A Cousin's Prayer

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A Cousin's Prayer Page 24

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  Freeman wasn’t sure why, but Katie’s sweet response to the things he’d shared with her yesterday had stirred up a longing in his heart for more than friendship. But it seemed like an impossible dream, because as far as he knew, she hadn’t stopped loving Timothy or grieving for him. Until she did, Freeman saw no way they could be together. Besides, Katie was still struggling with her panic attacks, and that was enough for her to deal with right now.

  Then there was Eunice. From the way she looked at him and the comments she made whenever they were together, Freeman knew she was getting serious about him. Probably thought he was serious about her, too. Might even be hoping for a marriage proposal. Trouble was, he wasn’t sure how he felt about Eunice. She had a pretty face, cooked well enough, and had a way of flirting that made him feel like a man. But he didn’t think he was in love with her. At least not like he was with—

  Woof! Woof! Penny raced across the room and slurped his hand. He patted the pup’s head and smiled. “What do you want, girl? Do you need to go outside for a while?”

  Penny whined and raced for the door. Freeman followed.

  When he opened the door, Ella stepped in. Penny darted between her legs and dashed into the yard, yipping and wagging her tail.

  “What can I do for you?” Freeman asked, smiling at Ella. “Do you need something for your bike?”

  She shook her head. “I’m here because I’m concerned about Katie.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to see Katie so much.”

  “I don’t see her that much—just every Friday when she goes for her counseling session.”

  “Katie’s dealing with a lot of things right now, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  Freeman frowned. “How’s she gonna get hurt? What exactly are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I think you’re seeing too much of her, and she might begin to think you care for her.”

  “I do care for her; we’re good friends.” Freeman wasn’t about to admit to Katie’s cousin how he felt about Katie. She was likely to blab it to Katie.

  “She might think it’s more than that, and with you going steady with Eunice and all—”

  The shop door opened again, and an English customer stepped in.

  “I can see you’re busy, so I’ll just say one thing before I go. Please don’t lead Katie on.” Ella hurried out the door before Freeman could respond.

  He turned to his customer and said, “Can I help you with something?”


  Katie clucked to her horse and turned onto the road. For the last two weeks, she’d been taking her family’s open buggy out every morning to practice driving alone. In between those times, she practiced her breathing exercises and affirmations, wrote her thoughts in a journal, prayed, and read her Bible regularly. She’d had a couple of panic attacks, but they’d been mild, and she was determined to keep trying. If she didn’t, she’d never get better, and if she never got better, there would be no chance for her and Freeman.

  Katie thought about the way Freeman had looked at her on their way home from her counselor’s appointment yesterday afternoon. Was it a look of longing she’d seen on his face, or had it just been the friendly smile of a good friend? She wished she felt free to tell Freeman how much she’d come to care for him, but that would be too bold. Besides, if he wasn’t interested in her romantically, she’d be opening herself up for rejection, which she knew she couldn’t handle right now. Katie wasn’t really sure where things stood with Freeman and Eunice, but if they were serious about each other, it wouldn’t be right to do or say anything that might come between them.

  As Katie turned down County Road 13, she saw a flashing light, and as she drew closer, she realized that a bicycle was lying on its side. A young man stood beside it. When she slowed the horse, she recognized their paperboy. “Are you having a problem with your bike?” she asked, pulling the buggy alongside him.

  “Yeah. I’ve got a flat tire.” He motioned to the canvas satchel lying beside his bike. “I haven’t finished delivering my papers, so this wasn’t a good time for something like this to happen.”

  Katie thought about offering to give him a ride so he could make the rest of his deliveries, but that would take up more time than she had. The sun would be up soon, and she needed to get home before Mom and Dad got up.

  “I think there’s room for your bike in my buggy, so if you want to put it in the back, I can give you a ride home,” she said.

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.” The young man lifted his bike into the back of her buggy then climbed into the passenger’s seat up front. He looked over at Katie and said, “My name’s Mike Olsen, and you’re Katie Miller, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “How’d you know my name?”

  “I make it my business to know the names of every pretty girl along my route.” He chuckled and bumped her arm.

  Katie’s face warmed. She was glad it was too dark for him to see her blushing. No one except Timothy had ever called her pretty.

  “Sure will be glad when summer’s over and I can head back to Florida,” Mike said.

  “Are you from Florida?” Katie asked with interest.

  “Yeah, my folks live just outside of Sarasota.”

  “Then what are you doing here?”

  “I got into some trouble this spring, and they sent me up here to stay with my grandparents for a while, hoping it’d straighten me out.” Mike snorted. “Like a few months of mending fences and delivering papers is gonna make me a better person.”

  Katie wondered what kind of trouble he’d been in, but she didn’t voice the question, since it was really none of her business.

  “Do you like Florida better than here?” she asked.

  “Sure do. I hope to be on my way back there before fall. Can’t wait to say good-bye to boring Indiana and hello to Florida’s white sandy beaches.”

  Katie had never thought of Indiana as boring, but she’d enjoyed spending time on the beach near Sarasota, looking for shells and wading near the shore. “I lived in Sarasota for seven months,” she said.

  “By yourself?”

  “No, with my grandparents.”

  “Did you like it there?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Then why’d you leave?”

  “I came home for my cousin’s wedding, and then my grandparents moved to Wisconsin, so I had to stay here.”

  “Who says you have to stay here?” Mike reached in his shirt pocket and pulled out a cigarette. “Want one?” He waved it in front of Katie’s nose.

  She shook her head. “No thanks.”

  “If you liked Florida so much, why don’t you go back?”

  “I just told you, my grandparents moved to Wisconsin.”

  He lit the cigarette and took a puff. “Who says you have to live with them?”

  “Well, I’d need a job and a place to stay.”

  “You can always find a job in Sarasota, and if you need a place to crash for a while, you can stay with me.” He patted his pocket. “By the end of this summer, I’ll have plenty of money, so I won’t have to rely on my folks anymore, and I’ll get my own place.”

  Katie’s mouth went dry. A few months ago, she’d have given most anything to go back to Florida. But with Grandma and Grandpa not there, the idea didn’t have quite as much appeal. Besides, it wouldn’t be proper for her to stay with Mike. “I appreciate the offer,” she said, “but I’m happy staying here right now.”

  He blew a puff of smoke in her direction. “A lot can happen between now and fall, so if you change your mind, just let me know.”


  Eunice groaned as she climbed out of bed. She’d been drifting in and out of sleep most of the night, thinking about Freeman and wondering why he seemed to be cooling off toward her lately. The last time he’d taken her out to supper, he hadn’t said more than a few words, and she was worried that he might be losing interest in her.

>   Since I can’t sleep, I may as well get up and start some coffee going, Eunice decided. She slipped off her nightgown, put on a dress, and headed outside to see if the newspaper had been delivered yet.

  As Eunice walked down the driveway, her thoughts remained on Freeman. Tonight there would be a young people’s gathering at Ella’s, and Freeman had agreed to take her. Of course, she’d been the one to bring it up. In fact, she’d suggested several of their outings and had invited him to her house for supper at least once a week. She’d been trying to keep Freeman too busy with her to think about Katie. Eunice thought if she spent more time with Freeman, he would realize that they were meant to be together. If things went as she planned, by this time next year, they could be married.

  As Eunice approached the paper box, she heard the rhythmic clip-clop of horse’s hooves. She squinted at the flashing lights coming down the road, but as the buggy drew closer, she couldn’t make out who was inside.

  When Eunice heard a woman’s voice, she froze. It sounded like Katie Miller, and she was talking to a man.

  Eunice quickly stepped behind a bush and strained to listen as the buggy went past.

  Eunice caught just a few of their words, but she was sure now that the woman speaking was Katie. She didn’t recognize the man’s voice, though. What she couldn’t figure out was why Katie would be out on the road so early—and with a man, no less!

  Maybe Katie’s seeing someone and doesn’t want her folks to know, Eunice thought. She might have snuck out of bed so she could be with him. Or maybe they’ve been out all night together.

  Eunice was relieved that Katie wasn’t with Freeman. If Katie had a boyfriend, Eunice had nothing to be concerned about. Now all she needed to do was let Freeman know that Katie had a boyfriend.


  “Aren’t you going to play anymore?” Ella called to Eunice as she stepped away from the volleyball net after the last game had ended.

  Eunice fanned her cheeks. “It’s hot, and I’m tired! Think I’ll take a break from playing for a while.” She found a chair under a leafy tree and flopped down. She’d only been sitting there a few minutes when she spotted Freeman talking to Katie on the other side of the yard.

  What’s he doing with her? she fumed.

  Eunice leaped out of her chair and rushed over to where they were standing. “I’m really thirsty, Freeman,” she said, stepping between them. “Would you mind getting me something cold to drink?”

  Freeman nodded. “Sure, I can do that.” He looked over at Katie and smiled. “Would you like something, too?”

  “Jah, that’d be nice,” Katie replied.

  As soon as Freeman moved away, Eunice turned to Katie and said, “Can you keep a secret?”

  Katie nodded.

  “Freeman plans to join the church this fall, so by next spring we’ll be planning our wedding.”

  Katie blinked a couple of times. “Oh, I ... didn’t realize he’d asked you to marry him.”

  “It’s not official yet, so we’re keeping it quiet until we’re published.” Eunice smiled. “Of course, since you’re one of Freeman’s closest friends, I figured you’d want to know.”

  “I hope you’ll be very happy.” Katie gave a quick nod and hurried away. Eunice sighed, feeling pleased with herself. She may have lost one boyfriend, but she wouldn’t lose another.

  A few minutes later, Freeman returned with two paper cups. He handed one to Eunice. “I brought you both some punch.”


  He glanced around. “Where’s Katie?”

  Eunice shrugged. “I really couldn’t say. She rushed off without a word.” Freeman turned his head to the left. “Oh, there’s Katie, walking toward the barn. Guess I’ll head over there and see if she wants some punch.”

  He hurried away quickly, and Eunice followed. She’d only taken a few steps when she stumbled, spilling punch all over the front of her dress.

  “Ach!” she cried. “My ankle!”

  “Are you all right?” Andrew asked, catching hold of her arm as he walked by.

  “I was going after Freeman, and I think I must’ve stumbled on a rock.” Eunice grimaced.

  Andrew called to Freeman, and he turned around.

  “What happened?” Freeman asked, hurrying to Eunice’s side.

  “I ... I tripped on a rock, and—” Eunice winced as she bent down and touched her ankle. “I don’t think I can walk by myself.”

  “We’ll help you,” Andrew said.

  Freeman nodded. “Jah, of course.”

  Eunice hung on to Freeman’s arm with one hand and Andrew’s arm with the other as they helped her to the nearest chair.

  “I’ll run into my aunt’s house and get you some ice.” Andrew glanced down at Eunice with a look of concern; then he sprinted across the lawn.

  Freeman knelt beside Eunice. “Maybe we should call someone to take you to the hospital so you can have your ankle x-rayed.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sure it’s just sprained. As soon as Andrew gets back with the ice, I think you should take me home.”

  Freeman nodded. “Whatever you think is best.”


  When Katie saw Andrew coming out of the house, she hurried up to him. “I’m not feeling well. Would you mind taking me home?”

  “Sure, I can do that as soon as I take this out to Eunice.” He lifted the bag of ice in his hand.

  “Why does Eunice need ice?”

  “She stumbled on a rock and twisted her ankle.”

  “That’s too bad,” Katie mumbled. It was hard to feel sorry for Eunice when she acted so superior all the time. It was especially hard now that Katie had admitted to herself that she was in love with Freeman, yet she had no chance with him because he loved Eunice.

  That’s what I get for letting myself fall in love again, she berated herself. I lost Timothy to death, and now I’ve lost Freeman to Eunice. Guess he’s better off without me as his friend. Why would he want to tie himself down with someone like me when he can have her?

  “If you’d like to wait for me in the barn, I shouldn’t be long,” Andrew said.

  “Okay.” A lump formed in Katie’s throat as she moved away. It had been a shock to hear that Freeman had asked Eunice to marry him, although she should have seen it coming. After all, Freeman had been going out with Eunice all summer, and he hadn’t asked Katie out even once.

  Well, why would he? she asked herself. He’s only spent time with me because he’s been trying to help me get over my panic attacks. He’s probably been so nice only because he feels sorry for me.

  Katie stared out across the field behind Ella’s house and winced as a hawk swooped down and snatched a field mouse. She felt as helpless as the poor, defenseless mouse. If Freeman marries Eunice, the friendship we have now will be over.

  Katie pushed her shoulders back as she made a decision. As soon as I have enough money saved up, I’m going back to Florida.


  As Freeman drove Eunice home, he thought about the decision he’d made earlier to break up with her and wondered if this was the right time to bring up the subject. She’d hurt her ankle, and he was sorry about that, but he couldn’t let that stop him from telling her the way he felt. If he kept going out with Eunice, it would be even harder to break up, and Eunice might expect a marriage proposal.

  Eunice fidgeted on the seat beside him and leaned down to reposition the bag of ice Andrew had given her.

  “How’s your ankle?” Freeman asked. “Does it feel any better?”

  “A little. I think the ice has helped some.” She moved closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Sure is a pretty night, isn’t it?”

  “Jah. Lots of stars and a bright full moon.”

  “It’s the perfect night for a buggy ride.”


  They rode in silence the rest of the way, and Freeman wondered if Eunice had fallen asleep.

  Maybe I’d better not say anything about bre
aking up with her tonight, he decided. I can talk to her about it another time when her ankle’s feeling better.

  When Freeman guided his horse and buggy up Eunice’s driveway, she sat up and looked around. “Are we here already?”

  “Jah. I think you slept part of the way home.”

  She touched his arm. “Would you like to come in for a piece of pie and a glass of milk?”

  “I’d better not. Tomorrow’s Sunday, and we’ll have to get up early.”

  “It’s not that late. Surely you can come in for a few minutes.”

  “I really can’t. I’ve got a stop to make on my way home.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “Whose house are you stopping at?”

  “Just have a delivery to make.”

  “What kind of delivery would you have to make on a Saturday night?”

  “One of my customers ordered a part for his bike, and I said I’d drop it off this afternoon, but I got busy in the shop and never made it there. Figured I could do it on my way home tonight.”

  “You’re going over to see Katie, aren’t you?” Eunice’s shrill voice and pinched expression let Freeman know she was angry with him.

  “I’m not going to see Katie,” he insisted.


  “I said I’m not. Now can we please drop the subject?”

  Eunice sat with her arms folded, staring straight ahead. “Are you still riding to the mental health clinic with Katie every week?”

  “Jah. Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t want you to go with her anymore. She’s not a boppli; she ought to be able to ride there by herself.”

  “I’ve explained this to you before, so I don’t know why you’re bringing it up again. Katie feels better about riding in the van if someone’s with her.”

  “Well, it doesn’t have to be you! She can find someone else to ride with her!”


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