His Possession (The Owners)

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His Possession (The Owners) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Cadeon looked up and stared at her.


  Olivia turned to see who he was talking to. Violet felt frozen in place. Cadeon wasn’t her man. She was just the woman he made sleep with him, in his bed. Whom he touched at night and during the day.

  “I should go,” Violet said. She moved down the last flight of stairs, shocked as Cadeon moved away from the woman. He was not giving her the courtesy of his time; he was brushing her off as if she were nothing, not a woman with feelings.

  “Cadeon, let the girl go.”

  “For fuck’s sake, woman, get the fuck out of my life,” he shouted.

  Violet opened his front door which he closed immediately. “Let me go.”

  “No. I told you. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go.” His hands rested either side of her, trapping her.

  He took her arm and led her back. Grabbing Olivia by the arm, Violet watched the scuffle which took place. Cadeon got the upper hand and threw the woman out of his house, slamming the door. Violet stared at the spot where she’d been begging for his attention. Her thoughts upstairs as she faced herself in the mirror came back to haunt her. Giving herself to him could be the biggest mistake of her life. He walked back into the room, his face red with anger.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

  “Who was she?” she asked, frowning at how calm she sounded. While staring in the mirror she’d thought about giving her body to him, only to witness the bitter way he treated his ex-lovers.

  “An old friend.”

  “By old friend you mean girlfriend?”

  “No. I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “But you slept with her?”

  “Not the way I do with you.”

  Her anger rose with his evasion of her questions. “Did you sleep with her?”

  He stared at her. “I fucked her.”

  Anne walked inside the room. Violet turned away from him, struggling to breathe.

  “Not now, Anne,” Cadeon said.

  “I hope you’re not taking your problems out on the girl.”

  “You can take the rest of the day off.”

  Violet kept her back to them. She wanted nothing to do with the way he was speaking to Anne. Closing her eyes, she tried to fight the pain in her chest. Cadeon was older than she. He had a past, a much longer past than hers.

  “Olivia was a long time ago. I never slept with her. It was purely physical.”

  “You must have made an impression to have her begging like that.”

  “I take pride in making love to a woman, Violet. I’m no monk, and I’m not going to insult you and pretend that I was.”

  “I’m very much aware of how skilled you are. I mean, take a look at me. I was in your office for two minutes, and now I’m all but living with you. I can’t go back to my house, and every time you put your hands on me I give in. I’m nothing but a slut.”

  He took a step toward her, and she moved back a step. “Don’t ever call yourself that.”

  “How can I not when a woman you’ve been intimate with was here begging and you throw her out? What makes me any different?”

  “Listen to me, Violet. She meant nothing to me. None of the women before you meant anything.”

  She stared at him in shock. For the past two weeks she’d been sharing his bed, allowing him to touch her as she touched him.

  “Once you’re done with me you’ll just throw me away. Is that it? I’m only good while I present you with a challenge?” she asked as tears fell from her eyes.

  Cadeon didn’t have the best business reputation, but she’d never seen him be cruel. They way he dealt with that woman, an ex-lover, had been nothing but cruel.

  “No, you’re different.”

  “How?” she screamed. The words he kept repeating going off inside her head like a large red flashing light. “Why am I different? What makes me so special? I’ve done nothing in my life. I’ve been nowhere. Whereas you’ve known women who’ve lived their life and yet you want me to believe I’ve got something they don’t?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it to you,” he said.

  “What’s to explain? You sleep with women – no, forgive me – you fuck women, and when you’re bored you get rid of them as if they mean nothing. I’m not staying around to become a hopeless fool who falls at your feet.” Violet went to move past him, but he caught her before she could get to far away from him.

  “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I refuse to add you to the list. I’m not letting you go.”

  “I don’t want to stay here.” She lied. In the short time of being with him there was nowhere else in the world she wanted to be.

  “You’re lying. I know you want me as much as I want you. Don’t you feel it between us? There isn’t a moment that goes by where I don’t think about you.”

  “That’s just sex.”

  “Is it? Because I’ve had that, Violet. I’ve wanted women, and the moment I’ve fucked them the intensity has gone. With you, I’ve felt this burning inside me since the moment we met on the elevator.”

  She frowned, not recalling the time he talked about.

  “You don’t remember it?”

  “I’ve never met you.”

  “We rode in the elevator together. You wore a black pencil type skirt and a white blouse. You stood on my floor waiting as the doors opened. You stood staring at the ground before riding the lift down to the bottom floor. Do you remember? I told you it was ground floor.”

  The scene played out in her mind. She remembered the day vaguely, as she hadn’t been working in the building long.

  “I see you remember. I knew that day you’d be mine.”

  “What are you saying?” she asked.

  “I love you, Violet.”

  She gasped as he pushed her back against the wall his body crowding her. “I looked at you, and my world fell apart. I knew I wanted you, and I’d do anything to get you. You feel this?” He placed her hand over his heart. “It beats for no one but you.”


  Her hand pressed against his chest. Eyes bright with tears, Cadeon prayed she would believe him. Being with her meant more to him than anything else. Seeing her face as she saw Olivia had cut him deeply. Telling her the whole truth about the other woman could send her running from him. He wouldn’t blame her. Being a dominant man could send the most experienced women away. He would give it all up if he could.

  “How can you love?” she asked.

  “Because I do. I know how I feel.”

  “I never thought anyone could ever fall in love with someone like me.”

  Cadeon slammed his lips down on hers. Showing her with everything he was how much he loved her. Violet submitted to him, her arms circling round his neck bringing him in closer. He wanted her badly. To feel her soft skin against his own. Pulling away, Cadeon knew he had to stop now. Otherwise he wouldn’t have the strength.

  “I can’t do this. If you want me to stop, Violet, then pull away from me.”

  “What happens if I stay?”

  “Then I’m spending the rest of the day making love to you.” He let his words sink in, watching her expressive brown eyes widen. She stared back at him, and he waited for her response.

  She wrapped her arms back around his neck, her lips pressing to his. Cadeon gave in for a few seconds before pulling back. “I’ve got to hear you say the words.”


  “I won’t touch you until you tell me with words that you want to be with me.” After the high-handed way he’d treated her, he couldn’t bring himself to take the answer out of her hands.

  “Put your hands on me, Cadeon,” she said. “Don’t let go of me.”

  He picked her up in his arms. “When I get inside your body, I’m not doing it against a wooden door.” He wanted her first time to be memorable. Walking up the flight of stairs felt like a lifetime. Cadeon wanted to be inside her and to show her how good he could make her feel. Nothing mattere
d. Not the outside world. Only them. Violet was his life, his world, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life proving to her how good being with him could be.

  Kicking open the door, he put her on her feet and kissed her lips. Her hands wrapped around his neck, searching him, running her fingers up and down his body.

  Cadeon pushed her against the bed. The need inside him dominated any thought of reason. He had to show her how much she meant to him. To prove to her what he felt was real beyond anything else he’d ever experienced.

  Taking hold of her blouse, he tore it in two before pulling her skirt from her body. The time no longer mattered to him. He had to be inside her.

  Her moans were driving him crazy. The sweet sound of her submission was more than anything he could have ever imagined. Her tits heaved against the fabric of her bra, the dark areola of her nipple pointing at him. Pressing his lips back to hers, he ran his hand down her body.

  So many times they’d been naked together, yet this felt more intimate. He knew when he left this bed, Violet would be his for the rest of his life.

  She began to unbutton his shirt as he kissed her. His cock struggled against the tight confines of his jeans. Pulling her hands away, he flipped her onto her stomach. Unhooking her bra, he pulled it from her arms and off her body. Pulling her hair out of the way, he kissed a line down her back until he got to the line of her panties. Her ass looked full and tempting. His palm itched with the need to land a hard, vicious slap. Closing his eyes, holding her in place with his hand in her hair, he calmed the need inside him.

  Violet deserved roses and flowers. An eruption of pleasure so intense it would make her heart ache to be with him. He wanted her to always remember this first time as a loving union. Not something rushed or dirty. When he calmed himself down, he moved his hand from her hair. Going to her panties, he pulled them down off her hips. She lay naked.

  “Stay like that,” he said.

  “I want to see you, too.”

  “You will, baby.” Cadeon kissed her on the cheek and got off the bed. Pulling the white shirt off his body, he unzipped his jeans. He tried to contain the wince as he eased the zipper off his thick cock.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Never better.” He threw the clothes into a corner. He eased up on the bed, settling down beside her. He rolled her over to face him.

  He stroked her hair back from her face.

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  “You’re asking me for a choice again?”


  “I want to be with you, Cadeon.”

  Pleased with her answer, he took her hand and placed it on his chest. “I want us to enjoy this together.”

  His gaze kept straying to her tits. The full mounds were flushed. He wanted to suckle her, bite down on the large nipples. She kept her hand where he placed it. Cadeon kissed her lips as his own hand searched her body. Going from her cheek, down the delicate column of her neck resting on one of her full tits. Their moans mingled together as he tweaked the nipple between his thumb and finger, teasing the nub until it was hard.

  He pushed his tongue between her lips. His other arm had her head resting on it. She began to touch him back. Her hand roamed his chest. Her fingers circled his own nipples as he sucked her lips and played with her breasts, arousing her by keeping his attention on her breasts.

  Next, he grazed down her tummy and back up, circling her belly button but keeping his focus on her skin. Her tummy quivered as he moved down. Each downward stroke heightened her pleasure. He never touched her mound but gave her promise of what was to come.

  “Cadeon,” she said as she pulled away from his kiss.

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “Touch me, please.”

  He smiled at her words. They felt like a move in the right direction. Her asking him for something more. Trusting him enough to say her words.

  “Do you want me to touch your pussy?” he asked.

  She blushed.

  He laughed at the irony of her reaction. “We’ve been naked together so many times, and you still blush.”

  “You say wicked things.”

  “You think me asking you if you want me to touch your pussy is a bad thing?”

  She nodded her head.

  “You haven’t heard how wicked I can be yet.”

  Violet stared at him.

  “Will you show me?” she asked.

  “You want me to be wicked to you?”

  “I want you to be open with me.”

  He thought about her past and what Tate had said to him. “If I’m open with you, you’ve got to be open with me.”

  Cadeon noted her biting her lip, but she nodded her head.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Violet knew she wouldn’t tell him a thing about her past. Those memories would have to be burnt to a crisp in the back of her mind. The shame and humiliation of her situation weren’t lost on her. She lay in the arms of a very wealthy and powerful man. The money didn’t bother her. She’d lived with nothing and could continue to live without anything. His wealth never entered her head when she was with him. The only problem she felt being with him was the dirt people could find with regards to her past.

  The only thing that mattered to her was the way he made her feel when she was in his company. Her whole body came alive. Not just with the touching but the way she felt when he was close by.

  He made her laugh and want to cry. Cadeon was older than she by quite a few years, and she couldn’t care less. He made her unafraid to live her life. She thought about the three years since her mother died and getting away from the danger she’d lived in for the full eighteen years of her life until then. Instead of fighting against the demons that held her in place, she stayed down. Never fighting for her own life.

  When he leaned down and kissed her lips, his hands on her breasts, Violet met him kiss for kiss and stroke for stroke. When he took her body and made her his woman, she would change. No longer would she be held in the confines of her past. Always scared. For the first time she’d be free to be Violet Moore. Cadeon Ashwood’s woman. She liked the sound of that.

  “Make love to me,” she said, embracing the newfound emotion inside her. He pulled away from her and opened a drawer by his bed. She watched as he pulled out a foil packet.

  “I guess you’re not on the Pill?”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t want to get you pregnant this first time.” He placed the packet by her head. Violet opened her legs, suddenly nervous about the whole ordeal. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure you don’t have to lie back and think of England.”

  Smiling, she lay down as he came over her. His hands rested at the side of her head. When his lips connected with hers, she moaned, holding onto his back to keep him place above her. She never wanted to let go.

  “You’re so responsive.”

  He kissed down her neck, his hands moving down her body as he did. She gasped with pleasure as he sucked on her nipples. Glancing down she saw his dark head moving from one breast to the next. The erotic thrill coursing through her intensified from feeling and seeing him on her body. He gave one breast attention before moving onto the next. She cried out as his teeth bit her tight. The ache went straight to her clit. She felt wet between her legs. Her breaths came out in pants as the intense sensation he was creating increased. He moved down her stomach, swirling his tongue against her belly button. She held her breath as his fanned her pubic hair. He opened her legs wider as he settled between her spread thighs.

  “I’m going to lick your cunt.”

  She bit her lip as his gaze focused between her legs.

  “I want you to watch me.” He leaned over her and rbought a pillow beneath her head lifting her up to see down her body. He sat back, his hands settling on her sex. She watched as his fingers brushed through her pubic hair before he opened the outer lips of her folds.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips she looked up in t
ime to see Cadeon smile before he leaned down. His tongue swiped between her pussy lips. She cried out from the visual and physical pleasure of what he was doing to her body.

  “I want to feel you come on my tongue, and then I want to see you lose control.” He tongued her clit. She screamed as his tongue flicked, licked and sucked her clit. His hands gripped the top flesh of her thighs. As she was reaching down to grip his head to pull him away, he did something utterly wicked with his tongue making her smash her cunt against his lips instead.

  “Ride my face,” he said.

  She thrust her pelvis against his mouth, moaning as he nibbled her clit. The ecstasy from his touch shot her through. The grip on her thighs tightened, and the pleasurable pain combination sending her in a state of bliss.

  The coil tightened inside her belly, and the heat rose inside her. Her eyes closed as her grip tightened in his hair. Her orgasm sending over the peak, she exploded in a mass of sensation. He licked her gently. Nipping her leg before he pulled away, he reached to the foil packet next to her head.

  He stared at her as he ripped the packet open. This was it. The time she would lose her virginity. She opened her eyes and stared back at him.


  Cadeon covered his cock with the rubber, pinching the tip and sliding the condom over his cock. He loved her eyes being on his body, loved the thrill going through him from having her underneath him. Opening her legs, he looked down at her slit and licked his lips. She tasted like a juicy ripe peach. The red lips were puffy and covered with the slickness of her cream. Her clit was swollen, and he saw it sticking out from its hood. Looking down at her with his larger legs between her spread thighs, he felt massive in comparison to her. Staring down at her cunt he knew he would be too big even with the orgasm he’d given her. Leaning back over her, he grabbed a tube of lubrication. He would rather be safer even if he wanted to dispense with the condom. Opening the tube he greased his condom-covered cock before throwing the tube away from him. Running the tip of his cock over her slit, he stared into her eyes as he moved over her.


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