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Pony Girl Sentence (Slaves of Olympus Book 3)

Page 10

by Alan Horn

  "Hello girls. Let's take the ponies to Cotys and get them started. Hold them tight."

  "Yes, Master," both of us said. We each held the nose ring of two ponies. The ponies were bitted so they just looked at us anxiously and shuffled their feet. This was something new. Alexander transported us to another room where Cotys, a silver waited. Elantra handed her the coffle lead.

  She said, "Welcome Master." If you approve I will start immediately. They will be done in about two hours. Shall I have them delivered?"

  "No, let me know and I will pick them up. I will want to test their mods. Its a clever idea. Only a woman would have thought of it." He looked at me and smiled. "Maybe I would like it done to some others."

  I quailed inside. Surely he was joking, teasing me. This was only for females under punishment. Then I realized I was his property and he could do anything he wanted. My arousal was making speech difficult. I couldn't think of anything I could say to make the problem better, so... "Master, may I tell you of the training plans I have for the ponies?" I needed him to appreciate me for my mind right now, not my body. No, that wasn't right. I needed him to want my body, just as it was.

  "Good idea. I am curious. Elantra, you are off duty now."

  "Master. Yes, Master. Thank you." She disappeared.


  It was late and we were normally left alone for the night by now. Mistress Anne, Elantra and Master Alexander had brought us to a new place and given us to another slave. Something was going to happen to us. We were all still quite helpless. Helpless as usual, we all were bitted so we couldn't speak. We could make only the smallest, ineffectual resistance. In my whole life I had never imagined I would ever be so ineffectual. I blamed only myself for our subjugation. I had failed and lost my status and ruined my friend's lives.

  Alexander sent Elantra away. My lust was overwhelming. I needed him so bad. It was agony having him so close and yet unreachable. I stamped my feet in frustration.

  "It appears Kitty is anxious to get started. Go ahead Cotys" Alexander said. He reached out and took hold of Mistress Anne's nose ring and tilted her head back. He moved closer to her and then my view was blocked as Cotys led us into the next room. Damn, I wanted him so bad.

  The slave led us through a door into a room with six biers in it. These were rectangular and solid, just over two feet wide and six feet long. They were between three and four feet high. One by one she had us lay on the surface and she touched a yellow circle on the side. As soon as she touched mine I lost all control over my body. I remembered waking up in a place like this. I could see the others being moved along and laid out.

  She walked back by my bier and touched a control. Blackness swallowed me.

  Cotys left the ponies unconscious and went to the outer office. "House, they are ready."

  "Thank you, Cotys. Beginning procedure now. Do you wish to observe?"


  A screen opened in front of Cotys. She could see the girls. A thick helmet covered all four heads. There was no motion to be seen. After a minute she spoke, "Close the window, house. There's nothing to be seen." The window closed.

  In one hour and fifty minutes, house said, "Procedure complete, Cotys. Shall I wake them?"

  "Yes, wake them but leave them immobile."


  Suddenly I was awake again. I still couldn't move but I could feel everything. There was something hard in my mouth, resting against the inside of my lower gum. It didn't hurt. Nothing hurt, but it was new and disturbing because I never felt it before.

  Cotys went to Kitty's bier. "Would you like to see what we did to you? Blink once for 'yes' and twice for 'no.'

  "OK" Cotys turned on the ceiling mirror above all the bodies.

  I could see myself in the mirror that appeared on the ceiling. Chains and rings and bells all over my body. I looked healthy and helpless. Cotys reached to my head and pulled my jaw down. Then she put her hand in my mouth. Her hand blocked my vision so I only felt her take the hard object off my gum. I felt her pull my tongue out of my mouth. Her hand moved down and I could see my tongue. It was long and thick There was a silver ring in its tip! I had a dog's tongue. It was so long. Oh why did they do this to me. I wanted to cry but I couldn't move a muscle. Finally she put my tongue back and closed my mouth. I felt so used and dirty.

  Why did they do this to us? What purpose could it serve? Not as pony girls. Then I remembered the last time I used my tongue. I was made to eat out a flock of slave girls. Were we modified so we could serve them better? No. That was too barbaric to consider. Try as I might, I couldn't think of anything else this might aid. So, we had been changed to service slave girls when we weren't pulling the plow in the fields. No. We would refuse this ultimate indignity. No one could blame us.

  She went to each of us and showed them their tongues. We were all silent since we couldn't move. Soon she returned and turned us back on. We were put back in coffle and led out to the first room. Tears flowed from all of our eyes. We all realized how low we had fallen.

  "It appears Kitty is anxious to get started. Go ahead Cotys." He reached out and took hold of my nose ring. My lust was making me dumb. I couldn't speak at all. He lifted it and tilted my head back.

  "Yes, Master."

  He kissed me. His mouth held me transfixed. His hands caressed my breasts. I put my hands behind me and pushed my cuffs together until they locked. He picked me up, so easily. Then we were in his bedroom and he dropped me on his big bed. I lifted my knees and spread them as wide as possible. I pulled my hobbled feet under my ass, and thrust my hips up to meet him. I felt y love juices flow into my pussy, lubricating my love canal, getting ready to receive my Master.

  He knelt between my legs and fondled my breasts. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down my slit. I felt it spread open to receive him. I needed him in me.

  "You know, Anne. I like the nipple ornament on the ponies. How would you like them?"

  "Master? Everything? The bells and rings and the pain shields? A girl likes to dress up and look good for her Master, but those are the things you put on girls to be punished. Do you want to punish me, Master? Have I not been pleasurable?"

  "Have you been bad, Anne?"

  "No, Master."

  "Should you be punished?"

  "Only if it pleases you, my Master."

  "A slave girl must be punished regularly so they remember their place."

  "Yes, Master. Would these things be punishment?"

  "No. Adornment, but I do like the way they make a girl even more subjugated. It is something their master does to her for his pleasure, not hers."

  "Then Master, I will adore them and ask you put them on me so I may enhance your pleasure."

  I felt his cock thrust into my love canal, big, strong, ruthlessly insistent on its right of passage. My love juiced flooded my pussy. I came with a scream of pleasure on his fourth stroke. My pussy clenching his cock, striving to pull him deeper, to keep him in me. He slowed as I swooned. When I recovered he increased his tempo, driving me to my second climax almost instantly. I had another climax before he came in me. I felt his hot seed fill my cunt like blowing up my balloon. I came again and must have passed out. When I became aware of my surroundings, he was standing beside the bed, dressed again.

  "Use the restroom and clean up." He lifted me up and freed my hands. I obeyed my master, afraid to say anything other than, "Yes, Master."

  When I came out, clean and frightened of my future he was sitting in a chair and beckoned me over. I knelt before him and he lifted me into his lap, like a pet kitten.

  "Tell me what you plan for the ponies."

  ""Yes, Master. I described the training program Alice and I came up with. Then I told him about my plans for punishment.

  "Marvelous, Anne. You are subtle, devious and evil. I love it. I would like to be there when the ponies learn of their new skills and employment."

  "Of course master. I thought to start early tomorrow on their punishment, right afte
r breakfast. Though that will give them some warning, I suppose."

  "Cotys is ready now. Let's go see her. He stood up and clipped a leash on my nose ring. He also clipped my hands together behind my back. This was worrying. But I had nothing to say about it. He transported us to Cotys. She had the ponies in coffle with one end chained to a wall ring.

  Alexander walked up to the coffle. I followed. No choice. "Face me. Open your mouths." They opened wide. Their tongues look healthy and pink. They were narrower and thicker at the tip. There was a large silver ring through the tip with plenty of space between the tongue and the far side of the ring..

  "Stick out your tongues."

  They were much longer than before. He took Lily's ring in his hand and pulled straight out. It pulled out another half inch. It was freakishly long and strong. He pulled the ring down and the tongue reached past the bottom of her jaw.

  "Good. Close your mouths softly and leave your tongues sticking out as far as you can."

  They complied and it was a strange sight. Even with their mouths closed around them, the tongues stuck out several inches. He took hold of Lily's tongue ring again and pulled it up and clipped it to her nose ring. "Excellent. Good job Cotys." I saw all the ponies were crying. Now they knew what it meant to be under the absolute control of a Master.

  He released Lily's tongue from the nose ring. "I think you should all thank Cotys for the excellent job she has done on you. And thank Anne for the wonderful idea to make you uniquely useful and even more controllable. Ponies kneel. He pointed at Kitty and Lily. You two service Anne and Cotys." He released my hands.

  Cotys and I walked up to the two ponies and spread our knees wide. I took hold of Kitty's nose ring and pulled her into my pussy. The first touch of her tongue was shocking. It was strong and quick and the ring was pure pleasure. She licked harder and faster than I had ever felt. I was panting in three strokes and had climaxed in seconds when her ring rubbed my clit. That was the most intense, quickest tongue job I had ever known. I heard Cotys climax next to me.

  I heard Kitty and Lily moan together. They had come too. I had asked for that mod and house was not sure if it could be made strong enough, I guess it was. Now my ponies could reach orgasm by giving oral sex.

  "Master, I wasn't ready. Let me try again. It was over too soon."

  "OK, but slide over two and see how Shirley compares."

  Cotys and I moved over and I took Shirley's nose ring in hand and pulled her close. It was just as shocking with Shirley. Her tongue was so strong and pushed into the depths of my pussy in an instant. I felt her ring sliding in and out of my love canal. I had never felt that before with a woman. I guess her long, strong tongue now made it possible. We may have to develop a training program for pony tongue jobs. Kitty hadn't done that. I came quick, maybe even a little faster because of the deep penetration.

  Again, all four of us had climaxed together. It was such a rush having my plan be fulfilled so easily and quickly. I was aglow with my climaxes and the fruits of my plan.

  Widespread Ornaments

  Alexander took my hands and clipped them together behind my back. He handed my leash to Cotys as I looked at him in surprise. "I like the extra hardware on the ponies. Equip Anne that way too. How long will it take?"

  "Yes, Master. Only five minutes. I have everything I need."

  "I wailed. Master, must you? I will look like a pony girl."


  "Yes, Master." I followed Cotys through a door. She laid me on a solid table and suddenly I couldn't move. She was brisk and efficient. She didn't speak and I couldn't. I felt no pain as she pierced my nipples and labia. Wait, not my labia. Alexander only wanted my breasts adorned. Wait. I couldn't move anything but my eyes. I blinked my eyes furiously. She didn't see me. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  She put the shield with the knurled cylinders on my breasts then pulled the nipple out and put a ring in the hole. Before the ring closed she added a bell on a short chain. Then she moved to my loins. I couldn't see her any more, but I knew what the ponies had and I could feel every motion. It happened so quickly. I was standing then and Cotys turned me to see myself in a mirror. Shit. All I needed now was a bit to join the ranks of ponies. Slave girl. No decisions, no choice. Obedience. Pleasure to my Master. Not always an easy life. At least my tongue was normal. For now.

  Cotys finished up and turned me back on. I felt fine, physically. I felt the new rings laying on my breasts and labia. The bells on their short chains lay along my skin and were an alien presence. They were distracting. When I stood up every one of them moved. The bells slid along my skin until they dangled free, chiming like church bells. The rings in my labia hung down and were pulled further by the weight of the bells and chain. I felt my pussy lips being pulled apart by the weight. The breasts were worse. The shield and cylinder, the rings and bells and chains pulled down on my breasts. It was like tiny hands or claws grasping my nipples, dangling there and swaying in the air. I looked down and could see the bells swaying on their chains and chiming when they hit my ribs. I longed to touch them but my hands were still locked firmly behind me.

  Cotys led me into the outer room where the ponies knelt and Alexander waited. I blushed as he looked appraisingly at my new ornaments.

  "Looking good, Anne. The new look suits you. How do you feel"

  "Master, I am doubly slave now," I sobbed. "Only the pony girls have these. I am more slave than everyone else now."

  "Anne, you are a gold. Have you thought that you may be a trend setter. The first gold to be so honored? In any case, it is not your choice. Slaves do not get to choose how their masters adorn them. Are you not happy to receive special attention from you master?"

  "Yes, Master." Tears still ran down my face. "It is only that I am so noisy and controllable with these. Any other slave can force obedience from me with two fingers."

  "Worry more about my pleasure than what other slaves might do."

  "Yes, Master. You truly like these on me?"

  "Yes, Anne, my slave. I believe they show the true you."

  "Then, thank you, my Master." He took the leash off my nose ring and released my hands. I leapt into his arms and we kissed lustily. He broke the kiss and said, take the ponies from Cotys and let's pu hem up. They have had a strange evening."

  "Yes, Master." I released the coffle from the wall and he jumped us back to the rec room. I put the ponies in their cage and released them from the coffle. After I locked the door, he transported us back to his room.

  Nudity was certainly a time saver. I came to appreciate my new adornments. He played with them a lot. Before, during, and after sex he kept them in constant motion. They were quite effective in increasing my arousal. I climaxed at least twenty times that night and awoke refreshed and ready to do it again. But alas, I awoke alone and returned to my normal routine.

  I ate and went to the rec room to fetch the ponies. They were already gone and I spent an hour showing off my new things to the girls. I was the toast of the town. They were my sisters in bondage and none seemed to think the less of me. In fact, they admired them and wondered aloud how they would look with them. House obliged their curiosity by making a viewscreen on a wall and turning it into a magic mirror. As one of them walked in front of it he added copies of my rings and bells to their image. It was perfect. Every girl got to see what she would look like with them on her. I spent long minutes moving my body and swinging my rings and bells around then explaining how it felt. I spoke in rapturous terms on the arousal the nipple rings and bells gave me. But they could see visual evidence as my nipples grew hard and swollen as I fondled my bells.

  I felt like a vacuum saleswoman dumping dirt on a rug then sucking it up. But no saleswoman ever had so rapt an audience. House modified his magic mirror. It now showed what would happen to a girl's pussy and nipples as they shimmied across the mirror.

  Both Apollo and Alexander appeared as we were playing with our images. Someone screamed, "Master," and we all dropped to our knees f
acing them. After we explained they gave their approval. Apollo looked at the bevy of kneeling girls and said, "All of you desire such jewelry, I see. Anne, come here."

  I stood as graceful as possible and went to him. As I was about to kneel, he took my arm and drew me close. I froze. He took one nipple ring in each hand, holding them between thumb and forefinger.

  "These make you more helpless than before. Does this bother you?"

  "No, Master. I am a slave and my Master's will controls me absolutely. These are just extensions of my Master's will. They are mere ornaments my Master wants me to wear."

  "Mere ornaments?"

  "Master, they arouse me when they move and tug at my flesh, as my Master desires."

  "I see your ears are already pierced. Would you like rings there too?"

  "If my Master wishes, I would enjoy rings there too."

  "I think they would look good there. Alexander, Would you like Anne to have rings put in her ears?"

  "Yes, Father. I believe they would look nice on her."

  "Then it is settled. House, arrange for all my slaves to wear jewelry like Anne and put rings in their ears. Make those larger diameter." He griped my chin, gently and turned my head to the right, then to the left, "two inches and an eighth inch thick."

  "Yes, Apollo. I will send the girls to Cotys individually."

  "Now, Ariel, I understand you have a new skill?"

  "Yes, Master. May I show you."

  Ariel went to the stage and gave a good musical performance. She played several Earth classical pieces from Mozart and Bach on a piano. All the time she was playing, house transported girls out to be ringed. He returned them only minutes later. By the time Ariel was done, all the girls but her had been equipped as I was. I had been briefly taken to have my earrings put in. When she was finished and taken her bows, Apollo thanked her and she disappeared to be ringed. Several more men had joined us and the Olympian version of speed dating was in full swing. Every girl there had an orgasm in less than a half hour. We were all so filled with lust from the men's presence that only five or six thrusts sent us over the moon. We had long since learned that sex was not a private event. We enjoyed having several girls gathered around a coupling to fondle every available part.


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