His Possession (The Owners)

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His Possession (The Owners) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  There was something else going on in the moment. Violet was sure Cadeon was trying to communicate to her in another way. What did he want her to say?


  She yelped as a hand smacked down on her ass. The sting brought tears straight to her eyes. The pain took her unawares.

  “I asked you a question,” he said. The control in his voice clearly heard. Violet couldn’t remember the question.

  Swat, swat.

  A cry burst from her lips. “I don’t know,” she said on a gasp. The pain bringing a delightful burn to her ass as he rubbed the area he’d slapped. Her breathing turned into pants as he caressed her ass cheeks.

  “So pretty and red. I can see my hand looking sexy across this pale ass.”

  “Cadeon?” she asked unsure what he wanted her to do.

  “Call me Master.”

  The depth of his voice made her belly tighten. The commanding tone sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body.

  “Master,” she said, testing the word on her tongue. In the situation of her on her knees with him in control, the name suited him. Violet felt confused as the one word meant so much to her. Master gave the feeling of loss of control. That her very life was controlled by another. For most of her life she’d been in similar situations only to be left terrified. Cadeon didn’t make her feel like that. Master suited him perfectly, and she wanted him to be in control. To take her over with love and trust.

  “This will be the only time I repeat myself, Violet. Do you understand?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said.


  A scream as the hit took her unexpectedly. “Yes, what?”


  “Good girl. That will gain you a reward, but first I want you to answer my question. I’m going to repeat it. Are you ready to listen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re learning quickly. Are you ready to serve your Master, Violet?” he asked.

  Violet closed her eyes. The blood pounding inside her head. The mixture of excitement and pain had her pussy dripping with her own cum. She hadn’t been with Cadeon long, and she already felt it had been a lifetime. As if he was the other part of her. There was nothing he would do to hurt her. She trusted him completely. The very grounds of her trust were hazy. A man she rarely knew, who’d taken over her world and made her feel loved and cherished unlike anyone else.

  “Violet,” he said with a warning tone to his voice.

  “Yes. I’m ready to serve my master.”

  Cadeon ran his fingers from her slit up through her ass and back again. Every time he passed her clit she held her breath, wanting more of his touch. He made her wait. His hands touching her pussy, ass and hips.

  “I love your body. I never want you to change.”

  She released a breath as the fear began to subside. Being exposed and open had left her feeling raw. Not being a thin woman plagued her for some time. Ironic, considering when she was younger the lack of food had meant she’d been really thin.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He fingered her slit. One finger sliding inside her cunt as his other hand played with her clit. “Stay still.”

  Biting her lip to try to keep herself still was one of the hardest things she’d ever tried to accomplish.

  “I don’t want you to come yet.”

  Closing her eyes again with her head on her arms, Violet counted the time in her head.

  “So responsive.”

  Each time he spoke the pleasure of his voice sent her pulsing with free arousal.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, adding the last part just in case. The bliss she found from his slaps had shocked her. She didn’t think she was capable of feeling pleasure from the pain of a hand.

  His cock pressed against her wet pussy, the heat of him surging forward. She gasped as her muscles expanded around him. Opening up to let him in. A moan spilled from her as he rubbed spots within her she hadn’t known existed. The pulse of his cock sent ripples all through her cunt, and it tightened around his dick.

  “Fuck, you’re still tight.” His hands grabbed her hips in a bruising grip as he slammed all the way inside her in one smooth thrust.

  Their moans mingled as they echoed off the wall. Cadeon’s larger body pressed behind her.

  “You feel amazing,” she said.

  “So do you, baby. I’m going to show you how good it can be between us.” He pulled all the way out and surged back inside her. Each push and pull sent her breasts brushing along the carpeted wall. He pounded her for a few sharp thrusts. Stopping and swivelling his hips, each movement making her gasp and scream as the pleasure filled her to bursting point. Cadeon changed and fingered her clit as he slowed the pace down. His cock slid over her g-spot as he slammed inside her, each time bringing her closer to the edge of bliss.

  “Please, fuck me,” she said on a pant. The demands of her body taking over. Violet never thought she’d be begging for sex.


  This time, she moaned as the burn went straight to her swollen clit. The pleasure intensified with each slap and fuck.

  He pressed a finger against her ass. Violet paused as her hole restricted him, the tight ring of muscles refusing to allow him inside.

  “I won’t hurt you, Violet. Relax. I want you to feel how it can be with me inside your ass.”

  Everything else he’d done to her had brought her nothing but pleasure. She relaxed her body as his finger eased past into her forbidden channel. There was nothing she wouldn’t give. If he wanted her ass, it was his to have.

  He wouldn’t give up on her clit. The sensation of having her ass and pussy filled with the attention on her clit was too much for Violet. She came apart at the seams as her orgasm consumed her like a fire within a room. She screamed and shook as he fucked her harder than ever before. The blood pounded in her ears as the orgasm carried on. Never relenting as he fucked her with his cock and fingers. The pounding she took bringing her closer to the peak once again as she screamed through a second climax. The pleasure ebbed away as Cadeon pulled out of her ass, gripped her hips and plunged inside her one last time, hitting the top of her cervix as his spunk coated her womb.

  With his cock inside her, they collapsed side by side, in a heap on the floor.

  Chapter Sixteen

  With his cock still inside her, Cadeon ran his hands over her ass. He didn’t know what had happened to unleash his dominant side, but he’d shown the moment he landed the first swat on her ass that he’d been unable to control himself. His heart threatened to burst out of his chest as he thought about what he could have done. The pain he could have caused her. She had no idea what he was into. He loved to see an ass shine red with his hand print. To tie women up and make them submit to everything he wanted.

  Closing his eyes, he thanked whomever was looking over him for the restraint he’d shown during their time together.

  His cock pulsed with the last of his orgasm. Never before had he experienced such an intense release. The pleasure went on, making him shake from the top of his head all the way down to his toes.

  He didn’t want to pull out of her. He’d forgotten a condom again. Cadeon failed to care anymore. Violet was his woman, and nothing that happened could make him change the way he felt about her.

  “That was amazing,” she said in a whisper.

  Cadeon burst out laughing from the sound of her voice. Wonder and lust filled her words.

  “Keep talking like that and you’ll have my ego unable to follow me around, he’ll be that big,” he said, teasing her.

  “I think you’ve already got a big ego,” she said. Cadeon laughed, holding her close with a hand around her waist. The other hand rubbed her ass.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me. In some strange way, it felt kind of nice.”

  His heart thumped harder against his chest. “What?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t hurt me
. For some reason you smacking me felt nice.”

  “I love you, Violet.”

  She turned her head slightly so she could see him. Cadeon stared into her brown eyes and fell for her harder.

  “I love you, too, Cadeon.”

  Her words turned him inside out. Taking a breath, he cupped her face. “Thank you for saying the words.”

  “I mean them. I’ve never felt like this with anyone. I know you’re my boss and older than I, but I can’t stop this feeling. I love you.”

  He wasn’t going to be her boss for much longer.

  Leaning over, he kissed her on the lips.

  “What’s going to happen when I do go back to work?” Violet asked. “Will you have to reassign me or something? I’ve not heard many tales of women falling in love with their boss.”

  “You won’t have to worry about a thing. I’ll take care of you.”

  “I want to work for you. Stacey has helped me greatly in the past few days. I’d love for her to get a bonus.”

  “You’re not going to work anymore,” he said. Violet would be with him. With his wealth, she would never have to work again. She could shop and stay at home. Within no time he’d have her full with his child. His cock came to attention at the thought of her swollen with his seed, ready to give birth to his children.

  She moaned, and he knew she felt the stirring of his cock.

  “I don’t understand. Was I bad at my job?” she asked.

  “No, baby. I don’t want you working.”

  I don’t want you near any other men. You’re mine. I love you. I want you to stay with me.

  The possessive feeling inside him was threatening to take over once again.

  “You can’t just expect me to not earn my own way.”

  “Baby, I’m rich. Wealthy beyond your wildest imagination. I don’t need you to work, and to be honest if people found out you were working it would go badly for me. I want to look after you. Take care of you.” He kissed her on the lips. “Make love to you every hour of the day.”

  “You’re trying to shut me up,” she said.

  “Not at all. You’re irresistible to me. Can’t you feel my dick getting hard?” he asked.

  She smiled and rubbed her ass against his groin. He knew it was only a matter of time before he was fucking her again on his office floor.

  “What are your plans for tonight?” he asked.

  “From what you’ve told me, I’ll be serving my master.”

  Cadeon moaned and kissed her on the lips again. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  “I hope not. Besides you being bossy, I kind of like you.”

  “I thought you said you loved me.”

  “I do, but you’re very bossy. And sometimes I like you, and sometimes I don’t.”

  “I like you all the time,” he said. Violet giggled.

  “I’ve never been this happy before in my life,” she said.

  Cadeon held her as the questions of her past came to him. So much about her was a confusing. Did she realise her accent came back with the throes of passion? She sounded British to him, but when she was in control, there was no accent in her voice.

  “Do you want to tell me anything of your past?” he asked.

  She withdrew mentally from him. Her body froze beneath his hands. Calming his anger, he glanced at the clock above the fireplace. When he was with her time seemed to move far too quickly.

  “When you’re ready to tell me, I’ll always be here,” he said. Hugging her waist, he kissed her neck.

  “What if I’m never ready?”

  He hoped she could begin to trust him soon.

  “I’ll still be here. No matter what happens. I’ll always love you.” Cadeon meant every word. Nothing would keep him away from her. Nothing.

  Her hands moved over his, playing with his fingers. “I can’t, not now. Maybe one day soon.”

  “That’s all I need, baby.”

  He kissed her cheek and stared ahead at the fake fire. For years he’d wanted a real fire, but his father had replaced it with an expensive fake fire which looked like a real one. He stared at the glass reflecting their intertwined bodies. A tear slid from her eye and down to the carpet. The tear felt like a punch to his gut. Inside Violet was so many secrets, and he wanted to uncover every one. He hated being in the dark. Violent dreams came to her every night, and he held her through them.

  What could be so awful she was so afraid to tell him?

  Closing his eyes, he counted to ten before opening them again. She lay in the same position.

  “I got a call earlier,” he said in an attempt to change the subject.

  “Was it important?”

  “Yes. We’ve been invited to go to my club, Possession.”

  “Possession?” she asked.

  Smiling, Cadeon squeezed her waist. “Yes. I’ve got to tell you a little information about it before we leave tonight.”

  “Is this the club you disappeared to the other night?”

  “Yes. It’s an exclusive club. Only men with money can afford to get admittance.”

  “What about women?”

  “That’s the reason for the club. It’s an exclusive gentlemen’s club. No exceptions.”

  “Why do I have to go?”

  “Because we’ve been invited by the owner, who happens to be a very dear friend of mine. I’m going to tell you a bit about my family and the club, and I need you to be quiet while I do.”


  “I come from a long line of possessive men. We love our women, and it’s in our blood that they become our whole world. This is probably true for most men, but for a select few it can consume them. We feel as if we can’t go on without knowing everything about our woman. We hate seeing when another man is touching her or talking to her. To a certain point we begin to own you.” Cadeon stopped. Each word sounded worse than the last.

  “You’re a select club who can’t bear to think of your woman with another man, and so in order for you to be around like-minded men, you go to a club called Possession,” Violet said.


  “Do you nickname yourselves ‘The Owners’?” she asked with a giggle.

  “Yes.” Her giggling stopped. “What I just said applies to you. I feel as if I own you. I want to posses you and be everything to you.”

  She didn’t say a word.

  “Violet, will you come with me tonight?”

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  “No one denies a request from Stephen.”

  “Then I guess I’m going.”


  Violet glanced at the dress on the bed. Cadeon had said he would leave her something out which would be appropriate for the evening. After he’d explained about the club, he’d made love to her for the rest of the day. Anne stayed away, leaving them to their privacy. She picked up the small red dress. The waist looked too tiny for her to fit into. When she checked the label, she noticed it was in her plus size.

  She removed the towel and took the underwear he’d placed on the bed. The thong irritated her as it settled between her ass-cheeks. She’d never liked the thongs and preferred the full panties. She even liked those full panties that came up over her belly, especially in the winter. They kept her warm but were the most unattractive of underwear.

  Violet walked to the mirror, settling the bra in place as it pushed her tits up and threatened to overspill the cups. Her stomach wasn’t flat and stuck out a little. Her legs were on the larger side of being nice. What did Cadeon like about her?

  Pulling the dress over her head, she cried out. The zipper would need his assistance. Cadeon walked up behind her making her jump.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said.

  Lost in her own little world, she hadn’t heard him walk up behind her.

  “Could you do my zipper?”

  “With pleasure.”

  She sucked in her stomach, worried in case she would be in for a fight to get the dress fastened. Th
e zipper went up smoothly without any problems.

  “Red really suits you.”

  The thong made her feel really self-conscious. Panties kept everything in. Her thong would make her ass wobble and look awful.

  “Can I change my panties?” she asked.


  “I’ve never liked thongs.”

  “I like the thong on you. You can keep it on or wear nothing at all.” She’d rather have something on than nothing at all. He pressed a hand against her stomach and pulled her against him. She felt the hard length of his cock next to her ass.

  “This is what you do to me, Violet. I always want you.”

  “Can we stay in?” she asked.

  “Not tonight, but remember as you’re in the club tonight all I’ll want to do is be with you.”

  Violet nodded her head and watched him leave the room. Most women would be terrified by what he’d admitted down in his office. She felt relief and a sense of belonging. Cadeon wanted to own her. To be with her. From the past where she grew up being alone or afraid in case someone else found out about her, she couldn’t find anything but love for him. Cadeon was a wealthy man who wanted to possess her. Who would do anything for her. Staring at her reflection in the mirror she resented her past. The shame she felt being a girl of shame. Violet knew her mother was doing her best to try to help her, but she could have placed her in adoption or done anything. No child should be made to grow up fearing every sound in case of discovery.

  Brushing her hair and applying a small amount of make-up, she was ready to leave. Staring at the reflection in the mirror she hoped she wouldn’t embarrass him. She loved him. The way she felt had become clearer to him in the last few days than anything else. Her mother did love her. She knew that. She loved her back. But her only parent was gone. Cadeon was her future, and maybe someday soon she could tell him about her past.

  Moving out of the room, she went to Cadeon. The rest of her life was all that mattered.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Violet stared at the big, dominating house in front of her. This was the club Cadeon had told her about. Rubbing her hands together to try to ease the nerves was not helping. She felt open and exposed. Her time with Cadeon had been the best moments of her life. He was possessive, attentive, and made her feel loved.


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