Pony Girl Sentence (Slaves of Olympus Book 3)

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Pony Girl Sentence (Slaves of Olympus Book 3) Page 8

by Alan Horn

  I felt so good. He was delicious and I think I made him feel good too. Much of my joy came from seeing the wonder on his face. I don't think he's ever had a blow job before. "Master, you are delicious. Thank you for letting me pleasure you."

  "Alice, won't Apollo be upset with you for 'servicing' me? And will he be upset with me for letting you?"

  "Master, I am a slave and my duty is to be pleasing. I have an endless capacity for love and service. Master Apollo would be quite unhappy with me if I failed to please his guest. Also disappointed if you did not find me enticing. I am a treat he provides to his guests. You should regard me as an endless candy dish, to be sampled at you pleasure."

  "Anne, what were you doing when I arrived?"

  "Master, I had just put a pony girl's tail together and was brushing it out."

  "OK. What's a pony girl?"

  Master, that's a girl who's job is to be a pony, a small horse, a beast of burden. Often they get this job as punishment."

  "What's the tail for?"

  "She has to wear it. Its a butt plug with a lock of her hair attached. Its to make her resemble a pony and it shames them and reminds them they are now only an animal."

  "They wear it all the time?"

  "Not continually. I remove it once a day so they can eliminate. Its part of the pony girl process to make them dependent on their owners for everything. I control their restraints, tack, food, elimination, training, vision, communication, and punishment."

  "And you are their owner's agent?"

  "Yes, Master. Although I've never done this before, I am trained. I only received this job and these pony girls yesterday. You may know them. There are four pony girls and they were ringleaders of the Drak plot. Brahma gave them to Apollo for punishment. Their names are Kitty, Lily, Shirley, and Megan. They had other names on Hindi: Archana, Leelavathi, Aashirya, and Megraj."

  My mind filled with joy. Those bitches. Of course I knew them. That was one reason Brahma had chosen me to come here. I had dealt with Megraj and Leelavathi directly abut only knew the others by reputation. Pony girls. How fitting. It was thrilling to imagine the overbearing, pompous females reduced to beasts of burden. Following the dictates of rein and whip. "Finish what you were doing. I want to see these pony girls."

  "Of course, Master. Would you release my hands, please. This will go faster."

  "All right. How?"

  She turned her back to me. "Master, just pull my wrists apart, and the ring will release them."

  I took her hands in mine and watched as I pulled. The golden ring joining her cuffs seemed to flow around one of her cuff's rings and then close again. More technology applied without fuss. I released her hands. I would learn more about this later. Now I wanted to see what a pony girl looked like.

  "Thank you, Master." She picked up the tail and brush and led me into the stable.

  She led me in the door and to a tiled room with several drains in the floor. I saw four strikingly beautiful girls standing in a row, their hips against a bar in the middle of the room. There was no doubt they were slaves because they were fastened more rigidly than any women I had yet seen here. Their ankles were chained like Alice's. There were more chains running from rings in the floor to hold the feet as far apart as possible. Their arms were folded up tight behind them and their wrists fastened to their collars. Chains descended from the ceiling to hold their heads high. Unlike the other women I had seen, these all wore rings supporting bells in the nipples and labia. Perfect for ponies I suppose. The girls all had ball gags strapped tightly into their mouths.

  I stepped closer and inspected them. They had name tags on their collars. I found Kitty and Leelavathi. "Greetings pony girls. You look much improved from when we last met." I grasped both of their nose rings and lifted and pulled until both of them looked into my eyes. "I understand you are to learn the skills of a beast of burden and to be punished for your past deeds. I am pleased to help with this. Did you know that my family was killed by your Draks?" I saw recognition and fear in their eyes. Good.

  Oh my. I hoped Ravi would not kill them. They were my responsibility. I needed to distract him. "Master, I was going to clean them out, insert their tails, and start their strength training. Would you like to watch?"

  "I think this will be most interesting to observe, Anne. I want to help. I want to see these particular pony girls pay for the shame they have brought on my land."

  "Excellent, Master." I put the tail and comb on a table with the other tails. I inserted the cleaning system nozzles into their assholes and started the system. The girls started shifting their asses around. "The clean cycle is automatic. It fills them with cleaner, waits a moment then empties her. This takes about two minutes. It repeats three times."

  It was pleasing to see the four bitches handled like livestock. They were helpless and handled like livestock. I watched the girls faces race through indignation, surprise, fear, and back to indignation. Anne removed the hoses when the cleaner stopped. She took the chains off their collars then forced them to bend over the bar. She fastened their nose rings to the floor and then inserted the tails. I came close and watched the process. The plug's front end was a tapering cone, with a narrow waist and a flaring end. Besides the hair glued in the end there was a small ring and a round hole. She greased the plug then worked it into the girl's asshole. She was far too gentle. I wanted them to feel more pain as the unwanted invader entered their bodies. After it was in, she inserted a key in the hole and turned it several times. I saw the girl's ass tighten as the key turned and heard her groan.

  "This makes the front end larger, Master, so it can't come out until I unlock it. It will get a lot of motion as she's running. The lock is not used on all the ponies. Only those who we want to reinforce their dependence on the good will of others. They need to learn that their body is no longer theirs."

  "Good. I expect it is difficult for these girls especially to learn that lesson."

  "They have been difficult, Master, but I believe I am getting through to them."

  "How are you accomplishing that job. I know they are stubborn."

  Master, the tried and proven way to make a non-submissive female a slave is to keep her helpless and in pain. Usually using a whip for correction is enough. In this case we some extra inducements available. Let me get their heads up and I'll show you."

  Alice released the chains from the floor and left them hanging from their nose rings. She went to one of them, grasped the girl's nipple ring and pulled it forward. The girl swayed forward. Alice pointed to the girl's nipple. "See. Master. Each of their nipples has this two part cylinder around it. The ring holds the cylinder on so she can never get it off. The two halves screw together. The inner diameter shrinks as its tightened. Once it's tight, more twisting causes metal spikes to rise into the nipple. Every quarter turn increases the pain. The are all set at one quarter turn of pain now. Master Apollo had me try one on my nipple. One quarter turn of pain is terrible. They had been receiving pain overnight for being difficult. After they have had a day of pain, in about two hours, I plan to remove the pain. If they act recalcitrant again I will give them more pain for a longer time. Let's see what they think of that."

  She removed the gag from the girl. Her name tag said 'Shirley." Once her face lost the gag's distortion, I saw she was beautiful. Beautiful and once deadly, like a black widow spider whose fangs have been pulled.

  "Shirley, does your tail hurt?"

  "No, Mistress. Thank you for removing my gag."

  "Do your nipples hurt?"

  "Yes, Mistress, they hurt terribly."

  "Describe the pain."

  "Mistress once it was a sharp shooting pain. Now it is a dull, relentless ache. My whole chest is in pain."

  "Why did I give you that pain?"

  "Mistress, I deserved it. I failed to obey you. It is fitting that I be punished. Please forgive me."

  "If I remove the pain, will you be obedient?"

  "Oh, Yes, Mistress. I will obey yo
u and everyone over me. I have learned I am your slave. I seek only to obey. My past life is gone and I will obey. I am broken. Try me Mistress, please."

  "Open." Shirley opened her mouth and Anne plopped the ball back in and tightened it.

  "Master, I don't know. Do you have slave girls in Hindi?"

  "No Alice, this is new to me."

  "Master, all we have here are slave girls. Part of out training is the methods used to control and discipline us. One of the most important rules is to administer discipline immediately and consistently. Delaying punishment or softening it is worthless for training. That is why I want to relieve the pain in a few hours. I understand your anger toward these ponies, but I hope you will let me use my training to get good results. Of course, you are my Master and I will obey you in all things."

  "Alice, I am new here and will not interfere in your methods. I do want to see these women punished for their treachery. If I am about to undo your training, I will stop. Is it possible for me to receive some education in pony girl training?"

  "Master, I received a training course. It only took a few minutes. I am sure you can have it too. Do you want me to ask house?"

  "No. I will inquire. Continue."

  "OK, Master, next I will put their tack on them and set them to work."

  Chapter 7 : Strength and Endurance

  Alice pulled harnesses and things off the wall and laid them on a table. She sorted them out for each girl.

  "First, Master. The headgear. There is a bridle and bit and plume. Very elegant."

  She strapped the bridle onto the first girl. I saw her nametag -Kitty. A former Princess of Hindi. She was of the highest rank and undoubtedly the ringleader. Her eyes were anxious. Clearly she was worried about me. Quite correctly. Alice took out her gag and held a bit up to her mouth.

  "Open wide and stick out your tongue, Kitty."

  "Mistress, I've had that gag in my mouth for hours. Please don't gag me again."

  "Kitty, I have several options now. You can comply or I can give you more pain, either through your nipples, or the whip. A longer term option is to put a ring in your tongue. Then fasten a chain between it and one of your other rings: collar, nose, nipple? Then I can just pull it out whenever I want it. Of course it would give you a permanent lisp and eating would be more difficult. Do you have a preference?" As I looked at her fearful face I recalled the first night when I made them bring off all the girls in front of the men. How much more effective they would be if they had longer tongues. With big, silver rings in them. I'll have to see about this.

  "Mistress, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Kitty stuck out her tongue.

  I held the bit up to her face. The bit was rubber coated and had a slot in the middle for her tongue. I slid the bit over Kitty's tongue and fastened the bit to her bridle. The trapped tongue could not now form words. Next I inserted a tall plume into a leather holder on her forehead. It was purple and stuck two feet in the air. Heelless pony boots were put on Kitty next so she was standing on the ball of her foot. The other girls were obedient and soon all were outfitted. I fastened them together in single file. Nose ring locked to the collar in front before I released their feet. I would always maintain strict security with them. They needed to feel controlled and helpless to resist. I took the first girl's leash and led the coffle outside. I fastened a cart to a pair of girls. The carts were big and had boxes on them. They were heavy.

  "Master, would you like to drive a cart?"

  "Yes, this looks amusing. There's nothing like this at home. "

  She fastened reins on each girl and draped them on the cart's seat.

  "Basic instruction, Master. Pull on the right rein to go right, left rein to go left. Both reins to stop. Loosen and shake the reins to go faster. Be gentle. A little direction is what they need. Don't speak. They have to learn to follow their reins. If they don't respond well there is a long whip in the cart. They know what to do. They have been trained but they have not practiced. This is a heavy load so slow is all they will be able to do. See where their cart is fastened to their harness. There is a white connector between the chain from the cart and their harness. If the connector shows red the girl is pulling with at least sixty pounds of force. Less than that stays white. If a girl is slacking off, use the whip. The training plan calls for an hour of pulling with a ten minute break in the middle. I was going to have them pull the cart out that road for a half hour, take a break and return. Is that OK, Master?"

  "Alice, I'm following your lead here. It is OK."

  "Would you like to lead or follow?"

  "I'll follow."

  "OK." She mounted her cart shook the reins and the girls pulled the cart slowly down the road. I waited until the cart was fifty feet down the road before starting. It seemed my team was not pulling as hard as they could. I looked at the connectors and both barely had any red showing. I shook the reins. No change. I picked up the whip and shook the reins again. No change. I flicked the whip across the rump of both girls and the connector showed a lot of red and we picked up speed. I used the whip a lot and my girl's rumps shone in the daylight.

  Alice was correct. A little pain improved a slave girl's performance. We crept up on the lead cart until we were back to fifty feet between us. My ponies rumps were a fiery red now and sweat poured down their bodies. I didn't care how fast they were so long as they hurt. It was easy to control my two pony girls. They could see the road and followed the center without any corrections. I suppose that was true of real ponies and horses too.

  I wonder what it would be like if there was no road. It would have been boring if I didn't have such a wonderful view. My cock was growing hard as I watched the ponies. Their bells were a special treat. They chimed with every step and sway of hip, every glimpse of ringed nipple. I wish we had this at home. No, wait. We do now. Brahma is enslaving all the females in Hindi. Shit. I'm going to miss out on the change. Brahma promised me I wouldn't be forgotten while I was here. I hope that means I get a couple of slave girls. After all I helped our Gods quite a lot and I'm smoothing things over here now.

  I saw Alice pull her cart off the road onto a grassy patch. I followed and stopped behind her. I got down and looked at my ponies. They were blowing and gasping and covered with sweat. My cock grew harder. I walked up to Alice. She was locking the ankles of her girls together.

  "Hello, Master. Was your trip enjoyable?"

  Yes, my slave girl. Take care of my ponies then join me under that tree."

  "Oh yes, my Master. I will hurry."

  I watched her. Instead of fussing with their feet, she just tied one of their reins to the end of her cart and hurried to me. I watched her hobble chain flash in the sun with her tiny, quick, high steps. I heard the bell on her collar. Quite a different tone and rhythm than the ponies' bells. She reached me and started to kneel but I caught her waist and lifted her to my lips. She was sweet and hot. I held her tight around her waist and she threw her arms around my neck. She broke the kiss and asked, "Master, this may sound strange, but would you lock my hands behind me?"

  "Surely, Alice. Explain please."

  "Master, I am a true submissive as well as a slave in fact. Sex is much better for me if I'm helpless."

  My cock was hot and fully engorged. Locking this beautiful, submissive girl's hands together almost made me come. I threw her to the ground and jumped on her as she spread her knees for me. I freed my cock and it slid in easily. She was already wet or maybe instantly wet. I don't know. But two thrusts later I blew and her scream was loud. The way she bucked and squealed I think she came instantly too. I thrust several more times as my cock deflated and she came again. My God she was hot. I never saw any woman at home so hot and ready.

  The ponies got more than ten minutes rest. When we got back to them they were dry and breathing easy. Alice loosed the feet of hers and I untied the reins of mine.

  "Master, would you mind driving your pair up beside mine? I need to talk to them."

  "OK." I st
eered mine alongside Alice's.

  Alice stood in front of the ponies. "Girls, Your day of punishment is almost over. If you work hard and hurry home, I will remove the pain from you nipples as soon as we arrive. That will be about an hour off your punishment." She mounted her cart and got them going.

  I followed.

  Now that I had tasted Alice, I wanted more. My cock started hardening almost as soon as we started. The swaying asses, their tightly fastened arms, the chimes of their bells. It all conspired to make me highly aroused before we got back to the stable. I was tempted to stop the cart and fuck one of my ponies only half way there. I resisted, mainly because I wanted Alice.

  My mental powers were vastly overshadowed by Apollo and most men here. Alas Hindi had followed the mechanical side of technology. Alternately, Olympus pursued the mental aspects of technology. From what I have seen, Olympus got it right. They are much more powerful individually than any other realm, even the Norse.

  All that notwithstanding, I reached out to Alice and told her to stop her cart. I stopped mine and then teleported her to me. I had her suck me off and it was good. It was at least as good as the first time. What a talented seductress. Then I sent her back to her cart. My how I liked Olympus.

  The girls worked hard and we made good time on the way back. Alice kept her word and she twisted all their nipple cylinders back to no pain. All of the girls thanked their Mistress profusely with many promises never to be bad again. I wasn't going to let them off so easily and I would ensure Alice did not either.

  I left Alice putting the ponies away and went to the house. The AI Alice called house directed me to the male learning center. I took a course on pony girl training, and one on the history of Olympus. This system was much better than the learning systems at home. I wonder if this is one of the keys to Olympus' success? My training took less than a half hour. House told me Alice was still in the stable. I didn't have to start working with Vulcan until tomorrow, so I headed for the stable. The training course had given me a wonderful idea.


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