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Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)

Page 21

by Becca Jameson

  She couldn’t walk out the door wearing a toga because that hadn’t panned out well for her the last time she’d done it.

  She didn’t have a car. Hell, she hadn’t had a car since she met them.

  And on top of everything else, she didn’t trust there wasn’t someone or something out there waiting for her to wander away so it or he or she could cut her up into small pieces and feed her to the fucking—wolves. Surely there were plenty of wild wolves roaming the mountains that were not shifters.


  She shivered and burrowed deeper.

  She could hear them arguing. The front door slammed.

  She held her breath, waiting for the truck to start. It did not.

  Of course.

  They might be mad, but they wouldn’t leave her.

  No fucking way.


  More arguing. Muted. This time outside. She could hear Miles’ voice louder. Most likely Griffen was the calmer one, trying to talk sense into her other mate. She needed to remember that in the future. Miles could be hot under the collar.

  She wasn’t particularly shocked by their reactions. She knew they would be mad. Mad enough to let her wallow alone in the bedroom? Not really. But she’d been mentally prepared for just about anything.

  Nevertheless, it made her heart ache they couldn’t just listen to her and be reasonable. She was their equal, not some little girl who needed to be coddled and treated with kid gloves. Right?

  God, she hoped they saw it that way. If they didn’t…

  Well, if they didn’t see her as equal, this would never work.

  Half an hour went by while she waited, tears forming and then falling. She didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t help it.

  Damn them.

  They needed to get over themselves. And fast.

  Eventually, thinking she was really in trouble, she pulled from the bed and dragged herself to the shower. She turned on the hot water, and as soon as it heated to a temperature she could endure, she stepped under the spray and let it wash down her face.

  Her hair hung long and loose, adhering to her back and butt like glue.

  And she cried. For everything. For herself. For this fucked-up situation. For the race she wouldn’t be competing in. For the job that was now precarious at best. A job she loved.

  For the men behaving like assholes she was stuck with for eternity.

  It hurt. Deep.

  She grabbed the shampoo and washed her hair. She applied conditioner next and let it sit while she washed her body.

  She stood under the spray until the water grew cold and she was shivering.

  Finally, the shower door opened and someone flipped off the water.


  He didn’t say a word as he led her from the shower and wrapped her shaking body in a towel.

  Long clusters of her hair clung to her back as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He set her on the edge of the bed, dried her as well as he could, and then grabbed the comforter to tuck around her still-shivering body.

  She was spent. Exhausted. She didn’t meet his gaze.

  She didn’t know when Griffen came in the room, but he sat beside her.

  Miles kneeled in front of her. “I’m sorry, love.”

  She trembled, tucking her lips under her teeth.

  “That was completely uncalled for. Please forgive me.”

  She lifted her face a few inches to meet his gaze. “I’m not a child.”

  “I know that, love.” His voice was tender.

  Griffen stroked her back through the comforter. “I’m sorry too, baby.”

  Miles opened his mouth. “I can’t explain the feelings I have for you.” His words were strained. It was hard for him to say this. He set a fist on his chest. “It’s like one minute I was just me. And I was fine that way. Happy. And the next minute, it was no longer me alone. It was you. And Griffen. It was instantaneous. I knew I was in love with you in less than an hour. It shocked me. It still does.”

  Griffen’s hand stilled.

  Rebecca didn’t think she was breathing.

  He continued. “You’re my world. Both of you. And maybe it doesn’t work quite the same for you because you aren’t lupine, but I know you feel at least half of what we feel for you already. It will grow with time.”

  It didn’t need to grow. It already was the same thing. That’s why it hurt so much for them to be so angry with her. If she didn’t care, it wouldn’t matter. She wouldn’t have this pain inside her chest that wouldn’t let up.

  She didn’t say any of that because she couldn’t find her voice.

  “Rebecca, I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. It was uncalled for. I have a temper. I’ll do my best to control it in the future. Can’t promise I won’t fuck up sometimes, but know that I love you at all times, and I’m man enough to apologize when I calm down. I was wrong.”

  “You weren’t wrong,” she finally managed. “I should have told you.”

  “You should have told us, baby,” Griffen added, “but only because we need to know what we’re up against so we can protect you. When Miles fell in love with you, he was already one day behind me. You’re in our blood, so to speak. It’s a deep, deep bond that can’t be broken.”

  She swallowed. She didn’t have more tears. After last night and this morning, she was spent. So, she addressed the unaddressed. “You can’t keep me locked in the house.”

  “Not even with the ropes you suggested?” Miles teased.

  “Not even. I mean, you can use ropes if you want. I’m not opposed to that, but you can’t use them to keep me inside.”

  His chuckle turned into a groan.


  “I have to go to work. I have to run free outside. If you stifle that, you’ll kill me inside.” She held her hand over her chest. “And if you keep me from going anywhere, the bastard wins.”

  That was the crux of the problem.

  “I hear you, love.” Miles leaned in and closed the distance, setting his forehead against hers. “We’ll work it out. I promise.”

  She nodded subtly against him. “You’re wrong, you know.”

  “About what?”

  “My feelings. They’re just as deep as yours. I may be human, but I feel as much love for the two of you as you do for me. Already. I might not have had the exact words to describe it as quickly as you did, but I knew in my heart I belonged to both of you.”

  A grin spread across Miles’ face. And then he pounced.

  His hands came up under her arms, and he slid her back on the bed to throw his entire weight over her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The week started out uneventful. Rebecca held her breath most of the time, always diligent about her surroundings, glancing around her to make sure no one was following her, and then looking at the sky to make sure it wasn’t about to open up and drench her or shake her foundation.

  She was convinced the god of weather, if there was such a thing, was toying with her. He or she did not want her to run in that race on Saturday.

  She’d never been a superstitious person, but when slammed with that many signs, she had to admit defeat.

  As soon as she announced she would not run in the race, the weird weather abated. She was able to go to the gym in the afternoons and work out unencumbered. They even had electricity. Monday afternoon she was leery about entering the gym, but once she managed to get on a treadmill and the electricity didn’t flicker and the building didn’t collapse, she relaxed, plugged in her music, and ran her heart out.

  Griffen and Miles were not as calm. And truthfully, Rebecca’s concern for her surroundings was needless because both men had it covered in spades.

  She had to grit her teeth and take deep breaths at the way they shuffled her from home to work to the gym and back. One or both of them was always at her side, even inside the gym. The only place they didn’t trail along behind her was inside the hospital. She was actually grateful for those eight hours
without their scents surrounding her and making her crazy with lust.

  Her arousal level was insane, and it wouldn’t let up. She kept thinking it would ease. Who had sex that many times a day and didn’t feel completely sated?

  She woke up every morning to one or both of them stroking her, sucking on her, or already pressing into her.

  She went to bed every night the same way, exhausted from so many orgasms, her mind mush, her body limp.

  And still she craved more.

  She was on mornings at the hospital this week, which meant someone woke her up with their hands or mouth before the sun rose. It also meant she could go straight from work to the gym before one of the guys had her once again in Griffen’s apartment flat on her back.

  By Wednesday afternoon, she entered the condo beside Griffen, dropped her purse and gym bag by the door, and collapsed on the sofa on her back. She needed a shower, but she was too tired to move.

  She held up a hand as Griffen grinned down at her, palm out. “Don’t touch me.”

  His grin widened. “How about if I fill the bathtub, and you soak in it for a while? I’ll pour you a glass of wine.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Alone? I could use one evening off. I’m exhausted. The two of you have worn me out.”

  “That could be arranged.”

  Awesome. “You have a deal.”

  She didn’t move. Griffen shuffled away from her. She could hear the water running, and then he padded into the kitchen and popped a cork.

  All she did was close her eyes and listen.

  The man hadn’t worked more than a few hours since she met him. Luckily his family could do fine without him during the brief summer months. There were enough of them to handle the hiking tours and cover for him. If they had met during ski season, the situation would have been far different.

  They had sort of a routine now. Griffen did most of the escorting and cooking and cleaning, and Miles drove the long distance to the reservation every morning to see patients. He grumbled about how unfair it was he didn’t get to spend as much time with her as Griffen, but it also couldn’t be helped.

  They couldn’t keep up this pace forever, and all three of them were aware that changes had to be made soon.

  For one thing, Griffen’s apartment wasn’t his own. His brother Trace had graciously agreed to stay with their parents for the near future, but not forever. And Zachary was chomping at the bit to take Griffen’s half of the lease. He was ready to move out of their parents’ house and get on his own.

  Rebecca’s housing situation was the pits. She was now the owner of nothing but the clothes she salvaged from the fire. So, staying with Griffen was easy enough.

  But the elephant in the room was always Miles. The commute was far. Forty-five minutes to his house and oftentimes farther to his patients’. None of them wanted to keep that up for long. On the one hand, he had the best home. He owned it free and clear, and he had lived alone when the three of them mated. On the other hand, it wasn’t large, not much bigger than Griffen’s condo. Eventually the three of them would bump elbows a few too many times a day in his small two-bedroom place.

  It certainly didn’t matter for the near future since the three of them nearly always occupied the same four square feet of space, but she didn’t imagine this ridiculous sexual frenzy would last forever. In fact, the thought made her shiver, and she didn’t know if it was from the hope that it kept up the pace or allowed her an eventual reprieve.

  Miles had a great-paying job he loved as a vet, and they needed him on the reservation far more than anyone did in Cambridge. Rebecca made good money as a nurse at the hospital too, but she realized it didn’t matter as much where she worked as long as she did for sanity’s sake.

  Griffen, on the other hand, worked with his family at their resort. That couldn’t be moved. It also paid well, which left her men with important jobs forty-five minutes apart and at an unspoken impasse. One day soon they would need to address the issue.

  “Ready, baby?” Griffen interrupted her musing by hovering over her, holding up a glass of wine, and nodding toward the hallway. “Water’s hot. I even put bubbles in.”

  “Where did you get bubbles?” She groaned as she heaved herself off the sofa and wobbled on her feet.

  “Bought them a few days ago.”

  “And you’ve been holding out?”

  He shrugged as she followed him to the bathroom. “What can I say? I’m greedy. I like you in the shower with me where I can wash you myself. Tub’s kinda small.”

  She giggled as she pushed by him to get to the bathtub. Without thought, she peeled off her scrubs, dropped them in the hamper, and then lowered her aching body into the perfect water on a long moan.

  He’d filled it more than halfway. It totally covered her up to her neck.

  Griffen was breathing heavily as he leaned over and handed her the glass of wine. “You’re gonna kill me, woman,” he muttered.

  “Mmm,” she took a sip of the Merlot and set it on the side of the tub, “hope not.”

  Griffen perched on the edge and trailed the tips of his fingers along the top of the water, following them with his gaze until he reached her face, cupped her cheek, and leaned down to take her lips.

  She instantly opened for him. The second his tongue met hers, she was lost. This was how it always was. Maybe she could restrain herself in either man’s presence if they weren’t touching her or leaning too close, but one brush of lips, and her pussy flooded, her nipples hardened, and her pulse rate soared.

  She reached out with one soaking wet arm and grabbed his forearm next to her cheek.

  Finally, he released her and stood. “Have a nice bath, baby.”

  Her gaze shot wide, and her mouth fell open. She watched his back as he padded from the room. Damn him.

  Smugness wafted off his back as he shut the door. He knew all too well what he’d just done to her. And then left her.

  The only consolation she had was knowing his cock was hard and aching too.

  She closed her eyes, eased farther into the water, and breathed slow and deep. She asked for this. She would take advantage of it. She just wondered if Griffen could really give her one evening without sex.

  “I feel you relaxing, love. What are you doing?”

  She smiled at Miles’ interruption.

  “Mmm. Bath.”



  “Your little noises are making my cock rock hard.”

  “Mmm.” She didn’t have the energy even for telepathy.

  Miles chuckled low into her mind. “Touch yourself, love.”

  Her eyes shot open as her pussy responded to his words. “Miles…”

  “Touch yourself, Rebecca. I want to experience it from here.”

  “Whoa whoa whoa,” Griffen interrupted. “I’m in the goddamn kitchen, dude. I can’t handle that from this close.”

  Miles chuckled into both their minds now. “Suck it up. I’m way out in the middle of nowhere with a sick horse. I’m probably going to be here for several hours. I want my woman to get herself off so I can experience it in my mind at least.”

  “Dude, I was trying to give her some space. She’s supposed to be relaxing.”

  The damage was already done, though. Miles put the idea into her mind, and now Rebecca couldn’t keep her hands from sliding over her breasts, down her belly, and between her legs. She spread them wider, letting her knees fall open as Griffen stated his case.

  There was a pause in the communication.

  She heard something crash in the kitchen, and she smiled, her eyes drifting shut.

  “Put the knife down, Grif, before you hurt yourself,” Miles said.

  Griffen moaned. “Damn you,” he muttered. “I was chopping vegetables.”

  Miles turned his attention to Rebecca. She could feel the moment he entered her mind more fully to hone in on her actions. “God, love. That’s so hot. I can visualize every move in my head. Leave your mind open for m
e, love. Let me be there.”

  Rebecca moaned again and lifted her ass off the bottom of the tub.

  “That’s it, love. Stroke through your pussy for me…”

  She followed his directions. Her fingers were already there, but she let him take the reins.

  “Now your clit, love. Rub your fingers over that tight bundle of nerves.”

  The noises coming from her mouth weren’t silent. She moaned out loud. Her men both knew. She was an open book, unable to block anything in her lust.

  Water sloshed around her. She didn’t open her eyes.

  “Concentrate on your pussy, love. Make yourself come for me.” Even through their connection, she could hear Miles’ voice as lower, deeper, seductive.

  Masturbation wasn’t something she normally did as a performance, and this certainly felt like a show. Even though Miles was almost an hour away and Griffen was in the kitchen, she still felt exposed.

  “That’s it, love. Just feel.”

  Griffen didn’t communicate with words, but she could sense him stroking his cock. She knew he had unzipped his jeans and taken himself in hand. She could feel his heavy breathing as if he were in the room.

  “Ah, love. I can tell you’re close. Let it go.”

  Rebecca stiffened, her pussy gripping the fingers she fucked herself with. She picked up the pace, using her other hand to stroke her clit.

  And then she was flying, soaring above the Earth, floating weightless as she succumbed to the orgasm.

  She didn’t stop as she came down, wanting to hold on to the feeling consuming her. Finally, she relaxed her hands and lay panting in the warm water. “I swore off sex for this afternoon. You’ve ruined me,” she whispered silently to her men.

  Miles grunted as a response, making her smile. Hopefully he was someplace private where he could also get the relief he needed. “So sexy, love. Miss you.”

  “Mmm, you too.”

  There were moments of silence, and then she smiled as she realized she was not alone. She twisted her neck to find Griffen leaning on the doorjamb in the open doorway. His face was thick with lust, his gaze intense, his chest heaving. His jeans hung open, his half-hard cock resting on the zipper.


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