by Susan Jaques
Altdorfer, Albrecht, 37
Amalia of Bavaria, 207, 256
Ambracia, 8
Ambrose, 165
Amsterdam, 262–264, 359, 418
ancien régime, 58, 71, 137, 231, 326, 354, 467
Ancona, 174, 301, 302
Anderson, Robin, 50
Andrieu, Bertrand, 229, 231, 232, 355
Anne of Austria, 85
Antinoeion, 367
Antinoöpolis, 27, 32–33
Antinous, 26–27
Antinous, 18, 91
Antiochos III, 8
antiquities, 262, 275–279
See also art(s)
influence of, xi–xii, xiii
libraries of, 306–307
Antolini, Giovanni Antonio, 291
Anton, Wenzel, 228
Antonelli, Leonardo, 43–44
Antoni-Komar, Irene, 79
Antony, Mark, 9, 24–25, 375, 472
Aphrodiasian marble, 284
Aphrodite of Cnidos (Praxiteles), 18
Aphrodite, 10
Apollo and Daphne (Bernini), 74
Apollo Belvedere (Leochares), 17, 86–87, 94
Apollodorus of Damascus, 107, 180, 180–185
Apollo Gallery, 90, 172
Apollo Hall, 86
Apostolic Library, 16
Appiani, Andrea, 83, 166, 228, 234, 258
Apsley House, 469
Aqua Appia, 105
Aqua Julia, 106
Aqua Trajana, 105
aqueducts, 103–106
Arcadius, 184
Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile, xiv, 193, 201–206, 323, 473, 475
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, xiv, 193, 198–201, 202, 322–328, 351, 443, 468, 473
Roman, 193–198
triumphal, 192–206
architects, 58
architecture, xiv–xv
Egyptian, 32–33, 87–88
Gothic, 102, 369
Paris, 107–110
Arch of Constantine, 196–198
Arch of Septimius Severus, 194–196, 197, 198
Arch of Titus, 203, 204–205, 447
Aristotle, 17, 24
Armistice of Bologna, 15
Arm Reliquary, 126
Army of England, 116
Army of Italy, xi, 47, 56, 72, 87, 163, 228
Army of Naples, 176
Army of the Interior, 55
Army of the Orient, 29, 35
arranged marriages, 255–256
art plunder
of Austria, 309–310
of Italy, 11–21, 41, 90, 91, 121, 390–391
of Prussia, 211–212, 212–213
repatriation of, 433–445, 447–450
of Rome, 121–123
from Vatican, 16–18
art(s), xii, xiv, xv
See also specific works
Egyptian, 25–28, 87–88, 91
Greek, 7–10
Roman, 4, 5
attempts, on Napoleon, 50, 51, 110, 310
of Caesar, 9, 24, 223
Aswan, Egypt, 27, 33
athénienne, 65
Auguste, Henri, 167
Augustus, Octavian, 9, 24–27, 39, 78, 99, 316
calendar manipulation by, 186
death of, 471
Forum of, 374–375
Forum of Augustus, 104
images of, 223–224
mausoleum of, 367
official seal of, 97
as pontifex maximus, 45
public works projects by, 105–106
Res Gestae Divi Augusti, 283, 471–472
statues and portraits of, 386–387
triumphal arches of, 193, 194
triumphs of, 9
Aurelius, Marcus, 184, 185, 196, 253, 256
Austerlitz, 175–176, 308
Austerlitz, Battle of, 175–176, 186, 192, 193, 232, 301, 308
Austerlitz Column, xiv, 187–191, 331–332, 474, 479
Austria, 13, 34, 39, 43, 70, 78, 132, 174–176, 186, 207–208, 214, 302, 307–308, 414, 416, 440
Avignon, 303
Avrillion, Marie-Jeanne-Pierrette, 131
Ayyubid Dynasty, 29
Bacchus’s Throne, 242–243
Baciocchi, Elisa, 280–288, 288–293, 403, 454
Baciocchi, Felice Pasquale, 280, 281
Bandinelli, Ranuccio, 9–10
Banque de France, 51
baptism, of Napoleon François Joseph Charles, 353–354
The Baptism of the King of Rome in Notre Dame (Goubaud), 355
Barbier, Antoine Alexandre, 14
Baroque period, 254
Barras, Paul, 36, 55
Bartolini, Lorenzo, 92, 287, 288, 293, 467
Basilica of Massa, 286
Basilica Ulpia, 181
Basseville, Nicolas de, 16
Bassin de la Villette, 104
Bastille, 102, 201, 410
Bastille Day, 95
baths, 104
battlefield paintings, 93
Battle of Alesia, 5
The Battle of Alexander at Issus (Altdorfer), 37
Battle of Austerlitz, 175–176, 186, 192, 193, 232, 301, 308
Battle of Borodino, 405
Battle of Leipzig, 416–417
Battle of Lutetia, 100
Battle of Lützen, 414–415
Battle of Marengo, 49, 95, 192, 229
Battle of the Nations, 416–417
Battle of the Nile, 30–31
Battle of the Pyramids, 30, 31
The Battle of Thermopylae (David), 158
Battle of the Three Emperors, 175–176
Battle of Vitoria, 415
Battle of Waterloo, xv, 427, 434, 461, 467
Bavaria, 207, 307
Bayeux Tapestry, xiii, 172–173
Beard, Mary, 274, 466
Beauharnais, Alexandre de, 128
Beauharnais, Eugène de, 55, 83, 111, 164, 165, 207, 248, 256–257, 288, 289, 463
Beauharnais, Hortense de, 71, 256, 263–264, 280, 314, 324, 369, 427, 463
Beauharnais, Joséphine de. See Bonaparte, Joséphine
Beauharnais, Stephanie, 256
Beaumont, Claude-Etienne de, 216
Beaupré, Becquey de, 108
Beauvallet, Pierre-Nicolas, 250–251
bees, 114, 141, 155
Beethoven, 175
Belgium, 427
Belisarius, 10
Belli, Pasquale, 448
Bellini, Giovanni, 258
Bellisomi, Carlo, 43–44
Belloy, Jean-Baptiste de, 77
Belvedere Palace, 309–310
Belvedere Villa, 16–17
Benedictines, 40, 41
Benedict XIV, 230, 299
Benedict XV, 16
Benvenuti, Pietro, 382
Berdolet, Alstatian Marc-Antoine, 128
Berenice, 204
Bergeret, Pierre-Nolasque, 189–190
Berlin, 209–210, 214
Berlin Decree, 214
Bernardi, Giuseppe, 77
Bernier, Claude-Louis, 59
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 74, 89, 185, 276, 299
Berry, Jean de, 135
Berthault, Louis-Martin, 321
Berthier, Alexandre, 239
Berthier, Marshall, 426
Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 28, 35
Bertrand, Henri Gatien, 478
Bey, Murad, 30, 31
Beyeler, Christophe, 397, 399
Bibliothèque Impériale, 305
Biennais, Martin-Guillaume, 65–66, 135, 136, 191
Bigio Antico marble, 284
Bishop of Rome, 45
Bishop’s Palace, 303
“black cardinals,” 327–328
Blondel, Nicolas-François, 202
Boizot, Simon, 251–252
Bologna, 14
bombing, 50
Bonaparte, Caroline, 71, 111
Bonaparte, Charles Louis Napoleon, 399
> Bonaparte, Charles Lucien, 418
Bonaparte, Elisa, 111, 254–255, 461
Bonaparte, Jérôme, 111, 167–168, 215, 256, 315, 418, 461, 463, 478
Bonaparte, Joseph, 78, 162, 255, 258, 260, 264–266, 405, 417–418, 454, 462–463, 478
Bonaparte, Joséphine, xv, 23, 32, 35, 47, 50, 422–423
at Aachen, 127–128
Canova and, 345–347, 423–424
coronation costume of, 142–143
crowning of, as empress, 140–141, 153–154
death of, 423
Denon and, 96–99
divorce of, by Napoleon, 313–317
as fashionista, 115
household of, 237–238
interior decor and, 60–63
jewelry of, 96–99, 115, 329–330
marriage to Napoleon, 56–57, 150, 307
at Tuileries, 66
wardrobe of, 97–98, 240
Bonaparte, Letizia, 111–112, 140, 274, 424, 461
Bonaparte, Louis, 71, 255, 256, 262–264, 418, 463
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, 476
Bonaparte, Lucien, 36, 110, 111, 168, 188, 383, 462
Bonaparte, Marie Louise, xv
Bonaparte, Napoleon
at Aachen, 129–132, 133
abdication of, 420
affairs by, 132
assassination attempts on, 50, 51, 110, 310
attempted suicide of, 420
birthday of, 168
breastplate of, 210–211
Canova and, 78–84, 334–344, 380–391
Charlemagne and, 128–132, 133
childhood of, xi
Church and, 480
as consul for life, 78–79
coronation of, xii, 112, 133–144, 145–157, 164–166, 375
coup d’état by, 35–36, 63, 186
crown of, 136
death of, 472, 473
divorce from Joséphine, 313–317
early career of, xi–xii
Egypt campaign of, 22–37
as emperor, 110–116
escape from Elba by, 424–425
European campaigns of, 174–176
excommunication of, 299, 302–303, 304
exile of, xv–xvi, 421–424, 428–430, 446
family appointments by, 254–266
first Italian campaign of, xi, 13–16
funeral of, 472–473, 475–476
as head of Army of the Interior, 55
heir of, 351–356
imperial household of, 237–243
invasion of England and, 116, 171–174
Julius Caesar and, 429–430
as King of Italy, 164–166
last speech of, 420
legacy of, 466–471
marriage to Joséphine, 56–57, 150, 307, 313
marriage to Marie Louise, 319–330
medals of, 228–234
military conquests of, 13–14
as national hero, 35
papal election and, 44–45
in Paris, 78–79
personal collection of, 96–99
personal crisis of, 35
physical appearance of, 79–80
Pius VII and, 49–52, 128, 137, 145–154, 162, 167–168, 174, 299–305, 387, 395–396, 408–409
return of, 424–427
second Italian campaign of, 47–52, 94–95
support of military for, 212
tomb of, 473–476, 477–478
travel by, xiii
will of, 473
Bonaparte, Napoleon Charles, 313, 369
Bonaparte, Pauline, 247–248, 256
Bonaparte Crossing the Great St. Bernard Pass (David), 95
Bonaparte Forum, 257
Bonaparte Visiting the Victims of the Plague at Jaffa (Gros), 93–94
Borghese, Camillo, 256, 267–268, 269, 276, 278, 279, 304, 395–396
Borghese, Pauline Bonaparte, 267–275, 280, 461
Borghese, Scipione, 276–277
Borghese antiquities collection, 275–279
Borghese Gladiator, 277
Borghese Vase, 277
Borgia, Cesare, 11
Borodino, Battle of, 405
Borsato, Giuseppe, 289, 290, 291
Bosio, Antonio, 376
Bosio, François Joseph, 373
Bossi, Giuseppe, 82
Boulogne, 116
Bourbon kings, 254, 467
Bourrienne, Louis-Antoine Fauvelet, 37, 50, 81, 107, 170, 186
Braccio Nuovo, 448
Bralle, François-Jean, 250
Brandenburg Gate, 209, 211, 216
Braschi, Cardinal, 43
breastplates, 210–211
Bridan, Pierre-Charles, 414
bridges, 106–107, 121, 180, 187, 308
Brienne military college, xi
Britain. See England
Brongniart, Alexandre-Théodore, 220–221, 245, 246, 247, 379
bronze casting, 123
bronze horses, 443–445
bronze medallions, 225
bronzes, 122–123
Bronzino, Agnolo, 170
Brutus, L. Junius, 9, 13, 472
bubonic plague, 35
Bucintoro, 48–49
Bull of Excommunication, 299, 302–303, 304
burial chambers, 376
Bust of Charlemagne, 126, 135
Byron, Lord, 457
Byzantine Empire, 10, 113, 119, 200
Cabinet of Meals, 359, 360
Cacault, François, 72
Cadudal, Georges, 110
Caesar, Drusus, 359
Caesar, Julia, 255–256
Caesar, Julius, xv, 25, 100, 128, 168, 254, 375, 416–417
in Alexandria, 131, 208, 306
arranged marriages by, 255
assassination of, 9, 24, 223
building by, 105, 106–107
civil war and, 412
coinage of, 222–223
compared with Napoleon, 429–430
conquests of, 6
divorce of, 317
expeditions to Britain by, 171
homecoming of, 3–6
Napoleon on, 429
as pontifex maximus, 45, 186
Caesar, Nero, 358–359
Caesarion, 6
Caffarella, Scipione, 276–277
Cage, E. Claire, 98
Cairo, 30, 31, 34, 311
Calcani, Giuliana, 182
Caligula, 465
Callisthenes, 24
Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques-Régis de, 36, 78, 111
cameos, 96–97, 136, 244, 292–293, 356–361
Campus Martius, 3, 8, 9
Camuccini, Vincenzo, 400
canals, 103–106
Canopus, 26–27
Canova, Antonio, xiv, 71–84, 149, 158, 278–279, 333–347, 454–455
Accademia di San Luca and, 388–389
allegorical lunettes, 449
art restitution and, 435–441, 453
Carrara quarry and, 286
death of, 455
Elgin Marbles and, 451–452
Elisa Baciocchi and, 292
funeral of, 455–456
Joséphine and, 345–347, 423–424
legacy of, 456–457, 457–458
in London, 451–453
Marie Louise as Concordia, 346–347, 454
Napoleon and, 72–73, 380–391
Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker, 387, 390, 468–469
Pauline Borghese as Venus Victrix, 269–275
Pius VII and, 148, 305
portait of George Washington by, 453–454
Venus Italica, 403
Capet, Hugh, 125
Capetian dynasty, 102, 125
Capitolina, 17
Capitoline, 5
Capitoline Museum, 16, 17, 18, 59
Capitoline Venus, 18, 84
Caprara, Giovanni Battista, 79
Caracalla, 79, 196, 253, 466
Carbonari, 447
Carlo Marotta Hall, 400r />
Carolingian Empire, 122, 124–125
Carolingian Renaissance, 132
Carolingian style, 130
Carolus Magnus, 125
See also Charlemagne
Carpaccio, Vittore, 43
carpets, 71
Carrara, 282–287, 293
Carrara Academy, 287
Carthage, 8, 10, 20
carved gemstones, 356, 360
Casoni, Filippo, 278–279
Cassius, 9, 472
Cassius, Dio, 180, 182, 184, 192, 253
Castello Sforzesco, 257
Castel Sant’Angelo, 367
Castor, 448
catacombs, 375–379
Catherine de Württemberg, 207, 256
Catherine of Westphalia, 417
Catherine the Great, 72, 214, 238
Catholic Church, 162, 185, 480
battle for control of, xii–xiii
France and, 49–52
Catholicism, 49
Cato, 4, 6
Caude, Elisabeth, 354
Caulaincourt, Armand de, 407
Cavaceppi, Bartolomeo, 75
Cellerier, Jacques, 369–370, 413
cemeteries, 377–379
ceremonial apparel, 239–241
Cessart, Delon de, 107
Chalgrin, François-Thérèse, 202–203, 205
Champagny, Jean-Baptiste de, 201, 202
Champollion, Jean-François, 312
Champs de Mars, 13
Champs-Élysées, 64, 201–202, 217
Chapelle Expiatoire, 460
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, 95, 103
Chariot of Aurora, 262
chariots, 6
Charlemagne, xiii, 102, 119–132, 148
administrative reforms by, 120
casket of, 125–126
coinage of, 226
conquests of, 119–120
coronation of, 146
crown of, 133–134, 135, 153
death of, 124
estate of, 120–121
as Holy Roman Emperor, 123–124
influence on Napoleon, 128–132, 133
legacy of, 125–126
papacy and, 123–124
personal life of, 120
regalia of, 133–134
religion and, 129–130
reliquaries, 126, 128
Roman art taken by, 122–123
Roman influence on, 120–121
shrine of, 131
throne of, 131–132
Charlemagne’s Scepter, 134–135
Charles, Hippolyte, 56
Charles I, 11
Charles III, 260, 454
Charles IV, 95, 126, 264
Charles V, 11, 16, 102, 134, 170
Charles VII, 83, 260, 265
Charles VIII, 11
Charles X, xv, 470, 471
Charney, Noah, 458
Château-d’Eau, 252
Château de Compiègne, 320–322
Château de Fontainebleau, 146–148, 334, 397–399, 408–409
Château de Malmaison, 57, 60–63, 425, 427
Château de Meudon, 362–363
Château de Rambouillet, 364–365, 419
Château de Saint-Cloud, 66–69, 79, 208, 479
Chaudet, Antoine-Denis, 156, 190–191, 287, 468
Chiaramonti, Barnaba, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42–43, 44–45