The Caesar of Paris
Page 68
See also Pius VII
Childeric bees, 114, 141
Childeric I, 101, 114
Chopin, Frédéric, 480
Christianity, 27, 45–46, 101–102, 121–122, 129–130, 198, 375–376
Christ the Good Shepherd, 135
Churchill, Winston, 429
Church of Saint Brice, 114
Church of Saint-Philippe-du-Roule, 202
Church of Santa Croce, 342
Church of Sant’Andrea, 198
Church of San Vitale, 121
Church of St. Michael’s, 185
Church of the Holy Apostles, 76
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 121–122, 131
Church of the Invalides, 474, 478
Church of the Madeleine, 479–480
Cicero, 8, 243, 244
Cicognara, Leopoldo, 444, 445, 455, 457
Cipollino marble, 284
circular tables, 246–247
Circus Maximus, 6, 180
Cisalpine Republic, 15, 44, 70
Civil Code, 51, 129
Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790), 49
Civitas Parisiorum, 101
Claraz, Balthazar, 396
Clarke, Henri, 419
classicism, xv, 231
Clement VIII, 298
Clement XII, 16, 230, 299
Clement XIII, 16, 76
Clement XIV, 16–17, 76, 230, 447
Cleopatra, 5, 6, 9, 24–25
Clérisseau, Charles-Louis, 219
clothing, 98–99
Clovis I, 101–102, 114
Cobenzl, Johann Ludwig von, 132
cochineal dye, 325
Code Civil des Français, 51, 129
Code Napoléon, 51
Codex Vaticanus, 17
Coignet, Jean-Roch, 210
coinage, 124, 222–234
Charlemagne, 226
Renaissance, 226–228
Roman, 222–226, 230, 354–355, 412
Vatican, 229–230
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 58, 227
Col Du St. Bernard, 47
College of Cardinals, 40–43, 47
Commander’s Table, 246–247, 469–470
commemorative medals, 157, 226–234, 354–355
Commission of Arts and Sciences, 14
Commodus, 225, 256, 465
Comte de Volney, 23–24
Concordat, 61, 79, 128, 137, 186, 301
Concordat of Bologna, 49
Concordat of Fontainebleau, 408–409
Confederation of the Rhine, 207–208, 215, 256, 307
Congress of Vienna, 434, 440, 454
Conrad II, 164
Consalvi, Ercole, 41, 48, 49, 77, 167, 327
conscripts, 405, 408
Constant, Benjamin, 425
Constantine, 121–122, 197–198, 304–305, 307
Constantine’s Arch, 196–198
Constantinople, 10, 119, 198, 307, 359
Constantius II, 122, 184
constitution, 15, 36, 425–426
Consular Guard, 241
Consulate, xii
Conté, Nicolas-Jacques, 311
Continental System, 214, 302
Cordier, Sylvian, 241–242, 361, 362
Corinne, Or Italy (de Staël), 272
Corinthian columns, 184
Cornwallis, Marquess, 78
of Charlemagne, 146
costumes for, 141–144
honors of Charlemagne and, 133–140
in Milan, 162–166
of Napoleon, 112, 133–144, 145–157, 164–166, 232, 375
of Roman-German kings and queens, 130, 164–165
coronation carriage, 467
Coronation of Marie de Medici (Ruben), 159
Correggio, 14, 213, 260, 270, 435
Corsica, xi, 430
Corso Napoleone, 261
costumes, 98, 209–210, 239–241
Council of Five Hundred, 36
Council of the Ancients, 36
Council Room, 61
coup d’état, 35–36, 63, 186, 408, 476
court life, 237–243
Couture le Jeune, Guillaume-Martin, 215
cradle, of king of Rome, 352
cremation, 376
Crépin, Louis-Philippe, 333
Crispina, 256
The Crowning with Thorns (Titian), 440
Crown Jewels, 97
Crown of Charlemagne, 133–134, 135, 153
crowns, 133–136, 153, 164–165, 468
Crusades, 28, 29, 200, 307, 377
crypts, 366–370
cuirassed statues, 211
Cupid and Psyche (Canova), 82, 345
Cupid and Psyche (Canova), 71–72
Cup of the Ptolemies, 244
Curzio, Valter, 449–450
Dacians, 179–183, 187
Damascus, 180
damnatio memoriae, 465–466
damnation of memory, 465–466
Dam Square Palace, 263–264
Danube River, 107, 308
d’Arcueil, 103
Darius III, 24
d’Arleux, Morel, 88
Daru, Baron Martial, 389
Daru, Pierre, 242
Darwin, Charles, 428
Daunou, Pierre Claude François, 17
Dauphin, 66
David (Michelangelo), 286
David, Jacques-Louis, xiv, 61, 79, 81, 90, 92, 95, 97–98, 152, 153, 157–161, 229, 238, 333, 416, 467–468
Davies, Penelope, 367
da Vinci, Leonardo, 16, 282
Davray-Piekolek, Renée, 221
de Angelis, Domenico, 270
Decabulus, 182–183
Dejoux, Claude, 373
Delafontaine, Auguste, 359
Delafontaine, Pierre-Maximilien, 359
Denon, Dominique-Vivant, xiii–xiv, 22, 29–35, 87–99, 116, 147, 157, 172, 187, 212–217, 275, 323, 332–333, 381
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and, 199–200
art plunder by, 390–391, 458
art restitution and, 435–440, 443
breastplate designed by, 210–211
Canova and, 80–82
career of, 458–459
death of, 459
Desaix and, 372–373
elephant fountain and, 410, 413
as head of imperial factories, 245
medals and, 230–231, 232–234
on Napoleon as Mars the peacemaker, 382, 384
Napoleon’s coronation and, 134, 136
public relations by, 421
Saint Denis and, 370
in Spain, 265
Vendôme Column and, 332
in Vienna, 309–310
at wedding to Marie Louise, 326
Denuelle de la Plaigne, Eléonore, 313
d’Erile, Melzi, 82
Desaix, Louis-Charles, 31, 33, 34, 47–48, 189, 372–373
Descent from the Cross (Rembrandt), 443
Descent from the Cross (Volterra), 19
Description de l’Égypte, 311–312
Desmalter, Jacob, 244
Desmazis, Alexander, 242
Despuig, Antonio, 300
de Staël, Germaine, 272
D’Este, Alessandro, 401, 439
D’Este, Antonio, 77, 456
diadem, 115
Diderot, Denis, 75, 312
Dillon, Jacques, 107
dinner service, 245
Dio, Cassius, 253
Dioscuri, 298
Dioskourides, 97
Directory regime, xii, 13–21, 34–36, 55
The Distribution of the Eagle Standards at Champs de Mars (David), 160–161, 333, 416
of Napoleon and Joséphine, 313–316
Roman, 316–317
d’Ivry, Pierre Constant, 215
Domitian, 204, 205, 465
Domna, Julia, 270, 356–357
Domus Augustana, 205
Doria, Andrea, 169–170
Dresden, Ge
rmany, 404
Dresden gallery, 214
dress, 97–99
Droz, Jean-Pierre, 157
Dubois, Louis Nicolas, 51
Ducal Palace, 11, 286
Duchy of Berg and Cleves, 258
Ducos, Roger, 35, 36
Dufourny, Léon, 88
Duke of Enghien, 110
Duke of Modena, 14
Duke of Reichstadt, 463
Duke of Wellington, xv, 419, 434, 436–437, 468–469
Dumas, Alexandre, 461
Duomo, 163–164
Duphot, Mathurin-Léonard, 16
Dupré, Guillaume, 227
Dürer, Albrecht, 126, 127–128, 198
Durey, Philippe, 389
Duroc, Géraud-Christophe-Michel, 65, 238, 478
Duroc, Pierre, 406
Duvivier, Benjamin, 229
Dwyer, Philip, 110, 254
The Dying Gaul, 18
eagles, 112–113, 156, 233
eagle standards, 416–417
Eaglet, 351–356, 365
Egypt, 6
ancient ruins, 32–33, 34
art and culture of, 25–28, 87–88, 91
Napoleon and, 311–312
past invasions of, 24–25
Ptolemaic dynasty, 24–25
religion, 25
Rome and, 25–28
Egypt campaign, xi–xii, 22–37
Egyptian Revival style, xii
Egyptomania, 26, 27
Elba, 421–424, 434, 461
Elbe, 414
“Eleanor” vase, 368
elephant fountain, 410–414
Elgin Marbles, 451–452
elogia, 373–374
Élysée Palace, 247
Elysian Fields, 64
emblems, 112–115
Emperor’s Gallery, 398
Empire style, xv, 68, 69, 139, 242, 256, 281
Empress Marie Louise guiding the first steps of the King of Rome, 360–361
Encyclopedia (Diderot), 75, 312
enemy weapons, use of, for sculpture, 189
England, 23, 30–31, 34, 78
appeal for asylum in, 427
blockade of, 405
invasion of, 116, 171–174
war with, 289
engraved gems, 261, 360
Entombment (Tintoretto), 41
epic cycle, 11
Equus Caesaris, 5
Etruria, 83, 291–292
Etruscans, 55–69
Eusebius, 121
Eustace, Katherine, 434
family appointments, 254–266
Famin, Auguste, 364
fashion, 97–99, 115, 141–144, 324–325, 328
Fea, Carlo, 198
feast of the Assumption, 168
Feeney, Denis, 186
Fellah Fountain, 250
Fenestrelle Fortress, 303
Ferdinand I, 125, 130
Ferdinand II, 40
Ferdinand IV, 34, 176, 320
Ferdinand VII, 264, 266, 417, 418
Ferrara, 14
Ferreri, Vincenzo, 449
fertility symbol, 352
Fesch, Joseph, 49, 238, 301–302, 325, 461
Festival of Liberty, 11–13, 21
Field of Mars, 367
First French Empire, xv, 110–116, 205, 312, 404, 459
Fisher, Annika Elisabeth, 127
“Five Battles” medals, 228
Flamininus, Titus Quinctius, 8
Flaubert, Gustave, 72
Flavian dynasty, 10, 204–205, 466
Flaxman, John, 469
fleur-de-lys, 113–114
Florence, 83, 292–293, 342
Folz, Robert, 124
Fontaine, Pierre, xv, 57–69, 81, 89, 107–109, 138–140, 147, 193, 216
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and, 198–201
death of, 460
elephant fountain and, 410–411
on imperial household, 237
interior decorating by, 242–243
later career of, 460
Legion of Honor for, 362
on Palace for King of Rome, 362
Fontaine des Innocents, 102
Fontaine des Invalides, 250
Fontana, Domenico, 298
Forum Julium, 5
Forum Les Halles, 377
Forum of Augustus, 104, 374–375
Foscolo, Ugo, 403
Fouché, Joseph, 51, 94, 241
Fountaine du Palmier, 251–252
fountains, 103, 248–252, 298, 372–373, 410–414, 447
Fourth Crusade, 200
academies, 388
Catholic Church and, 49–52, 162
Directory regime, xii, 13–21, 34–36, 55
laws, 51
rivalry between England and, 23
France, Anatole, 88
Francesco II Gonzaga, 11
Francis I, 207–208, 307–308, 310, 471
Francis II, 40, 49, 63, 78, 132, 175, 176, 207
François I, 89, 102, 147–148, 185, 370
francs, 231
Franks, 101–102, 119
Frederick Augustus I, 213–214
Frederick I, 207
Frederick I Barbossa, 125
Frederick II, 125, 208
Frederick the Great, 175, 208, 208–209, 211–212, 213
Frederick William I, 209
Frederick William II, 209, 211
Frederick William III, 208, 438, 439–440
French Academy, 58, 58–59, 75
French Church, 304–305
French Commission on the Sciences and Arts of Egypt, 311
French Constitution, 15, 36, 425–426
French court, 238
French Empire, xv, 110–116, 205, 312, 404, 459, 476
French Renaissance style, 102–103
French Republic, xii, 11–13, 21, 78
French Revolution, 12, 57, 59, 90, 158, 186, 205, 244, 321, 377, 410, 466
Frey, Katia, 248
Fried, Johannes, 129
Fritze, Ronald, 29
Frochot, Nicolas, 332, 379
Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, 430
funerals, 373–376
funerary monuments, 366–379, 476–477
Gaehtgens, Thomas, 88, 192
Galen, 249
Galleria Chiaramonti, 449
galleries, 257–258
Gallery of Consuls, 64–65, 70
Gallic wars, 254
Garde-Meuble Impérial, 242
gardens, 147–148
Garric, Jean-Philippe, 71
Garrison Church, 209
Gatti, Gaspare, 42
Gaul, 3, 20, 217–218, 253
Gemma Augustea, 357
gemstones, 356, 360
Genoa, 168–171
Geography (Strabo), 283
George IV, 427, 469–470
Gérard, François, 210, 261, 370, 405
germinal franc, 231
Geta, 196, 466
Ghent Altarpiece, 95
Giard, Jean-Baptiste, 359
Ginori, Carlo, 293
Giovanni Andrea I, 170
Girard, Pierre-Simon, 34, 104
Girodet, Anne-Louis, 370
Girometti, Giuseppe, 148–149
Giuli, Luigia, 385
Giustiniani collection, 438, 448
glassmaking, 290
The Glories of Napoleon (Appiani), 166
Godart, Louis, 403
Godlewska, Anne, 311, 312
Golden Legend (Varazze), 43
Goncourt brothers, 13
Gondouin, Jacques, 188–189
Gonzaga Cameo, 423
Gonzagas, 11
Gothic architecture, 102, 369
Gothic era, 10
Goubaud, Innocent-Louis, 355
gowns, 99
Goya, Francisco, 266
Grafton, Anthony, 376
Grand Camée de France, 357–360
Grand Canal, 289
Grand Chamberlain, 239
Grand Châtelet, 251
grand couvert, 239, 326
Grand Duchy of Warsaw, 214
Grande Armée, 156, 173, 175, 186, 187, 190, 208–214, 217, 308, 404–406, 408, 416
Grand Écrin, 329–330
Grandesso, Stefano, 275
Grand Gallery, 90, 109, 323–324, 345–346, 433
Grand Master of the Hunt, 239
Grand Mazarin, 328
Grand Officers, 237, 238
Grassini, Giuseppina, 47
Great Britain, 116
See also England
Great Relics, 127, 130
Great St. Bernard, 47
Grecian style, 69
Greece, 8, 135, 306, 385–386
Greek art, 7, 8, 9–10
Gregorian calendar, 186, 232
Gregory XIII, 165, 167, 297–298, 399
Griffiths, Antony, 233–234
Gros, Antoine-Jean, xiv, 20, 93–94, 370
Guido, Benedetto, 42
Guillaumot, Charles-Axel, 377
Habsburgs, 43, 47, 134, 307–310
Hadrian, 26–27, 32–33, 91, 121–123, 183, 184, 196, 225, 356, 367
Hagia Sophia, 125, 198
hairstyles, 79, 97, 115
Hales, Shelley, 98
Halle aux Blés, 108
Hall of the Caryatids, 279
Hall of the Emperor, 402
Hamilton, William Richard, 435, 451, 452, 468
Hampton Court Palace, 11
Hannibal, xi, 47, 128, 412
Hansen, Maria Fabricius, 121
hardstone workshops, 293
Hatshepsut, 464
Hayez, Francesco, 272, 449
Headquarters service, 245
Hebe (Canova), 345–346
Helen (Canova), 457
Hellenistic art, 8, 9–10
Hemmerle, Benjamin, 387
Hennequin, Philippe-Auguste, 116
Henri II, 11, 102–103
Henri IV, 369, 370
Henry IV, 64, 90, 185, 227
Henry VIII, 49
Hephaestion, 189, 372
Herculaneum, 69
Hercules, 135
hereditary titles, 241
herm, 92
heroic nudity, 385–387
Herostratus, 464–465
Herzan von Harras, Francesco, 43–44
Hibbert, Christopher, 281
Hippodrome, 198, 200
The History of Christianity (Ziegler), 480
Hitler, Adolf, 478
Holland, 262–264, 418
Holy Roman Empire, 102, 123–124, 126, 132, 207
homes, 56–57, 63–69
Honour, Hugh, 83
Hope diamond, 359
Hôtel de Beauharnais, 248
Hôtel de Maurepas, 281
Hôtel de Torcy, 248
Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 220
Household Guard, 51
House of Savoy, 268, 269
Huet, Valérie, 78, 188
Hughes, Robert, 76–77, 185, 275
Hugo, Victor, 205–206, 476
Hundred Days, 427, 461, 462, 467, 469, 470
hunting, 239
Ides of March, 9, 223
imperial crypt, 366–370
imperial emblem, 112–113
Imperial Guard, 241
imperial household, 237–243, 263–264
Imperial Roman Mint, 224