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Ocean's Captive

Page 12

by D. S. Wrights

  She frowned and shook her head, but she did not get the chance to continue her deliberation, because all of a sudden, there was nothing but silence. And the silence followed the tarpaulin being removed and her being exposed to the bright lights from the spotlights directed at her. Out of instinct Angeline crouched down in a corner of the tank, making herself as small as possible.

  It wasn’t just because she didn’t want to give these horrible people something to stare at. It was the sheer need to protect herself and her child.

  “That’s just a girl, Fabricio,” someone said.

  So, that was sleazy-greasy boss’ name.

  Angeline was adamant about giving him nothing, not even her lifting her head to look at him.

  “On the contrary,” was Fabricio’s smug retort, but he didn’t say anything else.

  This was bad.

  Suddenly a high-pitched noise filled the tank as if a fighter jet was starting up right next to her. The sheer sound was excruciating. Automatically she covered her ears and pressed her eyes shut, but it didn’t change a thing. The pain was unbearable. Angeline felt as if her eardrums would burst. She couldn’t help but scream at the top of her lungs. The sound stopped before she stopped screaming. Now she knew why her throat had felt so sore before. The tank’s glass around her was humming along with her unearthly scream.

  Surprised, she opened her eyes and stared at the crowd of people, who were sitting there in front of the tank in fancy suits and dresses, covering their own ears and staring at her in awe. The latter were mostly men. If she’d only knew how to sing that song, they would all be her slaves right now. Or maybe her voice hadn’t changed enough.

  Before she could do or say anything, the first bids had already been shouted.

  There was no way for Angeline to plead with these people now, so she searched for the source of that unbearable sound. She found it quickly. Of course, it was Fabricio, and he was holding a dog whistle.

  “I will kill you,” she mouthed at him.

  She might as well roll with it now. This was her chance to find out if she really could do what sirens did to men.

  A part of her was still hoping Maelstrom would come back for her. If she had been awake the entire time and found out she was pregnant with his child, she would have cut herself with her new claws and bleed into the water, hoping her blood would reach him. However, it dawned to Angeline she might not need a white knight to save her or her child. She wasn’t the prey anymore. She was slowly becoming the predator, and they all were on her menu.

  No one would survive to lay a hand on her unborn child. She would slice them into little dices and feed them to the fish if need be.

  Those thoughts were brutal and so not like her. Angeline wanted to save and protect the innocents, not slay the criminals. But there was still karma and now she had given Angie the tools to serve justice, ice-cold.

  Angeline got up from her position and stepped into the cold ocean water at the bottom of the tank. She barely noticed the difference in temperature, or the water standing to her nose. It didn’t really surprise her that being covered with water seemed to soothe her nerves and calm her down a bit.

  It barely angered her being stared at again as those people could see the light bulge showing thanks to the tight dress she was wearing. Instead, she closed her eyes and listened to the water, hoping she would recall the siren’s song.

  Angeline didn’t need to.

  She was the first to hear them, despite her hearing being so abused before. This time she still perceived the beauty of it, but the siren’s song wasn’t as Angie remembered, because she hadn’t understood it. Now, she could. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized what this truly meant.

  They had come for her. Maelstrom’s family.

  It wasn’t just one voice she hard. It was many.

  All of them promised eternal rapture and bliss to those who heard them. But Angeline only heard one: Maelstrom.

  Angie straightened up and turned around, trying to catch a glimpse of the coast she had perceived, but she couldn’t see it. Then she faced the crowd again, which was almost entirely in a trance.

  All but one. Fabricio. He was hectically looking at the crowd and then their eyes locked.

  Rage blazed inside Angeline’s heart like nothing had before. She despised this vile creature like she never had anything before. The second Angie’s eyes locked with his, images which had been blurred returned into focus. He had her drugged, but that had not been all. When that doctor had left, he had abused her, used her helpless body, while her mind faded to black. It didn’t surprise her. He probably wasn’t even into guys and had forced Hank to wear lingerie because he had the power to do so.

  What had happened in the past, what she didn’t know, wasn’t important. What did count was Angie being in the position to even the score. She could feel how the corners of her eyes lifted to form an evil grin. Angeline remembered Maelstrom having a second set of pointed, sharp teeth showing when he wanted them to. Angeline twitched the corners of her mouth and felt a sharp pang that made her jump a little, but there they were: thin, long, and sharp.

  The second her predator set of teeth showed, he –Fabricio the Sleazy – ran. This asshole was wearing earplugs.

  Angie didn’t think, she acted. She jumped out of the water. She had aimed for the planks on the second level of the tank, but she didn’t have to.

  Instead, she found herself balancing on top of the glass’ rim.

  She would have to be amazed by that later because the center of her attention was still running. Angie let herself drop to the ground and started her pursuit, cold-shouldering all these people who had come to bid on her.

  They would get what was coming for them soon enough. And, as if the sirens were confirming this, Angie could hear the words in the song changing, begging them to come to their loving arms, pleading to be saved.

  The crowd started moving.

  Angeline was running on her bare feet, yet it felt as if she was wearing thin shoes. She knew Maelstrom’s skin had been thicker. Maybe hers was now, too.

  Since Fabricio had forced Angie to spend a lot of time with him while she had been drugged, she knew his scent very well. All she had to do was think of him, and she recalled the smell of the sheets, the air inside that room, his cologne, even the gel in his hair. The latter two were leaving a thick thread of stench she only needed to follow. If she remembered, Hank and Roger’s boss didn’t have the best stamina, so he hopefully wouldn’t run too far. Plus, he wouldn’t hear her coming. And if he did…

  Angeline heard the faint clicking noise of Fabricio pulling a trigger and she quickly changed directions even before the shot was fired.

  After all this time of him staying clear of her pussy so she wouldn’t lose the child, he was now willing to kill her and her baby.

  Angie wouldn’t let anger get the better of her. She knew he couldn’t hear her with the earplugs. But he didn’t know he hadn’t shot her. So, she stumbled from her hiding place and quickly let herself fall onto her knees and then to the ground. Counting on him wanting to enjoy his moment of rediscovered power rather than play it safe.

  Lying on her back she held her shoulder, acting as if he had shot her there. With another twitch of her mouth, she let her siren-teeth snap back and hide. Angeline did her best impression of a hurt weakling, hoping this disgusting man would take the bait.

  After a few seconds, he really came into her field of vision, and Angeline started sobbing, and pleading for mercy, saying all kinds of things she had said the first time she tried to bargain with him.

  “I can’t understand you,” Fabricio, the Greek god impersonator, said loudly.

  Angie swallowed down the impulse to tell him he was an asshole. She opted to say: “I don’t wanna die.”

  She garnished the act with pretending to faint.

  “You little slut,” the boss felt empowered. “You will be my little bitch and cum dump until that animal inside you pops out.”

  His words stung deeper than she had anticipated because she remembered him saying those vile words while violating her mouth and ass.

  Was he so stupid to try and do that right now?

  Angie fought the need to take a look. Instead, she counted on her other senses. She could smell him coming closer, hear him searching his pockets.

  “Fuck, I must have dropped it,” Fabricio cursed.

  He was within her reach, but he also still had his gun. Should he fall, a shot could accidentally be fired.

  Angeline couldn’t risk that.

  Too bad he had lost the syringe he used to sting her with, to roofie her.

  “You’ll regret what you did to me,” she thought in her mind but did not speak those words.

  Angie had to pretend to have lost consciousness. Fabricio would not leave her there alone. Angie knew she was too valuable to him, plus he just verified her theory of him having enjoyed raping her in her comatose sleep the last few weeks.

  “First, I need to make sure you won’t scream, and rupture my eardrums,” he was thinking out loud.

  Angie could hear fabric grazing against fabric. So, he was planning to use his tie to muffle her.

  Good. He needed to kneel to do so.

  Once more the stench of his cologne came closer. Along with it came the memories. That was enough.

  Angie opened her eyes and sat up the moment she could hear metal touching concrete and she snatched his throat with her hand. She didn’t stop proceeding but forced him to move backward, as this disgusting specimen of a human male fearfully brought up his hands to fight hers.

  The gun was out of reach. Fabricio would never be able to touch it. Right now, she could read in his eyes, all he was thinking about were her claws rupturing the thin skin of his throat; and drawing blood.

  Her captor, her rapist, and tormentor stared at her with scared eyes, not daring to move an inch, because if he did, her claws would dig deeper. Angie could see in his expression this sleazy nauseating human still had hope. She should just kill him and be over with it. Yet, it didn’t feel right, and was not fair or just. He needed to be punished for all his crimes. Angeline could only imagine what horrible deeds he had done to others, sea creatures and humans alike.

  “Please…” the man’s whispered adjuration pulled her attention back to him, Fabricio noticed it, which encouraged him to continue. “I will leave you alone.”

  Angie let her hand twitch and he jumped in pain and panic once again. Still, he believed she was willing to negotiate. Had he forgotten what he had done to her? Did he count on the drugs having erased all the memories of his abuse?

  Maybe it was because of the rage coursing through her system like a cleansing fire. Maybe the drugs did work differently on her body because it had changed somehow.

  “I will leave them alone,” Fabricio continued and Angie tilted her head slightly, just to see how this filth would react to that. “You can have the yacht… the money. Tell me what you want. I will give it to you.”

  Now Angeline new exactly what she had to do to even the scales of justice.

  “You’ve given me more than enough, Fabricio,” she responded, rolling the R, guessing it would sound eerie to him. “None of what I wanted.”

  His eyes widened again, and his face turned paler.

  “Think,” Angeline tapped against his temple with her index finger’s claw, which therefore drew blood.

  The boss couldn’t evade the constant tapping since she would press the claws of her other hand into his throat.

  “Think,” she repeated to herself, and then added: “Think of all of what you did to me and then think again. Do you really think there is anything you could do to save your own life?”

  Fabricio was silent now.

  “Nothing?” Angie stopped tilting her head.

  The man opened his mouth and closed it again. He didn’t dare to shake his head either.

  “Exactly,” she whispered hoarsely now. “You’ve raped me, abused me, threatened my child. You tried to auction me off to the highest bidder. You. Killed. My. Friends.” She emphasized more and more single words, allowing her emotions to surface in her voice and expression.

  Fabricio the proud boss of now no one, started to shake like a leaf.

  “I will kill you.” Angeline stated, pushing her rage back into its cage, speaking as calmly as she possibly could.

  He needed to understand there was no hope and no mercy for him. He would die.

  “I will kill you,” she spoke, tightening her grip.

  Fabricio flinched with pain as blood ran down his neck staining the white shirt he was wearing.

  “Slowly,” Angie informed him, placing the claw of her index finger at the temple it had pierced before, but now with more force.

  He gritted his teeth, trying not to flinch, since he knew it would hurt even more. Angie made it harder for him. She pulled down the claw to his chin, cutting open the flesh easily as if it was butter.

  Sounds of pain were muffled by him biting down on his lips. They weren’t satisfying. And, it dawned on Angeline that nothing she could do to him would truly satisfy her need for revenge.

  The despair etched into the man’s eyes however, helped a bit. Were those actual tears?

  “Are you crying?” she asked, albeit rhetorically.

  He still didn’t dare to move, let alone, speak.

  “I guess you won’t need your tongue, if you don’t have the decency to answer me.”

  When Mr. Pathetic opened his mouth to hectically respond to her, she dug her three middle claws into his tongue, made a fist around it and pulled.

  Throwing the part of flesh she had ripped out of Fabricio’s mouth to the ground, Angie was impressed by the amount of blood pooling through his fingers as he pressed both his hands against his mouth. His eyes were pressed shut.

  “I guess you won’t need your eyes either, if you don’t have the decency to look at me, Fabricio,” she stated coolly.

  Again, he hoped, him acting faster than her would help him. It didn’t. The second he forced his eyelids open, Angie pushed her claw into his right eyeball. He acted on instinct again, now covering the eye he had lost with one hand. Before Angeline got the chance, he covered his good eye as well. She couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Do you still think I will let you go?” she asked him now. “That I will let you live?”

  “No,” Fabricio gargled the answer.

  Angeline knew he lied. He lied because he still hoped. And yet it felt satisfying, because she could still take this hope from him.

  Since he couldn’t see her coming, Angie took all the time in the world to place her claw between his fingers covering Fabricio’s good eye. He tensed as if she was a live wire. The boss knew what was coming, and it was coming slowly, since she counted down from ten.

  This time, as Angeline cut through his eyeball, he screamed against his closed mouth. He screamed and then sobbed. His knees threatened to buckle beneath his body, but he hadn’t forgotten her claws digging into his throat.

  “Do you still believe I will spare your life?” Angie asked him, calmly.

  Covering both his eyes he slightly shook his head.

  “Oh.” He gargled his own blood.

  “Maybe I should check your hearing, since you don’t seem to understand the question,” she mused, loudly.

  “Pwease!” he begged.

  “Not the ears?” Angie asked, grabbing the closer one with her claws, cutting through it, making it too easy to rip it off.

  This time his scream wasn’t muffled.

  “You can still hear me, can you not?”

  “’es!” Fabricio whined wretchedly. “I hear ‘ou. I unnershan’ ‘ou.”

  “Do you think I am lying?”


  “Then drop your pants.” Angeline demanded, but he froze and didn’t obey. “Do I need to check your ears after all?” Angie hissed, and this time he dropped his hands, searching for his fly and opening it easily. />
  She shook off the vile memories that the sight evoked.

  His hands were shaking wildly, as he opened his pants and shoved them down his hips. Angie could see how his movement and breathing became steadier. And she knew why. He was telling himself it would be over soon. It would only be pain.

  She remembered thinking exactly that, too.

  Her rage resurfaced with a vengeance and before she knew what she had done, she had plucked his left nut like an apple. Her claws cut through the sensitive flesh like butter.

  His scream was a symphony to her ears. If she had been more patient though it could have been better.

  Angeline placed her hand around his right nut and leaned in to his good ear, whispering: “Do you want me to kill you?”

  As he didn’t instantly answer her, she slowly cut into his sensitive flesh.

  “Oh… ‘es!” he begged, but he was too late.

  His second nut dropped to the floor.

  Angie grabbed the tip of his cock with the tips of her claws, pressing them together slightly.

  “Pwease!” Fabricio now sobbed, gargling, wanting to kneel in front of her, but he couldn’t. “Kill me pwease!”

  Angeline pressed her claws together, chopping off a part of his wiener.

  “No,” she said, icily.

  Angie pulled her hand from Fabricio and he fell to his knees instantly, sobbing wildly.

  “I will let you live,” she leaned down towards him. “And I will let you have your hearing so you can hear me when I come to finish what I started.” Angeline paused dramatically. “Tomorrow. In a week. Maybe a month. Or a year.” She grabbed his jaw to make him give her his entire attention, digging her claws into his flesh. “Maybe I’ll wait until my child is old enough to learn how to hunt, with you as its first prey. Maybe I’ll ask Maelstrom to bring you to me, in pieces.”

  She withdrew her hand and pulled little pieces of his face with her. Finally, she yanked her claws down one final time, leaving four gashes across his face.

  “Don’t look for the gun, I will take it with me,” she told him. “I will call the ambulance and you might even survive like this. If you’re lucky, you might die. No one will believe you. You will end up in an asylum and be taken care of, because I will make sure of that.”


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