Pony Girl Sentence (Slaves of Olympus Book 3)

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Pony Girl Sentence (Slaves of Olympus Book 3) Page 7

by Alan Horn

  "Kitty, Mistress. Your slave begs your forgiveness. I forgot."

  " What was your position in Hindi?"

  "I was the senior wife of a prince."

  I hit her other thigh with the crop. Her yelp was loud and shrill. "I'm sorry Mistress, I forgot. I'll try harder. I've never been a slave before."

  "Now you are a slave in the house of Apollo. He wishes you to become a pony girl and I am your trainer. There are several rules you must follow or be punished. First, address all women as Mistress and all men as Master. Second, obey every command. Third acknowledge every command verbally. Fourth, do not speak without permission. Are we clear?"

  She looked at me. Her eyes full of disdain. "I am a princess. I will not bend to your wishes."

  An honest answer. I loved my truth charm. "It is always difficult for a new slave girl to learn appropriate behavior. Learning is sometimes painful." I laid a hard stroke on her thigh. I paused a long time between each stroke. She screamed and tried to twist away from the pain so I lay the next stroke across her ass. She yelled, "Stop that. I can't stand it. You'll kill me." and so forth. Their chain was short and secured at both ends to the wall, so she didn't have much play. As she writhed she yanked her neighbor's necks too. My next stroke landed across both breasts, right across both nipples. Her screams were shrill and long for this one. My pussy was getting wet. I loved this. After eight random strokes she was begging me to stop. After ten she was begging to obey. She was sobbing and had snot running out of her nose again. "Archana, are you going to obey the rules?"

  "Yes. Yes. I will obey them."

  I lay another hard stroke across her breasts. She screamed for a long time. When she stopped, I said, "how should you address me?"


  "Are you going to obey the rules?"

  "Yes, Mistress, I will obey the rules."

  "That was much better, Kitty. What did you do to rate your punishment?"

  "Mistress, I plotted to have my people loose Draks on Earth. I wanted to conquer Olympus while your defenders were saving Earth."


  "Mistress, I wanted to end female slavery on Olympus."

  "The women here are not unhappy as slaves. Why did you want to intervene here?"

  "Mistress, I knew the women here are oppressed, even if they do not know it. They have been slaves for many centuries and don't know any better."

  "If we are happy this way, why do you want to change us?"

  "Mistress, your slavery demeans women everywhere, not just here. You are property. You wear ankle chains and a collar. Do you like these things? It makes us less than men, unworthy. It made me feel unworthy. We wanted to raise up women everywhere."

  "You have a lot of gall starting a war with the intent of killing millions of people. All to change the lives of people that are already quite happy. That is why you are here, under my control."

  "Yes, Mistress."

  "How many times have you had sexual congress in the past month?"

  "None, Mistress."

  "How many times have you achieved an orgasm in the past year?"

  None, Mistress."

  "Open your mouth."

  I inserted her gag and tightened it. I left her nipple clamp where it was.

  I went to the next girl and took out her gag.

  "Did you hear the rules I gave to Kitty?"

  "Yes, Mistress."

  "What is your name?"

  "Lily, Mistress."

  "What was your position in Hindi?"

  "Mistress, I was the wife of a minister in Brahma's government."

  "Will you break the rules when it is safe to do so?"

  "Yes, Mistress." She looked aghast at what she had said.

  "It doesn't matter because it will never be safe to break the rules. Even so you have earned punishment for your intent." The first stroke landed across her ass because she turned. Her screams and pleas filled the air. I whipped her only eight times because she begged to obey after that one.

  "What was your position in the conspiracy?"

  "I was a planner along with Kitty, Mistress. She was the leader but I was her second in command."

  "Were your motivations the same as hers?"

  "Most of them, Mistress. She cared only for the women here. It would not improve her status if we had won. I wanted to improve my husband's position. I would benefit if we won."

  "How many times have you orgasmed in the last month?"

  "None, Mistress."

  "How many times did you have intercourse in the past month?"

  "None, Mistress."

  "Do your nipples hurt, Lily?"

  Mistress, I have much pain. I beg you to loosen them."

  "They hurt much less than if they were eaten by Draks. Be thankful and accept your punishment."

  "Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

  I put her gag back in and strapped it tight. The next two were Shirley and Megan. They each got eight stripes. They screamed just like the first two. Neither of them were much into the principle of the plan. They were most interested in personal gain. So much for principle. The training course had shown me how to care for them, but they hadn't had the pony girl course yet. It's time to fix that.

  I took the headgear off Kitty and hung it up. "Does it feel good to get this off?"

  "Yes, Mistress, may we have our hands down? This position is quite uncomfortable."

  "No. It is part of your punishment. You'll get used to it."

  I took the headgear off the other three girls.

  "Sluts, it's time to get you trained to be pony girls. I'm taking you all over to the training center. You're going to love it."

  Kitty asked, "Mistress, can we know how long we must suffer the pain in our breasts?"

  I gave her another stripe, this time on her ass. She jumped and squealed. I waited for her to quiet down.

  "You may not speak without permission. You must ask for permission to speak first."

  "Yes, Mistress. I am sorry. I will do better."

  "You will suffer the pain until I am satisfied. Now silence."

  Training Plan

  I stripped the pony girl tack off them and hung it up. I asked house to send me someone to help get them to the training center. Alice appeared and I put a leash on Kitty's nose ring and led them to the training center, still in coffle. I introduced them to house and asked him to give them the new slave and the pony girl courses. We put them on the chairs one at a time. It wasn't easy because they were apprehensive about the chair's big phallus. A touch of the whip and they were impaled and asleep.

  I met Alice in the hall. We both knelt. And it struck me.

  "Alice, Olympus is changing me. I knelt to talk to you. I never would have considered this on Earth. And look at me. I put myself on display without thinking about it. Legs spread as wide as comfortable, breasts thrust out, head high. I even crossed my arms behind me. You look the same way. I'm so conditioned. I love my slavery."

  "So, tell me about these girls we just put on the chairs."

  "They are four ringleaders of the Hindi plot. When we gave the place back to Brahma, he gave Apollo these four. He wants them to be show pony girls and he asked me to train them."

  "You're a good choice. You did well with Ramira. She turned out well for someone Apollo was ready to kill."

  "So, here's what I want to talk to you about. I have a plan. They are different from Ramira. She had to deal with a change of sex and slavery. These four were big shots in Hindi and now they're slaves here. The pony girl stuff I think is minor compared to their loss of power."

  "That sounds right to me, but I'm no expert. I've never been a pony girl."

  "Well, Alexander thinks he can punish them by keeping them from having orgasms. I don't think that's going to work because these girls are so repressed. None of them have much sex and even when they do, they seldom have orgasms. So, I'm going to turn on their libido while I'm teaching them to be fine pony girls. I'll begin by teaching them to orgasm t
o the whip. After they've had a lot of orgasms I'll add girls, then men. I think the physical pleasure is going to be so shocking to them that slavery will feel heaven sent. The pony girl stuff will be just a little erotic icing on the orgasmic cake. After they're hooked on sex, then I'll put the chastity stuff back. This will make them needy, unfulfilled pony girls."

  "I like it. We have all the means and its a proven approach. How long until they're fully conditioned, do you think?"

  "Since they are so depressed by losing all their power and status, more than a month, I'm sure."

  House spoke up, Your girls are finished, Anne. Shall I wake them all now?"

  "Wait just a moment, house."

  "Alice, I'm their trainer now, but I'm going to be going to Hindi in a few months with Alexander. I want you to take over as their trainer. If you want it, I'll recommend you to Alexander."

  "Oh, no. You're my friend. I need you here to talk to."

  "I'll miss you too, so much. Remember, we're just slave girls. We don't get to make decisions. We don't have a choice."

  "OK. Yes. I will be their trainer. It sounds like fun."

  "Good. You need to take the pony girl trainer course. Its short. My basic plan is simple: They get fed twice a day, morning and evening. Their tails stay in except when we enema them. I want them to accept they are now property for others to use. For the first week I'll keep them in their cage at night and treat them like pet girls. Clean them, feed them, leave them in the cage all day, whip them in the evening and let the girls play with them. Repeat every day for a week. Then move them to the stable and work them hard. Clean them, put their tails in, feed them, whip and fuck, then some sort of pony girl exercise. Rest, then more pony exercises, feed and clean them then more whip and fuck. I want them to feel they are being punished and still give them two orgasms a day, minimum. Some evenings I want to bring them back to have the girls play with them and spend some time in their cage.

  "All right, house. Wake them one at a time and we will get them up. I'll start with Kitty." I didn't think they could get off the phallus without help. Their hands were still locked to the back of their collars.

  I woke feeling a great arousal and a horrible pain in my breasts. I was still impaled on that artificial male penis. My vagina was full and wet. My whole body and especially my breasts hurt with a deep ache. Mistress and her friend lifted me up and off the penis with an embarrassing, moist sucking sound. They took me out of the room and fastened my leash to a ring on the wall. I watched as, one by one, they brought the others out and fastened us in coffle like before. I wanted to beg for the pain to stop, but I knew she wouldn't relent yet. When we were all in the hall, Mistress took hold of my leash and led us back to the stable.

  Chapter 6 : Ravi Meets Alice

  Olympus was a different place. Brahma himself sent me here to help repay their help. A small group of my people had tried to conquer this place through means most foul. I was ashamed for Hindi. We had acted heinously and I had contributed. Not voluntarily. I had returned home to find my wife and children had been arrested. I was summoned to the Minister's office. His wife was there too. He informed me that they were in no danger. They would be returned to me after we had taken Olympus. They wanted my help circumventing the Olympians systems of surveillance. I didn't know about the Draks, but I would have done anything to recover my family. They were killed when the Draks invaded Hindi instead of Olympus. The minister of defense himself had lied to me. This in itself was not unusual. I rarely knew the uses of my developments. 'National Security' and 'State Secret' was always the answer. I resolved never to accept that again.

  Apollo received me. He felt much like Brahma. Wise, powerful and they both could see right through you.

  We don't use telepathy much in Hindi. It is most common among family members. Apollo used it to introduce me to Vulcan and his associates. He gave me a map of the city and informed me of many details of life here.

  There is much high technology here, but it is hidden behind a facade of antiquity. Every stone wall seems to hide nano-technology devices using molecular encoding. But there is much beyond that I do not understand. I could learn much here. For example, when we were about finished, Apollo asked me if I would like him to help me get ready for the females. I was confused so he explained that I would have compliant females trying to get me to love them continually. I didn't see any problem with that and he asked me how many women I could love in an hour.. I hemmed and hawed. Finally, he told me that every man in Olympus had that problem and asked me again if I wanted him to help me get ready. When in Rome...so I said, go ahead. He gave me a piercing look and a thrill shot through my body.

  "Now you have conscious control of the state of your penis. Just think of it being hard and it will be hard in seconds. Same for soft. Try it."

  I did, and it worked. I could control it. Frankly, I was eager to give it a trial run. "Thank you Apollo. Is there a girl handy for me to test this on?"

  "Of course. Mel"

  A quite astonishingly beautiful blond nymph entered the room. A slave girl, collared, chained and naked. Oh my. My cock started stiffening on its own. I thought, 'soft' and it relaxed. "May I have this slave show me around, Apollo?"

  "Naturally, Mel, show Ravi around and find somewhere more private and seduce him."

  She smiled, "Yes, Master." She took my hand and led me out of the room.

  "The garden is very nice now, Master."


  My cock performed admirably and repeatedly for Mel. She told me about life in Olympus between cock tests.

  The personal lives of Olympians seems too simple and uncomplicated. Men are complete masters of women. Women are property, slaves of the men. It is common for a man to own at least one woman. And all the women are chained. At home, men and women are more equal. Women are respected and parents choose their mates. Men can have more than one wife, but it is rare. We think only an exceptional man can properly care for more than one woman. I walked through the city and saw few young boys and no girls. I understand that most children are not raised by their parents. And the girls prepared for slavery at an early age. I don't see how this works yet. I enjoyed my childhood with my parents and I would not have wanted to give it up. Yet I understand how raising a child is a burden too. I need to learn more.

  Apollo loaned me one of his women while I am here, showed me her image, and told me how to find her. Her name is Alice and he told me she is a new arrival from Earth, not born here, and she's helping in the stable. She seems to have a surprise for me. I guess its time to meet her.

  I found her outside of a stable. She was beautiful with long red hair, a pixie face and a wonderful figure. She was brushing a long skein of dark hair. "Hello. You are Alice?

  She turned to face me, still holding the hair in one hand and a brush in the other. Her face was quizzical at first then blossomed into a radiant smile. She dropped the things on the ground and knelt facing me. She spread her knees wide and crossed her arms behind her. Her breasts were perfect. She was naked and wore a collar and chains. There was a large gold ring in her nose.

  I was finishing Kitty's tail when I was startled by a man's voice. He said my name. I turned and saw a tall, dark complexioned man. Suddenly I was awash in lust.

  He was athletic and handsome. I was mesmerized and I wanted him in me. All I could think of was loving him. I knelt as I was trained and crossed my wrists behind me. My bracelets locked as I knew they would. I belonged to Apollo, but he told me he had loaned me to this man, Ravi.

  "Greetings, Master. I am Alice. How may I serve you?"

  "My name is Ravi. Apollo told me you knew I was coming? And stand up. I'm not used to beautiful women kneeling to me. It makes me uncomfortable." She seemed to levitate up, her motion was so smooth and graceful.

  He called me beautiful! "Master, I am Apollo's slave and all men are my Master. I will obey you as long as you are here. I might be punished if I do not show you proper respect. Also, I love submitting t
o men. I am your obedient slave girl and it is my duty to please all men." I can't give myself to you. You must take me. Fuck me now you cad!

  "What do you mean?"

  "Master, may I kiss you?"

  She was like an houri in our fairytales. "Of course."

  She slid to me and molded her curves to mine. She kept her arms crossed behind her back and raised her red, ripe lips to mine, her head cocked to my right. I matched her and pressed my lips to hers. I held her tight and found her wrists were locked together. She put more passion in that kiss than I had ever felt before. Her nose ring pressed into my upper lip and I thought it made her even more erotic than the sight. She tasted of honey and flowers and I felt giddy. What a kiss, what a woman. Are all Olympian women like this or was Apollo unusually generous? No wonder the Olympians keep their women slave.

  Our tongues did the lover's gavotte all around our mouths. I think she would have held the kiss forever. I broke it and came up for air only when I had to breathe.

  Our kiss was wonderful. He tasted of musk and spice and far away lands. I felt his cock growing against me. Maybe..."May I service you, Master?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Master, I feel your erection. May I relieve you or would you like to love me now? We have all day and night as long as you are here."

  My God. Is this what Olympian men have available. How do they get anything done? "Yes, service me now, slave girl."

  I slithered to my knees keeping as much body contact as possible. I lifted his zipper with my tongue and grasped it with my teeth. His musk was strong here. My love juices were wetting my nether lips. Finally, I got it down and stuck my nose into his treasure zone. I loved his aroma. It was a struggle, but I got his cock exposed and it forced its own way out of the clothing. My he was big. I want this in my cunt soon. I licked and sucked at the tip until his pre-cum appeared. I lapped it up like ice cream. It was delicious.

  She used her mouth to free my penis. That was mind blowing by itself. Then she sucked my whole penis into her mouth licking all the while. She bobbed her head in and out. I came into her mouth and she swallowed it all. Not a drop escaped. She held my cock in her mouth sucking ferociously until I shrank to my normal size. She looked up at me and smiled.


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