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The Pike Chronicles - Books 1 - 10

Page 213

by Hudson, G. P.

  “AI, how far along are you?” Jon said. “When can I expect those shields to come down?”

  “I believe I have overcome all the major obstacles blocking my advance, Admiral,” AI said. “The rebels have used security measures I had not encountered before which took more processing time to overcome. I have successfully analyzed them now and have created an algorithm to eliminate their barriers. I am now moving into the station’s defensive systems and expect to have control of the station’s shields shortly.”

  “Excellent. Will you gain access to its weapon systems as well?”

  “Once shields are down, I will be one step closer to taking complete control of the station’s defenses. When that is accomplished, the weapon systems will be mine.”

  “Good. Keep me updated.”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  Once the shields came down and the weapons were no longer a threat, Jon would order the boarding of the station. To board, they had to get in range of the personal jump system, as it had a much smaller range than the jump bombs. If he wanted, he could sit back and pelt the station with jump bombs, but that was of no benefit to him or the Dvorkans.

  Emperor Kriss would want to keep the station intact, and they both wanted to get their hands on this deadly new weapon. So, they needed to board the station. Jon had no doubt that their troops would overwhelm the station’s defenders. It was just a matter of time.


  Jamie and Anki teamed up with several other squads near the ship’s bridge and prepared to storm it.

  Several other Chaanisar teams made their way toward engineering and were in the process of taking that all-important part of the ship.

  Ideally, they would have jumped directly onto the bridge, or engineering, but the Dvorkans had managed to shield those sections, preventing their boarding.

  The Chaanisar may have gotten onto this ship through jump technology, but they would have to take the bridge and engineering the old-fashioned way.

  Once sections of the ship were secured, the Chaanisar could freely resupply themselves with weapons and munitions. In this instance, that meant powerful explosives.

  Charges were set near the entrance of the bridge and detonated. Those charges ripped apart the unshielded area, but the doors to the bridge remained intact.

  The Chaanisar tested the bridge’s shields and determined that one more charge would get the job done. It was put in place and detonated, bringing down the bridge’s shields. The armored doors were blown next, giving access to the ship’s command center.

  The blasts had laid waste to the section outside the bridge, destroying the floor. Undeterred, the Chaanisar leapfrogged onto the twisted girders and then onto the bridge.

  Armored Dvorkans opened up the second they appeared leaving the first Chaanisar outgunned.

  That changed as more Chaanisar jumped through the doors. They took fire on entrance, but moved with inhuman speed, spreading out on the bridge with lethal resolve.

  When Jamie and Anki jumped in, the battle for the bridge was almost over.

  Jamie ignored the remaining Dvorkan sentries and sought the ship’s captain. He found him crouched behind a console firing a sidearm.

  Jamie streaked across the command center with impossible speed and crashed into the captain. The force of the impact sent his sidearm flying, and the older Dvorkan ended up winded on his back.

  Jamie reached down, seized the man by his throat and hoisted him to his feet. The captain gagged and clawed at Jamie’s armored hand.

  “Surrender or die,” Jamie said. “I ask only once.” Jamie loosened his grip so that the man could reply.

  “I-” he said, breaking into a coughing fit. When the fit subsided, he looked at Jamie’s visor with defiant eyes. “I choose glory!”

  Metal fingers tightened around the Captain’s windpipe. With a quick jerk, Jamie ripped the man’s windpipe out of his throat and presented it to the dying Dvorkan. “There is your glory.”

  “A little dramatic, don’t you think?” Anki said as she reached him.

  Jamie threw the blood-soaked windpipe onto the floor by its owner’s corpse. “I didn’t like his attitude.”

  “Uh huh. We need to work on your negotiating skills.”

  The Chaanisar mopped up the bridge, taking out all remaining resistance. Soon after, word came from the second team that engineering had been pacified.

  Jamie opened a comm and sent word to the Ronin that their mission had been accomplished.


  “I have gained access to the station’s shields, Admiral,” AI said.

  “Outstanding,” Jon said. “Can you take them down?”

  “Yes, it should just take a moment.”

  The battle had gone well up until now. Boarding operations proved successful overall. Many ships had surrendered to the boarders, while others were taken by force.

  In many cases, the two sides still fought for control of the vessels, but that shipboard conflict served to decrease that ship’s effectiveness in the greater battle.

  The boarding operations allowed the bulk of the allied fleet to focus on the remaining rebel ships. That confrontation eventually turned into a rout with many warships destroyed, while others retreated to the relative safety of the station’s weapons. Unfortunately for the rebels, they were about to learn that that safety was an illusion.

  “Shields have been disabled,” AI said.

  “Excellent work, AI.”

  “Thank you, Admiral. I will begin work on the station’s weapon systems now.”

  “Captain Henderson, send word to the fleet that the station’s shields have been neutralized and to prepare to board the station. Boarding will commence once its weapons are down.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Henderson said. “Relaying message to all ships in the fleet.”

  Jon reoriented his display onto the station. Dvorkan Central Command was about to fall. With any luck, they’d capture General Tok alive so that he could face charges for his crimes. That should quell any future uprisings in the Empire.

  On Jon’s display, a massive explosion obliterated a section of the Central Command space station. That blast was quickly followed by several more.

  “Report!” Jon barked. “What the hell is going on?”

  “They’re hitting the station with nuclear jump bombs, Sir,” Henderson said.

  “Who is?”

  “The Dvorkans.”

  “What the hell?”

  On his display, the behemoth of a space station that had been Dvorkan Central Command blew apart in a final devastating blast.

  “Admiral, Emperor Kriss is broadcasting a message to all ships.”

  “On main viewscreen,” Jon said.

  Emperor Kriss appeared on the Freedom’s viewscreen seconds later. “This is your Emperor speaking. General Tok is dead, and the rebellion is over. As you all know, the penalty for treason is death, but I recognize that many of you are loyal Dvorkans who were only following orders. For that reason, I am offering an amnesty. All those engaged in rebellion against the throne will be absolved of any wrongdoing if you prove your loyalty to your Emperor. To do so, you must turn in your commanders, so that they can be punished for their crimes. This is your one chance at redemption. Failure to comply will brand you a traitor and leave you open to prosecution. Glory to the Empire.”

  The broadcast ended, and Jon stood with mouth agape staring at the viewscreen. Grinding his teeth, he turned to his console and opened a comm with Emperor Kriss. Moments later Kriss appeared on Jon’s display.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you?” Jon said.

  “Careful, Admiral,” Kriss warned. “I may take offense.”

  “Do I look like I give a shit? Why did you destroy the station? We were supposed to board and take it intact.”

  “I decided that the casualties of such an operation would be unnecessarily high,” Kriss said. “By destroying Central Command, we avoid those casualties and bring a swift end to this ridiculous conflict.

  “That decision wasn’t yours to make.”

  “Of course it was,” Kriss said. “I am the Emperor. This is my territory, not yours. This was the second rebellion in a decade with roots in Central Command. Destroying that station will end any future rebellions and bring peace to the Empire.”

  “What about the weapon?” Jon said. “Part of the reason we chose to board was that we wanted to take the weapon.”

  “Yes, I understand, and that is an unfortunate outcome. But I believe that this action is for the best. We may not have the weapon, but neither does General Tok.”

  “I’m not happy, Emperor. We’re supposed to be allies. You should have consulted us.”

  “I understand how you feel, Admiral, and I apologize for any misunderstanding. I did not mean to put a strain on our friendship.”

  Jon decided to end the conversation before he did something he might regret. “I have a lot of work to do, Emperor. We’ll speak more about this later.”

  “I look forward to it, Admiral.”

  Kriss disappeared from Jon’s display leaving him staring at the debris field left by the station. He didn’t believe the Emperor’s excuses, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.


  Emperor Kriss strode through the corridors of his Imperial flagship. He could not remember the last time he felt this good. The rebellion had been defeated, eliminating the Antikitheri presence in the Empire, at least for the time being.

  Nuking the station had been risky, but Admiral Pike didn’t seem like he would do anything about it. He would be angry for a while but would eventually get over it. In the end, Pike would realize that an alliance with the Empire was preferable to the alternative.

  Today had been a decisive victory. Perhaps the greatest in recent memory. It secured his place in history. The Imperial line had been challenged, and that challenge had been defeated. Historians would write of his everlasting glory for centuries. He might even rival the great Emperors of old. A glorious day indeed.

  Walking through the ship, he was greeted by cheers and shouts of “Glory to the Empire.” His Taymati would now reap the rewards of their loyalty, and he would ensure that they were well treated. Without them, his head would likely be on display in front of his palace.

  He came to a set of doors which slid open for him, and he entered a secure room. Bright lights revealed numerous Taymati sentries standing guard while two men stood before a bloodied Dvorkan restrained to a chair. The prisoner’s head hung low, and he seemed to be unconscious. Or dead.

  Before him stood one of his most senior Taymati officers and his foremost interrogation expert. The two officers bowed their heads as Kriss approached.

  “Well?” Kriss said. “What do you have for me?”

  “The engineer has given us all the necessary information, Majesty,” said the senior officer.

  “Then we can build it?”

  “Yes, majesty. We can build the Antikitheri weapon.”

  Thanks for Reading!

  Click Here to read Cursed Stars – Book 11 of The Pike Chronicles

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  Other books by G.P. Hudson

  Fall of the Terran Empire Series:

  War Without End – Fall of the Terran Empire Book 1

  The Tortuous Path – Fall of the Terran Empire Book 2

  The Pike Chronicles:

  Sol Shall Rise – Book 1 of The Pike Chronicles

  Prevail – Book 2 of The Pike Chronicles

  Ronin – Book 3 of The Pike Chronicles

  Ghost Fleet – Book 4 of The Pike Chronicles

  Interstellar War – Book 5 of The Pike Chronicles

  Vanquish – Book 6 of The Pike Chronicles

  Galactic Empire – Book 7 of The Pike Chronicles

  Armada – Book 8 of The Pike Chronicles

  Galactic War – Book 9 of The Pike Chronicles

  Vanguard – Book 10 of The Pike Chronicles

  Cursed Stars – Book 11 of The Pike Chronicles




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