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Embrace (The Shifter, The Magic Map, and The Goblin King) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 3)

Page 3

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  The voice called out again. “Colin! You must find me. Please.”

  He took off towards the voice. It brought him through a locked door and into a dungeon-like room. Then he saw it: a glass coffin with the sleeping body of a young girl inside. The same girl Colin had seen in the hospital back in Grimble. The same girl that haunted his dreams, nightly.

  “Catrina.” He looked down over her, stunned.

  Her eyes burst open. Sky blue orbs peered upward, searching above her.

  “I- I can’t see you, but I know you’re here. You found me, Colin.”

  He couldn’t reply to her, she wouldn’t hear him. What the heck was she doing in a cave deep in the valley? In a coffin? She obviously wasn’t dead! And how did she know he was here with her? Especially when he wasn’t really.

  “You have to hurry, Colin.”

  He wanted desperately to reach out and free her. To speak or offer comfort of any kind. To let her know he would find her, for real.

  Catrina sighed, her eyes drifting closed. “I’m running out of time…”

  Colin wanted to shout to keep her awake, but there was no voice she could hear. He had to leave her. It pained him terribly to do it. He took one last look. She slept, just like she did in the hospital, sleeping peacefully. He wasn’t so sure her sleep was actually peaceful at all.

  His mind felt an elastic-like pull and try as he might, he could not stay with her. His hands went up to protect his eyes from the blinding light in front of him. The spell had ended and he was no longer with Catrina. Not that he’d actually been with her at all. He’d never left the rock. Meghan still sat just behind him. She jumped, startled when he bounded up to his feet quite suddenly.

  “What’s your problem?” she asked, watching her brother spin around, looking a bit dazed. He ignored her, stopped and peered out across the valley. He was going to break the rules. He was going to enter the valley. He was prepared to do it right this minute. And search every cave and break every rule he had to, in order to save Catrina.

  “Who is Catrina?” Meghan asked curiously, catching him off guard.

  He’d let his guard down and she’d heard him say her name. He shrugged his reply, pretending he had no idea who she was talking about.

  Meghan eyed him, hard. He still refused to answer.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled.

  Colin frowned, reality sinking in. He could not just disappear into the valley. Alone. Without any help. What if he got lost? What if he was gone for so long that the Svoda left without him? What if he looked and looked but never found Catrina?

  He didn’t care about the rules, not really. But he had no idea how to actually find Catrina. Even if he could make the spell work again, he wasn’t sure it would show him how to find her. Going on foot might take days, or longer. He had no idea just how far into the valley he’d just gone.

  He slumped back down, hitting the rock with a slow, defeated thud. He would find her, somehow. But if he decided to break the rules and sneak into the valley, he’d need to be prepared as he could be. It would be a long journey. And he had no clue what hurdles he might come across out in the valley. This wasn’t like camping with Uncle Arnon.

  He looked up to see a wry smile etching across his sister’s face. “What?”

  “A girl… this Catrina,” she shook her head and laughed. “You’ve been hiding your thoughts from me because you’re in love with a girl. Aren’t you?”

  Colin opened his mouth to deny her accusation but nothing came out. He reaffirmed the block in his mind. At least she didn’t catch onto everything.

  Meghan would never allow him to scamper off into the valley, even to save someone. He wrinkled his nose. She would have before she got all chummy with Juliska Blackwell.

  He never thought he’d say it, but he liked his sister better when she didn’t mind breaking the rules and could lie and get away with it without a second thought.

  Meghan chuckled at his flustered demeanor.

  Colin frowned. “I am not in love. And Catrina is… no one.” His sister didn’t need to know his business. But Meghan persisted and persisted, not giving up. Colin decided he’d had enough and got up to leave. He had a rescue mission to plan.

  “Oh, Colin. Get over it. Can’t I have a little fun? So you like a girl.” Meghan rolled her eyes.

  Colin did not answer, but plunked back down. Maybe Meghan would help him. He toyed with telling her, but each time he tried something in his gut stopped him. She stopped teasing him and went back to reading through old journal entries. After a few minutes, she looked up to see her brother chewing on his lip. He was nervous about something. His fingers tapped on the rock next to his leg. He was really worked up.

  “Why won’t you just tell me what’s going on in that head of yours? It can’t be liking this girl that’s soaking up all your time, or making you so on edge.” Then, she recalled how many hours she had spent daydreaming about Sebastien Jendaya, and changed her mind. Maybe Colin could spend all his time thinking about this girl.

  Colin scowled. “You going to let me read your journal? No. Didn’t think so,” he answered haughtily. He didn’t need to read her thoughts to hear her silent answer. The journal was for her eyes only.

  The days of not keeping secrets from each other had ended almost the moment it had begun. Already forgotten were the lessons learned about what could happen if they kept secrets from each other and didn’t keep their connection open. Already lost were the warnings from Uncle Eddy, their dead ghostly tutor from Grimble, who had warned them not to keep secrets from each other… ever!


  “Gather around everyone, thank you,” called out Balloch Flummer, the bookstore owner. His adult son, Noah, assisted him in ushering in the arriving crowd. It looked like all Svoda were turning out to watch Ivan Crane’s Initiation begin.

  The day’s heat had subsided, the last beams of sunlight streaming just at the edge of the bowl-like amphitheater. Hushed voices echoed and bounced off the surrounding canyon walls.

  Each Initiated member of the Svoda stood together on one side of the amphitheater, while the not yet Initiated stood on the other, gazing jealously as they desperately wished they could be on the Initiated side. Ivan, as the newest Initiate, stood alone in the center.

  On the Initiated side, two members of the Viancourt stood at the front of the group. This included Darius Hadrian, and of course, Garner Sadorus. The twins ignored his deep, fierce stares.

  Billie Sadorus waved at the twins, offering them a wide grin and a wink in greeting. She was standing next to the Jackal sisters along with Irving and Sheila Mochrie. So different, they were, brother and sister, Garner and Billie.

  Jae and Mireya watched along with the twins, awaiting arrival of the Banon.

  “At least we don’t have to catch a whiff of mothballs tonight,” whispered Colin in jest. Jae snickered and held back a laugh. Meghan looked at them questioningly.

  “Tanzea Chase is sick. Read it in the Jackal Lantern earlier today,” Jae said. “She won’t be making any public appearances for a few days.”

  “That’s news?” Meghan didn’t particularly care one way or the other.

  “It is if you had a meeting planned with her,” he explained.

  “Oh. I guess, yeah. Wait… why don’t they just use magic to heal her?”

  “Can’t. Goes against the rules. It’s not a life-threatening illness and magic is strictly forbidden here.”

  “Oh, right,” remembered Meghan.

  Colin swallowed hard, his throat thick with guilt. He’d been using magic since they’d gotten here. He’d need to be more careful. He had no idea what would happen if he got caught.

  Meghan wondered if Firemancy was considered magic here? She’d practiced it with Juliska during her lessons. Perhaps the rules didn’t apply to the leader of the group, or special gifts like Firemancy. It wasn’t like she could just stop a vision from happening.

  Someone nudged her arm. She looked up to see Colin
and Jae staring down Darcy Scraggs; her counterparts, Dulcy and Daveena, were just behind her. They walked by shooting hostile glares at the three, but said nothing and wormed their way to the back of non-Initiated.

  The twins had never been to an Initiation ceremony before, but assumed it would not last long as the light was fading and darkness would soon drape over them. Svoda could not be outside of their cave dwellings after dark. Another strict rule of the E Valley.

  Balloch Flummer stepped to the center of the amphitheater and raised his hands motioning for everyone to quiet down. Ivan stood at his side. Meghan thought he looked a bit nervous until his eyes caught hers and the corner of his mouth lifted just slightly.

  “Nope,” she mumbled hotly. “Just Ivan being Ivan.” She tore her gaze away from his smug smirk, shaking her head in an annoyed fashion.

  Balloch waited for the last of the echoes to stop bouncing around the amphitheater walls. He faced the entrance with his arm thrown out in greeting. “Our Banon, Juliska Nandalia Blackwell.”

  The crowd cheered and watched breathlessly as she entered, escorted by her personal Balaton, Jelen and Jenner Wandrer. Two imposing looking brothers who always stood as her guards.

  Meghan watched as eagerly as everyone else did; everyone other than Colin. He’d be perfectly fine without seeing Juliska Blackwell, although he was curious to see what happened during an Initiation.

  She strode in, her blood red full-length jacket sweeping across the ground; she nodded in greeting to the members of the Viancourt, first. Missing from her outfit, or her hair, was Pajak, Juliska’s pet spider. A shiver ran down Meghan’s spine just thinking of its glass-like body with wandering eyes that seemed to follow wherever she moved, and its skinny long legs that clinked hauntingly as it crawled along. A spider for a pet!

  It was one thing Meghan could not adjust to, even with all her visits to Juliska. The thing just plain gave her the creeps.

  After the Banon greeted the court members, she moved on to the Initiated Svoda, grabbing the hands of a few members who just happened to be near the front of the group. When done, she stepped out in front of them, but faced Ivan, and the envious non-Initiated standing behind him.

  “It is with great honor,” their leader began, “that we are gathered here tonight, to begin the Initiation of Ivan Crane, so that he may become a fully-fledged member of the Svoda Gypsies. An honor you should each be striving for every moment of your lives.”

  The crowd cheered and clapped, and she continued.

  “Ivan Crane, do you accept this Initiation, and swear to finish the task set before you, thus achieving your Initiated status?”

  “I swear to finish whatever task you would ask of me, even if it meant my life to do so.”

  Juliska smiled. There was a mysterious twinkle in her eye.

  “Very well. Your task, Ivan, is something a little different. Nevertheless, I have no doubts you can accomplish this task. It will be one of a personal nature.”

  The crowd oohed and aahed, having never heard the Banon stray from the normal Initiation type tasks before.

  From what Jae had explained to the twins, typically, Initiations were scavenger hunts of sorts, projects that tested the Initiates’ knowledge of history, laws and magic. If their knowledge proved worthy, they won their place among the Initiated. He claimed it wasn’t too hard to pass, and was much harder to get chosen for Initiation. He could not recall the last time someone failed an Initiation task.

  “It is a matter which I will discuss with you further and in private,” continued the Banon. “And upon your completion, all will know the results.”

  The group buzzed with anticipation. Never had an Initiation been so secretive.

  “Now, on to your choice, Ivan Crane,” Juliska stated. “As is the tradition, you shall announce your choice for Learner Companion. One amongst us that is not yet Initiated, who will assist you in this task, in the hopes of forwarding their own knowledge and gaining their own Initiation in due time.”

  Juliska waited just as eagerly for him to name his choice, as did everyone.

  Ivan turned to the mainly younger, non-Initiated group. Zealous eyes waited anxiously, hoping he would pick them.

  Meghan laughed. Who would want to spend time with that boy? Following his instructions and doing what he says…

  Colin heard her thought, surprised she’d let her guard down, and opened his mind to hers for a brief moment.

  “I do pity whoever he picks,” he agreed.

  “I’m not sure pity is a strong enough word,” she shot back silently. She bit her lip trying not to show her opinion outwardly.

  Ivan Crane searched the crowd, ignoring the eager eyes gazing back, waiting for some sign that he was about to pick them. Then, his unflinching gaze stopped on Meghan Jacoby, and his earlier smirk turned into a devilish grin.

  “Oh no,” she whispered under her breath, horrified. “He wouldn’t dare!”

  But Ivan did dare.

  “I choose the Firemancer, Meghan Jacoby as my Learner Companion, so that she may learn from me and perhaps, someday, follow in my footsteps.”

  Some in the crowd clapped and cheered. The rest stood in disbelieving silence.

  Why would he pick this untested newcomer over one of them?

  Jae pushed Meghan gently, but she refused to move forward. He cleared his throat and stepped back when he thought that steam might literally blow out of her ears.

  That, or flames. He wasn’t sure.

  Colin nudged her when Jae gave up. “Meghan,” he whispered. “You have to go. Now.”

  All he heard was a barely audible nonstop flow of expletives unlike anything he’d ever heard come out of his sister before. Nevertheless, she went forward, stalking to Ivan’s side but huffing the entire way. She refused to look at him and give any satisfaction.

  Meghan felt a warm pat on her arm and saw that Juliska was congratulating her. She forced out a smile.

  “Very smart choice, Ivan Crane. My visions of your auspicious future are coming true already. A Firemancer at your side could prove a very wise move for this particular task.” Juliska beamed in delight. Even this could not brighten Meghan’s mood.

  Ivan bowed and thanked the Banon for her praise. Juliska came forward and congratulated Ivan personally. As she drew closer, Meghan could not help but smile, for real. Though inside, her fury toward Ivan Crane intensified so much that she felt certain she would burst into flames at any moment.

  Juliska leaned into them.

  “I will call upon you both soon and explain your task further.” She proceeded to whisk away in full Juliska fashion. A line began to form, with Svoda ready to congratulate the Initiate and his chosen companion.

  Just as the Banon reached the exit of the amphitheater, she froze, motioning for her two guards to do the same.

  “Silence,” she suddenly bellowed. Her voice ricocheted around the bowl-like walls of the cavern. After a moment, all went quiet. All but inquisitive breaths of the Svoda and the distinct sound of massive wings snapping against the air.

  A collective gasp stripped away the ceremonious atmosphere.

  It could only mean one thing.

  “How?” yelled a man. “How did they follow us here? How did they get here?”

  There was no time for debating the answers.

  An ear-piercing screech the twins had hoped to never hear again rained down over them all. It bounced around the walls working up the Svoda into a terrified frenzy. It was impossible to tell just how many Scratchers were attacking.

  Someone shouted, “Run for your lives!”

  The crowd barged toward the one exit, jamming it.

  A fury of flame cut them off as Juliska Blackwell’s body ignited. Her arms outstretched, her body lifting off the ground rising above the group.

  “Stop!” she ordered.

  The crowd did as she commanded, watching ominous shadows swarming overhead, preparing to dive and attack.

  “Go safely to your homes! I alone
will fight this enemy and accept the consequences of using magic.”

  The crowd more calmly worked their way through the exit.

  Irving and Sheila had found their way across to their children and the twins. “All hold hands and follow me,” Irving ordered. Jae grabbed Mireya and Meghan, and in turn, she grasped onto Colin as they fought to stay together and get outside of the amphitheater.

  The hurried organization did not last. Panic ensued again when the Scratchers dove into view. There were three. Parents grabbed their younger children and raced toward their dwellings and the safety of the caves; they disappeared into the closest open door they could find.

  One of the Scratchers dove downward, perilously close to the Svoda.

  Juliska’s arm shot outward, a spell bursting out of her palm. It blasted the creature back into the air.

  “You cannot fight them alone,” one of her guards shouted.

  She lowered her hand, faced her palm upward and closed her eyes. A moment later two axes formed, with thick handles. Jelen and Jenner each grabbed one ready to defend their leader as best they could without using magic. But they could only attack the Scratchers if they flew low enough.

  Juliska shot off another spell. And another. And another, showing no signs of tiring. But fighting all three at once was proving difficult even for the leader of the gypsies.

  While her back was turned fighting off a Scratcher attempting to land, another swooped down and knocked over four Svoda mid-run, including Balloch Flummer and his son, Noah.

  Nearby Svoda scurried in all directions, attempting to take cover from the flailing beast’s deadly wings; wings that if enclosed around you, meant instant death!

  Noah helped his father off the dusty ground, along with the two others who had fallen. Noah’s own young daughter stood by an open door urging them forward.

  “Father,” called out Noah. “I would say this warrants the use of magic, wouldn’t you?”


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