Love in the Rockies

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Love in the Rockies Page 43

by Thianna D

  “You’ve ripped tons of my underwear,” she said with a laugh, kicking off her shoes.

  “Those don’t count. I always buy replacements.”

  Something in her expression told him she thought he was splitting hairs. “What?” he teased, stroking the soft skin of her stomach where the soft pooch created by their beautiful little girl had never quite rescinded. How he loved that reminder and could hardly wait to see her carrying their next baby. “Do you think differently?”

  “Underwear are still clothes,” she said before squeaking when he deliberately dragged a nail up her side, tickling her. Turning she darted around the sofa so that it stood between them.

  “Do you think a piece of furniture’s gonna stop me?” he asked with a huge grin, ready for some fun play with his wife where they could truly be as loud and as rambunctious as they wanted.

  “With that look on your face, Mr. Carmichael? Most definitely.” By her responding grin, she knew how much her calling him by his name that way turned him on.

  “Ah, my lovely wife wants to play. That I can do. Come here, Mrs. Carmichael.” With one leap, he jumped over the couch and grasped hold of her, his fingers digging into her sides as she shrieked, doubled over while trying to escape the onslaught.

  “Brent!” she gasped out amongst her laughing and screeches. “Stop!”

  “Continue?” he teased. “With all that noise, I can’t hear what you said.”

  “No!” she yelped, grasping onto his hands. “Uncle! Uncle!”

  “I don’t think we want my uncle here.” His fingers stopped torturing her, stretching out to span her stomach.

  Laughing, she stood up and leaned back against him. Looking up at him over her shoulder, she said, “I love you, Brent. I really do. But Rose is right. You’re positively evil sometimes.”

  “Why, thank you. I’m glad you noticed.” As she chuckled, he pulled his hands around to her back end. “Your ass is no longer hot. Does it ache?”

  “Not as much as I expected,” she admitted. “It pounded a little bit and slipping into the bath was a might uncomfortable, but it barely hurts now.”

  Leaning his chin on top of her head, he mused. “I think we should institute maintenance for a few months. Maybe longer.”

  Startled, she tilted her head back, her eyes looking up at him. “Why?”

  “Look at how calm and happy you are. It’s a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn from yesterday. Face it, love, you need this as much as I need to give it to you.”

  A cute little pout crossed her face. “I know I do. Doesn’t mean I want my butt blistered weekly.”

  He chuckled. “Maintenance is better than discipline.”

  “True. Okay. Maintenance is back on the schedule.” From her satisfied tone, she looked forward to it. When they first started DD, they did maintenance weekly but once their daughter was born, other things had taken precedence. Brent realized he should have pushed for it to stay instead of letting their beautiful little girl distract them.

  “You know, our basement is fully sound proof and it has that tiny room we never could figure out what to do with.”

  She laughed. “So that’s going to be our spanking room now?”

  “I think so. I’ll take one of my benches down there and get it set up. It will be easy to install a lock on the door and the walls are cement – nobody’s going to hear anything.”

  “What about our playroom upstairs?” she asked, turning around and snuggling into his arms.

  “Maybe it’s time to move all of it downstairs. We will need more bedrooms for our children.”

  “Mmm,” she said with a satisfied sigh. “Does that mean we can start trying again?”

  “Oh, I’m all for the trying. And,” he added with a chuckle, “Char, do you remember when your last birth control shot was?”

  Frowning, she cocked her head. “Uhhh, no. It’s probably due soon, isn’t it?”

  “Actually, it was due mid-January.”

  Her eyes widened. “So…”

  He grinned. “Yep. You’re off birth control.”

  Squealing, she hopped up, wrapping her arms around his shoulders even as he cupped her rear end so she wouldn’t drop back. As she wrapped her legs around his waist, his cock slid between her thighs, rubbing through her wetness. Pecking his lips, she beamed. “A nice tiny wedding and working on our next baby. Brent, this day couldn’t be going any better.”

  “Oh, wait,” he said, “I’ve got more plans.”

  Her eyes lit up even as she moved her hips forward and back a little, rubbing over his shaft. “Well, don’t let me stop you. Let’s do it.”

  Holding her, wanting to dive into her depths in every cell of his body, he carried her into the bedroom. “I’ve never spanked your puss,” he said as he laid her back on top of the bedspread. “It’s been quite remiss of me.”

  Her eyes widened. “Spanked… my… what!” It was probably supposed to sound outraged but as her eyes widened and it ended up a breathy note, he knew the idea turned her on.

  “Some women love it, some hate it. But if we don’t try, how will you know?”

  For a moment she just stared at him and then she nodded. “Let’s try.”

  “That’s my girl.” He quickly retrieved a few items he needed and joined her on the bed. “All right. It’s gonna sting, but pay attention to how you feel after the sting.” Dropping a few of the items near her hips, he kept hold of four silk ties. A low moan left her lips as he tied first one wrist and then the other to the headboard. This bed didn’t have a footboard, but for what he planned, it wasn’t needed. Thankfully, Char was into yoga and was able to twist her body into the most erotic poses. Well, they probably weren’t supposed to be erotic, but damn if they didn’t turn him on.

  Grasping one ankle, he tied one end of the tie around it and gently lifted it up over her shoulder, affixing it to the headboard. After doing the same to the other ankle, he gazed down at his beloved wife. Damn, she was hot, flat on her back with her hands and feet up at the headboard, her eyes filled with passion, and her pussy leaking just for him.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, tracing the outside of her plump lips. His cock was hard and sought to head straight inside her, but he refused. First, he wanted to spank her.

  Picking up a feather, he drifted it up and around her inner thighs and the junction between them, teasing her skin and with every pass, making sure to tickle her clit with it. Char’s increased breathing tempo, not to mention the surge in liquid coming out of her, made him even harder. His woman was a sight to behold.

  Placing the feather aside, he grabbed his first item, a brand new toothbrush. It was small and by tapping her with the end rather than the bristles, he could hit just where he wanted. Using one hand, he spread her lips open and slid the end of the toothbrush inside of her, getting it nice and wet. Pulling it out, he tapped lightly on her clit, increasing the swing each time until she finally cried out. His eyes flashed to hers and he smiled when a moan slipped through her lips and she nodded at him. Good. Speeding up, he continued, enjoying the view as the hood of her clit retracted and the toothbrush came in contact continually with the glans underneath, while her cries and moans became louder. Brent had the feeling he could make her come just from this, but he wasn’t ready for that yet, because when she did, he wasn’t going to be able to stop himself from fucking her into the mattress.

  Placing the toothbrush next to the feather, he picked up a small hair brush. In time, he might try using the bristles on her to see how she felt. For now, he turned it upside down and smacked her with hard wood. “Brent!” she cried, pain in her voice. He paused as he wanted this to be about the pleasurable side, not the painful, but when she arched and said, “More!” he stopped worrying. His woman had a slight masochistic side that came out from time to time and with things that wouldn’t harm her, he was more than happy to feed it.

  Increasing his swing, he smacked the brush down hard on her clit, her inner thighs, and dir
ectly over her pussy, changing angle and pressure while enjoying the sound coming from the woman under him as well as what little movements she could make in this position. When all sound stopped as well as her twitching, he glanced up. Pleasure zoomed through each molecule of his body at the expression of pure ecstasy on her face. He had seen her hit this only a few times in their relationship, but it was magical to watch. So overwhelmed by what was happening to her, she had described it as cresting a hill into pure gratification where waves of bliss crashed into her over and over and she was unable to talk, move, or even make noise.

  She was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Dropping the brush to the side, his need to be inside of her took hold and he climbed up her body, easily sliding inside her sopping wet pussy. As he pulled back, prepared to thrust back in, she murmured, “Brent.”

  “Yes, baby?” he panted, forcing himself to pause.

  “Fuck me.”

  Ah, hell yes! There was no holding back as he pummeled her cunt over and over, racing toward his own orgasm as Char continued to crest hers. “My beautiful, beautiful girl,” he grunted as he stilled, spilling his seed into her while he panted. Glancing up into her face, he smiled at the relaxed, satisfied expression he found there. Reaching up he quickly released her wrists and ankles, chuckling when her limbs just kind of flumped to the side, unable to move. Pulling out of her, he massaged her legs, getting them to lie flat on the bed before curling up next to her. Wrapping the edges of the blanket over them, he put his head down on the pillow, ready for a nice nap.

  “Brent,” Charmagne murmured against his chest.


  “Why haven’t we done that before? It’s a keeper.”

  Oh yeah.


  The trip back to Denver was easy. It hadn’t snowed since Monday so all the roads were paved and as the sun had come out, some of them were even clear. Char was utterly content. This last week had been perfect. The wedding, the sex, but most of all just being along together. They called Kayla twice a day to check in and were glad she had a blast with her grandparents and cousins.

  Turning her head, she gazed at the man next to her. Everyone had always told her that sex grew boring after a while. Char was of the opinion that it was because none of them were married to Brent Carmichael. Each time just got better and better. And that pussy spanking thing? She squeezed her thighs together as pleasure rushed to her core. At her insistence he had done it two more times and she admitted she was addicted. It was fantastic! The sting of the item smacking her most delicate areas combined with the instant rush of pleasure afterward and as she was riding out her orgasm, the feel of him thrusting inside of her. The whole experience was divine.

  Brent glanced over at her and smiled before turning back to the road. “Glad to be getting back to society?” he teased.

  “Nope.” His laughter made her smile. “If it weren’t for Kayla, I would have sealed the doors shut.”

  “I would have helped. We needed that week together, Char. In fact, we need to make sure we get some alone time more often.”

  “Agreed. I’m sure Jonathon and Benjamin wouldn’t mind looking after our little girl.”

  “Or her grandparents, or even half the town,” he added. “Quincy was saying we needed to bring Kayla over more often.”

  Sighing with contentment, she squeezed his hand and went back to looking at the winter wonderland as they passed it. The week had been amazing and had slid by quickly, but she felt more relaxed and safe than before the whole wedding thing started. Brent was definitely her rock to lean on. And everyone else’s, she had realized. Brent was who he was and he didn’t just want to help those he loved, he needed to. It was one of the best parts of who he was. From the moment they met, he had wanted to help her as well.

  “I’m glad they finally got the power on,” she murmured lazily, feeling so comfortable it was hard to do anything but just sit there.

  “Me too. I’m glad we set the dome up for emergencies ahead of time. Two days they needed shelter and it was already set up for them.” The pleasure and relief in his voice made her smile. Brent was an alpha male and he was at his most comfortable when in control, but he never took accolades very well. There was no ‘we’ about setting up the dome for emergencies. It had been his idea and he had implemented it just like he had most everything else.

  The Denver skyline came into view and twenty minutes later, they pulled up in front of the Carmichaels’ house. They hadn’t even gotten their doors open before a little bullet shot out of the door. “Mommy! Daddy!”

  “She’s been waiting since before the sun came up,” Rachel told them as they walked toward the door, Kayla happily sitting on her daddy’s arm and leaning against him as she chattered away. Her mother-in-law looked between the two of them and smiled widely. “Looks like you got what you needed.”

  “Definitely,” Char assured her, giving her a hug as they walked through the door. “Thanks so much for this. The wedding it was… well…” Charmagne gulped. She hated letting people down.

  Placing a hand on her cheek, her mother-in-law shook her head. “Don’t worry a bit about it. It definitely got out of hand and I had no idea just how terrified you were of something big. Never be afraid to tell me. Now, come on in. Everyone won’t start arriving until five tonight and it’ll be low key. I promise,” she added, putting an arm around Char’s shoulders and guiding her into the living room.

  Any event with the Carmichaels was fun and except for a small amount of anxiety right before the others began to arrive, Char had fun. Brent’s sister and brother-in-law, even though they weren’t spankos themselves, had obviously taken her and Brent’s lifestyle into account when they got them their wedding gift. “Open it when you’re alone,” Sophie suggested with a wink. “When little eyes won’t be watching.” Brent’s brother Jack wasn’t able to be there but had sent his best wishes along with a bottle of champagne and tickets to come visit him at their earliest opportunity.

  The evening was filled with food, fun, and a pile of gifts that surprised her. She kept forgetting Brent’s extended family was big because they rarely all got together at the same time. Over fifty adults plus children came through the house tonight, many of them sharing memories of Brent when he was a little boy.

  “He what?” Char asked, stunned when Brent’s Aunt Aggie told her one of his antics.

  “Oh, yes. That little boy just had to save that little squirrel. He was only five years old and didn’t know that squirrels were varmints and you really shouldn’t try to handle them. But when they gave him his rabies shots, except for some tears, little Brent never made a sound.”

  “True,” Brent agreed, coming up behind Char and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, “the screaming happened when the little sucker bit me.”

  Aggie laughed. “Yes, and quite loudly, too, all the way to my house.”

  “Talking about the squirrel bite?” his Uncle Adam asked, walking up with a grin on his face. “Char, you need to hear about when he saved the ducks.”

  It turned out the man behind her had made a life of taking care of others. It started with baby animals and just got bigger from there.

  “…He started a campaign his junior year of high school to get the giraffes sent back where they belonged,” his cousin Melanie said with a giggle. “So impassioned even back then.”

  “Now he’s more intent on saving humans,” Char said, making the people around her chuckle.

  A little ringtone filled the air and Brent pulled his phone out. “Be right back… Carmichael,” he said into the phone as he walked away. Char watched him go, tensing when he faltered for a second. “Shawn? What’s wrong?”

  “Excuse me for a moment,” she said, following him out of the room. There was only one Shawn she had heard of, his best friend Corbin’s brother-in-law. Both men lived back in New York so she hadn’t met either of them yet. She walked down the hallway after making sure Kayla was happily ensconced and as
leep on her grandfather’s lap. A door was ajar at the end and she pushed it open.

  “Shit,” Brent said and she instantly walked up and wrapped her arms around him. His tone told her whatever he was hearing was bad news. His hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her tightly against him. “Is he alright…? I understand… Corbin hadn’t told me anything… Yes, I agree. When are they going to do it…? Tomorrow? Ah, hell… No, I’ll get a flight out. He needs someone with him… Yeah. Thanks for calling me. Make sure Shawn’s okay… Thank you.” Shoving the phone into his pocket, he held her tight. “Char…” he said in a husky tone. “I need to go to New York.”

  Looking up at him, she felt a flash of warmth. Her hero, who needed to help others, – especially those he loved – needed to go and she didn’t even think of stopping him. “Of course. Is there something wrong with Corbin?”

  “His wife’s in a coma. I need to go be with him. That was Corbin’s brother-in-law Shawn and his caretaker on the phone.”

  “Oh, honey.” She tightened her hold before releasing him. “Go pack an overnight bag. I’ll call and get you a flight.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I know we planned on spending time with Kayla this weekend and—”

  Gently she pressed her finger to his lips. “It’s okay. This is who you are and quite honestly it’s a part of you I love. Now go get ready to help Corbin.” He hugged her close, kissing her passionately before releasing her and quickly leaving the room. Glad she was in her in-laws office, she turned on their computer. In no time, she found a flight that would get him into New York early in the morning and purchased it.

  “Char, is everything okay?” Rachel’s voice made her jump and she looked around.

  “Brent’s friend Corbin needs some help. He’s flying out tonight.”

  Her mother-in-law’s eyes softened. “That’s my boy. The eternal boy scout. Do you want us to drive him to the airport? Or do you and Kayla want to take him?”

  “I think…” Char paused to make sure her words came out correctly. “I think it’s best if I let you drive him to the airport. Airports don’t have great memories for me.” And seeing him off would just make her sad. Who knew how long Brent would need to be in New York for?


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