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Angeline's Way

Page 3

by Nathan Rider

  Moniqa's email read: "Find out who this guy is and take him. Otherwise I'm going to find him myself!"

  Angeline just stared at the picture in bed and daydreamed of Paul. Their magical day in Greece and night in one of the ship's restaurants went by too quickly for her. It ended with her arms wrapped around him and a world record kiss to enjoy his lips even more at her door. She then checked her watch to get dressed and go eat.

  In Moniqa's infinite wisdom, her cabin was in the Forward part of the ship and dining was at the Stern. Which meant a lot of walking and stairs. Elevators were crowded even in the morning. She dressed so as to be able to work out on the elliptical machine after breakfast. Running on the track would have been nice but sixteen laps for one mile did not sound fun on a cruise.

  As she climbed the stairs, she heard Mike Morgan's voice talking to one the pursers about the tours. She rounded the corner quickly to avoid eye contact and scampered up the next flight. As karma would have it, Angeline slipped on the large stair and slid down. Both the purser and Mike ran over to help her.

  "You okay, Miss?" he said with a Ukrainian accent.

  "You okay, Angeline?," Mike asked. "What happened to your leg?"

  "Yes. Just clumsy old me. I slipped on the marble at the Acropolis and scratched it. This time I was running for the breakfast line," Angeline said with a fake smile. "Can't catch a break anywhere."

  "Well, you should not run up the stairs on this ship. Not only can it be crowded but can ruin your vacation breaking an ankle," the purser explained to both Mike and Angeline.

  " Well, thank you for caring about me. And no more running in the halls," she said.

  " You going to breakfast? I will join you, if you like?" Mike asked politely.

  "Sure. It will keep the conversation interesting. It was not fun eating alone last night. Especially when you have to explain why you're hacking a lung on vacation."

  On the Sea Dreams

  Mike and Angeline finished breakfast an hour later in the Stern. The wake left behind them as they ate parted the blue water. The sky was still warm and clear as they stepped out onto the deck. They walked and talked. Played the beanbag toss as long as they wanted by the bar. They laughed and shared similar experiences of the clientele the shared. Angeline was relaxing with Mike around her sphere.

  Angeline was warming up to Mike but still had the thought of the possible ex-wife in the back of her mind. So many questions were swirling of would it work or not. Would they have to fight to keep their relationship going along with their respective vineyards? Would the Nathan and Gabriel approve of their being together? Moniqa would be happy at seeing Mike every day. Or would she have to step down and take her to Excelsior?

  As the day wore on, they tried the other activities on board. Enjoyed riding the SkyBike on the upper deck behind the movie screen. It was a bicycle attached to a track that hovered over the back three-quarters of the boat and the sea. Mike and Angeline raced each other twice as the line was shorter then.

  They then walked the rope bridge maze that reminded Mike of his vacation with his kids to Florida. Angeline was kind of worried he might regress if that was a bad thing to be reminded of. He took it in stride and was exhausted in the end.

  "Okay. I know I'm not 18 years old but I am a little winded. I hadn't done that since we visited Fun Castle in Plantation a few years ago. The place was upside down and when you reached the basement, which actually was the top floor, they had this complex rope maze you walked above the floor while hooked up to a line. It was very exhilarating with the kids," he reminisced as they went down to the Lido deck for lunch.

  " For me," Angeline said," it was zip lining in Maui. A couple college girlfriends and I went there for Spring Break. The course is above the Kapalua golf course and had to be driven up to by a military truck. I was scared at first since I never been zip lining before. But God, the view was from every station was so breath taking. Time just flies when you're several hundred feet above the ground."

  "You will need to check out the zip lining in Jamaica. They have nice course going down a mountain. Those Jamaicans are crazy, though. And get your coffee and rum fix too."

  Together Angeline and Mike talked about the different experiences they had on their vacations. Angeline's mind was swirling with emotion during the conversations. Was he the one?, she thought. What more do we have in common besides a business and vacation spots?

  "Hey, Mike. I am still a little worn from the SkyBike. Want to go find a Jacuzzi to relax in?" As the words stumbled out of her mouth, Angeline's face turned a bright red as she realized what she said. Awkward!

  Mike hesitated for a bit and said, "Sure, if you don’t mind. Where do you want to meet?"

  They agreed to meet up at Deck 5 Forward spa in a half hour.

  This is not a date! This is NOT a date!

  They found each other at the front of the ship. The two pools were inhabited with teenagers trying to look cool with the coastline in view. As they walked the decks in search of a less filled spa, Angeline and Mike soaked in the views. Angeline suddenly felt her head on his shoulder and holding his hand as they walked around and laughing at his jokes.

  Mike suggested they get a drink while in search of the elusive spa. So they dropped into one called the Bahama Rama. The room was flush with the palm and coconut trees you would see in the Caribbean islands. It had tables with menus, ones with a barrel on tap for multiple peoples at one sitting, and the bar and stage for karaoke.

  "The Dirty One promises of lots of rum, vodka, and a twist in it. I will go for that," Angeline said. "And if I get buzzed, I will be close to my cabin to be dropped off at."

  The drinks came to their able by a man with a badge saying he was Malcolm from St. Croix. While Mike's drink came in a martini glass, Angeline's came in a glass used for Sangrias. She looked at it with a bit of fright at drinking it.

  " I will help drink it, if you like," Mike offered.

  Angeline took a sip of the beverage. And sipped and sipped.

  "Hold on, Girl. You're going to be more than buzzed the way you are drinking that."

  "Uh, don’t worry. For an alcoholic drink I ordered, there is none in it. All that mixing and nothing for the buzz. I thought I wasn’t crazy when I saw them pour that 7Up in the glass. Really diluted the drink to nothing. "

  Angeline got up and went to the bar to complain. Five minutes later, she came back to the table empty handed and triumphant.

  " So I got the charge reversed and my money back. Right now I should be a bit woozy from the alcohol. Pay all that money for a cruise drink and nothing," she said disappointedly. "The bartender looked at me as though I was crazy saying there was no alcohol in it. I showed him my steady hand and blew in his face to prove that there wasn’t any."

  Mike laughed at this. He had heard stories of the Monster of St. Helena that had no life. Now here she was on a cruise, breathing in a stranger's face to prove she was sober.

  " I am going to find that Jacuzzi now," she said.

  They walked some more on the deck and stopped. The Adriatic Sea around the heel of Italy was calm as the cruise liner entered the Mediterranean. They stared out into the sea together, the faint outline of an oil derrick in the distance, holding on to each other as the moments went by. The seagulls screamed and the wash from the liner cutting the water were loud. But together Mike and Angeline heard nothing.

  They eventually made their way to the sauna. Suddenly Angeline realized she was holding Mike's hands. So warm, she thought. The couples inside were talking about various things of interest.

  " You can buy as much beer or wine as you want in Europe. We are not anywhere near the United States waters where they can tax you or the cruise line can take what you buy when entering the security doors. Start chugging away, man!"

  "We're big Michigan fans, being from the UP. And, yes, we absolutely hate Ohio State. Our daughter somehow decided to go to Penn State and we had had long discussions on where we went wrong with her."<
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  They entered the warm water together as the couples in the Jacuzzi parted for them. After the initial hellos and where-you-from, the banter continued on around them.

  Formal Night Dinner

  Angeline decided to do the Formal night on the cruise. She showered off the chlorine from her time in the hot tubs and a quick trip down the water tubes. The pools were having trouble with the chlorination process and turning the water black. She had spent the rest of the afternoon in the salon, being fortunate to get an appointment when she did. Her hair was washed with the pedicure and manicure going on at the same time.

  By the time she go back to her cabin, it was 7 o'clock. The strapless black dress that Moniqa packed for her was snug and fitting well on her as much as possible.

  "More exercise. Less cruise food," she said aloud to herself. Shifting here and there it fit her lithe body well. It had been a while since she stepped out in it for a formal occasion. Plenty of parties to attend but this dress was her special one. She grabbed her purse and card and headed to the door.

  As she stepped out of her cabin, there was Mike in the hallway with his mouth wide open and his fist ready to knock on the door.

  "WOW!," he said with amazement. "Talk about a drop-dead gorgeous woman. I will be the envy of all the guys with you on my arm."

  "Thank you, Mike. A lot of work went into this since we parted. The dress is snug a bit but it works for me. I did not think you would do the Formal night on the cruise being a wheel short like me. And how did you find me on this ship?"

  "Ah. I have to do these things. Keeps me young and have fun. Drinking in the bar alone is not a thing to do on a cruise. And I do admit that I followed you down here to your cabin, though. Curiosity of the better of me."

  As they walked down the hall, Angeline said, " It is larger than my college dorm room. I have my own shower this time."

  They decided to get a picture of the two to commemorate their dinner together. Each ship photographer was either in a corner space, the staircases, or the middle of the aisle ways between deck sections.

  Studying the different backdrops, Angeline decided upon the staircase pictures.

  And Mike could be James Bond in his tuxedo and I his Bond girl, she decided with a secret smile. After the fifteen minutes of posing and adjustments made by the photographer, they left for dinner.

  With little wait, they were seated with six other passengers in their tuxedos and dance dresses with the Sea to their back at the window. Introductions were again about how many cruises and what state they were from. Angeline became afraid of what to say when it came to saying where she was from with Mike next to her.

  As long as he doesn't say "Honey" I will deny being near him, she thought.

  It did not come to that. Mike said California and head of a vineyard. Angeline said the same state and kept it at that. She could see in her mind the stares she was given by her fellow diners. And then she blurted out, "And single!"

  She could hear in her mind the lesbian couple, Amy and Kathy, shaking their heads at what she said with Mike present. The other couple at the table gasped silently and then got a look of wanting to match make them into a real couple. It wasn't until older couple at the table related their first cruise story did Angeline feel very small and wanting to hide under the table.

  "It was our first cruise," the husband began," and the cruise lines had begun to integrate. So they invited the leading black entertainers of the day for the stage shows. Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin, and a couple other singers. We were all invited to watch them perform on stage in the lounge."

  Wow! That must have been something to see, Angeline thought.

  "Of course, we declined."

  And there the silence was deafening. Angeline stared at Kathy with her mouth gaping. Kathy stared back at Mike at the pronouncement. He felt like he wanted to die at that moment. There was little dinner talk afterwards amongst the couples. Amy and Kathy left the table after dinner. The match-making couple still had their eyes on making Mike and Angeline more than a couple but gave up. The older couple talked a bit more of their travels.

  "Interesting dinner tonight," Mike said dryly.

  "Yes. Especially the older couple. I just wanted to die after what came out of his mouth. So what's next on the agenda?" Angeline asked.

  " The ship's captain is hosting the champagne fountain at Mid-Deck for all passengers. Want to check it out?" he suggested.

  "We can do that. It has been a while since I have seen that done at a party, let alone on a cruise."


  The Mid-Deck celebration was starting as they strode down the walkway. The liner's staff had spent the day preparing the two-story high champagne fountain. The sparkling white glasses reached into the air waiting to be filled with the first bottles of champagne to be poured out by the captain. Next to it was a stair steps and platform on which the captain stood atop with a champagne bottle.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen Passengers. My name is Louis Cabriolle, Captain of this cruise ship Sea Dreams. Tonight we will celebrate this ship's inauguration with this Fountain of Champagne. We will have Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Joanne Billings pour the first offering of this cruise. They have spent 935 days with our cruise line and more to come with us. If you would like to participate, please line up below to also have the honor of pouring."

  Mike and Angeline lined up with the other passengers to pour. Five minutes later they were at the top with the Captain next to them. They watched as the bubbly continued to flow from previous pourers.

  "Do not be nervous as you pour," the Captain instructed. "Hold it up above the top glass, a bit to the side, and gently let it come out of the bottle. There you go. Enjoy your stay on my ship and your cruise ports with fun."

  As much fun as Mike was in getting her out of the cabin on Formal Night, Angeline wanted to ditch him badly. It was her cruise and her fun to let off steam. The e-mails from the vineyard were encouraging to her that things were going well. She planned to purchase the pictures with Mike pouring the champagne to show Moniqa she was having fun with The Hot Bod guy.

  But they were not attached. She was not sure of him and his situation. Too many questions needed to be answered. For all she knew, this was his bounce back cruise. And she was not going to be bounced by a guy, who at any time, could pop over the fence for a quickie.

  "What is next on your agenda, Mike?" she asked.

  With that question, Mike did not know what to say. He stammered about not bringing his schedule of events for the evening.

  "Thank you for the lovely evening, Mike. It's okay not to know what to do next besides drink at the bars. First time for everything." With that, she gave him a peck on the cheek, a wink of the eye, and took off she went for the singles bar on Deck 7.

  Deck 7

  Deck 7 was two decks above the Mid-Deck where the Champagne Fountain stood. This deck and the one below had the restaurants and mall shops to buy $1000 necklaces and rings, a candy store and a malt shop. The individual jewelry stands on the floor around the ring of staircases leading to the below decks.

  Angeline checked her watch, which said was 9pm, ship time. The bar, Sail Away Saloon, was dark and half filled with patrons. The piano man was singing away to the latest tunes as she walked through the door and up to the bar keeper. Not being picky as to the brand or taste, she ordered a Zinfandel and sat at one of the tables near the piano.

  As the bar filled, the more Angeline became apprehensive as to the guys filing in. One guy needed a shave just to look cleaner than the lumberjack portrayal he was going for. Another one was trying his best with the Pee Wee Herman look alike. The topper was a guy with a loud tie, if that was ever possible, that gave her a headache looking at him.

  Oh God, did I ditch Mike to be at a floating ComicCon convention?

  Angeline looked at the other women in the bar. On all their faces was the same look of boredom and grade of men coming into the bar.

  "Hi. You have the look of being at an after
-work networking meeting and dying to leave."

  Angeline looked up to see the man talking to her.

  He held out his hand and said," My name is Robert. And yours?"

  Angeline smiled and said, "Angeline. Nice to meet you, Robert. Thank you for noticing my dilemma"

  "Your welcome. Come here often?" he said with a smile.

  "Only when I am desperate to get out of the cabin. You?"

  "Same. I had finished counting the seagulls when I realized that I am supposed to have fun. My friend got sick at the last minute so I am travelling by myself," he said. " A little nervous being without someone to have fun with. Stepping out."

  As she listened and responded to Robert, Angeline's mind went to work to see what was wrong with this guy. He's 25, 6 foot 2 inches, and has a job clerking at a big law firm in Denver. Not a sports fanatic though he plays rugby on a club team. Little rough around the edges with his mixed Hispanic/Caucasian heritage. The tuxedo he was wearing was a bit loose but not a deal breaker. His dark hair was short and his eyes had a little twinkle to them.

  "Do you have someone to be with in Malta?," he asked.

  The question broke the spell she was in. 'Uh, no. I am going on the Sea and Land Adventure around Gozo, whatever island in Malta that is."

  "That's cool. I have the same package, I believe. So if we are in the same travel group, you mind being seen with me?," he asked her with his toothy smile.

  "I see no problem with that. If we are then yes. You and I can be seen together in Malta."

  As she settled down for bed with her nightly updates from Gabe and Moniqa, Angeline wondered if it was okay to be with him. The mysterious "friend" who got sick at the last minute. Really? Who wouldn't want to go to Europe despite being sick. Take some Nyquil for God's sake! The firm and rugby squad did show up when she googled them but nobody was recognizable.


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