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Waiting on Forever

Page 9

by Ashley Wilcox

  I laugh at his statement because that’s exactly how I feel after talking to Kayla, but deep down I know she’s harmless and doesn’t know any better so I just deal with it. There are worse girls out there who I could be roomed with.

  “Yeah, I guess you just get used to her after a while,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Shit, I don’t know if I could. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.”

  Realizing that I’ve said that same thing about her, I burst out laughing.

  “What?” he smiles, turning and looking at me.

  “It’s just funny listening to how you’re describing her because these are all things I’ve thought to myself since living with her,” I say. “It’s like we share a brain.”

  Glancing over at me with the smile that makes my insides weak, he squeezes my thigh and says, “we fit good together,” then turns his head back towards the road.

  Yes. We. Do.

  Although it should have only taken an hour or so to get through our notes, the constant flirting, kissing, and teasing prolonged our study session well into the afternoon. Noticing that there’s no way of getting anymore done, I give into Matt’s millionth attempt of pushing me back on the bed.

  Just as he slips his hand down my pants to tease my new favorite spot, my phone starts ringing with the tone designated for my parents.

  Shit, it’s Sunday.

  Slipping out from underneath him, I fish through my bag to retrieve my phone before it goes to voicemail.

  “Hello?” I answer right before the last ring.

  “Honey?” my mom says in a questionable tone.

  “Hi, Mom,” I say, looking at Matt with an apologetic look.

  “Leah, why do you sound so out of breath?”

  “I was, uh, across the hall when I heard my phone ringing,” I lie, biting my lower lip and scrunching my forehead, hoping I sound convincing enough for her not to continue.

  “Were you with friends?”

  Yeah, my boyfriend.

  “No, I was in the bathroom.”

  “Oh, Leah. I wish you’d branch out and meet some new people,” she says in a caring voice.

  If only you knew how much I have.

  “I know and I will,” I respond in an encouraging voice.

  “Well, your dad and I want to come visit next weekend,” she adds in a more chipper tone.

  “Yeah, sure. That sounds good.”

  “We’re thinking Saturday evening for supper?”

  “That sounds great, Mom.”

  “Okay, Honey. We’ll see you next weekend then.”

  “K. Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, too, Sweetheart.”

  Pressing the end button and letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, I turn to see Matt smiling at me with a devilish grin.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what’s running through that head of his.

  “Didn’t want to tell your folks that your boyfriend had his hands down your pants ready to get you off?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Um, I don’t think it’d be in your best interest to let them in on that detail,” I assure him.

  “Yeah, probably wouldn’t make the best first impression, huh?”

  “Yeah, probably not,” I agree. “They’re coming to visit Saturday night.”

  I throw it out to him to see what he thinks about meeting them.

  “Shit, I’ve got an away game in Binghamton on Saturday and probably won’t get home until late,” he answers, looking disappointed.

  “So you’d wanna meet them if you could?” I ask.

  “Well, yeah. Wouldn’t you want me to?” he asks, confused.

  “Yeah, of course. I just didn’t know if you’d want to.”

  Grabbing my sides, he picks me up and sets me down on his lap so that I’m straddling him. “Baby, I’ve wanted you since the day I met you. Now that I’ve got you, I’m never letting you go. So yeah, I wanna meet your parents. I wanna know everything about you.”

  Just when I don’t think he can’t get anymore sweet, he says something like that and sends my heart into a fluttering mess. Giving him the most sincere smile possible, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly on the lips.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” I whisper softly against his lips.

  “You make me that way,” he responds, pressing his mouth back on mine.

  The next thing I know, we’re completely naked from the waist up. My nipple is in his mouth being fiercely licked and sucked, and our bodies are rocking so hard against each other’s that my thighs are beginning to feel raw from my jeans rubbing on them so much. Needing more and needing it now, I reach down to start unbuckling his pants just as he reaches to do the same to mine. Once they’re both safely unclasped, I stand up to quickly push my jeans and underwear off and then I’m back on top, straddling his now naked body within seconds.

  Having his bare penis rubbing up and down the inside of my folds feels like heaven on earth. If I don’t get him inside me sooner than later I’m going to fall apart right here and right now. Pulling his face up to mine, I push my mouth hard on his, wrapping our tongues together like we’re off to the races. Leaning back just enough to be able to form some words, I manage to get out, “Now, Matt. I need it now.”

  “Not yet, baby,” he whispers before pushing his mouth back on mine.

  What the hell!

  Now pissed, I push back away from him with my hand on his chest. Giving an irritated and serious look, I tell him, “It wasn’t a question.”

  Holding my butt, he picks me up and throws me back down on the bed, bringing his body over mine. “Waiting will make it that much better,” he whispers in my ear before sucking the bottom of it into his mouth. “I promise.”

  I beg to differ!

  While running his mouth down my neck, his hand slithers down my body and just like before, he slides his finger up in my now very wet sex with ease.

  Holy hell!

  Instead of using just one finger like last time, there has to be at least two or three in there now. The pressure and ache with every thrust is enough to make my body scream with pleasure. His mouth is now teasing the shit out of my nipples and I can feel his very hard dick rubbing on my leg. If I can’t have it inside of me, I at least want to feel it! Feeling confident, I reach down and wrap my hand around his shaft.

  So warm and smooth.

  Gripping it firmly, I move my hand up and down. From the deep throaty moan that Matt lets out, I’m assuming I’m doing it correctly.

  Is there really a wrong way, though?

  Within seconds, our hands are moving to the same rhythm and not before long I feel the now familiar warmth rippling down my body.

  “Oh, Matt,” I moan, feeling myself moving very close to climaxing.

  And just like that, my body spasms free, letting go of the overwhelming sensation flooding my body as Matt’s body tenses above me and a warm fluid grazes down my leg.

  Resting his head on my chest while we both catch our breaths, he gently kisses in between my breasts then looks up at me and says, “I think that might have been the best non-sex sex ever.”

  Lifting my hand, I respond, “And quite possibly the messiest.”


  Giving me an apologetic look, Matt pushes back on his heels. “Shower?” he asks, nodding his head towards the door.

  “Good idea.”

  Chapter 18

  Even though Matt and I have only spent one night together, waking up by myself in my own bed leaves a sad lonely feeling in my chest. Knowing that today is my long day of classes followed by work, I had a feeling that if I stayed last night we wouldn’t have gotten much sleep.

  Although it seemed like the most logical thing to do at the time, right now I’m biting back every last word that I used to convince Matt of this. With that said, having these thoughts scares the living shit out of me. I never want to be that girl who needs to be surrounded by her boyfriend twenty-four seven. But, how do
you tell yourself no when every ounce of your heart and soul craves every last inch of him and wanting him all day, every day, all to yourself?

  How pathetic am I?

  Shaking the ridiculous obsessive girlfriend thoughts aside, because honestly, I’m going to be seeing him in just a half hour for class!, I swing my legs off my bed, grab my robe and shower caddy then head across the hall to get ready.

  “Hey baby,” Matt says, pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead just as I step outside.

  “Morning,” I respond, wrapping my arms around his waist and smile up to him.

  “So, you going home last night was the most ridiculous idea ever,” he starts, making me giggle. “How does it make any sense for me to drop you off here last night just to pick you back up eight hours later to go back up to campus?”

  At the top of the hill is where all the SUNY Cortland class buildings are located and only a few streets away is where all the campus houses are–where Matt lives. Down the hill, and on the opposite side of campus, is where all the dormitories and cafeteria buildings are which includes Alger Hall, where I live.

  “Is that the only reason?” I ask with a questionable smirk. Because although that reason does make sense, that’s not the reason I’m thinking.

  Looking like he’s been caught, Matt answers, “And it sucked ass waking up without you next to me.”

  I smile at his response. “Because that’s the reason I had in my head when I woke up without you, too.”

  “Then it’s settled. No more sleeping apart,” he responds with a bit of authority.

  “Agreed,” I smile.

  Unwrapping me from his hold, he laces his fingers with mine to head towards campus.

  “Just so you know, I didn’t really care about coming back down here to get you this morning. I just needed an excuse so I didn’t sound pathetic.”

  Smiling at his statement, I squeeze our hands tighter together. “Yeah, I know.”

  Because I’m just as disgustingly pathetic.

  French class went on like any other day and aside from the flirtatious looks and grins that I now receive throughout class, nothing was out of the norm. I took most of the notes while Matt listened to Professor Adams with a confused look on his face.

  “Well, this sucks,” Matt says as we approach my next class.

  “What?” I ask, confused with his squirrel statement. Totally random.

  “We’ve both got a stacked day of classes, then you’ve got work and I’ve got practice. It’ll be past 9 p.m. before we see each other again.”

  “Isn’t it supposed to be the girl that whines and complains about not seeing each other enough?” I respond sarcastically. Because really, it frickin blows that we’re not going to see each other for eleven hours, eight minutes, and thirty-seven seconds.

  But who’s counting?

  “Not in this relationship, Sweetcheeks!” he jokes.


  Turning so he’s facing me, Matt pulls me close to him, grabbing my butt with both hands. “Yes, you’ve got some sweet cheeks, Babe,” he says with a big goofy grin.

  “Matt!” I yell, not very enthused with the massive amount of inappropriate PDA we’re providing. Although, the smile spread across my face probably tells a different story.

  “What? It’s the truth. I love your ass,” he continues, giving it another squeeze.

  “Okay, thank you. And thank you for letting everyone else know, too,” I point out, peeling his hands off my butt and moving them to my sides.

  “Well, Leah, it is no secret that you’re hot as hell. If I had it my way, you’d be wearing your Team Jacobs shirt every damn day,” he says, acting all serious and showing his possessive side.

  Now that’s a bit much. I’m a nobody which means nobody notices me.

  Rolling my eyes, I stand on my tippy toes and cup his cheek. “Even though you’re totally talking out of your ass, you’re too damn cute to argue with so I’ll see you later.” I give him a gentle, but passionate kiss which will hopefully hold him over for the next eleven hours, seven minutes and forty-eight seconds.

  “Mmm,” Matt growls just as I remove my lips from his. “My place or yours tonight?” he asks, our mouths only inches apart.

  Even though his house is full of sweaty and smelly guys, having our own room with a big bed sounds much more appealing.

  “Yours,” I answer, still in close proximity.

  “K, I’ll be at Racket at nine to pick you up,” he adds before pecking me again.

  “My legs aren’t broken, ya know.”

  “And they won’t be walking you alone through campus. I’ll be there at nine,” he adds with a sweet grin as he takes a small step backwards towards the door. “See ya, Babe.”

  He winks before he turns around and walks away.

  “Ms. Bennett?” I hear Professor Buzz say from behind me.

  “Yup, sorry.” I half grin as I turn and enter class.

  “So, is it true that you’re really dating Matthew Jacobs?” the annoying girl that sits behind me whispers next to my ear.

  Glancing over my shoulder I see her anxious eyes ready to bulge out her head with my answer and her mouth obnoxiously smacking on a piece of gum.

  “Who are you?” I snip.

  “Kate,” she answers all bubbly and annoying.

  “Well, even though it’s none of your damn business Kate, yes. I am dating Matthew Jacobs,” I answer, then turn back around before catching the predictable eye roll that I’m sure I was given.

  Ugh, I hate annoying girls!

  Thankfully, once I’m facing forward Professor Buzz starts today’s lesson about some tribe in Africa and all thoughts of stupid obnoxious girls that feel as though they have the right to know everything about everybody are out of my head.

  At least for now.

  After my class I’ve got just enough time to stop back at my room, pack some clothes and toiletries for tomorrow, and change into my work uniform.

  “What’s the bag for?” Kayla asks, sitting in front her computer.


  “Soooo…?” she asks with a goofy grin.

  “Sooo…what?” I respond, confused.

  “Is he good? Like is he really packin’ it? Because I bet he’s huge!” Her eyes are as big as a deer’s in headlights.

  Don’t their eyes hurt from doing that so much? I swear, every plastic girl does it.

  “You’re seriously asking me that question right now?”

  “Uh, yeah! It’s Matthew frickin Jacobs we’re talkin’ about,” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

  “I’m aware of who we’re talking about, and no! I’m not telling you about his penis.”

  “But you’ve seen it?” she asks, not giving up.

  “You’ve seriously got issues,” I answer before walking out the door.

  “I’ll take that as a yes!” she shouts behind me.

  These girls really need to know everything!

  Chapter 19

  Work is incredibly dead and I find myself staring at the clock, counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds before I see Matt. Two hours, thirty-two minutes, and fifteen seconds. Wait, no. Twelve seconds.

  Feeling my cellphone buzz in my pocket, I take it out to see a text message from Matt.

  Could he get anymore frickin cute?

  I respond back with the biggest grin imaginable on my face.

  Seriously, it’s not possible. Guys aren’t supposed to be this nice.

  Wait, what does that heart mean? Does it stand for love? So he’s saying that he loves and misses me? Or is it just a heart and nothing more? Would I look ridiculous if I asked?

  I can’t ask him that.

  At exactly 9 p.m., Matt comes strolling inside. Although he’s just wearing jeans with a fitted t-shirt and a baseball cap turned backwards, my stomach and heart flutter like crazy and my giddy smile is shining bright on my face.

  “Hey baby,” he greets me, pulling me
into his side and kissing my forehead.

  Almost like a habit now, I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him with a smile.


  “Shit, Babe. You smell like a fryer,” he jokes, sniffing my hair.

  “Um, do ya see where I work?” I motion to the area around us.

  “Looks like we’re takin’ a shower before movie night.” He takes my hand as we start towards the exit.

  “Movie night?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, but don’t get your hopes up. We don’t watch any chick flicks.”

  “Wait, you’re talkin’ about with the guys?” I ask, surprised.

  I thought he was just implying that he wanted us to watch a movie. I didn’t know that he and the guys actually have a designated night for watching a movie together.

  “Don’t judge. It’s part of our team bonding thing that coach makes us do.”

  “Not at all,” I say shaking my head with a smile. “Do you all snuggle under a blanket together, too?”

  Throwing his arm around my neck and yanking me into his side, he laughs. “Ugh. What am I gonna do with you?”

  Hmm, shall we go down that road again?

  “Yo MJ. This shits for real, huh? Bringin’ a girl to movie night?” The guy who interrupted our bathroom session the other day announces as soon as we walk in the door.

  “She’s the real deal, man,” Matt responds, looking down at me with a wink.

  Calm down butterflies, calm down.

  “Leah, right?” the guy asks, reaching out his hand.

  “Yeah,” I answer, meeting his hand with mine.

  “Kyle,” he responds. “Hope you’re okay seein’ some titties, ‘cause tonight’s movie is Striptease.”

  “Every girls got em,” I joke.

  You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.

  “Yeah, buddy!” Kyle shouts, apparently happy with my answer. “Good pick, Dude!” he adds, patting Matt’s shoulder before walking away.

  “Maybe hangin’ out with them isn’t such a good idea,” Matt questions, carrying my bag in one hand and mine in the other as we make our way upstairs.


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