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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t think I can do this,” she said, the tears falling in full force.

  “Don’t cry. Just let me show you how good it can be.”

  Violet hesitated. Cadeon being the only man she’d been physical with, she had no concept of whether this room was right or wrong.

  “Trust me, Violet, to make it good for you.”

  There was the clincher. She trusted him more than anyone else. She could do this for him. The love she felt was stronger, and she wouldn’t deny him something he clearly needed.

  Nodding her head, she waited with bated breath.

  “You won’t regret this, I promise.”

  Cadeon left her side and closed the door. She hadn’t noticed the lock on the inside until he turned it. The sound echoed off the walls, making her jump.

  “When we’re in here, I’m the boss. I’m the one in charge. Usually you don’t speak until you’re asked, but seeing as this is your first time at all of this, we’ll take it slow. I’ll be in charge, and until you’re comfortable, you can voice your opinion.”

  “I can tell you when to stop and speak freely?” she asked to clarify what he’d said.

  “Yes. I want you to be clear on this, Violet. No one else has ever had the freedom I’m giving you. Please try to keep an open mind to what I want.”

  Violet stood in the room and stared at the strange man she’d come to love. He was wealthy, loving, possessive, and a dominant man who needed the control. This was her chance to explore what he wanted.

  “I will.”

  He stood in front of her. His hand caressing her cheek. Cadeon bent and pulled the pink shirt from her body. She had on a full-cupped bra. Folding her hands over her chest, she felt more exposed than ever before.

  “Don’t hide your body from me.” He held her hands, moved them to her side. “I want to see you, always.”

  Next, he unbuckled her jeans, the zipper going down. The sensation of having him remove her clothes was completely different from when she removed them herself. He knelt on the floor before as he helped her step out of her jeans. She hadn’t bothered with shoes or socks.

  “I can see how wet you are already.”

  Her body aroused to accept him. Was there anything he’d do she wouldn’t get aroused over?

  His fingers ran up her body from her knee up to her hips. He touched her panties. She expected them to follow her jeans and shirt. The fabric tightened in his grip. He tore them in two. The strength in his arms wasn’t lost on her.

  The bra was the last thing to come off her. When she stood naked, the tears fell harder and faster.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.


  “Because I want you. I want everything you can give me.” Cadeon cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back. Tears sprang in her eyes, and he hated seeing them. She deserved better than to be afraid of his touch.

  “I don’t want you to want this,” she said. Her voice small as the first tear fell across her cheek. He smudged the salty water away with a thumb. He moved down and ran a finger across her full lips. For many nights he’d dreamt about her lips. Touching and tasting him. Was he a bastard for going after what he wanted? Yes, probably, but he wouldn’t give up. Violet Moore was his, and he intended to keep her. He admired her for staying with him. The room – seeing it from her eyes would cause many women to be frightened.

  “You don’t understand what this is. Please, try it for me.” Cadeon knew he was asking too much. Only a few weeks ago she’d been a virgin working as a coffee and mail delivery person. Now, she was his woman, and he’d given her more than enough to frighten her.

  “You’ll stop.”

  “I would never hurt you.”

  She nodded and bowed her head. The submissive pose went straight to his cock. He went thick and hard simply seeing her give in. She would be an amazing sub. A woman any man would be proud to call his own.

  “If you like this then we will come here once every week for you to grow accustomed to my lifestyle.”

  “Do you live it all the time?” she asked.

  “No. I like to change what I like. I can do vanilla, which is what we’ve been doing.”


  “Straight sex.”

  “First, I want to show you what the punishment is for walking into this room without my permission.” He wanted to see her bent over the table with her ass in the air. Having her naked while he circled her was turning him on. He knew when he finally got inside her, he wouldn’t last two minutes. She did this to him. Violet had the power to undo him, and she had no idea how to use it. He would do anything for her. All she had to do was ask. “I want you to lean over the bench with your ass in the air.”

  She stared at him for several seconds and then at the bench. He waited, anticipating her next move. Would she trust him enough to do as he asked?

  Only seconds passed, which felt like a lifetime, when she finally moved into position. Rolling up his shirt sleeves, Cadeon paced the room to gain control over himself.

  He stood behind her. Looking at his woman bent over waiting for her punishment. The love he felt for her in those moments were more intense than ever before. Violet was overcoming her fear to give him what he wanted. No woman had ever done such a thing for him.

  Cadeon placed his hand at the base of her back. She jumped, but he understood. Each touch would make her more nervous. If she asked for him to stop, he would consider how far they’ve gotten an achievement.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked. He wanted her to say no. Asking her would give her the option.

  “No. I want to do this for you.”

  Thankful to whomever was looking down on him. He ran his hands all over her ass and back. Touching her seemed to help her keep control. He wanted to stop the nerves. Showing her the man she loved was still present. Nothing changed the situation they were in.

  “For this first time, I’m going to count for you.” Cadeon knew he was breaking his own rules. When two people entered their play area, the dominant one remained in charge and the submissive knew who was boss. In this instant he was sharing the power.

  He cupped her sex, slipping one finger between her folds to see if she found any pleasure in what was happening. Her cunt was dripping wet. She might not know it, but Violet was completely turned on by the situation. Cadeon fingered her, touching her clit until she moaned and wriggled against his touch. Smiling in satisfaction, he pulled away from her hot pussy. Punishment still needed to be made.

  He raised his hand and brought it down on her pale, vulnerable flesh. She cried out.



  Each smack on the ass created a red hand print. His cock pushed on the zipper of his trousers. “Three.”

  Stopping and rubbing his hand over her ass after the first three slaps gave himself time to calm down. Staring at her pussy, exposed by the position she was in made Cadeon want to take her.

  “Four....five....six....” She cried out with each blow. Cadeon knew she wouldn’t last long. This was the first time he’d bought an untrained submissive into his zone. Most of the women knew how to behave. He looked forward to exploring this side with her. Testing her limits until she gave in.

  “Seven....Eight....” He raised his hand to land another one, but her scream of stop made him immediately put his hand down.

  “Stop, please.” Pulling her up from the bench, he wrapped his arms around her. The relief he felt when she embraced him without hesitation would stay with him for the rest of his life. He could have lost her in the time he’d had her in this room.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

  “What do you do next?” she asked.

  “I reward my sub.”

  “I can’t take any more hits, but I could do with a reward.” Cadeon helped her back over the bench. He knelt down and ran a hand over her ass. She wasn’t used to being hit. The red of his hand looked bright against her pale flesh. He moved to a dra
wer unit in the corner and pulled out some fresh cream. He coated her ass and rubbed the cream all over. His gaze was distracted by the wet arousal leaking from her pussy.

  Once he was done, he went to the sink and washed his hands before moving back behind her.

  With his hands on her ass, he opened her wider. He fingered her slit, pushing two fingers inside her as he used his other hand to unzip his pants. Pulling out his length was harder work as the pants were too tight from the arousal he felt. Getting into position behind her, he lifted her hips and guiding himself to her entrance, he pushed inside her slick folds. Her pussy quivered, and Cadeon stilled inside her. The tightness was making it hard for him to think straight. Everywhere he looked, he was transported into his world.

  He pulled out and pushed back in, repeating the motion until they were both panting and begging for more. Cadeon sped up, riding her harder and faster than before.

  “Please, Cadeon,” she screamed. Cadeon flicked her clit, bringing her to orgasm seconds before he released his seed inside her body. They stayed in that position for several minutes, neither moving. Cadeon didn’t want to pull away from her. The thought of leaving her hurt him.

  Eventually, as he began to feel the chill, he moved. Carrying her up to his room, he cared for her. He ran a hot bath. He washed her, loving her with actions that meant more than words could in this moment.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Open up. I want to see you eat it,” Cadeon said. Violet opened her lips as he pushed the large strawberry between her lips. She bit down and moaned in rapture. The sweet fruit dribbled juice down her chin.

  “Let me get that.” He leaned over and licked the juice from her nipple to her lip.

  “You’re doing that on purpose.”

  “Maybe I am, but you taste good.”

  “Not as tasty as these strawberries.”

  Cadeon smiled at her. Violet licked her lips. The meal he’d bought her was the best she’d ever tasted.

  In fact, considering he’d spanked her hours before she was feeling better than ever. The fear she’d felt thinking about his needs was gone. Olivia had scared her by making her doubt herself.

  “I wish I knew what was going on in Olivia’s mind to make her want to hurt us,” she said.

  “Olivia was jealous because I never loved her the way I love you.”

  “Because I’m a nobody.”

  “Not at all. Olivia comes from a family who can’t begin to understand what real love means.”

  “Her family isn’t like yours?”

  “If you mean about the possessive element, then no.”

  “Must be nice having a family,” she said before thinking.

  “Didn’t you have a family? I know you talked about your mom, but you’ve never talked about anything else.”

  She panicked. “Please don’t make me talk about it.”

  “You’ve got a past, Violet. I’ve got a past. Everyone has a past.” She understood his reasoning. Getting frustrated, she stood and moved away from the bed.

  “I know.”

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “Why can’t you just let it go? I’ve given you everything else. Why do you want more from me?” she asked. What good would it do telling him about her past?

  “I want you, Violet. When are you going to realise that? Nothing else matters to me.”

  “You wouldn’t say that if you knew.”

  “Then tell me.” Cadeon waited for her to explain.

  “I can’t.”


  “Sir, we’ve found her.”

  Dominic groaned as the woman at his feet swallowed his cum. He waited until the last moment of his release, and then he pushed her away from him. The woman ran for the door, lifting her dress up as she went. Ignoring her, he turned back to his men.


  “Violet Moore. We found her.”

  One of his men, whose name he couldn’t recall, handed him a picture frame of a more up-to-date photo of the girl in question.

  “She’s twenty-one.”

  He didn’t care for her age. “Who’s the man in the photo with her?”

  “Cadeon Ashwood. Playboy millionaire or something. I imagine he’s only playing with her while business is running slow.”

  “So, she’s in America. It’s a good job we’re already here.” He lit his cigar and stared at the photo. The girl was chubby but with a face of an angel. She’d earn a pretty penny even without her virginity intact. She’d pay for making a fool out of him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Three days later

  Since making the deal with Tate, Cadeon had no choice. In a matter of days the information on Violet would be with him, and they’d expect payment. He knew he should warn them about her condition, but he didn’t want to break her trust.

  Cadeon knocked on the door of Rebecca Black. He needed to see her, but he’d put the thought to the back of his mind because he hated the deal he’d made. She’d been used enough in her life.

  Tate and Kevin would look after her.

  The door opened, and there she stood with darkness surrounding her.

  “Hi, Rebecca,” he said.

  “Hello, Cadeon.”

  She had large green eyes, which were so expressive of the pain of her past. He’d saved her, pulled her out of the worst relationship of her life only to keep her safe in her own kind of prison. What Cadeon hadn’t told Tate was about her condition, or fear, as others like to call it.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “You may as well. I can’t come outside,” she said as a joke although he knew the hurt it brought her.

  “You don’t have to be like that with me.”

  She pulled away and flicked on a light as soon as he closed the door.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Better. I think I am. I can open the door and sometimes manage a step out of the door. That’s it at the moment. I’m working on improving that. My counsellor thinks it won’t be long until I can go outside again.”

  Rebecca was suffering from agoraphobia. She was terrified of going outside. Cadeon was the only one who knew, and he didn’t know how Tate and Kevin would take the news. Ever since her abuse had become known to the men at Club Possession, Cadeon had been the one she trusted most. Tate and Kevin were too possessive of her.

  He followed her through to the sitting room where she had a couch for them to talk. The moment he sat down, his mobile rang. Cursing, he pulled it out of his pocket to turn it off.

  Stephen was calling him.

  “Answer it. Don’t mind me. I’m going to go and make tea,” she said.

  She left the room as he answered the call.


  “Could you come down to the club as soon as possible?” Stephen asked. No greeting, only instructions.


  “We’ve got some news, and it’s better to do all this in person.”

  “Okay. I’m meeting someone at the moment, and as soon as I’m done I’ll be on my way.”

  The call cut off, and Rebecca walked into the room.

  “How have you been?” she asked.

  “I met someone. A woman. She’s young, and I think you’d like her.” With Rebecca, Cadeon had always been able to treat her like a sister. He didn’t see her as a sexual being. He cared for her, but he didn’t love her.

  “Do I get more details?”

  Cadeon smiled and was about to tell her all about Violet, when he stopped. All he was doing was postponing the inevitable. He took a deep breath. She deserved to know the truth.

  “Actually, I’ve come about something much more important.” He sipped his tea and then turned to her, taking each of her hands in his. “It’s about Tate and Kevin.”

  She pulled away, wrapping her arms around her body. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “They’ve asked for you to give them some time.”

  “Cadeon, I’m not ready. They’re go
ing to want something from me, and I’m not going to be able to give it.”

  “I made a deal with them that you’d at least see them. You’ve got to move on from this, Rebecca.”

  “Move on? You don’t even know what he did to me. What happened isn’t something I can just walk away from. How could you agree to something and not involve me?” she asked. Tears were falling from her eyes.

  “I care about you, honey. Doing this to yourself is not the answer.” Cadeon reached over and pulled her into his arms. Tate and Kevin would look after her. They would protect her. He had to believe they’d treat her better than her last protector. The scumbag could rot in jail for all he cared.

  “I can’t. You promised you’d protect me. I can talk to Violet and come to an understanding. I don’t want anything from you, Cadeon.”

  Shaking his head, Cadeon stood and walked over to the window.

  “You know he’s not coming back. Everyone made sure he’d stay in that cell for the rest of his life,” he said.

  “I know.” Her voice was so small and fragile.

  “The club will protect you, Rebecca. All I ask is that you try. I know you liked Tate and Kevin. I’ve seen you with them when he wasn’t around. They made you smile and laugh. They gave you joy. Why won’t you give them some of your time?” he asked.

  She was silent, and Cadeon turned back to face her.

  “Because I’m afraid,” she said as a sob overcame her. He watched as she covered her face with her hands and cried.

  He moved over to the couch and sat down, embracing her in his arms.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, but you’ve got to start living your life. He’s gone. Don’t let him ruin you any more.”

  Cadeon held her as she cried. The tears were long overdue. He wondered how much pent-up emotion Violet kept within her. If her situation was anything like Rebecca’s then he knew he would be in for some damage control.

  Only when she agreed and he’d got her settled and relaxed, did Cadeon leave. Getting in his car, he phoned Violet to tell her he wouldn’t be home until late and travelled across the city to get to the club, which lay at the far side surrounded by forestry and cut off from everyone else.


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