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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

Page 50

by Martha Sweeney

  Joe doesn’t say anything.

  “How do you know it’s a girl?” Lee jabs.

  “Joe is not gay. He’s definitely talking to a girl,” Jimmy defends.

  “Who are you talking to?” Lee questions.

  “No one,” Joe states, clearing his throat.

  “She isn’t no one . . .” Jimmy disputes.

  “Drop it,” Joe says with a stern, calm voice.

  “You’ve never talked to a girl on the phone, ever, so . . .” Jimmy continues before Joe cuts him off.

  “Drop it,” he repeats in the same tone, but louder this time.

  A thud is heard in the room. Everyone looks around, but I know what happened. Maggie, Joe and I start laughing.

  “It’s okay, Sadie. He wasn’t talking to you,” I comment, returning her bone.

  Once everyone realizes what happened, they start laughing uncontrollably.

  Other questions come up that are less intrusive and less personal until, over time, everyone starts to leave for the night. By midnight, I’ve got Jared, Nathan, Jimmy, Allen, Lee, Richard and Joe all walking me back to my cottage since it’s the first one we get to on the way back to our corner of the resort.

  Laying in bed, all I can think about is how gentlemanly Joe was when he was being pestered. He didn’t confirm or deny who he was talking to on the phone. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t rat us out. In this moment of realization, I become extremely horny. Before I know it, I have my phone in my hand and I’m texting Joe. “Thanks,” I write.

  “For what?” he replies instantly.

  “Not saying anything tonight . . . sharing our late night conversations.”

  “It’s none of their business.”

  “I know.”

  “And, thanks for talking to me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I talk to you?”

  “Because . . .” I’m not sure what to write back.

  “Because why?”

  “Never mind,” I say.

  I’m not sure I want to have that conversation with him.

  “Having trouble sleeping?” he redirects.

  “A little.” I look at the clock and see that it’s almost one. “Shit. Sorry. Did I wake you?”

  “No, not at all. Need some company?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I want to see him. I need to see him, but I’m afraid of what might happen or be said since last night with Javier.

  “Why not?”

  Before I’m able to come up with a reason and type it into my phone, Joe calls using FaceTime. “Hi,” he greets.

  “Hi,” I utter.

  “That’s better,” he claims.

  “What is?”

  “Seeing you . . . I love it when you bite your lip like that,” his sexy voice replies.

  I pull the top of the covers over my face so only my eyes are showing. I’m flattered by what he said — a little too much.

  “Don’t hide your face . . . please,” he begs.

  Sadie suddenly shifts in the bed and is sniffing my ear, causing the blanket to fall down below my chin. “Hey!” I proclaim, pushing her face away.

  “That’s better . . . now I can see you. Hi Sadie!”

  Sadie perks up hearing Joe’s voice, scanning the room for him. “He’s right here Sadie,” I direct her to the phone screen. “Ewww . . . gross!” I exclaim.

  I hear Joe laughing as I get up to wipe off her slobber. She literally licked the phone and my hand.

  Once I’m back in bed, Joe comments, “Javier is a nice guy.”

  “Uhhh . . . yeah.” I watch the corner of his mouth curl up.

  “It’s okay. I know.”

  “Know what?”

  “You’re secret.”

  “What secret?”

  “You’re secret about Javier,” he chuckles.

  “What are you talking about?” I deny.

  “I know he’s gay.”

  “What are you talking about?” I respond, trying to deny, but my voice is a little shakier.

  “I saw him leave the lobby this morning after breakfast holding hands with his boyfriend,” he shares.

  “Ohhh . . . .”

  “Don’t worry, no one else saw them,” he confirms.

  “Good. I don’t want Jared and Nathan to know.”


  “They’ll stay off my back about stuff until I tell them,” I share.

  “Nice. When did you know?”


  “That he was gay.”

  “I saw how he smiled at the male bartender when I first noticed him,” I reveal.

  “So you knew the whole time? You were purposefully baiting Jared and Nathan?” he says not really shocked.



  “Thanks.” I mentally pat myself on the back.

  “So what did you two do up there for two hours?”

  “How do you know I was up there that long? Were you out in the lobby waiting?”

  “No,” he replies, trying to remain calm.

  “Really . . . ?” I muse.

  “I heard Jared and Nathan talking on their porch. Jared was shocked that you didn’t talk to him when you got back to your cottage,” he reveals.


  “Do you plan on telling them?”

  “After the premier,” I admit.

  “I’m curious to see how they react.”

  “Me too. Maggie knows,” I confess.

  “She might tell them,” he confronts.

  “No. She won’t. I didn’t give her any information. She just knows he’s gay,” I say confidently.

  “They might try to get it out of Henry.”

  “She’s not allowed to tell Henry.”

  “How did you manage that? I know they tell each other everything.”

  “She tried using the husband and wife code of trust thing . . . I told her they aren’t married yet. Besides, by the time they are, she won’t remember to tell him. She’ll be so wrapped up with the honeymoon and everything,” I explain.


  Neither of us say anything for a moment and I catch him yawning. “I should let you sleep,” I suggest.

  “No. No. I’m fine,” he contends. “So how is B.O.B. doing?”

  “Don’t know. I haven’t revived him from the other night,” I giggle.

  “I can take over duties if B.O.B doesn’t mind . . .” he delivers devilishly in the sexy voice I enjoy so much.

  My vagina tingles at the thought. I feel my face reddening and I’m not sure what to say.

  Joe laughs. It must be at my expression.

  “Even if I did agree, I would say you look too tired,” I tease.

  “Not for that,” he opposes.

  I can’t help but laugh. I think that’s a knee-jerk reaction for men. I’ve heard Jared and Nathan say it a few times.

  “We should get some sleep,” I suggest.

  “Yeah . . . .”

  “Goodnight, Joe,” I bid.

  “Goodnight, beautiful. Sweet dreams.”

  Forty Two

  Back in Pasadena, I’m busy from sunup to well past sundown every day through Wednesday with business and final wedding preparations. Wednesday afternoon finds me down at the St. Regis with most of the main wedding party, even though the wedding isn’t scheduled until early Saturday afternoon.

  Thursday morning, we’re greeting friends and family of both the bride and groom as they start to filter into the hotel. Amelia and I are going over last minute details with Maggie and Amelia’s assistant, Barbara, before we attend several meals and activities that are scheduled with some of the key guests whom Mrs. Wú wants to introduce to Henry and Maggie. I’m not really required to speak, but I’m there for moral support and assistance if needed. As best man, Joe attends as well, but we hardly get a chance to speak with each other, even during dinner and late into the evening.

  By the time we are no longer needed, Joe and I head back to o
ur suites by around eleven. Oddly enough, Joe’s room is right across from mine. I take a long bath, and for as horny as I am, I’m unable to muster the energy to masturbate. I’m mentally and physically tired and hope that the bath will encourage sleep to come quickly.

  My heart saddens when I remember that Sadie is not with me when I get out of the tub. There’s no way I’d be able to take care of her and all of my responsibilities with the wedding. I’ve spent a night or two away from her in the past, but this weekend is different. The stress of being perfect, saying the right things and acting perfect has my body wound like a top. Anna agreed to take care of her for the long weekend, so knowing that Sadie is in good hands takes a small bit of stress away.

  Unable to fall asleep, I tiptoe across the hotel hall with my phone and room key in hand. Within five seconds of tapping on the door, it swings open. I see a tired, half naked Joe standing in front of me. Joe takes me by the hand and leads me into his room without a word. He puts on a shirt before joining me in his bed. We lay silently as Joe spoons me and lightly brushes his fingers up and down my left arm that rests above the covers. Even in the dark, my eyes stay open, barely blinking as I miss Sadie and go over in my head what to say for my toast for Saturday.

  “Hmmm?” I inquire, realizing Joe said something in my ear, but my thoughts were too hectic and drowned him out.

  “Missing Sadie?”

  “Yeah . . . .”

  He tightens his arms around me and my body softens when his lips caress my neck. My mind calms while his sweet breath dances over my shoulder several times. Suddenly, my eyes feel heavy like they are being pulled down by weights.

  “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Goodnight, Joe,” I purr.

  Forty Three

  I wake to Joe’s fingers gently stroking my face. “Emma . . . .”

  “Hmmmm?” I keep my eyes closed.

  “I know you’re tired . . .” he comments.

  “Then, stop trying to wake me,” I complain in a groggy voice.

  Joe’s lips sweetly taste mine, like he's carefully licking every drop of ice cream before it runs down a cone. “It’s time to get up,” he instructs.

  I groan my protest as I roll more into his hot body and take his mouth with mine like I’m devouring the rest of the ice cream.

  He chuckles as he pulls away from me. “If you want to make it to your room safely, without being noticed, you’ll need to get up.”

  My eyes bolt open and my head darts around the room as I launch to a sitting position. Shit. I completely forgot where we were. My racing heart slows a few beats as I enjoy the sensation of Joe’s lips softly pecking my exposed shoulder. I turn my head in the direction of his face and our gazes lock instantly, sending sparks into my veins. Two seconds later, I find myself laying on top of Joe with our mouths hooked together. I groan disappointment when I unwillingly pull away. Joe laughs while his mouth strives to stay connected to mine as we come to a sitting position. My arms tighten around his neck and his around my back.

  Releasing me first, he unconvincingly says, “Go.”

  I don’t move to get off his lap. My fingers twist into his shirt.

  Gently cupping my face, Joe repeats, “Go.”

  My eyes find his. I don’t move.

  With a wicked grin, he teasingly threatens, “I don’t want you to . . . but . . . .”

  Nodding, I lean in for one last, long kiss before I slowly slide backward to the end of the bed. We watch each other as I gradually move to the dresser where my phone and room key wait.

  Back in my room, I take a longer than usual shower to wake up and my brain starts to go over the schedule for the day. By eight-thirty, I meet everyone for breakfast in the main restaurant. The rest of the morning is spa time as all bridesmaids get waxed, eyebrows threaded, manicures, pedicures, facials and have our hair twisted up into three different styles. Maggie never made a final decision on hairstyles for herself and us. Normally, I would enjoy the spa, but my brain is distracted by the ever increasing pressure of my toast.

  I’ve never given a toast. I hate talking in or to large crowds, let alone being singled out in one like Jared did at his birthday party. I don't know what to say. I know that I don’t want it to be a cliche, boring, impersonal or contrived. How do I make it from the heart when I’m not good at expressing my feelings, even to my two best friends? The very idea of getting up in front of over four hundred people makes my stomach churn.

  By mid afternoon, Amelia and I are rounding up the wedding party for the official dress rehearsal that is taking place outdoors on The Pacific Lawn. The official numbers for attendees has increased over the past month with a final headcount for everyone are, including the bride and groom, at a total of four hundred and eighty-six people.

  Standing next to Maggie at the alter is surreal. It’s not the big day and I’m having wedding day jitters. I feel like I need to pee and I just went before we got outside. The thought of having to walk down one side of the semi-circle staircase all by myself is daunting. To distract myself, I glance around the beautiful private, oval-shaped setting that has a trellised gazebo with rose bushes and jacaranda trees. My eyes sweep across to the groomsmen and I find Lee and Richard smiling back at me with the look guys give women when they’re interested and hoping to talk, or something else, later. I quickly look away and find Jimmy and Allen teary-eyed which makes me laugh. If they’re this emotional now, how bad will they be tomorrow? A smirk flits across my face at the thought just before my gaze hits the stunning blue eyes of Joe Covelli who is looking back at me. My smile curls just before my eyes dart to the ground and then trail up to Maggie and Henry who are intently listening to the priest. I survey across the setting behind us, to see where all of the guests will be sitting tomorrow and a lump catches in my throat. There are already a lot of chairs out in the grass, but the staff are adding more. Nausea returns.

  Once we finish at the gazebo, Amelia walks us to where our precession should go after we climb up the stairs back into the hotel. She points out several locations where pictures will be taken and then leads the way to a hidden room where we will all wait to be announced for our entry into the reception that will be occurring in The Pacific Ballroom. We proceed into the ballroom where the final touches are taking place and we’re shown where to go when we are announced. I’m hoping that Joe is paying attention because I’m busy checking out the decadent, all white and crystal decor that the room is covered in. The only things missing are the red floral arrangements that are schedule to be delivered early tomorrow.

  By the time we sit to eat for the rehearsal dinner, my brain has fogged over and I’m not registering anything. Food. My body needs food if I’m going to be required to function any further. After eating my salad, relaxation washes over me when I realize that I don’t need to give a toast tonight. I kick my heels off under the table to give me feet a break.

  As we’re sitting around chatting, Jared sweetly massages my feet and calves as discretely as he can under the table. I pretend to listen to everyone chatting, but my brain is on overdrive trying to think about what to say tomorrow. I do try to focus on what people are talking about to see if that might help spark and idea or two. So far, nothing has helped.

  Leaving the private room of the restaurant once we’re all finished, Jared, Nathan, Amy and Kim follow me back to my room and I barely notice them.

  “You okay, Kitten?” Jared checks.

  “Huh? . . . yeah . . . why?” I mutter.

  “You don’t look like you’re here,” he informs me.

  “She hasn’t looked like she’s been here since this morning,” Amy comments.


  “What’s wrong?” Jared sweetly presses.

  “Nothing . . . I’m sorry. Here.” I hand them each a schedule for tomorrow, the big day. “I have backups, but try not to loose these.”

  “What’s bugging you?” Jared searches, looking at the paper I give him, then takes a photo with his phone and pocke
ts it.

  “Ohhh, great idea!” Amy comments. She and everyone else takes a picture with their phones.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” I lie.

  Amy and Kim head back to the family once we’ve finish, but Jared and Nathan stay.

  “I think we should stay the night,” Jared announces.


  “You’re clearly having a challenge with the wedding,” Nathan states.

  “No, I’m not. I’m just freaking out about what to say for my toast!” I share.

  They both stare at me for a moment.

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” Jared searches.

  “No . . .” I whine.

  “You sure?” Nathan double checks.

  “Yeah . . . I . . . I just need . . . .”

  Jared places his hands on either of my arms just below my shoulders. “You know whatever you say will be perfect, right?”

  My head slowly lowers down. I can feel the tears swarming in my eyes and blurring my vision.

  “Kitten . . .” Jared calls, prompting me by the chin to look up at him.

  I let me head lift, but I keep my gaze down.

  “Kitten . . . ” he sweetly lures.

  Two tears tumble down my cheeks. Jared wraps his arms around me and I instantly curl into him. I feel Nathan do the same behind me.

  “I’ll be right there with you,” Jared states.

  Nathan runs his fingers through my hair. “Do you want us to stay the night?”

  I shake my head.

  “Do you want us to stay for a while until you calm down?” Nathan inspects.

  I shake my head again as I sniffle. “I just need a bath and some rest,” I announce.

  “You sure?” Jared probes.

  “Yeah . . . I just need to be alone for a while.”

  “Okay, Kitten,” Jared confirms with heartfelt understanding. He hugs me tighter for a few more minutes, kissing me on the side of my head on occasion.

  The three of us finally say goodnight and I move to the bathroom to start the water. Just as I’m lowering my body into the steaming, hot water, my phone chirps.

  “Hey . . .” I greet with a tired voice.

  “Hey, beautiful. You okay?” Joe queries with concern in his voice.

  “Yeah . . . .”


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