by Susan Jaques
Pont du Gard, 106
pontifex maximus, 45, 186
pope, election of, 40–41, 43–45. See also specific popes
Popkin, Maggie, 196, 198
porcelain, 245–247, 292–293
porphyry, 26
portrait busts, 278, 287, 293, 344
portrait medals, 226–228
Portugal, 264, 405
Possagno, Italy, 73
possesso, 446
Potsdam, 208
Potts, Alex, xii
power dressing, 98
Poyet, Bernard, 220
Praxiteles, 10, 18
Prefect of the Seine, 51
Prima Porta Augustus, 211
“primitives” of Tuscany, 390–391, 421, 440
Principate, 374
Prix de Rome, 58, 231
Proconnesian marble, 284
Profane Museum, 17
Proserpina, 124
provincial museums, 95, 257–258, 439
Prud’hon, Pierre, 332
Prussia, 175, 208, 209, 214, 414
Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova), 72
Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova), 71
Ptolemaic dynasty, 24–25
Ptolemy I, 30, 306
public relations, 230–231
public works projects, 409–414
Puccini, Tommaso, 83
Punic Wars, 7
purple, 141–142, 324–325
Pyramid of Cestius, 76
Pyramids, Battle of the, 30, 31
Pyrrhic victory, 406
Pyrrhus, 6, 8
quadriga, 6
Quai d’Orsay, 220
quarries, marble, 282–287
Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine, 19, 79, 81, 82, 380, 381, 383, 384, 452, 456
Quinet, Edgar, 473
Quirinale Palace, 297–299, 300, 303, 390, 399–403, 435, 448
Rabirius, 180
Radet, General, 299, 300
Raffaelli, Giacomo, 149–150
Ramolino, Maria-Letizia, 273
Rapelli, Paul, 135
Raphael, 12, 91, 258
Ravenna, 10, 121, 122
Raymond, Jean-Arnaud, 86, 89, 202
Récamier, Juliette, 98
Recueil de déorations intérieures, 68
Redentore, 198
Rega, Filippo, 261
Regnaud de Saint-Jean d’Angély, Michel, 315
relics, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 134, 165, 368, 376, 458
Christianity, 27, 45–46, 101–102, 121–122, 129–130, 198
Egyptian, 25
Napoleon’s use of, 49, 51–52
reliquaries, 126, 128, 165
Rémusat, Claire de, 111, 237–238
Renaissance, 11, 226–228, 233, 254, 285
Renier, Daniele, 289
Renier, Paolo, 46
repatriation of art, 433–445
Res Gestae Divi Augusti, 471–472
Rezzonico, Don Abbondio, 74
Rhine River, 106–107
Ribeiro, Aileen, 98
Robertson, Andrew, 444
Robespierre, 12
Robinson, H. Russell, 210
Rococo style, 69
Roederer, Pierre Louis, 255
Rollason, David, 367
Roman arches, 193–198
Roman army, xi–xii
Roman cameos, 356–359
Roman coins, 230, 412
Romanelli, Giovanni Franesco, 86
Roman Empire, xiii, 9–10
architecture, 180–181
art and culture of, 122
bridges of, 106–107
building by, 187
coinage of, 222–226
collapse of, 119
Egypt and, 25–28
funerals in, 373–376
influence on Charlemagne, 120–121
jewelry in, 329
libraries of, 306–307
luxury goods in, 243–244
marble in, 282–284
nepotism in, 254
nudity in, 385–387
provinces of, 253–254
weddings in, 327
Roman Forum, 5, 10, 184, 194, 254, 374, 390
Romania, 180
Roman Republic, xiii, 3–9, 222–223, 465
Roman soldiers, 209–210
Roman togas, 98–99
academy system, 58
altarpieces of, 19
ancient, 3–10
annexation of, by France, 302, 312
aqueducts, 103–106
art plunder of, 121, 122–123
calendar of, 186
Canova in, 73–77
catacombs, 375–377
churches, 122
as cultural capital, xii–xiii
excavations in, 389
fountains, 248–250
French Academy in, 58–59, 75
French controlled, 73
king of, 351–356
loss of antiquities of, to France, 15–21, 275–279
rebirth of, 124–125, 450
renovations in, 389–390
Republic of, 40
return of art of, 435–441
ruins and monuments, 59
sacking of, 10, 122
sewer system, 104–105
triumphs, 20
villas of, 18
water supply, 105–106
Romulus, 6
Romulus’ Victory over Acron (Ingres), 402
Rondelet, Jean-Baptiste, 108
Room of Peace, 401
Rosenberg, Pierre, 199
Rosetta Stone, 36, 435
Rossi, Lino, 179
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 106
Roustam, Raza, 35, 241
Rowell, Diana, xiii, 193
Royal Museum of Paintings and Sculptures, 265
Royal Navy, 173
Royal Palace, 260
royal palaces, reappropriation of, 71. See also specific palaces
Ruben, Peter Paul, 14, 159
rue de la Victoire, 56–57
rue de Rivoli, 109–110
Ruskin, John, 457–458
Russia, xv, 34, 174–176, 186, 214, 313–314, 395, 404, 406–408, 414
Rutilius, 106
Saale, 414
Sacre, 145–161
Sacre (David), 159–160
Sacred College, 305
Saint Bernard, 185
Saint Denis, 101, 102, 134, 135, 139, 366–370, 370–371
Sainte Chapelle, 359
Saint Geneviève, 101
Saint Napoleon, 168
Saint-Napoleon Day, 168
Saints Innocents, 377
Salian Franks, 101
Salon Carré, 90, 323
Salon of 1804, 94
San Giorgio Maggiore, 39–43, 46, 49, 198, 290
sanitation system, 104–105
Santa Maria ad Martyres, 122
Sant’Ambrogio, 165
Santarelli, Giovanni, 292
Santi, Lorenzo, 291
Santiago de Compostela, 126
sarcophagus, 36–37
Sardinia, 25
savants, 28–29, 30, 31
Savary, Anne-Jean-Marie-René, 65
Savonnerie, 71
scarlet dye, 325
scepter of Charles V, 134–135
scepters, 134–135
Schadow, Johann Gottfried, 211
Schönbrunn Palace, 308–310
Scientific and Artistic Commission of Egypt, 28
Scipio, Lucius, 4, 6, 8
Scipio, Metellus, 412
sculpture. See also specific works
of Canova, 71–84
Egyptian, 26
heroic nudes, 380–387
use of enemy weapons for, 189
Second Empire, 476
second Italian campaign, 47–52, 94–95
Second Republic, 476
Second Temple, 10
Second Trea
ty of Paris, 434
Ségur, Louis-Philippe de, 152, 238, 239
Seine River, 100, 103
Selva, Diannantonio, 290
Seneca, 243–244
Serapis, 25, 26
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, 30, 465
Seven Years’ War, 208, 212
Severus, Septimius, 194–196, 212, 253, 270, 356–357, 466
Sèvres Commander’s Table, 469–470
Sèvres porcelain factory, 245–247, 361
sewer system, 104–105
shawls, 98
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 249, 450
She-Wolf, 123
shields, 157
Sicily, 8, 25
Siegel, Jonah, 434
Sieyès, Emmanuel, 35, 36
silk industry, 70–71
Sistine Chapel, 298
Sixth Coalition, 414
Sixtus V, 28, 185, 249, 298
Sleeping Hermaphrodite, 277
soldiers’ uniforms, 209–210
Soli, Giuseppe Maria, 291
Sorabella, Jean, 253–254
Sosigenes, 186
Spain, 264–266, 415–416, 417, 462
Spartans, 28
Spartianus, 108
Spence, Rachel, 75
Stammers, Tom, 60, 68, 409
statues, 7, 12. See also specific works
cuirassed, 211
Egyptian, 26
Staufen arm-reliquary, 128
Steiner, Frances, 189
Stendhal, 13, 238, 424, 444, 456
Stephen II, 146
Stern, Raffaele, 399, 402, 448
St. George and the Dragon (Carpaccio), 43
St. Helena, xv, 428–430, 446, 472–473
stock exchange building, 220–221
Stories of Alexander the Great, 170
Strabo, 33, 283, 367
St. Stephen, 40
St. Stephen’s feast day, 40
succession, line of, 111, 140, 255
Suetonius, 5
Suger, Abbot, 368
Swiss Guard, 300, 377
sword, of Napoleon, 191
Syracuse, 7
Syria, 31, 34, 180
Table of the Grand Commanders (Parant), 246–247, 361, 469–470
Table of the Imperial Palaces, 470–471
Table of the Marshals, 247
table services, 245–247
Tadgell, Christopher, 193
Tadolini, Adamo, 84
Taenareum marble, 284
Talisman of Charlemagne, 128
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 44, 49, 78, 129, 167, 239, 314, 417, 420, 436
Tallien, Thérésa, 98
Talma, François-Joseph, xii
tapestries, 170, 172–173, 301
Tarquins, 5
tea service, 328
Te Deum Mass, 131
Temple of Artemis, 465
Temple of Concord, 215
Temple of Dendera, 33
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, 5
Temple of the Muses, 306
Temple of Vespasian and Titus, 221
Egyptian, 26, 33, 34
Roman, 121–122
Temple to the Glory of the Grande Armée, xiv, 216–221, 410, 479
Tenth Squadron, 51
Teotochi, Isabella, 459
Tetrarchy, 197–198
textile industry, 99
Thebes, 33
Theodolina, 165
Theodoric, 122, 123
Theodosius, 184
Thermes de Cluny, 101
Theseus and the Minotaur (Canova), 74, 76
Thibault, Jean-Thomas, 262
Thiers, Adolphe, 480
Third Coalition, 174–176
The Third of May 1808 (Goya), 266
Thirty Years’ War, 414
Thomas, Edmund, 108
Thomire, Pierre-Philippe, 62, 156, 244, 398
Thorvaldsen, Bertel, 402, 451
Three Emperors, Battle of the, 175–176
The Three Graces (Canova), 422, 457
thrones, 242–243, 398
Thury, Louis-Étienne Héricart de, 378
tiaras, papal, 46, 167, 450
Tiberius, 283, 357, 358–359
Tiber River, 105–106
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 75
Tintoretto, Jacopo, 41
titles of nobility, 241
Titus, 10, 203–204, 204–205
togas, 98–99
Tolstoy, Leo, 405
tombs, 376
Torrigiano, Bastiano, 185
Toulon, 22–23
Tournai, 114
Toynbee, Jocelyn, 225–226
traffic, 251
Trajan, 105, 107, 174, 179–181, 183–185, 187, 225, 306, 356, 472
Trajan’s Baths, 180
Trajan’s Column, 172–173, 181–191, 196, 331, 472
Trajan’s Forum, 180–181, 184, 375
Transfiguration (Raphael), 91
Transfiguration (Raphael), 12
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt during the Campaigns of General Bonaparte (Denon), 87–88
Treaty of Amiens, 79, 171, 381
Treaty of Campo Formio, 15, 39, 47, 63, 229
Treaty of Fontainebleau, 291–292, 421
Treaty of Lunéville, 70, 78, 83, 128
Treaty of Paris, 423, 434
Treaty of Posen, 213–214
Treaty of Pressburg, 176
Treaty of Tilsit, 404
Treaty of Tolentino, 15, 17, 43, 46, 167, 436, 437, 438
Treaty of Vienna, 310, 427
triumphal arch clock, 149–150
triumphal arches, 192–206
triumphs, 6–11, 20, 217
The Triumphs of Caesar (Mantegna), 11
True Cross, 165
Tuileries Garden, 323
Tuileries Palace, 63–66, 70, 103, 109, 150, 155–156, 193, 242–243, 332, 479
Tullianum, 5
Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, 370–372
Turin, 171, 267–268
Turner, J.M.W., 79
turquoise, 96
Tuscany, 282, 303
Two Sicilies, 258
typhus, 407
Ubbicebr UU, 122
Uffizi Gallery, 83
uniforms, 99
University of Paris, 102
Urban VIII, 298–299, 450
Valadier, Giuseppe, 447
Val d’Aosta, 269
Valletta, 29
Valois, Achille, 252
Vandals, 10, 122
Vanvitelli, Carlo, 260
Vanvitelli, Luigi, 260
Varazze, Jacopo da, 43
Vasari, Giorgio, 12, 391
vases, 149
Vatican, xii, 16–17, 16–18, 77, 86, 299, 448
Vatican Archives, 17, 305
Vatican Library, 441
Vatican Medagliere, 229–230
Vatican Pinacoteca, 17
Vatican Virgil, 17
Vauban, 372
Vaudey, Elisabeth de, 132
Veii, 6
Vendôme Column, xiv, 187–191, 331–332
Venetian Republic, 15, 288, 291
Venice, xiv, 59, 200, 444–445
Canova and, 73
French invasion of, 38–39
Napoleon and, 48–49, 288–291
occupation of, by Napoleon, 15
plague in, 39
reversion to Austria, 440
Venus, 83–84, 91
Venus Italica (Canova), 403
Venus Victrix (Canova), 269–275
Vercingetorix, 5
Veronese, Paolo, 12–13, 41–42, 159
Verres, 8
Versailles, 64, 71
Vespasian, 10, 203, 466
Vestal Virgins, 317, 471
Vienna, xiv, 175, 307–308, 309–310
Vignon, Pierre-Alexandre, 216, 217, 219–220
Villa Albani, 18
Villa Borghese, 275–279<
br />
Villa Marlia, 281
Villa Napoleon, 389
Villa of the Papryi, 306
Villa Pisani, 257
Villeneuve, Pierre-Charles, 174–175
Vincennes, 102
Visconti, Ennio, 80, 85–86, 275–276, 381
Visconti, Giovanni Battista, 85
Visigoths, 122
Vitellius, 415
Vitoria, Battle of, 415
Volpato, Domenica, 74
Volpato, Giovanni, 76
Voltaire, 51, 103, 370, 381
Volterra, Daniele da, 19
Waleska, Marie, 307, 332
war booty, 7–10, 13–21, 30
Warsaw, Poland, 214
Washington, George, 453–454
Waterloo, Battle of, xv, 427, 434, 461, 467
Waterloo Banquet, 469
water supply, 103–106, 248, 252
Wedding at Cana (Veronese), 41–42, 440
Wedding at Cana (Veronese), 12–13
The Wedding Celebration of Hercules and Hebe (Prud’hon), 332
Napoleon and Marie Louise, 322–328
Roman, 327
Wellesley, Arthur, 405
Werckmeister, Otto, 173
Western Roman Empire, 122
Western Schism, 40
Westphalia, 213, 215, 256, 418
white marble, 282–287
William I, 213
William the Conqueror, xiii, 172, 173
Yarrington, Alison, 286
Zanker, Paul, 8
Zardo, Angela, 385
Zarzeczny, Matthew, xiii, 129, 170
Zeuxis, 10
Ziegler, Jules-Claude, 480
Zix, Benjamin, 190, 213, 390
Zulian, Girolamo, 73
Pegasus Books Ltd.
148 W 37th Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2018 Susan Jaques
First Pegasus Books edition December 2018
Frontispiece: Bust of Napoleon I by Lorenzo Bartolini at the Louvre Museum, Paris.
Interior design by Maria Fernandez
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ISBN: 978-1-68177-869-3
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Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company