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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

Page 70

by Martha Sweeney

Sadie moves closer to me, nudging my chin with her nose.

  For amusement, I say his name and Sadie’s tail begins to furiously beat against the bed several times and stops. Curious, I say Jared’s name and her tag only gently wags. I repeat Joe’s name and Sadie’s tail moves feverishly as she whimpers.

  For some strange reason, I’m compelled to video tape her to see if she’ll do it again, convinced that Joe or anyone else would never believe me if I told them about this. I repeat Joe’s name, then Amy, Eric and Kim, then Joe’s again followed by Jared’s, then Maggie’s and Joe’s. I change up the names again, adding Pop-Pop and Nathan to the mix. Each time Joe’s name is said, Sadie whines or whimpers and her tail feverishly pounds on the bed. Anytime I say Jared's or Maggie’s name, her tail only moves a little. If I say anyone else’s name, her tail doesn’t move.

  “Seriously?” I complain. “You’ve got to be kidding me?!”

  Hesitantly, I get up and grab my room key. Joe’s quick to answer the door after I knock. He takes a step out into the hallway with a curious look on his face, not sure why I’m standing back a few feet away and why Sadie isn’t with me.

  “Sadie wants you to join us,” I announce.

  With a wicked grin, Joe checks, “Are you sure you don’t want me to join you ladies?”

  Without saying a word, I hold up my phone and press play — it doesn’t take Joe long to laugh, indicating he understands.

  “That’s some trick you taught her,” he comments.

  “I didn’t teach her that,” I confront. “She was too tired to follow me out here, so are you coming or not?”

  “Definitely coming,” Joe comments. “I just need to get my phone and key.”

  Walking away, I inform, “The door will be open.”

  Joe quickly darts into the room and Sadie beams with excitement and snuggles right into Joe and me once we’re settled under the covers. I repeat the show for Joe so he can see it live, and without fail, Sadie does her little trick. Joe takes a turn, saying everyone’s name, including his and mine. Sadie’s tail only bounces vigorously for our names and just a little for Jared and Maggie.

  “This isn’t something you taught her, is it?” I speculate.

  Laughing, Joe objects, “No.”

  I eye him, but believe him.

  We quickly get settled one more time, with Joe and I curled into each other, our faces barely an inch or two apart and Sadie draped over our legs. Our hands scratch Sadie’s head as we bid each other goodnight followed by sweet kisses.

  Sixty Nine

  Back home, I catch up with Maggie at her place for lunch on Saturday. I’m relieved when I see Maggie, my Maggie, staring back at me. My heart settles quickly when I observe that she and Henry both seem relaxed and refreshed. I ask about their interest to try again to conceive and she confirms that they definitely plan to. Apparently, Maggie needs to give her body a little time to heal, internally that is, to be ready and healthy for the next conception. They’re able to have sex, but they refrain from deliberately doing what is necessary for her to get pregnant.

  While we eat, she asks to be caught up on everything for the Raven facility. We review the photos I took as well as the floor plans I received in order to map the layout for the servers in the basement, the security doors and exits as well as protocols for staff in and out of the facility. We also line up which days work best for her to start doing some video interviews with some potential staff this week.

  I don’t stay too long after lunch, needing to get back to Pasadena to get ready for the concert tonight at the Disney Concert Hall with Joe and his parents. Getting home, I feed Sadie, then we go for a light frolic outside. After a shower to freshen up, I choose a light purple, silk, floor-length dress for the evening. I add some gold and gemstone earrings, bracelet and necklace and finish the outfit with my sparkling gold Jimmy Choo shoes. Styling my hair a little, I lightly curl it to add some volume and bounce.

  Joe and his parents pick me up, all coming up to my apartment unexpectedly. I knew that Joe would come up to escort me down, but I didn’t expect his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Covelli sweetly greet Sadie before entering and peruse my small, humble abode. I make a comment about it being small and nothing like Joe’s place. Mrs. Covelli kindly says that the place suits me and my personality.

  Down in the parking area, the four of us file into a Rolls Royce limo that fits us comfortably in the back while our driver takes the streets. After just a little bit of traffic, we arrive at the hall.

  Once inside, we take our seats in the balcony. Mr. and Mrs. Covelli seem rather impressed with the architectural structure and layout of the building by their comments since we’ve entered. Sitting side by side, Joe is to my left with Mrs. Covelli to my right and Mr. Covelli on the other side of her. We chat lightly until the lights begin to dim and Gustavo Dudamel takes the stage after the orchestra, ready to conduct them to perform works of art written by Maurice Ravel for the evening.

  Dudamel begins with the song Le Tombeau de Couperin and my ears are captivated the moment the violins chime in. The song makes me think of several Disney movies that have used bits and pieces of this emotionally driving work of art, but hearing them strung together as one complete movement, gives it a whole new meaning and life. The second song the Philharmonic performs by Ravel is Miroirs which is a solo piano piece with five different movements. When the third movement begins, Joe whispers that this piece is one of his favorites since it’s called Une Barque Sur L’océan, which when translated means a boat on the ocean. The third song is called Concerto for the Left Hand, but the full orchestra plays a small yet interesting introduction and joins in at several other times in the arrangement. Interestingly, this song was composed for Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein who lost his right arm during World War One. The song starts off with a very low, somber tone, but takes you in several directions emotionally through its entirety. The final song played for us is Bolero which was originally composed as a ballet commissioned by Russian ballerina Ida Rubenstein.

  When the performance is over, we take our time to the limo, discussing our enjoyment of the evening. Almost arriving in Pasadena, Joe insists to his mother that we’ll drop of her and his father off first and then Joe will take me home with the Tesla. We say our farewells, dragging them out a little since his parents are leaving tomorrow first thing in the morning.

  Back at my apartment, Joe stays for a bit while I change and take Sadie out one last time for the night. Joe lingers a little longer, but knows he can’t stay for multiple reasons. He tucks Sadie and me in bed, sitting on top of the covers once I’m under and sitting up. We talk about a few incidentals, trying to make the moment last.

  “Can I see you tomorrow?” Joe questions.

  “Maybe,” I answer with a grin.

  “Maybe it is,” Joe confirms with a kiss.

  My mouth eagerly accepts his, not wanting to let go. After several minutes, Joe groans a little when he pulls away and my hands softly cup his face to keep him close.

  “Sorry,” I say.

  “Don’t be,” he sweetly replies. “I know I need to go, but I want to stay.”

  I don’t confirm or deny my thoughts on the current situation and Joe doesn’t insist on finding out.

  He snatches a few more kisses before pulling away. “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  “Goodnight, Joe.”

  When Joe rounds the corner of my bedroom doorway, Sadie starts whining. She jumps off the bed, following him to the front door.

  “Sadie,” I call, chasing after her.

  “What’s wrong, Sadie?” Joe asks, bending down to pet her.

  Sadie nuzzles into his body, almost knocking him over.

  “It’s better I’m up anyway,” I try to brush it off. “I should switch the security lock on.”

  Joe doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t need to. He stands back up, sweeps me into him and delivers a sinfully delicious kiss. My body molds to his, enjoying every single touch.

  Once Joe
’s gone, I head back to bed while Sadie chooses to sit by the door, whimpering. Five minutes later, she gives up and comes to bed.

  “You’ll see him soon enough,” I console, scratching her behind her ears.


  Sunday morning, Sadie and I meet up with Maggie and the family at her home. Jared and Pop-Pop join us as well, but Nathan stays behind to work since the premier with Chris is only eleven days away. Both Maggie and Henry appear to be themselves, even when I watch Maggie closely while she plays with Jet, Rey and Jade in the pool. Joe makes it to the house by lunch after seeing his parents off and my family, friends and I enjoy each other’s company into the evening, swimming, eating and laughing.

  I stay with Maggie and Henry Sunday night to discuss business with Maggie the next day and to conduct some of our video interviews for additional staff. From eight in the morning until two, Maggie and I are on the computer conducting ten different interviews though video with candidates for management positions. Most of the interviews take only about twenty to thirty minutes, giving us a few minutes in between as a quick break. We finally have lunch once we’re finished, not talking as we stuff our faces. Once finished, the two of us move to the patio to relax and talk.

  After discussing at length with Maggie the different candidates for the CEO and CFO positions, I pose a question to her. “What are your thoughts if I didn’t choose any of the candidates for either position?”

  Maggie studies me for a minute. “Who would you suggest then? We need someone for each position.”

  “You, at the helm,” I mention.

  “Me?” she checks. The light bulb goes off above her head a few seconds later. “Me! You want me as CEO?”

  “Only if you want it. I know you’d be great. You have the depth of vision, you know how I like things run and you know how to do it.” Pausing for a moment, I add, “And, I trust you completely and know you’re completely capable.”

  Tears well up in her eyes. “I’d be honored! Thank you. Thank you, Emma.” Maggie rushes over to hug me.

  Finally able to catch my breath after practically being squeezed to death, I comment, “Great. Well, your first order of business is to pick the CFO and hire someone to take over your job as COO.”

  “What?” she states dumbfounded.

  “If you feel the need, promote from within. I trust you and your judgment.”

  “I was going to mention promoting some of the staff, they’ve been doing really well with the changes and some have taken the lead on a few things. I’d rather promote Ryan and Daphne than hire anyone we just spoke to the last few hours. They get the company and we won’t have a learning curve to deal with on many aspects. They’ll need a little training for their new roles, but they’ve always been able to learn quickly.”

  “It’s done,” I confirm. “Let them know.”

  With the facility underway and our team established, our next task is to take all of the comments and questions from the Covelli staff who have been using the Raven software and map out scripts for all instructional pieces we’ll need to provide for our current and future clients. Maggie sends off detailed instructions for our staff informing them of the promotions, changes and to start creating sales pieces, which include videos and other items, some of which will be used to market our product before we launch.

  When dinner time finally arrives, Maggie insists on me staying when Henry’s parents, Mŭqīn, Fŭqīn and Nǎinai arrive. The family falls into its regular routine of eating and chatting into the evening. Seeing that Maggie won’t say anything, I raise my glass of tea to give a toast to our success for the day and that we have established our new staff, with Maggie at the helm as CEO. Everyone cheers and Henry requests one of the maids to open a bottle of champagne as the eight of us celebrate for the rest of the night.

  The next day, when we finish lunch and Henry is on his way to his MBA classes, I get Maggie out of the house for a little girl time. Kim and Amy join us at the spa, then we have dinner while the kids continue to have daddy time. The four of us comfortably fall into a variety of conversations, some of which we share more about ourselves, feeling free since our girls’ time in Sedona for Maggie and Henry’s bachelor-bachelorette weekend.

  Deacon, Maggie’s driver and bodyguard, drops Sadie and me off at my apartment by ten and then continues back down to San Marino with Maggie. Joe and I text, but I don’t invite him over and I don’t agree to go see him. I’m horny and don’t have my period, but the fact that Sadie and I both want to see him already perplexes me.

  Friday after a night with my friends, I succumb to my desires for Joe when he drives us back to Pasadena — my hormones are on overdrive. Scared that Sadie might try to stay at Joe’s, my brain and body yank Joe inside, eagerly peeling off his clothes as we kiss. We’re practically naked by the time we make it to my bedroom doorway.

  Desperate to stay connected, Joe sensually provides me four orgasms to his two after at least an hour of non-stop stimulation. When Joe comes back from using the bathroom, he snuggles right into me under the covers. He plays with my hair, kissing my shoulder on occasion when he’s not consuming my mouth. At some point, Sadie walks over to us, plopping herself between our bodies, which forces Joe and I to separate physically. We laugh at Sadie’s blatant attempt for attention. After a few minutes of petting or playing with her, Joe gets up, walks around the bed to the window side, and gets back under the covers, spooning me. Sadie moves closer, enough for Joe to still pet her, but she doesn’t try to wedge herself between us again.

  Joe whines when I inform him that I’m kicking him out, lagging while he gets dressed and walks to the door.

  “Why can’t I stay?” he asks for the third time, engulfing my mouth.

  “Just sex,” I remind, finally answering him.

  Joe huffs defeat, but continues to kiss me until I literally have to push him out the door after several attempts to guide us both back to my bed.

  “Goodnight, Joe,” I bid.

  “Goodnight, beautiful,” he reluctantly replies.

  Seventy One

  Saturday morning, I pack a bag and take Sadie with me to Nathaniel’s to go over some business while also trying to see if I can get a peek at the dress. When lunchtime rolls around, I’m not surprised to see Jared and Pop-Pop until they start acting oddly toward me.

  “Why are you being weird?” I ask Jared.

  It feels like there’s an elephant in the room.

  “I’m not being weird,” he debates.

  “Yes, you are,” I press.

  “I think it’s time for Emma to see the dress,” Nathan announces.

  No one says a word for a few seconds as my eyes dart back and forth to their faces. I eagerly jump up, following Nathan when he starts to leave the room.

  Nathan begins babbling, nervous and excited all at once. “I hope you like it. I know you’ll like it. You promise you won’t be mad if there’s a little more skin showing than you might expect. I just had to make it, it fits perfectly with the theme of the movie and Chris’ suit and . . . .”

  “I’m sure I’m going to love it,” I encourage, taking his hand.

  “I did create an alternate, just in case this is too much for you,” Nathan confesses.

  “Nathan, I trust you.”

  He turns around and unlocks the closet.

  My gaze falls upon a stunning dress that leaves me speechless. It’s the most glamorous, sensual and provocative, yet sophisticated, piece I have ever witnessed Nathan create. “Wow!” my voice expresses breathlessly.

  “Seriously?” Nathan checks, interpreting my reaction.

  “Yes,” I confirm at a barely audible level as my eyes soaks up every inch of the amazing garment in front of me.

  Situated on a manikin, sits a gold dress adorned with gold beads and gems sewn into a see-through gold top layer of fabric. The neck of the dress is a solid, gold bar necklace that alone costs several thousands of dollars. The bodice area of the dress forms tightly to the breasts, dra
ping over the middle of the necklace and back down to the waist with a long, triangular cutout that exposes flesh — and cleavage. Beads and gems cover the entire dress from the neck to the floor with the last few feet of the transparent fabric flowing outward all the way around to a five-foot train. There’s a slit in the dress that is just off to the side of the left leg.

  “Do you want to try it on?” Nathan inquires.

  “Yes, please,” I agree sharply due my excitement.

  He’s cutting it a little close with making sure it fits since the premier is only five days away.

  Denise and Nathan assist me with getting the dress on. I have to pin my hair up and remove all of my clothing except my underwear. A giggle trickles past my throat when I realize that I’m wearing one of the pairs of panties that Joe gave me.

  “Wow!” Jared comments when the door opens.

  “You look absolutely lovely, Emma,” says Pop-Pop.

  “Do you have to make any alterations, babe?” Jared checks.

  “No. It fits her perfectly,” Nathan replies. He takes my hand and leads me to the floor length, triple mirrors.

  I gasp immediately, awe struck when I see my reflection.

  “Her hair definitely needs to go up,” Denise mentions. “It’ll look the best that way while preventing it from getting snagged on the dress.”

  “Definitely,” agrees Nathan and Jared at the same time.

  “I’ll need tape or something to keep my boobs in place,” I add, choking back tears.

  “Of course,” Nathan agrees.

  My body shakes as I spin slightly, catching a glimpse of the openness of the back of the dress that starts under the necklace and trails all the way down to the small of my back. The beads and gems sparkle under the light.

  “How does it feel?” Nathan asks, seeing me turn and shift.

  “Good,” I reply. “It feels great.”

  “Good,” Nathan sings, clapping his hands.

  Everyone stands around in silence for several minutes, letting me soak up the moment.


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