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I was Jack The Ripper (Part Two):

Page 4

by Bray, Michael

  “Our fate is inevitable.” Said Merrick. “Each of us must go on the journey set out for us by God,” he added.

  “I’m afraid I lost my faith in God some time ago, Mr Merrick.”

  Merrick stopped, and turned to Edward, peering at him with his one visible eye

  “You should retain your faith. We are defined by the things that we do. Our time here is short, and soon we will be forgotten unless we make ourselves remembered.”

  “I tried to make myself noticed in the world Mr Merrick,” Edward said “and yet still my work was ignored,” Edward replied as the pair began to walk again. For a time, there was silence between them

  “As you can see by my appearance, I can only step outside my room after dark for fear of frightening the public. Because of this, my days are long, and without something to fill them I fear I would go quite mad. A mind without focus can be dangerous,” said Merrick, astounding Edward with his articulation and intelligence. “If you feel passion for the work you do, then do not let one setback stop you. Do not wait until it is too late, or you will regret the time wasted.”

  Edward nodded. “Thank you, Joseph,” he said gratefully. “I know now what I must do.”

  “I have enjoyed our conversation, it is rare that I converse with anyone but Mr Treves, and he only visits on a Sunday,” said Merrick.

  “I would like to visit you again if you would be willing to see me of course,” Edward said

  “I would very much like that.” Said Merrick.

  “As would I sir. You have renewed my faith in my ability.” Edward said shaking hands with Merrick, making sure he held out his left hand in order to receive Merrick’s right, which was without deformity. “I wish I could stay and speak with you longer but my work at the hospital is due to begin.’

  “go to your work. I will be here when you wish to speak again. I hope you find renewed faith in your work. If it is something you are passionate for then you should ensure nothing stops you from achieving it.”

  “may I ask what is it you desire, Mr Merrick? From life I mean?”

  “Fate has given me this deformity and so every day is a gift to me. I know my face makes people afraid and it saddens me. I do understand it, however. Fear breeds. It passes from person to person like a plague. My fear and my passion are one and the same. Because of my face and the weight of my bone deformity, I have to sleep sitting up, propped in the corner of my bed. My fear is that one day I will do this and never wake up. My wish is something you might find simple. I long to lie down and sleep like a normal person with my head on a pillow even though I know I can never do this. One day, when I deem I have seen enough of this world I will do just that. I will sleep like a regular person and let death take me. Do not give up on your dreams, Mr Miller. Follow them and live without regret.”

  “I will. Thank you again, Joseph. It was an honour to make your acquaintance.” Edward turned and left, heading inside the hospital to begin his shift. It was spent in something of a daze; all that he could think of was blood and the whores that would spill it. He would soon be ready to strike again, and this time, he would make sure he was noticed.


  In part three: Miller's dark desires become something he is unable to control and a woman causes inner conflict about if his chosen path is the right one.





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