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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Loved. One small word and yet it had been the one thing in this horrid world that she wanted the most. He reached over and took one of her hands in his.

  “You’re nervous. Don’t be. They’ll love you,” he said, kissing her hand and making her melt for him once again.

  “This is a big house,” she said.

  “It’s a club, set back in privacy. Just so you know, Stephen is going to get you to sign some legal papers.”

  “What for?”

  “You’re not a member of the club or a wife to a club member. As a girlfriend you’ll be required to state that you won’t repeat anything you see or hear. Privacy is the key here.”

  “I’m your girlfriend?” she asked.


  He pulled up into a reserved parking bay. Violet waited for his lead as he got out of the car and walked round to her side.

  “Don’t talk to anyone whom I’ve not introduced.”

  She nodded her head. He placed her hand inside his arm and led her to the front of the gates.

  “Hello, Mr. Ashwood. Mr. Knox is waiting for you in the drinking room.”

  Cadeon nodded and handed over his coat before taking hers. She felt jerky and ungraceful next to him. Cadeon knew he belonged in this place where she still felt like an outsider looking in.

  His hand rested at the base of her back as he escorted her through the house. Most of the doors were shut, and a few couples greeted Cadeon but ignored her. She saw the way the men held onto their wives. A hand on part of the body or the woman stood within touching distance. Violet saw the difference between the men instantly. The attitudes of the men at the club were completely different from the men she’d seen in the parking lot with their girlfriends. Cadeon had described the difference perfectly. Their aura gave off a certain possessive instinct, as if they were saying, “Piss off, she’s mine.”

  He opened the door, and she walked into a smoky room. A woman stood on stage singing a slow deep tune. The words drew Violet’s attention away from the men. She glanced at the woman, who was dressed in a long white gown. Her hair was as black as night, and she had a pale complexion with bright red lips.

  “They’re over there.” Cadeon pointed towards a small group of men. Seeing how large they all were, Violet suddenly felt petrified.

  “I thought we were meeting one man, not loads.”

  “They’re my friends, Violet. They’ll going to want to meet the woman who snagged Cadeon Ashwood’s attention.” He took her hand and pulled her past several men to get to their table.

  “Cadeon, you made it.” One of the men stood and shook his hand. Violet tightened her grip on him as each man stood.

  “Stephen, I’d like you to meet Violet Moore.” He moved her closer. She took the other man’s hand and shook it.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Violet.”

  She nodded her head and retreated back to Cadeon. He made her safe. These men looked scary to her.

  “That next to Stephen is Tate, Kevin, and the big guy on the end is Sean.” He pointed out the rest of the men in line. Sean looked the scariest with a scar down the side of his face. She saw several tattoos up and down his arm.

  “Hello,” she said. Cadeon sat her next to Sean as they made room for her at the table. Pushing a stray lock of hair out of her eye, she kept her gaze on the woman on the stage.

  “What do you want to drink, sweetness?”

  She turned as Stephen spoke to her. “Sorry?” she asked.

  “What do you want to drink?”

  Turning her gaze to Cadeon, he nodded his head. “An orange, please.”

  The men talked amongst themselves. She guessed they were all catching up. The woman on the stage kept staring at their table before turning back to the room.

  “So what do you do, Violet?” Sean asked.

  “I work for Mr. Ashwood,” she said.

  “Doing what?”

  “I use to deliver coffee and the mail.”

  “Enough with the twenty questions, Sean.” Cadeon placed his arm across her shoulders.

  After some time the men moved out of the room, and they went with them. She watched the way Cadeon moved around the room. Everyone steered towards him. She thought about their conversation in his office at home. He didn’t want her working for him anymore. Instead she would spend her time either at his home or in his office. Being at his beck and call all day everyday. Doing everything and anything he wanted her to do. She ran the gold watch around her wrist, feeling the weight of the object weighing heavy on her body and heart.

  “You look like a woman with too much on her mind,” Tate said as he sat down next to her. She glanced over at Cadeon. The way he behaved when men spoke to her made her nervous. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a friend, and he wouldn’t cause a scene. Besides, if he did, he was in perfect company. Most of the men in this place know how he feels.”

  She smiled and glanced down at the gold trinket. Another piece of jewellery. She didn’t like the gifts or what they could mean. Was this another way of paying for sex? Her mother always entered her head when she thought about the way Cadeon treated her. The warnings. Some of the signs her mother had said were there. Could Cadeon being keeping her just to use her for sex?

  “I take it you don’t want to talk to me,” Tate said, making her aware she hadn’t answered him.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now,” she said. Trying to give herself something to do, she reached for a glass of water. Her hands were shaking.

  “Are you afraid?” Tate asked.


  He stared at her without saying anything. “I know this is going to sound like a strange question, but do you know any self-defence moves?”

  She glanced over at Cadeon. He smiled at her and waved his hand.“No. I don’t.”

  “Would you like to come with me to show you some?”

  “I don’t think that would be appropriate,” she said replacing her glass back down.

  “It won’t be anything intensive. Just some moves that can help you if you’re ever alone. Cadeon can’t always be with you, and there are some moves I think women should be able to use for themselves to get away from any intended attacker.”

  At his words she thought about Dominic Green. She’d never met the man, and yet he posed the biggest threat to her life. She followed Tate out of the room. He took her down several flights of stairs until they came to a large metal door. He opened the door with a combination. When they entered she knew they’d walked into a gym. Mats were on the floor.

  “This is a strange place to keep a gym,” she said.

  “Some men like their women to know what they’re doing.”

  “Being protective of them.”

  “All of the men in this club are wealthy. They want their women to be able to defend themselves. This place is to provide them with the best possible way of defending them and make sure the men can watch their women training at all times. . They’re wealthy and if that information got into the wrong hands things could turn to shit very quickly.”

  Tate rolled up his sleeves. Violet stared at him and wondered if she should have left the main room.


  “Will you lay off her? You’re going to scare her,” Cadeon said as he watched Tate taking her into another room. He’d suggested teaching her some self defence moves that he thought all women should know. Cadeon hated her being out of his sight, but he had to warn Sean to keep his mouth shut.

  “Every bit of information I get from her helps me to determine if she’d under threat,” Sean said.

  Cadeon closed his eyes as the fear gripped him. He hated to think of his woman in any danger. He loved her more than anything. Nodding his head in agreement, he went in search of Tate and Violet. He would make sure she spent some time being questioned by Sean.

  He typed in the code to the gym and watched as Tate taught her new ways to break contact with an opponent. Seeing the concentration on her face, Cadeon knew she was in d
anger. Even Violet knew she was in danger. After some time, he clapped his hands and made his presence known. His woman turned and smiled at him, walking over the mats and wrapping her arms around his neck. It was the first time she’d willingly come to him without a command.

  “Tate’s teaching me how to be a super-girl,” she said.

  “I’m glad but I think it’s time to go on up to the rest of the guests.”

  She thanked the other man and slipped her shoes on. Cadeon escorted her up the flight of stairs and placed her at the table where Sean sat looking nonchalant with a glass of strong amber liquid. Cadeon moved to the bar where the other man sat and pretended to be waiting for a drink.

  “This is a good thing,” Stephen said.

  “Why do I feel I’m letting the wolves get at her?”

  “Sean is really passionate about this. He needs to talk to her to make sure he’s not making a mistake.”

  Cadeon nodded his head. He knew why they needed the information. Turning round to face the couple, he saw Sean talking to her. She moved away whenever the other man looked like he was getting closer. She looked terrified. Sean could be a very powerful presence. Someone like Violet would be nervous around a man as domineering as Sean. The guy didn’t stop until he got his way.

  Taking the mug of coffee from the bartender, Cadeon watched the scene play out. Soon the other man had her turned to face him, her attention held by what he was saying. His hands were expressing a point. She laughed and joined in. The conversation took a turn Cadeon hadn’t expected. The ease with which Sean had placed her shocked him.

  Feeling the jealousy rising up, he downed the hot coffee and walked over to the table. If Sean wanted to get her laughing then he was done trying to pump her for information.

  “Take it easy, Cadeon. He’s only trying to help,” Stephen said.

  “I love her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Tell me to take it easy when you find the right woman.” Cadeon threw down some cash before going over to the table. Glaring at Sean where he was touching her arm, he took Violet by the hand.

  “Sorry to cut your chat short, but I’m taking my girl home,” he said.

  Violet gasped but didn’t say a word. He thanked the lucky angel looking down on him. The way they’d been chatting he was tempted to put her over his knee and spank her ass. She was his, and no one else can put his hands on her except him.

  She went with him. They said their goodbyes, and Cadeon pulled her out into the night air.

  The moment he was in the car, he turned the engine over and was out of there in no time. He needed to get her home and sink himself inside her sweet heat. To reassure himself she wasn’t going anywhere. Violet stayed silent as he worked out his aggression. Cadeon hated feeling this way, but he couldn’t help it.

  When they walked through to the bedroom, thirty minutes later, Cadeon pounced on her, pulling her close into his tight embrace.

  “Why did you behave like that at the club?” she asked.

  “Because it’s who I am. I saw him put his hands on you, and I lost my mind. I can’t bear for another person to want you the way I do.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Cadeon. I love you.”

  He unzipped her dress and watched as it fell away from her body. Cupping her bra-covered tits, he nipped her neck. All he needed to do was lose himself inside her sweet heat and he’d be fine. “Let me have this, Violet. I need to take you.”

  “Then take me.”

  Cadeon pushed her to the bed. He removed the bra and tore at the thong. There was not time to remove his own clothes. He had to be inside her.

  Unzipping his trousers, he pulled out his hard cock, opened her legs and plunged balls-deep in her wet cunt. He didn’t let her catch her breath before he slammed back inside her. Each thrust a punishment and pleasure. He held himself away from her body, her tight heat surrounding him. Cadeon fucked her hard until he could obliterate any other memory but the ones of him. He knew he was being a bastard, but the need was more than anything he’d ever felt. Violet was his woman. He knew this, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from fucking her hard. She screamed his name as release came to her.


  Tate, Sean, Stephen and Kevin watched Cadeon leave with his woman. Violet Moore was a sweet young woman who’d clearly suffered. They saw the pain within her and knew it wouldn’t be long until her past came crashing around her.

  “She’s the one,” Sean said as he turned to the group.

  “What should we do?” Tate asked. The other men waited for the next stage of the plan.

  “We need to test the waters. I’m going to England. I’ve got to know for sure. She’s a sweet woman, and I don’t want to alarm her without due cause.” Sean moved past them.

  “We’ll go,” Tate and Kevin said at the same time.

  “The more of us there the higher the risk becomes,” Sean said.

  “Does it really matter? From what you’ve told me this Green chap isn’t going to give up. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to see what Cadeon will turn into if anything happens to that girl.”

  They all agreed.

  “I think this needs to be handled quickly. Over the next couple of days. I don’t want to take the chance that we’ve already alerted Green to her whereabouts.”


  “What’s her name?” Dominic asked as his fist connected with the priest’s jaw. This was the only source left in his quest to find the girl. He would usually beat up a man of the cloth, but his patience was running out. Besides, this priest had pissed him off one too many times.

  “I don’t know who you mean,” the priest mumbled. His eyes were swollen shut, blood dripping out of his lips.

  “Let me be clear about this. Either you tell me the name of Valerie Walter’s daughter, or I will start killing every woman and child in your neighbourhood.”

  Dominic stood back as one of his goons pulled a young woman into the room. She screamed but shut up as they held a knife to her throat.

  “Bodies are piling up because of you. I suggest you give me a name.”

  There was the battle. Dominic saw it in the man’s face. The biting of the lip as he weighed up his options. Dominic signalled the man to start bleeding the woman. She screamed as the knife pierced her skin.

  “Violet Moore. The woman’s name is Violet Moore.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  After the night at the club, Cadeon withdrew from her. Something happened that night that Violet wasn’t completely clear on. The way he held her down as he fucked her hard – Cadeon had unleashed some primitive part of himself. One she imagined he kept locked up inside him. There was no more talk of her joining him at the Club Possession. He wouldn’t allow her to join him at work, either. Her time was spent with Anne and exploring the house, including the grounds around the house. Every time she stopped and thought about his wealth her position within his home always made her nervous. Nothing appeared to have changed with him. The nightmares were back in full force, with the death of her mother plaguing her worse than ever before.

  Violet dressed in some jeans and a pink shirt walking down to join Cadeon in the kitchen. She stopped at the doorway and admired his body. The power she’d felt from his very strength had her blushing where she stood. Her pussy melted as heat swamped her. She wanted him where he stood. She wanted him to lift her up and fuck her in the kitchen. To eat her for breakfast.

  “You’ve got to tell her, Cadeon. She deserves to know,” Anne said.

  “Do you know how disturbing this is for me? You’re my housekeeper, Anne, and you know more about me than I feel comfortable.”

  “You love her. That’s all that matters. Do something before you lose her.” Anne turned her back as Cadeon glared at the older woman. Feeling nervous as she knew it was because of her, Violet was tempted to turn and walk away.

  “I’ve got you some toast, Violet, if you want to come and sit down,” Anne said as she’d turned around.

bsp; “Yes, I’d love some.” She took the seat next to him, highly aware of him seated so close. She wanted to ask him what they were talking about but knew he wouldn’t tell her. Biting her lip, she accepted the coffee and toast. Nibbling and sipping at her food and drink, she ignored the pulse of awareness between them.

  They didn’t speak, which was a first for them as they usually had so much to talk about, or at least Cadeon spoke and she listened. The silence felt uncomfortable for her, as if his was holding something back from her was upsetting her.

  When it was time for him to work, she went with him to the door. Cadeon turned and kissed her on the head, leaving to get into his usual lift to work. She hated the thought of staying at home while he went out to work. Since she’d left her mother she’d been working to pay her way. Being a kept woman was a hard life to adapt to. He wouldn’t budge on the situation. Cadeon was determined to have her at home. He no longer wanted her working with him or for him. She spent the morning with Anne in the kitchen as she began to teach her new tricks. Baking had become one of her biggest pleasure in life. She loved losing herself in the cooking of some spread or pie. Anne thought she was a natural at it, too. As they were cleaning away their lunch dishes, the doorbell rang.

  For most of her life she was use to ignoring the call of the doorbell and continued to work through the sound.

  “What are you doing, honey? Go and answer the door.”

  “But it’s not my house,” she said as an excuse.

  “You’re the lady of the house. Whoever is at the door tell them to wait or send them packing.”

  Violet dried her hands on the pair of jeans she’d taken from her home and went to answer the door.

  Turning the lock, she opened the door with a smile on her face, which froze into place as she saw who stood on the doorstep.

  Olivia, Cadeon’s ex. The woman who’d been begging him to take her back. The whole situation was new to Violet. She stood staring at the other woman.

  “Hello, Violet. I thought we should introduce ourselves.” Olivia moved her hand between them.


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