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Vampin' Ain't Easy

Page 6

by Kimbra Swain

  Disgusted at myself, I shook off the horny bits and focused on the goal. Getting through this with my father alive. If that meant seducing a vampire, then so be it. The overcast day gave us reprieve from the damage that the sun would normally do to our skin. I loved cloudy days.

  “Be careful with her. Give her no power over you, Malik. A woman, especially a vampire, can ruin you. You, of all people, should know this. Lydia made a fool of you,” he had said in our conversation about the plan. I wanted to lash out at him, but he was right. When I ran from my father the first time, I took Lydia with me. She ended up being my downfall, because she didn’t hate the vampire life. She wanted it, but she wanted me to embrace it. Eventually, she went behind my back and told my father’s goons where to find us. Then, she married him which made no sense, but nothing in vampire politics ever did. Just another reason I hated my own kind.

  As I cut off the interstate, I slowed on the small neighborhood road that took us further from the center of the city and away from my father’s stronghold. I pulled up to the tiny apartment building that I called home. Tierney climbed off the bike and took off the helmet. Her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I forced myself not to touch it.

  “What the hell is that?” she asked.

  “That shouldn’t be there,” I replied, looking at the newly painted graffiti on the brick wall of the old building. Blood splatter covered with the bright white of vampire fangs. The exact logo that used to use to mark my father’s territory. “Fuck.” I touched it, and it was wet. Someone was fucking with me. Supposedly, very few people knew where I lived. My suspect list narrowed, but Tierney seemed to know more about me than I originally thought. Perhaps my secrets weren’t so secretive.

  “You’ve seen it before?” she asked.

  “This is how I used to mark my father’s territory before I was turned. After I turned, I stopped marking it. I just separated myself from my father and his dealings. I stayed out of the way,” I said. “Come inside before someone sees us.” She didn’t react to my confession which meant, she knew about it already.

  I walked into the main hallway of the building which held four units. Two downstairs and two upstairs. Climbing the steps cautiously, I listened for movement in the building as I had every day since I left my father’s protection. The building seemed empty. When I reached the door to my apartment, the door was slightly open. I backed away from it, putting Tierney behind me.

  “Is someone in there?” she whispered.

  “Either they are, or they were,” I replied. “You stay here.”

  “Hell, no. I’m going with you.”

  “Are you scared?” I quipped, trying to break the tension.

  “Nope. Bad ass vampire.”

  “Great ass vampire digging her nails into my arm.”

  She looked down at where she gripped my forearm. “Oh, sorry.”

  Approaching the door slowly, I continued to listen. The scent of blood caught my nose, and I paused. “Do you smell it?”

  “Yes,” she muttered.

  Pushing the door open, I looked around my small abode. It had been tossed. The few things that I owned were thrown on the floor. The drawers to my dresser were pulled out. The mattress from the bed had been dumped over. The mismatched dishes I owned were smashed to bits in the kitchenette floor. Following my nose, I entered the bathroom.

  “Shit,” I snarled when I saw the dead body in the bathtub. My neighbor, Karen, laid in the tub with her eyes wide open. Blood ran from two marks in her neck into the tub of water. She wore a tank top and jeans. The blood from her wound had tinted the water pink.

  “Do you know her?” Tierney asked.

  “Just that her name is Karen, and she lives across in the other upstairs unit,” I said, backing away from the body. “Don’t touch anything. We have to get out of here.”

  I grabbed Tierney’s hand, and we ran down the creaking stairs. Two uniformed cops were approaching the front door. I noticed the door to my right was open, too. No one lived below me, but an older man by the name of Horace lived under Karen. I darted into his apartment, closing the door behind me.

  “Now what?” Tierney asked.

  “I need a phone,” I said. Tierney produced a cell phone from the front pocket of her very tight jeans. I moved to the back of the small apartment to the window beside Harold’s kitchenette. The smell of blood raged in my nose.

  “Someone is dead in there,” she said, pointing to the bathroom.

  “Yeah, we gotta get out,” I said, opening the window. “Go!”

  She moved quickly and climbed out of the window with grace. I managed to catch my foot on the way out and landed on my face.

  “I knew I’d have you on your knees eventually,” she smirked. So, Tierney used humor to mask nervousness like I did. I took her hand and threaded her arm through mine while I dialed Trey. We walked away from the building like we hadn’t been there or knew anything about it.

  She looked back over our shoulder while the phone rang and rang. Trey didn’t answer, so I called Stanley.

  “What?” he answered.

  “Stella, I need your help,” I said, regretting my words.

  “Call me by my real name, and I might help you, Romeo,” he said.

  “Cool reference. Shut your trap. I’m two blocks from my old apartment. There are two dead people in that building, and it’s been tagged.”

  “What do you mean tagged?” he asked.

  “My old building tags. Spray painted art. There is a fresh one on my building, a dead woman in my bathtub, and the cops just showed up!”

  “Keep walking. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t call anyone else. You understand?” he asked.

  “Um, okay. Just hurry up. I look like I belong in this neighborhood, but Tierney doesn’t,” I said.

  Stanley snorted on the other end. “Hang tight.” He said just before hanging up.

  Tierney stepped in front of me stopping our progress. “We need to keep walking,” I said.

  “What do you mean I don’t belong in this neighborhood?” she asked, watching over my shoulder.

  “You are wearing designer boots and clothes. You look like a supermodel. This is the slums, Scarlett. You don’t belong here,” I explained.

  “Neither do you,” she said.

  “Actually, I liked it here, but I see now that I’ll have to find somewhere new. This is serious,” I said.

  “I know it is. I get it. Someone tried to kill either you or me last night using your father’s guards. My father wants me dead to put in a new heir. Your father wants the same thing. Yet, you seem loyal to him after he took your girlfriend and married her.”

  I walked past her so that we would cross over the hill and out of sight of the house and the cops.

  “Lydia chose her life.”

  “And? You have chosen yours, right?”

  “No, did you see my life back there? It’s nothing compared to my father’s riches. He uses people and manipulates them to get what he wants to become more powerful. I want nothing to do with that. Not now. Not ever. I chose to leave it, but I’m bound to the southern boundaries. He keeps dragging me back, and when he changed me, I knew that one day I’d either have to kill myself for being this demon or I’d have to kill him.”

  I looked back to where she walked a few paces behind me. A beautiful smile lit up her flawless face. “So, kill him before he kills you.”

  “Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I don’t want that life!” I shouted at her.

  She walked to me, then put her arms around my neck. Her face and lips hovered in front of mine. “If you killed him, you would be the Lord. You could do things however you wanted. Rewrite the rules. I’ll help you if you help me.”

  “And what about Dick Jr.?” I asked.

  “He’s taking care of his father tomorrow.”

  “So, this change of power is not voluntary.”

  “I don’t know. All I know is little Dick is doing more than you are.”

��Ouch.” I played along with her reference. “I assure you there is nothing little here.”

  “Perhaps you will show me sometime.”

  Two dead people, humans drained by vampires, my home compromised, and Tierney reminded me that she was just like every vampire I knew. Power and sex. Sometimes one required the other. For the first time in my adult life, my head told me to play along and fuck her. My heart told me to walk away. When she ran her hand down my inner thigh, my dick agreed with my head.

  Thankfully, I was saved by Stella. Not Stanley. Stella.

  “Malik, honey, what are you doing out in these parts?” she asked from the driver’s side of her powder blue Jaguar I-Pace. Custom color, of course.

  “Stella, I’m so glad to see you. Can we get a ride?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said with a wide smile. Her bright pink lipstick clashed with the neon green dress she wore, but perhaps in her mind it was the perfect combo. She always worked wonders on everyone else, but I wondered about her personal style choices.

  I crossed the road and opened the door to the rear seat for Tierney. Climbing in behind her, I watched Stella give me the stink-eye in the rear-view mirror.

  “Let’s move,” I said.

  “What’s going on, Malik?”

  “My apartment is just over the hill, and it’s about to be crawling with cops,” I said.

  Stella fanned herself. “Oh, I love men in uniform.”

  “There was a dead woman in his bathtub,” Tierney clarified.

  “Right. No handcuffs today. I do like handcuffs,” Stella replied, then slammed the electric SUV into reverse. She floored it back to the next cross-street then sped away.

  “What are you doing out here?” I asked, as Tierney moved across the seat to sit next to me.

  “My mother lives out here. I can’t get her to move into town, so I come out once a week and check on her,” Stella explained. “So, dead woman?”

  “Yeah, I was just going to show Tierney the place, and surprise! Dead neighbor.” Karen’s pale lifeless face flashed in my mind.

  “Someone is after you,” Stella said.

  “You know about the shooting last night, right?” I asked.

  “No. I left before the dinner started. I wasn’t invited,” she explained. I heard the hurt in her voice.

  “You can come to the next one as my guest,” I said.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she replied.

  “As friends, Stella,” I added.

  “Oh, honey, you are too skinny for me. I like meat on my men,” she said, then slammed on the brakes, throwing Tierney and I forward.

  “What the hell?” I asked.

  Sitting in our path, a black SUV was stopped in the middle of the intersection. Stanley stood outside the vehicle with his arms crossed.

  “Like that piece of meat. Rawr,” Stella said. She flashed her nails at Stanley like a cat.

  “You do like Stanley,” I said.

  “It’s kinda weird since I used to be Stanley,” she said.

  “You used to be Stanley?” Tierney asked.

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m trans,” Stella explained.

  “Oh my god! Your surgeon does fantastic work. I’d never be able to tell. I need to get his name from you,” Tierney gushed.

  “Girl! You just won my heart. I’ll get you his number,” Stella beamed.

  Stanley approached Stella’s window. “Hello, Stella.”

  “Hey, brute,” she replied. You couldn’t tell that she liked him by her tone.

  “I’ll take your cargo,” he said.

  “Oh, too bad. I was just starting to like the girl,” Stella pouted.

  “I’m Tierney.” Tierney offered her hand to Stella who shook it.

  “Pleasure,” Stella replied. “I can’t go against the boss.”

  “I know. Thanks for getting us out of there,” I said, climbing out of the vehicle. I helped Tierney out. She waved at Stella as we switched vehicles.

  “Stay out of trouble, honey,” she called out to me as I closed the door to the black SUV.

  Stanley got in with a scowl.

  “What’s your deal?” I asked.

  “You can’t go back to the building right now. Your father is trying to figure out what’s going on with the deaths. Plus, Blackburn and MacFarlane are pushing for an execution for the tagger.”

  “Murders,” I corrected him.

  “Murders. In the meantime, I’m taking you to another one of his buildings. Miss MacFarlane is welcome to return, but he needs you out of the spotlight for now. Especially if this is one of the other factions,” Stanley said, not caring that Tierney was in the car.

  “My father could have done it,” she admitted.

  “It was a vamp. They were drained. Mostly,” I said.

  “You get yourself in the worst messes,” Stanley mumbled as he drove back toward downtown.

  Along the bank of the Cumberland River, my father owned a mixed purpose complex with offices, retail, restaurants, and condos. Stanley drove the SUV into the parking deck. The guard didn’t stop him or ask for identification. He parked in a space labeled 414 and handed me a key with the same number. “Get in the condo. Stay there until you are told to leave. Miss McFarlane, you may stay here or go back to Demonbreun tower. It’s up to you.”

  Tierney wrapped her arm through mine. “I’m staying.”

  “Very well. Stay inside, Malik.”

  “I hear you. Geez. Tell my father his time is almost up,” I said.


  Tierney stayed close to my side as we walked through the dark parking deck toward the elevators. The doors immediately opened, and I paused before stepping inside. Tierney strutted in then looked back at me.

  “Dare you?”

  “I dunno. Our last ride didn’t turn out like I hoped,” I said.

  “Give a girl a second chance?” she purred, unleashing her scent and seduction.

  I stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the fourth floor, then I pressed her against the back wall of the elevator.

  “Let’s get one thing clear, Scarlett. Just because I don’t embrace the vampire lifestyle doesn’t mean I’m weak. I know how to use my talents,” I said, breathing hard on her neck. I’d held the vampire in me back so long that when I dared to unleash its power of seduction, it affected my prey immediately. She whimpered as I kissed below her ear and down her jawline. “Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” she muttered as the door opened to a long hallway.

  “And you don’t need Stella’s plastic surgeon.”

  “You are so sweet. Who knew?” I knew sarcasm when I heard it.

  I stepped away from her, straightened my jacket, and walked out of the elevator, leaving her stunned and shaky on her feet.

  “Come with me, Tierney.”

  She hurried up behind me, as I placed the key into the door. “Who knew the reject could be so demanding.” I knew she’d be turned on by my lack of concern for her and some alpha-hole bullshit.

  The condo overlooked the Cumberland River. The furnished room had sleek lines much like my father’s other buildings. Modern. Clean. I took off my leather jacket and threw it across the couch, then sat down on it like it was my throne.

  Tierney looked around the room, taking in the opulence. Her eyes rested on me, lounging on the white leather couch. A contrast of my rough edges and the stark fine lines of the expensive furniture. I could smell the desire flowing off of her. The seduction she’d tried on me hadn’t fazed me, but mine on her clearly did the job.

  She walked across the room and took a seat on my lap, straddling me so that she could face me. She shifted her hips to feel for me. I was sure she’d never refer to me as little ever again.

  “So, Malik, the rejected son of the powerful Timothy Demonbreun, has the daughter of his father’s rival on his lap. What does he do with her?” she asked.

  “I’m not doing anything, Tierney. If you see something you want, take it,” I told her.

  “I’m doing all the work?” she asked.

  “Until I’m convinced it’s worth my effort,” I replied.

  “How crass! I had this vision of an idealistic young man who fought back against the evil, dark vampires. A perfect little prude, but you are definitely not a prude,” she said, as she unbuttoned the soft blouse she wore.

  “Definitely not pure in any sense of the word,” I said.

  She leaned forward and asked me, “How do you take your food?”

  “Quick, hard, and from behind,” I replied. “But you aren’t food, Tierney.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m pleasure,” she said.

  She slipped off my lap, removed the rest of her shirt, then pulled her jeans off, revealing a matching set of black underwear embroidered with roses that matched the deep auburn tone of her hair. As I watched her, I tried to deny the fact that I’d enjoy this even though something inside of me screamed to stop it before it went too far. She sat back down on my lap and reached for the button on my jeans. I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She let out a small squeak, then tensed up.

  “Is this just for the thrill of it?” I asked.

  She stammered over her words, trying to gather her confidence as my grip tightened on her wrist. “You seem like a good time, but maybe I was right about the idealistic little reject.”

  I jammed her hand into my crotch. “Little?”

  “Not little. What’s the hold up?” she asked nervously.

  “Get off me,” I demanded. She backed off my lap with wild eyes. Suddenly, she feared me. “Did Daddy send you to seduce me? Is he trying to grab a little more power through my dick? ‘Cause frankly I don’t enjoy men jerking me around.”

  “No, I thought I wanted to be here, but apparently I was mistaken,” she said, grabbing her shirt off the floor.

  I pushed off the couch and rushed her, pinning her against the far wall near the bedrooms. She dropped the shirt.

  “Tell me, Tierney. What’s the game? If you want to fuck, we can fuck, but you gotta be straight with me,” I demanded.


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