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Waiting on Forever

Page 11

by Ashley Wilcox

  This time I play it off like I could take it or leave it. But let’s be honest, my underwear is soaking wet right now and my clit is pulsing so hard that I try to make it stop by clenching my butt cheeks together.

  “Eh, we’ll see,” I say, giving a fake yawn. “I’m actually kind of tired and think I might call it an early night.”

  Rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a smirk, he wraps his arms tightly around my neck, pulling me in close before gently kissing my forehead. I wrap my arms around his waist, snuggling into him and letting my body melt into his arms.

  Kissing my forehead again, he loosens his hold on me and looks down with heartfelt eyes. “Missed you today.”

  My body goes weak and all I want to say is I love you in response. Seeing those big hazel eyes looking down at me the way they are makes my heart swell with an overwhelming flow of emotion.

  “You okay, Babe?” Matt asks, probably wondering what I’m thinking as I stare at him with a grin on my face.

  Knowing that it’s too soon to tell him those three words, I do the next best thing. I push up on my tippy toes and press my lips hard against his, not even worrying about who can see us. His hands immediately come to my face, holding me close while his tongue wraps with mine, soft and sensual. It’s the most passionate kiss we’ve ever shared. No words are needed to understand how deeply we care for one another. Our lips and tongues move and slide in sync, transferring mounds of passion with each movement.

  Resting his forehead against mine, his eyes still shut, he inhales deeply. “Why did it take so long for this to happen?” Matt whispers softly against my lips.

  “Because you were too much of pussy to ask me out,” I whisper back with a grin.

  He softly chuckles to himself then opens his eyes and studies my face with the sweetest grin. “What a fucking idiot I was,” Matt says, still smiling into my eyes before kissing my nose and lacing our fingers together. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

  Chapter 21

  I told Matt I’d be as his house when he was done with practice and knowing that he probably has been done for at least a half hour, I figure the nice thing to do is text and give him the heads up that I’m running late. Matt is always doing sweet little things for me, so tonight I’ve decided to do something nice for him and I take a quick detour to the grocery store before making my way to his house.

  With my bag-o-fun in hand, I walk right in, now a regular here. I’m greeted by all the guys who are sitting around in the living room shooting the shit, watching the only thing that is ever playing on the TV–Sportscenter.

  “Hey Babe.” Matt stands up as soon as he sees me, bringing me in for a quick hug and kiss. I hear a few greetings so I respond, “Hey guys,” in return.

  Matt looks at the grocery bag in my hand with a playful look.

  “What’cha got there?” he says, angling his head down and trying to sneak a peek of what’s inside.

  “Hey! No peeking,” I laugh, bringing the bag behind my back and pushing him away before making my way to the kitchen. Naturally he follows, eager to know what I’m doing.

  Once inside, I open a few drawers first, in search of the forks. I finally find them in the third one I check, the one next to the stove.

  Who puts silverware in there? They’re not even near the plates and bowls.

  Turning the knob on the gas stove, I adjust it to a low flame. Apparently this really gets Matt intrigued because he quickly moves from behind me to beside me. Opening my bag, I pull out the contents we’ll need. As expected, Matt’s face brightens like a little boys on Christmas morning and I can’t help but bust out laughing at how ridiculously cute he looks right now.

  “We’re making s’mores!” he just about shouts, overly excited. So excited that I wait to see if he’s going to start jumping up and down like an idiot.

  “We are!” I smile as I place a marshmallow over the end of the fork and start slowly roasting it over the flame, making sure it gets perfectly brown on each side.

  “You really know the way to my heart,” Matt says, moving in closer to me and slipping his hand in my back pocket.

  “With food?” I look up to him with a questionable look.

  “And a few other ways,” he answers, pinching my butt and wiggling his eyebrows.

  Dropping my shoulders and looking at him disappointed, I joke, “Damn it. For a second I thought all I had to do was feed you to make you fall for me.”

  “You don’t have to do a damn thing,” he says with sincerity in his eyes. “I’ve been fallin’ since day one.”

  Our eyes melt into each other and our smiles are warm with emotion. He leans in to kiss me gently…


  I snap out of our gaze noticing the blazing marshmallow out of the corner of my eye. Quickly blowing out the ball of flame, I see Matt laughing next to me. I give him a dirty look.

  “Sorry…” he says, still laughing. “You were so intent two seconds ago with browning it perfectly and now it’s charcoal.”

  Knowing that I probably shouldn’t because I’m just going to start something horrible, I fling the marshmallow at him from my fork. It flies is slow motion and you can almost hear the splat as it plops on his shirt. He gives me an “oh no you didn’t” look before scooping it in his hands and whipping it back at me. Of course it lands in my hair and slides down my face.

  He’s laughing hysterically.

  Deciding I can’t just let him win, I pull what’s left of the glob of mush from my hair and lunge for him, but I’ve forgotten he’s a giant next to me and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder before I even know what is happening.

  What he seemed to forget, though, is that I still have a nice handful of mushed marshmallow that would slide perfectly down his pants.

  “Ugh…” Matt shouts, basically dropping me on the floor. He reaches around and pulls the sticky goodness out from underneath the top of his boxers.

  Who’s laughing now!

  “That is so frickin gross,” he says, holding his hand up with what he can scrape off.

  There’s no holding back my laughter now. I’m actually laughing so hard that I may just pee my pants.

  “Funny, huh?” Matt says with a devious look walking towards me.

  I try to run past him, but he swoops me in with his long arm and brings me in close to him. Holding his hand in front of my face, he holds me prison against him and tells me to lick it.

  “Eww…no!” I try to wiggle from his hold. “That was in your ass crack.”

  He brings it closer, only inches from my mouth. “You started it, baby!” he tries to say in a serious tone, but comes out more of a laugh.

  In my last attempt, I try to wiggle free again, but damnit he’s strong. “Okay, okay! You win.” I sigh in defeat. There’s no way I’m licking that shit off of his hand.

  Kissing my cheek first, he lets me go.

  “That’s right, baby.” He hits his chest with his hands, acting all tough. “Don’t mess with this.”

  Shaking my head and rolling my eyes with an annoyed grin, I say, “Okay, tough guy.”

  After shooting me a cocky wink he washes his hands and helps me get the rest of the marshmallow out of my hair.

  Once we’re all cleaned up we actually go back to the original plan and start making s’mores. Of course, hearing all the commotion and smelling the yummy roasting smell, the other guys slowly trickle into the kitchen and before I know it I’m the s’more chef, making everyone in the house a gooey yummy s’more.

  “Okay…Tuesday nights are officially s’more night!” Justin, the quarterback, announces.

  They all mumble with mouths full of graham cracker goodness, agreeing with the newest football house tradition.

  Chapter 22

  It’s now Friday, and I’m staring at the clock in Racket Pizza counting down the minutes until it’s time to leave. Fifty-eight minutes and forty-three seconds.

  Finally under an hour.

  It’s been incred
ibly busy tonight and all I want to do is take a nice warm shower and snuggle in Matt’s bed with his arms tightly wrapped around me. But tonight there’s a mixer that the football house is hosting and for fear of some drunk plastic girl getting her claws on Matt, I’m going. The plan is for me to walk home, since work is literally less than twenty feet from my dorm, then take a shower and get ready. I made the mistake of telling Kayla the other night about this party–although she probably would’ve heard about it anyway. Either way, I brought it up and offered to give her a ride, so she’ll be tagging along. Matt doesn’t know this yet.

  On top of informing Kayla about the party, she also somehow got me talking about Matt’s and my sex life. Or should I say, lack there of. Don’t get me wrong–everything is still hot, steamy, and oh my god amazing–but still no sex. It’s not even something I plead for in the moment anymore since I’ve been shot down so many times.

  Honestly, I don’t get it. Clearly he has had his fair share of girls in the sack. Although I try to not think about it, it’s the truth. He’s Matthew frickin Jacobs and it doesn’t take much for a girl to strip naked underneath him, granting him access to wherever he wants to go. But, why not me? I understand that I’m different and that he actually cares about me, but shouldn’t that make him want me even more? I crave him inside of me and I don’t even know what it’s like! I’ve never had a penis in my hoohah–I’ve never had the mind-blowing sex that everyone talks about nor had I ever cared about it until Matt and I started dating. Now I want it and I want it in the worst way possible. I want to know what it feels like to have his smooth warm shaft pushing hard up in me.

  So much for a warm shower. Now I need a cold one!

  “Okay, so tonight is Operation Get Leah Laid,” Kayla announces once I walk through the door.

  “Oh no…” I answer, putting my hands up and shaking my head, not letting her little makeover paws near me.

  “Oh, come on. Please? I promise I won’t make you look like a whore,” she pleads, holding her hands together and practically begging.

  I’m not gonna lie, it’s not the worst idea ever. Being with Matt brings out a different side in me, a side that wants to be sexy for him. Okay, maybe it’s just so he’ll have no chance to turn me down but hey, as crazy as this sounds coming from the once major prude, I’m getting desperate.

  Plugging my ears from the squeal I know that’s about to come, I say, “Okay.”

  “Squeeeeeeee! Oh my god, I’m so excited!” Kayla screams, jumping up and down.

  “I swear to frickin god though, if you make me look like a damn prostitute you’re not allowed to come,” I say through gritted teeth with a death stare.

  “I promise!”

  Tonight I’m letting everything out and even put in my contacts. I very rarely wear them because they annoy me more than anything, but I figure “Operation get Leah Laid” called for good reason to throw them in. Surprisingly, Kayla went very natural on my make-up and aside from the Snooki-poof she did with my hair, it actually looks good, too. Now we’re down to the outfit. Of course Kayla’s first option is a very tight, almost see through, white dress.

  “Hell no! No dresses,” I immediately respond before she can even hold it up.

  “What? No dresses? Guys love seeing skin.”

  “No dresses.”

  “Ugh…okay,” she huffs putting the dress back in her closet and rummaging through other clothes.

  “What the hell are those?” I ask seeing her hold up these spandex looking things in a denim material.

  “Skinny jeans,” she says likes it something I should know.

  “Skinny jeans? That’s actually the name for them?”

  “Uh, yeah. If you’re not gonna wear a dress, you’re wearin’ these.”

  Well, they are jeans…kinda.

  “Fine, but with what shirt?” I ask with my arms crossed over chest, scared to see what she’s going to pull out next.

  “This…” she responds, proudly holding up a skimpy black shimmery tank top.

  Taking a deep breath, I stare at the top that looks more like lingerie than a shirt, pondering the thought of wearing something like this in public.

  “I’m going to freeze my ass off in that thing.”

  “Only until you get there and let’s hope it doesn’t stay on your body for long,” Kayla winks.

  Exhaling deeply, I agree, “Fine.”

  You’d think I just agreed to kiss her damn feet with the smile spread across her face and the squeal that followed it.

  After grabbing the clothing from her, I quickly change into it. Looking down at my body, I feel bare and exposed and cannot believe that I agreed to do this.

  “Oh My God. You look so flippin’ hot!” Kayla shouts in a way too high pitched voice. “Here, put these on.” She hands me a pair of high heeled shoes.

  “Um no. There’s no way I can wear those. I’d frickin kill myself.”

  “You have to. They’re the cherry on top of every outfit.”

  Not okay with this idea at all, I grab them from her and put my feet in each of them. My ankles wiggle a little at first, but once I catch my balance I’m able to stand straight and much taller.

  “See!” Kayla says with her hands on her hips like a proud mother. “They’re easier to walk in then you think.”

  “Don’t be gettin’ too excited. I haven’t moved yet,” I point out, still standing in the same place.

  “Then practice walking up and down the hall while I finish getting ready because you’re wearing them. They look so frickin hot on you that I’d do ya!”

  “Yeah, no thanks,” I reply, turning and heading into the hallway.

  “Whoa, look at you,” Corrine says walking out of the bathroom after my second practice run down the hallway. “You goin’ out tonight?”

  No, I thought I’d wear this to bed. Where the hell else would I dress like this?

  “Yup,” I respond instead.

  “I don’t think Matt will be able to handle himself when he sees you.”

  That’s the plan.

  “Yeah, I figured I’d switch it up a little,” I say as friendly as possible because really, Corrine is a nice girl and I don’t want to be a bitch to her. My calves are just already killing me wearing these heels and making me cranky.

  “I’m assuming you’re goin’ to the mixer?”

  I smile and nod my head. “Yup.”

  “Maybe I’ll see ya there then,” she says before walking in the direction of her room.

  “So, even though you want it, don’t seem desperate. Let him work for it,” Kayla tells me as we walk up the front steps of the football house.

  “Um, thanks. I think I can handle it from here,” I respond, rolling my eyes with a smirk.

  I may have needed a little help in the looking sexy department, but when it comes to relationship advice and how to deal with guys, Kayla is not one that I’m going to be taking pointers from.

  “Suit yourself,” she says with a grin, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she struts herself into the house.

  I smile and shake my head because honestly, how can you not? The girl cracks me up. She may be a plastic, but she’s a tolerable one.

  The house is jammed pack as I expected and I don’t see Matt anywhere. The more I walk in the house, the more I am pushed around. Knowing where I can find some peace and quiet to text Matt, I make my way to the garage. I’m going to need to start drinking now anyways if I’m going to be able to handle my first mixer. I don’t really know what classifies it as being a mixer because it looks like any other party to me.

  Once I finally make it into the garage, I pull my key ring out of my back pocket to unlock the refrigerator door to get one of my special beers from it.

  “Um, what the hell are you doing?” Matt yells from behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

  I quickly turn around, anxious to see why he’s mad, but instead find his jaw almost hitting the ground.

  “Um…uh…holy shit, Babe,” he sa
ys, stumbling on his words and staring at me like a deer in headlights.

  It finally dawns on me why he’s frozen and speechless. I look hot! Changing the worried look on my face to a confident smirk I take the few steps between us, making sure I go slow enough so I don’t bust my ass, and stop only inches away from him.

  “You like my outfit?” I ask in a sweet, sexy tone.

  Closing his mouth, he licks his lips then brings his face down to mine while gripping my hips tightly with his hands. “Fuck, yeah,” he practically growls, before forcing his mouth on mine, pushing his tongue inside and claiming what’s his.

  My arms instantly wrap around his neck, pulling him in closer while he guides me backwards, pushing me into the refrigerator. His hands anxiously work to undo my pants while mine do the same to his. We’re moving fast, hungry to get each other undressed. The pants are so tight that I’m having trouble getting them off fast enough and I’m suddenly wishing I picked the sleezy dress for easy access instead.

  Huh. That’s why sluts wear them.

  Just as I finally get the damn things off, the inside door to the garage swings open, interrupting us.

  “Whoa, sorry dude,” one of the football players says, catching a glimpse as to what is going on and making every ounce of me mortified.

  Just as quick as he enters, he leaves, not even giving Matt a chance to respond. Apparently it’s not out of the ordinary to walk in on people getting down and dirty around here. As soon as the door shuts Matt looks at me with a grin and all I can do is laugh. Here I stand, pushed up against an old refrigerator in a dingy garage, half naked. And this was how I almost lost my virginity. Talk about feeling dirty and desperate.

  “What?” he asks with an adorable grin.

  “That was quite the greeting,” I smile back, still slightly laughing.

  “Well shit, Babe. What did ya think was gonna happen walking in here looking like this?” Matt says, nodding his head towards me with his eyebrows lifted.

  There’s no denying the satisfied vibe running through my veins, happy that my plan is working. That “Operation Get Leah Laid” is going as planned. I shrug my shoulders with a grin, like it’s no big deal and I just did all this because I was bored.


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