Trojan: An Epic LitRPG Adventure (Afterlife Online Book 3)
Page 6
"Rider," called Izzy. A few seconds later, horns blared from the west gate. We rushed over to see a crusader in black plate galloping across the tended land at top speed.
1150 Grim Fandango
The three of us and Bandit pushed toward the west gate. Lash hadn't returned yet but it couldn't be helped. A crusader in Stronghold was newsworthy. And since Oldtown sat flush with the main thoroughfare to the west gate, most of the local faction members already knew something was going on.
The green cloaks of the city watch rushed to fortify the gate. Gladius was elsewhere. A centurion stood atop the wall and another led from the ground. They hadn't bothered to close the gate. A single rider wasn't a threat to our forces and, besides, he was a friend.
Saint Peter waited at the head of the contingent. He wore a toga. A golden twig hugged thinning white hair to his crown. The older man stroked his long beard and pressed fluffy eyebrows together in concern.
I stopped at the edge of the road where a crowd formed. We hadn't heard much from the crusaders over the last month. Understandable, seeing as how they were dealing with a schism in their faction. For all intents and purposes, though, the catechists had been defeated. Oakengard was a united city. An emergency message like this didn't bode well, especially when the rider was Colonel Grimwart himself.
His powerful war horse slowed at the gate. The field commander of the crusaders wore plate over chain mail. His armor was lacquered black, with a matching tunic and half cape. Crosses of white adorned his clothes, vambraces, chest, and even the face of his full helm.
The soldier nodded to the centurion and Saint Peter. Then he cantered past them and locked his gaze on me.
"Ho there, Talon. I come with terrible news."
I was surprised to see Grimwart circumvent the saint to come to me. Peter's face was more accepting. It spoke of a subtle transition of power.
"What is it?"
Grimwart hopped off the horse. I gripped his wrist as he did mine. Bandit and the black mount sniffed each other's noses. "A nightmare, I'm afraid. The Trinity is in trouble."
"The three leaders of Oakengard?"
"Two, ever since Bishop Tannen was ousted. No exalted priest has yet taken his place. Hero Gent and Philosopher Mara have dealt with the fallout as best they could, but they grow cold and paranoid."
I shrugged. "I would be too after what Bishop Tannen pulled."
"The Trinity has regained the support of the crusaders and the priestship. Cleric Vagram is no longer able to sway more to his side. However, Oakengard has been increasingly locked down. The only reason I was able to get away was because I led a contingent to patrol the foothills for signs of rogue catechists. They have thus far eluded me."
"Same here. Vagram's a capable guerrilla fighter."
Izzy cut in. "I still don't get what exactly is wrong with Oakengard."
He nodded. "My lady. There have been troubling signs. Decisions to pull back and fortify. No longer is it our mandate to protect the land."
"That's not a bad thing," I pointed out. "Being a goblin isn't a crime."
"Aye, so you have posited. Philosopher Mara might even agree, to the disappointment of our head knight. But their decisions have been difficult. Heated debate is often healthy."
I spiked my dragonspear in the dirt and leaned on it. "So what's the problem?"
"The problem is they've disappeared. Our once-brave leaders have become shut-ins, isolating themselves in their chambers. They refuse to accept direct audiences."
Izzy snorted. "How do they lead then?"
"They have chosen to issue commands through notification mandates."
I frowned. "NPCs can communicate like that?"
"They're crusader faction broadcasts. I imagine you have the same ability."
I did. Not that I could compare the Black Hats to the crusaders just yet. There must've been five hundred of them. Their faction and headquarters had bonuses and abilities I could only dream about.
"Even now," he said, "the Trinity keeps a close watch from behind closed doors. I may already be considered AWOL. But I have a duty to protect my people. I came as soon as I could. I need your help, Talon. I can no longer rely on the saints." He stopped as he realized we had company. Saint Peter had wandered close and caught the last part. Grimwart bowed slightly in acknowledgment. "I do apologize, sir, but with Loras not addressing my concerns—"
Saint Peter nodded. "Saint Loras is on sabbatical, I'm afraid."
Grimwart paused. "But I just saw him."
"Before I left."
Peter's eyes lit up. "Saint Loras is in Oakengard?"
"He always has been. It was he who boosted our resource output in order to tackle the pagan menace."
"And now?" I asked.
The colonel sighed. "He claims to be rectifying the leadership issue, but they are hollow words. I have seen no improvement."
Saint Peter wet his lips. Something was troubling him and I think I knew what. Bishop Tannen may have been an insane dictator, but he was savvy when it came to people. He had accused Loras of attempting to sabotage saintly relations in Shorehome. The truth of the claim was never proven, and with things returning to normal in Stronghold, the saints hadn't shown themselves very much.
"Is there gonna be another battle?" I asked him. "More crusader war parties?"
The black helmet shook. "All our drills have been defensive. The sanctity of Oakengard has been paramount."
"That doesn't sound that bad," said Kyle.
"No, but I trust Grimwart's instincts." The colonel's helmet nodded in thanks.
Kyle still hedged. "It's risky to venture out this close to level 10."
"XP sure doesn't come easy these days," agreed Izzy.
"You too?" I asked.
She shrugged. "I'm just sayin'. The frat boy has a point." Kyle crossed his arms and nodded with satisfaction.
I chewed my lip. "I dunno. You really wanna pass up the chance to be the first players to peek inside a mysterious city?"
"Now that you put it like that..."
Kyle grunted. "Pick a side already!" She scowled at him. Pixie features were remarkably pointed when they tried to be. "Talon, you sure you're not just looking for an easy adventure here?"
"Damn right I am! What's wrong with a teensy tiny diversion?"
He grumbled. Kyle had made strides over the last month, but he was still one of the most unambitious people I knew. Comfort zones were important to him.
"Just look at it this way," reassured Izzy. "If shit hits the fan, we'll have solved our sparse XP problem. It's win-win."
"Then it's settled," I proclaimed. "We get to go on our first adventure vacation!"
"Adventure vacation? It's not like we're going zip-lining in Costa Rica."
"Don't ruin my moment."
Grimwart acquiesced with a quest prompt.
Quest Offer: Reunite the Trinity
Quest Type: Epic
Reward: 20 silver bars, 4,000 XP, royal treasure
The Oakengard Trinity is fractured and sidelined. Discover what ails them and bring them reunification.
Accept Quest?
I released a pent-up breath. This was just what the doctor ordered.
"No one's going anywhere without me," called Lash, forcing her way through the crowd. The white knight converged on us and systematically swiveled her heavy helmet from person to person. She froze as she eyed Grimwart, no doubt due to their previous history. She'd joined the crusaders a short time before Tannen announced his coup. The colonel had been her direct superior, and they hadn't spoken since she'd quit.
"I hope you are well, lady," said Grimwart.
She swallowed. "Uh, yeah. What's this talk of action?"
"Don't get too excited," I said, pulling her aside. "Grimwart's worried the Oakengard Trinity has gone dark. He thinks a little inter-city diplomacy can smooth things out. I figure I can investigate with Izzy and Kyle. Maybe bring back some valuable intel on the city."
/> "Great," she returned, "I'll mobilize Bravo Team." Lash never was one to shy from danger.
"Not so fast. I just leveled up the Black Hats. It might be time for another recruiting rush. We have real bonuses to offer players now."
"And I wanna test them out."
"I could use somebody leading the headquarters while I'm away. We did just have an incident."
"That's exactly why I'm sticking to you like glue."
"Don't be melodramatic, Lash. We'll be safe in Oakengard."
She lowered her voice. "You realize the assassination attempt could've come from the crusaders, right? Not the player, the contract. I don't trust leaving you in Oakengard with so little protection."
I squeezed my lips tight. It was an alarming though. She wasn't wrong, and her support had earned her a little adventure. "Fine. Bravo Team is welcome." I accepted the quest prompt and turned to my party. "I don't suppose either of you wants to stay home?"
"And let you go to Oakengard without me?" laughed Izzy. "Dream on."
Kyle shrugged. "What about the tavern's grand opening in four nights?"
I frowned. "I forgot about that. Even with mounts, we'd never make it to Oakengard in time."
Grimwart stepped forward. "Speed isn't the problem. The journey is arduous. Cleric Vagram and his fanatics camp in the hills."
My jaw tightened at the thought.
"Eh, no need for that." Everyone turned at Saint Peter's soft voice. He shrugged sheepishly. "Even though it may not be wanted, I can still offer my assistance."
"What do you got?" I asked.
"A method of limiting your exposure to danger and making your travel time instantaneous."
I watched the developer envoy blankly. It was Grimwart who answered. "Fast travel." His helmet blinked away and revealed his stoic face, thick black mustache, and matching hair with streaks of silver on the sides. "You would do that in aid of my cause?"
The saint nodded. "Peace is my cause, colonel. I want nothing more than the sanctity and security of all residents of Haven."
"Aye." The crusader pondered that a moment. "You are a good friend. I apologize for not trusting you with this matter."
The saint somberly nodded.
"I guess that means I'm in," said Kyle, only half enthused at the prospect but definitely along for the ride.
"Everybody should gear up," I instructed. "How soon can we leave?"
"At once," answered Saint Peter.
"Just like that?" protested Lash. "We don't even have a plan."
"Sure we do. Oakengard's a walled fortress, so we'll be safe inside." I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It wasn't natural 'cause she was a foot and a half taller than I was. "We'll go together, as a show of Black Hat unity. The Oakengard Trinity will have to present themselves to a visiting faction leader. We can find out what they're worried about—maybe even do a little housekeeping for them. Then, once we've curried their favor, we'll formalize an official alliance between factions. Think about the possible trade routes between our cities. We could have an influx of steel, pack animals, and mounts."
Grimwart cocked his head. "In the wake of war, this could be the dawn of a glorious age for man."
Kyle's eyes lit up. "I can export my suds."
I laughed. "One step at a time, buddy, but I like the thought." I turned to the collected Black Hats. "It's decided then. Everybody make last-second preparations and meet at the Pantheon in fifteen minutes. Today we go where no man, woman, or mountain bongo has gone before."
Izzy scoffed. "You're not really gonna bring Bandit, are you? No one else has a mount."
"No," I admitted, "probably not. It was just a funny thing to say because her kind are so rare."
"Actually," refuted Grimwart, "we have quite a number of bongos in the city outskirts. Oakengard sits in the mountains, after all."
I groaned. "You guys are really ruining my moment."
1160 Portal
We were all battle-hardened players, fully equipped and possessing game inventories. No one needed the full fifteen minutes to prepare. Since we wouldn't be braving the wilderness, I gave in and walked Bandit back to Dragonperch. Grimwart's black stallion, Artax, was exhausted and kept her company. I checked in with Trafford to let him know he'd be holding the fort. Of course that only spurred complaints about him now having three jobs, but I knew I could count on him. By the time I headed for the rendezvous, everybody was waiting.
The Forum was the center of Stronghold, and the Pantheon its hub. Literally. The hub that connected players to administrative systems like messaging and web access was controlled from within the rotunda. Each city of Haven had a parallel, a version of the Oculus as well as a soulstone which granted control of and protection from the wild. The brains and the hearts of the city. Since Stronghold was modeled after ancient Rome, its capitol building was appropriately monumental.
While the Pantheon's rotunda made up the rear of its bulk, a column-lined portico was the face of the building. Grand steps led to the main entrance, six Corinthian columns lining the walkway in pairs. Statues of golden angels perched atop each, with a seventh on the pointed portico roof. These beings were Haven's greatest security system, only activated against the threat of player tampering. Two were missing, still on the hunt for Lucifer—I was one of the few who knew they'd fallen under his control.
The collected Black Hats headed up the staircase and entered. Saint Peter was waiting for us. "This is it," he said, waving to the wide circle of tiles marking the floor. We didn't need access to the rotunda after all.
Something nagged at me. It felt wrong to just leave. I had real responsibilities now. I paused and navigated my faction controls to the broadcast screen.
Black Hat Broadcast:
As everyone is apparently already aware, an assassination attempt was made on my life today. Baseless speculation about where the order came from isn't helpful, but I am advising everybody to be on their guard. Keep a sharp eye out, and send me a DM if you have solid information.
That said, the assassination ended in failure. Let that be a double message of our strength. Both that we repelled the attack but also that we were worthy of one in the first place. We are building great things in Stronghold and will only get stronger together.
In that interest, Black Hat leadership is seeking alliance opportunities out west. I'll fill in the details when we return. For now, Buildmaster General Trafford has command of Oldtown. Conduct yourselves as heroes of the city.
Before hitting send, I looked over the message. It was a tad virtuous for a band of dissidents and pirates. Then again, you can't make something of yourself if you don't try. I was satisfied with the tone. It cleared the air about this morning's incident while remaining positive and inspirational. Today had thus far been a great day and I wasn't gonna let Poe change that. I submitted the message and paused as my companions received and read it.
While waiting, I toyed with my new brigade controls.
"Way to ham it up, bro," said Kyle of my stirring words.
Izzy swatted his shoulder. "Cut it out, frat boy. I thought he did a good job. He sounds like a leader."
Maybe I was overthinking it. I knew these guys too well. For their part, Bravo Team treated the message with appropriate reverence. "Something had to be said," I hedged. "That's not all I got, either."
Lash cocked her helmet in question. "Boss?"
I linked Lash's party to mine and opened brigade chat. It had the same appearance as party chat except the background was red instead of blue.
Talon: Check your quest menu.
Bravo Team was surprised by the message, which was usually only limited to party members.
Crux: Cool. You combined our parties.
Lash: And grouped the quest.
Talon: This is a group effort. Now all our XP will be shared.
Lash snorted out loud. "You just wanna make sure I don't hit level 10 before you do."
I chuckled. That wasn't my intention, but it was an i
nteresting side effect of the setup. "It works both ways." I strode to the center of the ringed tiles. "Everybody ready?" They squeezed in and nodded. "All right, Mr. Pete. Energize."
Saint Peter furrowed his brow. "Really, Talon. You should at least attempt to role-play once in a while." I scoffed. He should've read my faction message. Saint Peter opened an invisible menu before him and made swiping gestures. The room went white and, when it faded to normal, we were in a different place.
Izzy looked around. "That was surprisingly undramatic." The clack of her winter staff echoed lightly on the floor. My jaw dropped in awe.
The actual teleportation may have been innocuous, but the interior of Oakengard was anything but. The walls were a brickwork of heavy brownstone, each piece with minor geometric variations and rough as sandpaper. It alluded to an almost cave-like appearance, but an elegant one. Clear crystal sconces dotted the walls, their glow bluish-white as opposed to the warmth given off by fire.
We stood in a fast-travel ring of dull blue quartz. The adjoining hall was even prettier. Yellow crystalline stone made up the floor lining the walls, but the central walkway was the color of a pale rose.
"It's beautiful," said Izzy.
Hex shrugged. "Needs more black. It's not metal enough."
Her brother Crux laughed. "Of course a necromancer would say that, but I agree."
"Of course a master thief would say that," remarked Conan. He seemed to assume the role of big brother to the twins, fiercely protective but constantly upstaging them.
A couple of the sconces flickered off and on. It was so quick I thought I blinked until I caught others noting the disturbance. I surveyed the empty room.
"No welcome party?" I asked.