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Just for the Night

Page 13

by Tawny Weber

  She knew she was crazy to want to open those pages again. But she didn’t care.

  JASON FOUGHT THE URGE to turn and run from the room. He couldn’t believe he’d told her his dirty little secret. He’d come back to make sure she was set for the night before he found a corner to crash in. Not to dump all his emotional crap at her feet.

  And he definitely hadn’t figured it for a ploy to play his way back into her good graces.

  But he couldn’t move. The soft pressure of her hand on his arm was as effective a trap as those big-ass locks holding them inside the building.

  “Our doom aside, do you really think your parents had a horrible relationship?” she asked, her tone making it clear she was humoring his melodrama. “Despite the rotten way your father left, didn’t your parents have almost thirty years together that didn’t suck?”

  Jason frowned. “What difference does that make? Those thirty years were easy times. He couldn’t hack being there when it counted.”

  “And I thought I was the ‘all or nothing’ romantic in this relationship,” she said with a small shake of her head. She lifted her hand off his arm, leaving him chilled and lonely. She gave him a long, considering look. Like she was already regretting whatever she was about to do.

  Then, tightening the knot of her blanket, she hitched her fluffy bastion of modesty a little higher and turned, giving him a tempting view of the silky skin of her back and smooth shoulders.

  He wanted to touch her. To slide his hands over her skin and lose himself in the welcoming warmth of her body. He hated all this emotional crap. Drama should stay on the big screen, not foist itself on real life. At least, not on his life.

  Resigned, Jason watched Larissa walk away. He should be used to seeing the back of her by now. But she didn’t retreat into whatever hidey-hole she’d claimed in the back-room. He frowned, watching her slowly pace the far wall, staring at the floor like she was searching for something.

  He glanced down, but couldn’t see a thing. The darkness swallowed her feet, making her look like she was floating in that blanket. Apparently she found it, though, because she knelt down and swept her hand across the floor.

  He frowned, trying to make out what it was. She tucked her hand into the folds of her blanket, though, as she made her way back across the room to stop inches from him.

  His body heated, his mind went blank for just a second as her scent wrapped around him in the warm air. His fingers itched to touch her. His mouth watered to taste her. His dick…well, it went without saying what it wanted to do. Same thing it always wanted whenever Larissa was around.

  Looking as heartbreakingly serious as she had the night she’d told him they were over, Larissa stared into his eyes. Jason swallowed. He’d broken his arm when he was a kid riding his bike. Then, years later, he’d rebroke it in the same place. It hadn’t hurt any less the second time around.

  He wasn’t in love with Larissa. He couldn’t be. Wouldn’t let himself be. But damned if he wanted his heart kicked a second time around.

  He tried to think of something to say to shift the mood. A joke or clever comment. But before he could come up with anything, she held out her hand.

  Jason winced before he remembered that she couldn’t be holding his ring again, she’d given that back once already.

  He looked down. He blinked, giving his head a little shake to reengage his brain.

  Even in the flickering candlelight, the foil shape was unmistakable.

  “A condom?” he asked, still needing confirmation.

  She opened her fingers, letting a string of at least a dozen of those little rubber beauties trail over her palm.

  He grinned at her faith in his prowess. Damned if he wouldn’t do his best not to let her down.

  “If this is a dream,” he begged, as he took the foil-wrapped keys to heaven, “don’t wake me up.”

  “How about I keep you up?” she offered with a teasingly wicked little smile.

  The sight of that look, her sparkling eyes and sweet smirk, was like a punch in the gut. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed that look. Missed her. Until now.

  “I thought you said you didn’t want to do the cozy friends with benefits thing,” he reluctantly reminded her. His dick throbbed in protest. Like it wanted to scream out, no! We’re so close, don’t blow it.

  The wicked look left her face, leaving a bittersweet smile. She tilted her head so a curtain of black curls swept across her shoulder, brushing the lace of her camisole.

  “That’s not what this is. I’m not opening the door to a future between us, even a cozy non-committed one.” She touched a finger to the foil wrappers. “I know we can’t be what each other needs. But for right now, right here, we can be what each other wants.”

  “And that’s enough?”

  “It can be,” she said quietly.

  “So this is just for the night?”

  “Tonight,” she confirmed. “Or as long as the condoms last.”

  Jason fought a frown. A part of him—a part he didn’t even recognize—wanted to scream hell, no. Maybe they had no future, given all their issues. But what was between them was more than easy sex.

  Maybe he had issues with commitment, but what he and Larissa had been to each other had been pretty damn special. Too special to cheapen with a night of rolling around in an empty building lust.

  He stared into her dark eyes, trying to read what was going through her head. This was just what he’d wanted. To be with her without the pressure and expectations and guilt. To enjoy the incredible intensity of their passion.

  And she was offering it up, commitment-free.

  Why did that feel so wrong?

  Telling himself to quit being a dork, Jason gave in to his body’s demands. The tips of his fingers caressed her bare shoulder, reveling in the silken texture of her skin. He bent his head, pressing his lips to that same spot and breathing in her delicious scent.

  “Then we’d better get to it, then,” he said, his voice husky with desire as he tossed the foil wrappers onto the counter, in easy reach. “We’ve got a lot of condoms to go through.”


  JASON LOST HIMSELF in the taste of Larissa’s mouth. Their lips slid together, soft and sweet. He loved how her fingers dug into his shoulders. Like she couldn’t get enough.

  A part of him, the part quickly getting drowned out, wished they had a chance for more. Wished she’d agreed to give his idea a chance. If she was willing to have one night of commitment-free fun, why not a bunch of nights?

  But if all he could get was this night, he’d make damned sure it was one she never forgot.

  With that in mind, he swept his tongue over her lips in a gentle caress. She tasted so sweet, so tempting. He wanted to keep it gentle, to build and tease. But her warmth pulled him in.

  He nipped at her lower lip, a gentle little bite. Her gasp gave him entrance to her mouth. Lips sliding together, their tongues danced a hot, fast rhythm.

  He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, loving how she shuddered in pleasure. He’d climbed mountains, jumped from planes and rappelled down cliffs. But nothing made him feel more manly than the response Larissa gave him. He scraped his thumbnail over the turgid tip of her breast, making her moan.

  He wanted to climb inside her, to be a part of her and hear her not just moan, but scream his name. He wanted it so bad, he was afraid he’d do anything, say anything and definitely promise any damned thing, just to have her.

  Which was what had gotten him in trouble before.

  Remembering, Jason forced himself to slow down. He softened the kiss until they were barely nibbling at each other’s lips, then shifted to her cheek before taking a slow, meandering journey down her throat.

  Yeah. He was still in control. It was all good.

  He breathed in her scent, made all the stronger in the dark for some reason. Spicy sweet and sexy as hell.

  Control, Cantrell, he lectured. Keep it light and fun.

I can’t believe you carry condoms,” he said, laughing against her shoulder. “I have to admit, it doesn’t quite jive with the romance authority image I had in my head.”

  “There’s nothing romantic about getting all riled up and having to quit just before the payoff,” she reminded him as she swept her fingers up, then down his spine in a way that made him want to arch his back and purr like a cat.

  “Speaking from recent experience, I’d have to agree,” he said with a low laugh.

  Her hand slipped lower, nails scraping gently at the small of his back through his shirt. He automatically shifted his pelvis forward, pressing his erection into her belly.

  “So what other secrets are you keeping as the romance authority?” he teased, pressing little kisses down her arm until he reached her wrist. He took her hand in his and turned it over to place a warm, moist kiss in the center of her palm. He smiled when her fingers trembled in his.

  “What makes you think I have secrets?” she breathed.

  “All women have secrets.” He lifted her knuckles to his lips, then pressed her hand flat against his belly. Her fingers slid between the buttons of his shirt, teasing his stomach.

  “If I do,” she told him after a just-a-beat-too-long pause. “Then they’re obviously more romantic to keep to myself.”

  He wondered what she’d really wanted to say, then told himself it didn’t matter. They were in for a night of incredible physical intimacy. They definitely didn’t want to delve into that emotional intimacy crap.

  “You would know, since you’re the romance authority,” he mused. “That sounds serious. Like you’re in charge. You’re obviously not wearing leather panties.”

  “That doesn’t mean I won’t take charge,” she said.

  Jason stopped kissing her throat long enough to give her a grin.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’m not saying you’re passive or anything, sweetheart. But I know your moves, remember.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  “Well, we’ll just see about that,” she promised, stepping out of his arms. “My turn, hotshot.”

  Grinning, Jason stepped back and raised both hands in surrender. He also knew which buttons to push. All it took was a hint that she was a little too sweet and Larissa would insist on proving him wrong. To his never-ending delight.

  His grin dimmed a little as she turned away with a swirl of that fuzzy covering of hers, giving him a fluffy covered view of her behind when she bent over that box she’d hauled in.

  When she turned back, she had a candle in one hand, which didn’t much interest him except to ensure he could still see her as they pleasured each other. But the jar in her other hand…

  His jaw dropped. Heat pounded a beat in his head as he realized what she was holding. He thought she’d drop the blanket and start stripping his shirt off.

  Talk about hitting the jackpot.

  “Body paint?” he confirmed, squinting at the label. “We’re having a little preloving snack?”

  “Not we.”

  His brow arched. She set the candle on the counter, then with a flick of her fingers, let the blanket fall to the floor. Her body glowed as the golden light shimmered off her tiny little panties and satiny lace top.

  Jason’s blood poured out of his head. His breath shuddered and his mouth went dry.

  “Just me?” he pleaded.

  With a naughty look, she shook her head. Then she took the cootie matches and lit her new candle. A rich aroma instantly filled the air. Already turned on, Jason’s dick got painfully hard at the smell. It was the scent of lovemaking. Of him and Larissa. Hot. Wild. Intense.

  She set the chocolate over the candle flame, balancing it on the edges of the jar.

  “How long will it take to get hot?”

  “It’s going to get hot fast,” she promised. He shifted, trying to ease the stranglehold his jeans had on his pride.

  As good as her word, Larissa stepped in front of him, using her fingernails to lightly scrape her way down his chest to his belly. Jason sucked in his gut. With a hard tug, she pulled his shirt from the waistband of his jeans and made quick work of the buttons. He shrugged it off, then reached out to wrap one hand around her waist to pull her closer as his other closed over the soft weight of her breast.

  Before he could have too much fun, though, she pulled out of his arms. She gave him a teasing look and wiggled her brows, making her look like a naughty little fairy.

  “Nope, no distracting me,” she chided. “I’m hungry.”

  “I’m hungry, too,” he countered with a laugh, anticipation building higher as she checked the jar of chocolate. She gave it a quick swirl, but apparently wasn’t satisfied since she set it back over the flame.

  “Isn’t there some saying about ladies first?” she asked, walking back to him with a sexy little strut that made his mouth water. Her legs glowed gold in the light, the silky fabric of her camisole sliding temptingly over her breasts and emphasizing her tiny waist.

  “You came first earlier,” he added with a wicked grin.

  “Well, now I get to return that favor,” she promised.

  She reached out to tap her fingernail on his buckle. Jason sucked in a breath, anticipating her next move and waiting for her to unhook the belt. But she didn’t. Instead she scraped her fingernail over his zipper, making his already straining erection hit concrete hardness in a heartbeat.

  “Strip,” she ordered softly.

  She looked so sweet. She sounded so innocent. It took him three seconds for her words to penetrate.

  “Me, strip?”

  “You. Strip for me.”

  His mouth went dry. He wasn’t big on performances, other than the ones he could do between her legs.

  He eyed the stubborn tilt of her chin and the impish look in her dark eyes and knew she would insist. And he’d thought her innocent? That romance authority thing was definitely going to her head.

  Feeling like a Chippendales reject, Jason grimaced, then unbuckled his belt. Just as his fingers unsnapped his jeans, Larissa hummed a little bump and grind ditty low in her throat.

  “Shit,” he muttered. Then, seeing the amusement in her eyes, he grinned. She hummed some more. Picking up the beat, he jacked his hips to the left and unzipped. Jacked his hips to the right and kicked off his right shoe. Back to the left for the other shoe.

  Stopping to awkwardly yank off his socks, he grinned when Larissa’s mood music took on a quicker tempo. When he straightened, though, she slowed it back down to the traditional stripping beat.

  “Where’d you learn that tune?” he asked.

  “I’ll tell you after you’re naked,” she promised, her words low and husky.

  There was nothing to do but go for it, then. He slid his fingers under the waistband of his jeans, catching his boxers as well, and pushed, making sure he didn’t damage the star of the show as he went.

  With a quick kick, he shucked the pants off his legs and, getting into the moment, did an awkward dance move that was something between the Macarena without the hand moves and an electric slide.

  “A dancer, I’m not,” he said when he faced her again.

  “You’re the best naked dancer I’ve ever seen,” she said, giggling a little.

  “Isn’t this where you slip a dollar into my G-string?” he asked with a laugh when she clapped.

  “You’re not wearing one,” she replied, her words a purr of approval. She lifted the jar of chocolate and gave it a swirl, then offered him a big smile. “But I can paint one on for you.”

  Jason stopped laughing.

  His pulse sped up, desire coiling tight at the thought of how she’d look licking that chocolate off his body. Of how he’d feel.

  She uncapped the jar and stepped closer. The scent of milk chocolate, rich and sweet, filled the room. His mouth watered.

  Then she dipped her finger into the jar. With her eyes locked on his, she placed her chocolate covered digit into her mouth and
sucked. Jason almost exploded. His erection throbbed against his bare belly, begging for attention.

  With two fingers, she scooped out more chocolate. Then, with a smile that made her look like a wickedly naughty fairy, she wiped the chocolate down his chest. The warm sticky liquid dripped, but Jason didn’t look at it. His eyes were riveted on her.

  She dipped again, this time painting the chocolate across his belly. Jason sucked in a breath, his heart pounding a loud rhythm in his head. He waited, desperately hoping.

  She didn’t disappoint him. Larissa’s fourth foray into the chocolate jar covered four fingers. She released his gaze as her eyes dropped down his body. He followed her movements, watching her hand as she wrapped the warm treat around his throbbing cock.

  Like she wasn’t driving him insane, she concentrated on rubbing the chocolate over the rounded knob, then sliding her fingers up his shaft, then back down. Jason swallowed a groan. She swirled another layer of the rapidly cooling dessert over the head of his erection as if it needed double-dipping goodness.

  She stepped closer, so close she was almost, but not quite, pressed against him. She gave him a wink, then nibbled licking little bites of the sweet confection off his chest. Jason sighed with pleasure.

  He curved his fingers over her breasts, loving the weight, the soft cushion of them in his hands as she tasted her way over his chest. She shifted, nibbling lower. He watched her through slitted eyes, as turned on by the look of delight on her flushed face as he was by what she was doing to his body.

  When she dropped to her knees in front of him, Jason was pretty sure he’d just died and was about to see heaven.

  Then she blew on his dick. Warm air swirled around it. The feeling of her breath and the hardening chocolate made him groan out loud. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, needing to hold on. Needing to feel like he had some kind of control.

  She leaned forward, her pink tongue licking him like there was no tomorrow. He shuddered. She cupped his butt with both of her hands, going to town on the chocolate as she sucked, nibbled and licked him clean. Jason was pretty sure he’d pass out if she didn’t stop soon. Pass out or explode all over her. And he had other plans for his explosion.


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