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Romance: Teen Romance: Game On (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

Page 42

by White, Stella

  I nervously toyed with the small porcelain mask I was given. The silver along the edge was starting to come loose from my handling it, and the plumage that jutted from the top was beginning to bend slightly. Still, I felt that nobody would notice the small wear and tear at the masquerade party.

  My driver wasn’t particularly chatty, which was probably for the best, as my Russian was still a little rusty. So, I took out my phone again and checked the time. It was just a little past eight in the evening. The night air slipping through the slightly-open window was crisp and refreshing, and it helped me clear my head a little.

  The car turned down a driveway, and we passed a pair of ornate iron gates. We came to a full stop, and a pair of well-dressed and muscular men approached the window.

  “Invitation,” they ordered.

  I pulled the glossy paper invitation from my clutch purse and held it up.

  The talkative of the two men snatched it and examined it for a moment before passing it back.

  “Enjoy your evening,” he said.

  I nervously rolled the window up and affixed the mask to my face. I really doubted that it would hide my real identity. My gown for the evening left little to the imagination, and the mask wouldn’t hide my dark skin.

  As we continued to drive, the estate came into view. It was possibly the largest house I’d ever laid eyes on. It may as well have been called a castle, as the brickwork alone made it appear to be so. Massive windows stared at anything that dared pass their gaze, and it felt like it wasn’t just the windows doing the staring. Lights erupted from the house as though a beacon, both warning and inviting travelers. Guests walked to and fro, drinks in hand and masks planted on their faces, making merry around the looming castle of a house.

  We came to a stop, and my door was tugged open by a well-dressed attendant whom also wore a mask. He provided me a hand and assisted me from the car. My heart began to beat a little harder as my nerves continued to surmount. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, pushing back the nerves for another moment. I had been in situations like this before and wasn’t about to lose my composure.

  I strolled up the red carpet leading into the manor with an aloof gaze and curious mind. I had been to gala’s and gallery openings, but this was something to behold.

  People danced and drank without a care, I couldn’t say I really recognized anyone, but that feeling was quite liberating. I wanted to commence my own drinking, but my situation held me back.

  “I see you’ve arrived fashionably late,” said a man’s voice from behind.

  I recognized the voice quite easily as Viktor’s, the man who was kind enough to send me the invite and the mask.

  “A girl needs to look her best for these sorts of things,” I replied. I began to turn but his arms caught me and held me in place.

  “You needn’t have worked so hard, knowing what’s under that dress would make any man weep with joy.”

  “Yes, but I find it best to wear clothing when I’m still easily recognized,” I replied.

  “I need to speak with you in private,” he said. “Follow me to my study.”

  I nodded. He released me and pushed his way through the opulent crowd while I followed. As we made our way, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that I was being watched. I looked about, and nothing seemed completely out of place, considering the party, except I noticed one person standing near the library with a drink in hand that tried his best not to make eye contact.

  I didn’t have much time to think about the stranger as I was being shoved into a small office room that opened beneath the entry stairs. Viktor closed the door and twisted the key.

  The room was surprisingly quiet and very cozy. A desk sat in the middle of the room with a high-backed leather chair protruding from behind. In front of the desk stood two smaller leather chairs. The wood paneling adorned the walls, and rich green carpet stained the floor.

  Viktor dropped the key and bent down to kiss me deeply. I craned my neck to reach him, standing on my tip-toes as I did. His lean muscular arms grasped me tight as I melted into them.

  He massaged his arm down my bare-backed dress, but I stopped him before he could go any lower.

  “I’m here to talk, and it’s rather important,” I said.

  “I have much to say to you as well, have a seat.”

  I sat myself in the smaller of the chairs; Viktor walked to a nearby decanter and poured himself a glass of Cognac before sitting himself next to me.

  “I hope you like the party, it was the only way I could think to get you here without pretenses,” he started.

  “You are having this party because you couldn’t just invite me to come over?” I asked.

  “Yes. I have too many people watching my home right now, and it’s important that I speak with you as soon as possible.”

  I sighed, slumping into my chair and getting a little more comfortable. My nerves were back, and this time, it wasn’t about being the only dark-skinned woman at a party.

  “There are a lot of people that don’t like me,” he said, “and many of them would stop at nothing to get revenge in any way they can. I want you to know this. I cherish our time together, and I need to keep you safe.”

  “Viktor,” I said.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Before you continue, I need to tell you something …”

  I stood back up and began pacing near the door.

  “Last month, after you bought that painting from the gallery, we slept together.”

  He smiled, appearing to remember fondly the night we gave in to our passions.

  “Well, I visited a doctor, and I found out that I’m pregnant. You’re the only person I’ve been with in quite a long time, and I know you’re the only one who could be the father. I want to carry this baby to term.”

  Viktor’s smile faded, but only a little. I started shaking, fearing the worst was in store for me. I waited for him to yell and me, and throw me from the building, but it never came. Instead, he just took me by the hand until I stopped shaking before answering.

  “I would love to be the father to your child. But, this is very distressing for me.”

  I nodded, assuming that he just thought I was telling him so that he would offer me money, but I so wished that he wouldn’t.

  “Now I have two people that I must look after.”

  He guzzled the last of the cognac in the glass and walked over to pour himself another. He turned to offer me a drink, then realized, shaking his head that I would surely turn it down.

  “I have received a few warning calls this past week. There is a man that I used to work with, Anton. He’s dangerous and will stop at nothing to take his anger out on me.”

  He returned to his seat, and I to mine. He leaned close to me and kissed my cheek.

  “Brandy, he may try to kill me.”

  I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing. It was at that moment that I wanted a drink quite badly.

  “Why is he trying to kill you,” I asked.

  He let out a sigh.

  “I suppose now is as good a time as any to tell you,” Viktor stood up and went to his desk. From the top drawer, he produced a small wallet and handed it to me.

  Inside the wallet was a hunk of bronze in the shape of a shield with a sword stabbing through the top. A familiar hammer and sickle displayed prominently in the middle. The markings and text were unfamiliar.

  “That’s my badge from the former secret service. Anton was my partner,” he said.

  I returned the badge and attempted to make sense of everything I had just heard.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I replied through a creaky voice.

  Viktor flashed a smile.

  “Ah, clever girl,” he said. “You’re right, I haven’t answered.”

  He took the seat next to me again.

  “You see, when Anton and I were coming up in the service he wanted more power. The more he grasped for it, the more it slipped through his fingers.”

>   “I don’t understand,” I said.

  “He took bribes, loaned his services out for favors, and even kidnapped public officials. He’s dirty.”

  I thought for a moment. “Wait, you stayed his partner while knowing all this?”

  “I’ve done some things I’m not entirely proud of to keep my country safe. For doing so, I have been rewarded with great success.”

  A shock of horror crept upon the back of my mind as I tried to understand the man before me. I had only known him for the last few months when he would come into my gallery and buy pieces for his own collection. To imagine the sweet man that I met as a thug and a gangster was becoming unbearable.

  I stood up and walked to the door, unthinkingly. It was still locked. I felt Viktor’s arms around me again, and I lingered for a moment.

  “Where’s the key?”

  He didn’t appear to be in a talking mood, but I wasn’t in the mood for intimacy. I pushed him off and searched around for the key, which I spotted on the floor.

  “Don’t go.”

  I looked him in the eyes as he begged me to stay. It was a soulful look, a look of longing, and it was difficult to say goodbye.

  “Goodbye, Viktor.”

  I twisted the key in the lock, while replacing my mask, and made quickly for the front door. I could hear Viktor coming from behind, but he was too late.

  I pulled myself into the car I had arrived in, which wasn’t too far from the entrance, and my driver knew I was ready to leave.

  I removed my mask and turned to Viktor, who stood at the end of the red carpet, in an attempt to get my attention.

  I couldn’t tell if it was my imagination or not, but I could make out the appearance of the same masked man from before, this time, it seemed he was staring at my car. If I weren’t in such a foul mood, I might have found myself more than a little unnerved.

  My phone began buzzing before I reached the end of the driveway, it was Viktor calling me. I couldn’t think of anything he could say that might calm me down right now. I’m not a person who gets involved with gangsters, but now that I had was it really so bad?

  Viktor was still a good man, in my eyes. I had never seen him treat anyone with disrespect, and that included the few times I met his personal driver.

  The odd part of the night was that I couldn’t help but find his new persona, the dangerous and wild gangster, as a serious turn on. I could feel my chest grow heavier as I thought about it more, and my brain was alight with possibility. I slept with a gangster, and I was having his baby.

  I tried my best to think of something else, but the more I denied myself the pleasure, the stronger it became. I could feel myself becoming more aroused by the second. The yearning I had for his touch took over my hands, giving them a mind of their own as they caressed my gentle curves.

  I was snapped from my fantasy by the car coming to a stop in front of my apartment. The driver was already walking around to my door, so I tried my best to hide my excitement.

  I have a suspicion that he knew what was on my mind, considering the cheeky smile that seemed plastered on his face. My cheeks were flush with embarrassment as I half sprinted up the stairs toward my room.

  Once inside my apartment I stripped the elegant gown off and felt the need for a cold shower. It was my own impulses that got me into this mess, and now I wondered how I would get out of them.

  I can’t say I enjoy cold showers, but they always help kill the mood. I wondered if perhaps it was my own hormones starting to affect my mood in some fashion.


  I was still a little angry when I woke up. My phone had still not been turned on, and I deigned to do so. Still, I had a business that needed to be run, so begrudgingly clicked on the device.

  It flashed to life and delivered several text messages and voice mails that I could already tell weren’t from prospective clients. I wasn’t interested in reading anything from Viktor, today. So, I crammed the phone in my purse.

  The wind blew cold through the window I had forgotten to close; which was odd, as I rarely opened that window, but I have been known to forget my own actions in the past. The rush of cold air perked up goosebumps on my naked skin, and I relented to putting clothes on.

  My dress lay on the floor, still in a heap, waiting for me to take proper care of it. I wasn’t too keen on having so expensive a thing get destroyed so soon, so I plucked it from its rest and hung it in the closet.

  I wasn’t sure what it was that I saw, but I know I saw something out of place once again. My shoes, which I normally keep in proper order, had somehow found themselves disheveled. A few of my dresses as well were shoved to the wrong side of the closet, as well.

  It only took a moment to put them back, but still frustrating to have even a minor amount of cleaning that need be done so early in the morning.

  I kept having a nagging feeling in the back of my brain; it kept telling me to get out of there; just put everything down and leave, go see Viktor. Still, my anger at him for being what he was denied me the comfort of that possibility.

  However, just because I didn’t want to go to Viktor for help didn’t mean I wouldn’t find some sort of safe haven to assuage my mounting nerves.

  I dressed for work in a flash, even taking a minute to enjoy my outfit in the mirror before leaving. I always did look good in darker red clothing; it mixed well with my darker skin tone.

  A creak from the hallway snapped me from my mindless admiring, and I felt a greater urgency to leave.

  I took a quick peek into the hallway of my building, which was thankfully empty, and figuring it safe enough, left my apartment.

  The safest place I knew was my gallery, I knew every nook and cranny, every sight and sound; it was home. It sat a fairly close two blocks away from my apartment, which was as far as I really would consider walking in the city.

  I could already make out the familiar glass viewing windows, and spectacular pieces I had arranged for all to see.

  I whipped out my keys and tore open the door, immediately shutting and relocking the heavy glass portal behind me. I figured the glass would, at least, let me see people coming.

  My phone buzzed again, and I once again ignored it. I knew it was still Viktor trying to get my attention. With a sigh of relief, I made way for my office in the back room of the gallery, and a twist of the key brought me into the inviting cubby that was my office.

  It truly was a cozy place, as I had enough room to sit at my desk for paperwork when the need arose, or to stretch when too much work needed to be done. Familiar receipts and documents littered the walls and the desk, still demanding my attention. A fresh piece sat against the wall, still wrapped in butcher paper while it waited for a spot in the gallery.

  I plopped down on the chair and shut the door behind me, and enjoyed the solitude. I knew I would have a few people visiting today to possibly purchase some of the work I had displayed and I readily awaited their calls.

  I figured now was the best time to go through the mountain of messages that I had received. I retrieved my phone, yet again, from my purse and began to scroll through my missed messages. More than twenty from Viktor, and another three voice messages from him as well. However, there was a single message from an unknown number.

  Knowing that it may be a client I decided to tap on it, and doing so I let out a scream of fright. It was a photo of me, getting into the car at the party last night. I could even make out Viktor’s silhouette in the foreground chasing after the car.

  The phone flashed again, and another photo popped up on the screen from the same number. It frightened me to find another photo of me, but this time, I was lying in bed, naked. I could tell the photo had been taken last night, as the dress I had worn the previous night was still crumpled on the floor in the photo.

  I dropped my phone, hoping this was some kind of prank that was being played, but then I remembered what Viktor was talking about last night and began to have a panic attack. My breathing became incredibly shallow
as I lowered myself to the floor with my back against the door.

  The phone vibrated on the floor again, and I felt the urge to leave and find the police. But, I hesitantly reached for it and examined the caller. It was Viktor.

  I hastily answered the phone.

  “Viktor, what the hell is going on,” I screamed, “why am I receiving photos of myself from last night?

  “Brandy, this is very important, you need to delete all the messages I sent you from last night as quickly as possible. I’m on my way to your apartment right now.”

  “I’m at the gallery,” I said.

  “Okay, stay right there and I’ll be there in a few minutes. Don’t open the door for anyone.”

  The phone went silent, and I did as I was told. I scurried through my phone and removed all the messages I had received.

  Then I heard a knock on the window out front. I was scared to even look out the back room door, let alone open the front door. Still, I did my best to keep my composure as I stepped out from my office.

  I recognized the man at the front door, it was Ivan. He was a client I had scheduled a meet with. I let out a sigh, which did little to calm my nerves, and straightened my dress. I had known Ivan for more than half a year, and he was one of my better customers. I knew I could trust him with in my situation.

  I unlocked the door, and he inched it open from the outside.

  “Ivan, so good to see you, could we perhaps reschedule for another day? This is not a good time.

  I choked out the words and I think he could tell I was nervous.

  “Is something wrong,” he asked, “I know it’s short notice but I really need a gift for my friend. Vodka is a great gift for a friend, but it shouldn’t be the only gift. Let me buy something quickly, eh?”

  I relented. He had a nice smile, and I couldn’t see him as anything more than harmless. He strolled in, and I locked the two of us in the gallery to make sure nobody would try to enter that I didn’t know.

  With a quickened pace he walked along the walls of paintings and took a quick glance at many of them he hadn’t seen before. I followed, with one eye watching him, and the other watching the door.


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