the fire, a few lingering bruises from his attack, and numerous old scars.

  “Joe.” She sounded sad and concerned, but Joe didn’t want her distracted with any of that.

  Bracing his knees on either side of her hips, he came down over her, and his hands immediately snagged the hem of the dress to lift it. He got it as high as her breasts before the sight of her bared body stalled him.

  Chest laboring, muscles trembling, he looked at her soft lace panties, so tiny they barely covered her mound. Oh, God. He could see the triangle of curls beneath and it pushed him, destroying his last thread of finesse.

  With a groan, Joe bent and kissed her navel, nuzzled her belly, took a gentle love bite of her hip. “Luna.” He could smell her, warm and female and his. He released the dress to spread her legs wide apart.

  “Joe, wait,” she protested, attempting to draw her thighs back together.

  Big hands holding her immobile, Joe fixed her in his gaze. “Don’t. Don’t tell me no, Luna. Not now.”

  She drew a low, shivering breath. “I won’t. I can’t. But—”

  Her body bowed when Joe put his mouth against her. He breathed deeply of her erotic scent, filling himself up, hurting with his need. He pressed with his tongue, only barely able to taste her through damp lace. It wasn’t enough.

  With a low growl, he straightened, adjusting her legs to strip the panties off her, then positioning her around him again, spread wide, totally visible. Joe allowed himself a leisurely study of her. She wore sexy sandals with ties around her ankles. Joe left them in place, liking her this way, her dress bunched around her ribs, legs open to him. He stared at her face while threading his fingers through the tangled curls, lightly probing.

  Her hands knotted into the bedding; her eyes grew heavy and vague. Joe could barely breathe. Watching her, he used his middle finger to part the slick, swollen lips—then pressed in.

  So wet. So damn hot.

  Luna’s eyes sank closed while her lips parted on a gasp. He watched the tightening flex of muscles in her thighs, the way her soft, smooth belly sucked in, how her rib cage expanded on a huge breath.

  He had to see all of her.

  Withdrawing his finger, he grabbed her upper arms and hauled her upright on the bed. Startled, she looked at him, but he already had her dress swept up and over her head. He tossed it over the footboard, then tackled the front clasp on her bra. It, too, was stretchy lace, but with sexy little rosettes stitched on as a border.

  The bra opened, and Joe peeled the cups out of his way.

  Her taut nipples were soft brown, begging for his mouth. Joe groaned and, with his hands under her armpits, lifted her level with his face so he could close his teeth gently around her left nipple.

  She cried out and her hands locked on his head. He was still on his knees between her legs, and she naturally wrapped her thighs around him for balance. Keeping her in place with one arm, Joe drifted his other hand down along her graceful spine to the flaring of her softly padded hip, then lower, cupping one warm, supple cheek. He kneaded that wonderfully female flesh while teasing her nipple with his tongue, circling, flicking.

  Luna panted, kissed his ear, then whispered hotly, “Joe …”

  Licking her nipple with lazy enjoyment, he said, “Tell me what you want, babe.”

  “Quit teasing me.”

  “I’m not.” But he knew he was. He needed her to catch up and the best way to get her there was to build the pleasure, the anticipation.

  “Joe …” Frustration laced her tone, and her thighs tightened, squeezing him, before she pleaded, “Suck on me.”

  The wanton command fired his blood. He drew her deep, locking her to him with one arm across her back, the other braced under her ass. He could feel her wet vulva against his abdomen, grinding into him.

  With a harsh growl, he lowered her flat to the bed. His arm behind her kept her breasts raised and made it easy for him to continue tasting her, first one breast, then the other, while Luna twisted and tightened and made soft, incredible sounds of need. Almost there, he thought, but he wanted more. He wanted everything.

  Working his way down her body, Joe kissed her ribs, her navel, the soft flesh of her belly. This time her legs fell open without his instruction. Joe hooked his arms under her thighs to hold her motionless while he looked at her.

  Her sex was swollen, flushed a darker pink, glistening. His heart clamored in his chest, his muscles rippling with need. Wanting to devour her, he pressed his face into her and licked, slow, hot, flicking over her clitoris once before prodding, sliding his tongue deep into her.

  She cried out; her hips shifted, seeking more. But Joe was content to tease for a while first, so other than that one playful lick, he avoided her clitoris—until her fingers again locked into his hair with stinging, insistent force.

  “Damn you, Joe.”

  He almost smiled. “All right, baby.” He closed his mouth around her and very, very softly, he suckled.

  Her reaction was immediate and mind-blowing. She started coming, wild and hot. Spasms shook her and she sobbed, the sounds real and raw as she gave herself to the pleasure. Joe didn’t ease up, wanting it to last, pushing her until she grew hoarse in her pleas, twisting to be free.

  In an instant, he was over her, taking her mouth despite her weak protest and kissing her hard, long, sharing her taste with
her. He cupped both breasts and tugged at already sensitive nipples.

  Luna panted and groaned. “Oh, God.”

  Joe drew back. “I’m going to last about two seconds, but I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

  Eyes heavy, her lips swollen, she smiled and languidly touched his clenched jaw. “All right.”

  Her easy agreement only added to Joe’s urgency. He’d been waiting months to be with her and now his control shattered. He jerked free and shucked off his jeans in record time. Before tossing the pants aside, he removed the cell phone from his pocket and put it on the nightstand, then tore open a condom packet and rolled on the protection.

  Luna’s golden brown eyes glittered and her face was flushed. Low, in a near soundless whisper, she murmured, “I want to look at you, Joe.”

  He groaned. She looked like a wanton angel reclining across the bed naked. He adored the sight of her lush hips and rosy breasts, those still-puckered nipples. “No, not right now.” He stretched out over her, holding her face and kissing her gently, softly. “I need to be inside you, Luna.” His voice shook. “Right now.”

  She bent her knees and lifted her legs alongside his hips. Giving him a slight smile, she nodded. “Ready when you are.”

  Joe held her gaze, loving the smoldering response mirrored there as he reached down and stroked her sex with his fingertips. Despite just coming, her eyelids grew heavier and her pulse quickened. She didn’t look away. They both breathed too hard, too fast. Using his middle finger, Joe parted her, spread her wetness to make his entry easier for her, then pressed his hips forward, nudging the head of his cock inside. Her inner muscles immediately clamped down on him.

  Her eyes closed. His jaw locked.

  “Eyes open, sweetheart,” Joe rasped. “I want to see you.”

  She drew two deep breaths, swallowed, and lifted her lids again.

  “That’s it.” His muscles twitched. “Do you have any idea how good you feel?” He rocked back and forth, gliding his cock just barely inside her, easing her, teasing them both by refusing to go deep yet.


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