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Embrace (The Shifter, The Magic Map, and The Goblin King) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 3)

Page 6

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  In an odd way, it takes me back to the article in this very issue of the Jackal Lantern, about Initiate Ivan Crane and the loss of his beloved mother. If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend it.

  Colin quickly skimmed the rest of the article and paper. There was nothing else about this girl, Catrina.

  “Can it possibly be her?” Colin whispered to no one. “But how? She’s in another group. How could I have seen her in the hospital in Grimble? When at that point she should have been in Eidolon’s Valley?” Colin’s mind reeled with this information.

  Perhaps there is another way to travel between worlds! He could not help but think it. If true though, why would this information be kept secret?

  He stored this information with the rest he’d collected so far. It only added to the questions, but the more questions that had no answers, the more holes in the story there were. It only further proved the case, in his mind, of the realization he was not yet ready to share.


  Jae was correct. His parents did show up for lunch, and Sheila was extremely thankful to Jae, Meghan and Mireya for cooking. Colin appeared just as the food was ready to eat. Even Irving seemed pleased with Jae’s actions.

  “Our meeting is to start up again in an hour’s time,” Irving said as they sat to eat. “This is nice,” he added, “everyone eating together. I guess we haven’t done this in a while, have we?”

  Sheila lovingly took hold of her husband’s hand. “You have been busy, dear. It’s too bad Ivan couldn’t join us, too.”

  “Yes, but I’m sure he’s off taking care of business as always.”

  “Dad, can I ask you a question?” interrupted Mireya, shyly. “What do you talk about in the SLC meetings? Are you talking about how to kill the Scratchers?”

  Irving, with a rare twinkle in his eyes, tapped the side of his nose.

  “That’s for Initiated minds to know, and non-Initiated minds to find out!”

  She giggled, but asked no more questions.

  The mood during lunch was better than the twins expected, and right as they were finishing, Colin had an epiphany. There are still members of the Flummer family here in the E Valley. I could ask them to describe their Catrina, and then I would know for sure if it’s really her! This thought quickly led to another realization. If she grew up in another group, they’ll have no idea what she looks like. It can’t hurt to try, I guess.

  “Mr. Mochrie, the meeting doesn’t start up for another thirty minutes, right?” he asked.

  “You are correct, Colin.”

  “Would it be okay if I were to hop over to the shop? I ran out of note paper,” he lied.

  “Sure, that would be fine. There probably isn’t anyone minding it right now, so take what you need. Last I saw, the mercantile was set up near the bookstore. Good to see you’re keeping up with your studies.”

  Colin did not answer but took off down the tunnel before anyone chose to question him. He ignored the push in his mind from Meghan. He’d heard the Flummer family was staying in a small apartment over the bookshop. It had to be weird to live so deep inside the cave, without any windows, he imagined.

  He wondered how to broach the subject. The family was still grieving over Balloch, and he wanted to talk about Catrina, who is sick. Before he knew it, he’d arrived at the entrance. He walked in and as expected, it was deserted. There were tall trunks, open with rows of books lining the insides. But he ignored the books, finding the staircase that led to the apartment upstairs. He stopped after climbing a single step.

  “They’re going to think I’m nuts,” whispered Colin. A voice startled him from behind a nearby trunk of books.

  “They might, but I wouldn’t.”

  Colin spun around searching for the source of the voice. He froze as a ghostly body floated through a nearby trunk of books.

  “But… But… you’re dead,” he stammered, in shock.

  “Ah, alas, I am that.”

  The ghostly body of Balloch Flummer hovered just a few feet away from Colin.

  “Listen to me carefully. I don’t think I have much time. I was pulled from Grimble to here, which means you must be my unfinished business.”

  “Me? But…” All Colin could do was stare in bewilderment. Balloch had gone to Grimble after he died. One of the afterlife ghost towns where magical folk ended up if they had unfinished business to tend to.

  “Ah, boy, you gain so much knowledge after you die. There’s so much truth in death.”

  “What do you mean, Mr. Flummer?”

  His ghostly body rushed forward, stopping abruptly in front of Colin’s face. Balloch stared into his eyes searching for something. His ghostly head shook as if getting the answer he sought, but he didn’t offer any explanation to Colin. He floated back a few feet and looked at him knowingly.

  “You can save my granddaughter.”

  “What? How do you… what do I… where is…” his words sputtered out, shock befuddling his tongue.

  “You are the only one who can save her,” Balloch told him, ignoring his trail of stammered questions.

  Colin stared at the ghost in awe. Confirmation. The Flummers’ sick Catrina was his dream Catrina. And her grandfather’s ghost had come back from Grimble to tell him this. Any doubt he had over saving this girl, vanished. Not that he had many, but this revelation only deepened his resolve.

  “Do you know where she is?” Colin asked, determined. “I know she’s somewhere in Eidolon’s Valley. But I don’t know where. And as to how she got there, that’s still a mystery.”

  Balloch floated, his thoughts his own. He did not address Colin’s questions.

  “Mr. Flummer?” questioned Colin.

  No reply.

  It was a bit like they were having entirely different conversations that just happened to be about the same topic, at the same moment. Nothing like when he and Meghan had spoken to their Uncle Eddy, or other ghosts in Grimble, who talked the same as living beings. Colin wondered if it was because Balloch was so newly dead, perhaps he was confused.

  Colin gave a start when Balloch suddenly blurted out, “You’re not the only one looking for her! You must hurry, Colin!”

  “Not the only one! What do you mean?”

  He got no solid answers, just more mournful babbling.

  “So much truth in death,” Balloch sighed. “Oh the horrors to come and the truths to be revealed. So much pain. So much suffering. So much death. All because of…” he trailed off, mumbling incoherently and floated out of the bookstore.

  Colin followed him into the small courtyard, which was still empty as the SLC had not yet reconvened. Balloch floated higher and higher, just as his Uncle Eddy had months before with Timothy.

  Balloch’s voice echoed clearly down to Colin.

  “Trust no one Colin Jacoby. Things are happening now that cannot, and should not, be undone. Trust no one.”

  An icy shudder made Colin shiver. He watched Balloch’s ghostly frame fade and meld into the red rock of the cave ceiling, and vanish. He assumed, for good. A few seconds later, voices echoed out of the tunnels; Svoda were returning to their meeting.

  Colin was not sure what his next move should be, so he headed down an empty tunnel, stopping to watch the Svoda gather. The Flummer family exited their apartment from over the bookstore. Rehearsed smiles poorly hid their obvious sadness. Perhaps one day, if he could save Catrina, he would be able to relieve some of their grief.

  Catrina was real.

  Not just a figment of his imagination.

  Not just a recurring fictional star in his dreams.

  He’d been certain before, but to have the confirmation from Balloch only ramped up his belief and determination to find her.

  She was real. And here somewhere in Eidolon’s Valley.

  Why would others be searching for her though?

  Who else would even know she was here?

  And how did she get into the valley in the first place?

  As he made his way through the t
unnel, other thoughts clouded his mind.

  He had seen Catrina while in Grimble.

  This meant there had to be other ways to go travel from world to world.

  And there was only one person who could keep a secret like that; the woman in charge. The woman who claimed there was no other way. The woman who did not like him, and whom he equally did not trust.

  The Svoda might blame everything wrong with their lives on the group that was banished, years ago, the Scratchers, or other enemies like the Grosvenor, who Colin knew little about, but his theories were leading him to one conclusion. That it all pointed back to Juliska Blackwell. Or someone was sure doing their best to make it look that way.

  It could be a setup. He’d read stories where this sort of thing happened all the time.

  He had no proof either way.

  And he would not condemn the Svoda’s leader before getting that proof, regardless of his personal feelings on the matter. Disliking someone wasn’t proof that they were evil.

  The situation reminded him of the story Kanda Macawi had told around the campfire back in Cobbscott weeks before they’d come to live with the Svoda.

  Seek the truth. Always.

  And he’d do just that. After he saved Catrina Flummer.

  Thinking of Kanda naturally made him think of his Uncle Arnon. If there were other ways to travel between worlds, it might be possible to return home sooner than he and Meghan had been told.

  Colin stopped for a minute, nearing the exit of the tunnel.

  If he had to make a choice that very minute on saving one of them, Catrina or Uncle Arnon, he suddenly wasn’t sure which person to choose.

  His uncle should be his top priority, but then Balloch’s warning rapidly overshadowed that possibility. He was the only one that could save Catrina. Her own grandfather had said it.

  “But I don’t have any idea how to open or use these other doorways,” said Colin with a telling sigh that sealed his immediate future. No matter how badly he wanted to find out if his uncle was dead or alive, even with the knowledge other doors must exist, he could not use them. So he’d focus on the task he could do and save the girl who haunted his dreams.


  Ivan Crane finished the steep journey to Banon Blackwell’s castle with one deep inhale and exhale. He wiped a single bead of sweat from his brow before knocking. Pantin Hollee answered before he could get more than one knock in, and showed him into a small room.

  Ivan noted four hard looking chairs carved from the same stone as the castle, along with a similarly carved table. There was a warm, dry breeze and he looked up to see the room was open to the outdoors. There was no back wall, just openness crossing the entire expanse of the back of the room. He stepped a little closer, peeking outward. Good thing there was a railing; it was a long drop down.

  The room may have been sparse in decoration but what it lacked in furniture, it made up for with the view; it spanned for miles upon miles into a valley dotted with red rock formations and towering canyon walls. The vast empire of Eidolon. The valley they were forbidden to enter.

  “Ah, good, Ivan.”

  He spun around, bowing slightly.

  “I see you’re admiring the view. Breathtaking, isn’t it?” Juliska said.

  “It is impressive,” he replied. “I had no idea the valley went on for so many miles.”

  “Quite expansive. Eidolon has an enormous kingdom. We are living at the very edge of it.”

  “I see that now.”

  “Good, because the valley will come into play with your Initiation task.”

  He waited anxiously for her to explain.

  She did not.

  “Meghan will be here shortly,” she said instead. “But I did wish to speak with you alone, first.”

  “Of course.”

  “We both have something in common, Ivan. Well more than one thing I’m sure, but the quality I admire the most in life is frankness. Honest, hold nothing back, frankness.”

  “Well, as you have said before, Banon Blackwell, it is what keeps us alive. I see no other prudent method.”

  “And I stand by that,” she replied heartily. “This is why I tell you the following, Ivan. I hope, for your own good.”

  Ivan’s eyes narrowed, darkening a little in hesitant anticipation.

  Had the Banon had some vision of him? One she might actually share. It wasn’t something she did often. Regardless, it did not sound like good news.

  “I have great visions of your future, Ivan, however, there is one thing that worries me.”

  Ivan stiffened, listening.

  “In my visions, you are always alone. Now, when I say alone, I mean that you have no confidant, no single person that you trust above all others. Every great man, or woman,” she winked, “needs to have a confidant. Like I have Hollee, for example. A woman I can trust with anything!” She emphasized the last word while placing a hand on his shoulder.

  He felt inclined to defend himself.

  “Banon, with all due respect, I feel it is sometimes wiser for me to be alone. There are fewer distractions in my work. It allows me great flexibility in giving my life wholly, to the Svoda cause.”

  “I understand your feelings on this subject, Ivan, as I myself, often follow a similar path. But I’ve learned over the years it’s not a smart one. It is certainly noble to give yourself so fully. I only ask that you reconsider this one part of your path. Having that one person you can trust with your utmost secrets, desires, or fears… someone you know you can trust without question. This will only help you bear the burden of such a noble life.”

  Ivan stumbled over his words. “I will, um, consider what you say. Of course. I appreciate your candor,” he ended more firmly.

  “I knew you would. That is why I like you, Ivan Crane. No Bull. No ego. Get to the point and get the job done,” she said vivaciously. “It’s why I chose you for Initiation above all others.”

  Ivan nodded curtly.

  “I will leave it up to you to follow the path you see fit. If you choose to find a confidant, choose wisely,” warned Juliska. “I’ve seen too much betrayal in my lifetime, but I’ve also seen that your instincts are very keen. Trust them.”

  Ivan narrowed his eyes again, wondering what the Banon had seen of his future.

  A confidant? Him?

  He didn’t have time for making friends. Let alone someone he trusted above all others. And who? Just who would fulfill such a job?

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Meghan Jacoby, Ma’am,” announced Pantin Hollee. Meghan sauntered in, raising an eyebrow in a cold hello to Ivan, but smiling widely at Juliska.

  “Perfect. We can get down to business now,” said Juliska, motioning for the two to sit.

  As she did, Meghan cast her gaze out across the valley and let out a rushed exhale. It was so big. So much bigger than she’d pictured in her mind. She cleared her throat and turned her attention back to Juliska, only to let out another slip of air. Pajak… the Banon’s pet spider was clasped in her hair and the creepy bugger was sleeping with one eye open. Meghan attempted, poorly, to ignore it, and listen to what Juliska was saying.

  “The task I put before you, Ivan, will be the most difficult I have ever asked someone to do. I do not ask it lightly, and I will even give you a chance to say no. It will take great skill, but I feel you are ready or I would not ask. I will also say that your choice of Learner Companion is rather ideal.” She cast a quick gaze at Meghan and winked.

  Meghan smiled nervously in reply, instantly anxious. Did Juliska truly believe she was up to this task, too? She did not feel ready in the least. And was certain Ivan had only chosen her, to teach her some kind of lesson, and put her through hell while he ordered her around. She was not looking forward to it at all. Not even to spend additional time with Juliska.

  Ivan nodded, in thanks for the Banon’s approval, but ignored Meghan. He sat near the edge of his seat, eager to understand his mission.

will also add that no matter the outcome of your task, Ivan, that I already consider you an Initiated member of the Svoda. Because I already know that you will not say no, and I know that failure is not a word you are fond of.”

  How well she knows Ivan, thought Meghan. Failure is so not his style!

  “So now, I lay it bluntly before you. A man from the previous Svoda group that visited here, wandered into Eidolon’s Valley. He never returned. And although Eidolon denies any knowledge of this man, I believe he is being held prisoner, or that he may be dead.”

  Meghan could not believe what she was hearing. She took a hard swallow. What exactly was she and Ivan supposed to do about something so serious?

  Ivan didn’t give away how he was feeling about this revelation, he just listened patiently, waiting for the Banon to continue. Juliska stood and paced three times around the room before she did.

  “What I need from you, Ivan, is to venture into Eidolon’s Valley and seek out this man. If he is alive, I want you to break him out and bring him to me. If he is dead, well in that unfortunate case, there is something on his person that I need you to recover. Something that cannot be left in the hands of Eidolon.”

  Ivan sat back and soaked this information in, still not revealing his feelings in the matter.

  Meghan went a little pale. Sneak into the valley and find a prisoner? How? And won’t that upset Eidolon even more? And wasn’t this a job for more practiced Svoda, like the Balaton or even Viancourt members?

  Juliska guessed her questions.

  “I chose you, Ivan, for this most delicate mission because first, you are qualified. And second, people will not be suspect if you disappear for a few days during your Initiation task. If I were to send the Viancourt or Balaton, questions, concerns and rumors would spread like wildfire. I would like to avoid this. Plus, well, let’s just say my personal Balaton, they are the muscle, but not so much the brains,” she jested in amusement. “And the rest of the Balaton are needed for security, especially now that we have Scratchers to ward off.”

  Ivan nodded that he understood.


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