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Page 104

by Carnal, MJ

  “Really busy, but profitable, and that’s what matters,” he replies, still holding me to his side.

  “And how about you, Mac? What do you do for a job?” Cade asks, turning the attention back to me.

  I smile. Questions like this I can answer. “I’m a nurse at Northwestern.”

  “Ah, so you work with Taylor then?”

  “Sure do. Different floors, but we see each other occasionally,” I reply, not realizing what I’ve said until I feel Daniel stiffen momentarily beside me.

  Knowing that I’m digging myself into a hole, I decide to extricate myself from the situation.

  “Will you excuse me for a moment? I’m just going to find the bathroom,” I say, trying to move away from Daniel and turn towards the house.

  “Hey,” he says quietly, holding onto my hand and squeezing gently. “Are you okay?” He looks concerned.

  “Definitely. I won’t be long,” I say as he lets go of my hand and I walk away from the group.

  When I finally find one, I lock the door and put the lid down on the toilet. I pull out my phone and call Kate.

  “Yo, bitch,” she says when she answers.

  “I need to freak out, vent, you know, get some shit out of my head.”

  “Go,” she says instantly.

  “Okay. So we’re at Noah’s house which, by the way, is totally over the top cool. I’m talking marble floors, staircases, a huge ass swimming pool with a freaking waterfall at the side. Noah’s already caught Daniel and I making out in his entrance way, and then they were both checking out my ass which was totally understandable because I have a tight ass, but still, not the point. Anyway, so Daniel introduces me to his friends that are here, and they’re all really nice, and one of them is like eleven months pregnant by the looks of her, and she’s looking up at her hubby Dave like they’re newlyweds and it’s really cute, and Daniel almost introduced me as his girlfriend but stopped himself, then I totally put my foot in my mouth by saying that I work with Noah, but I see him occasionally which Daniel totally misunderstood because I wasn’t meaning like that, but I know he took it like that, and now I’m hiding out in the bathroom pretending to pee and talking to you on the phone, trying to work out how the hell I got here and how to get through this without putting my foot in my mouth again, or pissing Daniel off, or hurting him, or getting annoyed by Noah who, by the way, is totally different outside of the hospital apparently because he lives in a fucking suburban paradise with a freaking waterfall.”

  I take a second to catch my breath since I swear I didn’t stop to breathe at all during that verbal tirade.

  Kate is giggling her tits off down the phone at me.

  “Don’t laugh. This is serious,” I say, trying to stifle my own laughter.

  “Mac, seriously, this is funny shit. I wish I’d recorded that because as far as rants go, that was epic.”

  I give up trying to hold back, and crack up laughing. “Oh my God, Kate, seriously! What am I going to do?”

  When she finally composes herself, I hear a deep breath over the phone. “Mac, you need to tell Inner Mac to put her big girl panties on and suck it up. Daniel’s friends sound nice and yes, you probably did put your foot in it, but by the sounds of it you’re doing fine. Just go with it, Mac. Enjoy yourself, enjoy Delicious Daniel, and relax.”

  Sighing over the phone, I feel my whole body loosen, almost like her words were the salve I needed. “God, I love you,” I tell her.

  “I know. Who else would put up with you?”

  “Exactly!” I reply with a giggle.

  “Now enough about you and your rant. Any hot single guys there?”

  “Well, there is Noah’s younger brother…”

  “There’s a mini walking dildo?”

  “Well not so mini, but yes, he’s hot too. Serious potential there, but not sure of his single status,” I add.

  “Hook a sister up. Find out his deets, and we’ll have a full debrief in the morning. Are you staying at Daniel’s tonight?”

  “Yeah, that’s the plan, so you’ll be able to have a peaceful night’s sleep. No screaming orgasms, I promise,” I say with a smile.

  “Hell, Mac, if I can’t have them, I’m glad you are. I love you. See you tomorrow, babe.”

  “Definitely. See ya,” I say before ending the call.

  “Mac?” I hear Daniel call out from the other side of the door. “Are you okay?”

  I stand up and unlock the door, opening it to find him leaning against the doorway, brows furrowed.

  “I’m fine. What’s wrong?”

  He steps inside and closes the door behind him before pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

  “You were having a freak out, weren’t you?” he murmurs into my hair as I snuggle in closer to him.

  “Nooooooo,” I say quietly, earning a chuckle that I feel rumbling in his chest.

  He slides his hands up onto my shoulders and pulls away to look down at me. “Mac, we’ve been seeing each other for six weeks now. I’m learning the signs of a Mac freak out, and right now you’re showing all of them,” he explains giving me a knowing smile. “So let’s start again. Why are you freaking out?”

  “I didn’t want to embarrass you, and then I did by saying that I see Noah occasionally, and I felt you tense, and then I felt guilty because I used to sleep with him, but I don’t anymore because all I want to do is sleep with you!”

  There, I said it!

  He pulls me in tight again, wrapping his arms around my back.

  “Gorgeous, I kinda already knew that, but I like hearing you say it again. And you didn’t embarrass me, nobody knows anything. Noah only told us about the nurse he was sleeping with to get us off his back. All I want is for you to relax and have fun. Have a drink or two...wind down and just enjoy this. Enjoy us socializing together. There’s no pressure. My friends aren’t like that. You can just be your adorable, funny, sometimes crazy, self, and they’ll love you. I swear.”

  Dammit, is there anything wrong with this man?

  I’m stunned by the total sincerity in his eyes when I look up at him. He’s being totally honest. He really does want me here with him, with his friends, socializing.

  “Okay,” I summon up everything I want to say in that one word.

  “Okay,” he repeats, moving his hands up to cup my jaw. “But before we go out, I have to do this.” He lowers his mouth to mine and slowly inches his tongue along my lips. It’s a Daniel special: mind-blowing, erotic as hell, and successfully stoking the fire he started six short weeks ago when we met and that burns hotter than ever today.


  Daniel and I head back outside and walk towards a table next to Noah and a few of the others I met earlier.

  “Help yourselves to the food, guys,” Noah says, handing us a plate each.

  After piling our plates, we take a seat and start eating. “Damn, this is good shit,” I say as I finish my last mouthful.

  “I’m not just a pretty face, Mac,” Noah replies with a grin which I return.

  “I never said you had a pretty face,” I retort.

  “Nice. So how’ve you been, Mac? We haven’t had many shifts together lately,” Noah asks, handing us a beer each and sitting down opposite us.

  I raise an eyebrow as Daniel suddenly places his hand on my thigh. Interesting.

  “I’m good. I’ve been working split shifts, so it’s been a little hectic. Besides, it’s not like you’ve been keeping in contact,” I add. I feel Daniel’s hand tense up on my leg.

  Shit! Foot meet mouth.

  Noah’s eyes shift over to Daniel’s hand on my lap before quickly looking back at me. His eyes dance with amusement at Daniel’s overtly possessive behavior.

  Fuck, this is awkward. Penis number one meet penis number four. You can’t make this shit up. Seriously, kill me now!

  “Well we’re here now, aren’t we,” he replies, bringing his beer bottle to his mouth but failing to hide his smirk.

  Two ca
n play at this game. I put my hand over Daniel’s, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Sure are.”

  Suddenly, there are a new round of welcomes being called out. I look up towards the house and see a gorgeous blonde-haired supermodel walking towards us. I mean seriously, she looks like she’s just walked off the Victoria’s Secret runway into Noah’s backyard.

  I hear Daniel and Noah stop talking as she gets closer to us.

  “Nikki,” Daniel says warmly, the smile on his face unmistakable.

  “Hey, Nix, didn’t think you’d make it,” Noah says, standing up to kiss the mystery woman on her cheek.

  Daniel also stands and the woman’s face softens as she looks over at him, wrapping her hands around his shoulders and giving him a long hug. Her eyes shift toward me, and she smirks, sizing me up in a way that sets my blood boiling. I purse my lips together and clench my fists, trying to rein in this unfamiliar attack of the green-eyed monster I seem to be having.

  Daniel turns back towards me as he pulls away from the embrace. “Mac, this is Nikki, my-”

  “Ex-girlfriend is the word you’re looking for, D,” Noah interrupts, grinning at me.

  “Yeah, my ex-girlfriend from college,” he says, sitting back down beside me.

  “Hi,” she says sweetly to me. I scan her from head to toe, clenching my teeth as I imagine all the different scenes in which her mouth would have been on Daniel.

  Fuck! Get outta my head!

  “Hey, I’m Mac. Daniel’s girlfriend,” I say without stuttering.

  Girlfriend? Holy crap!

  I can see Daniel looking at me out of the corner of my eye, his mouth stuck open in shock.

  “Oh,” she says, taken aback. “You didn’t mention you were dating again, Dan.”

  They keep in touch? What is this, freaking Sex in the City?

  “Ah, yeah. It’s been about six weeks now. Isn’t that right, gorgeous?”

  “Mmm hmm,” I nod in agreement, stuffing my mouth with food to stop myself from humping Daniel’s leg and claiming him as mine. I sneak a glance at Noah who is leaning back in his chair, totally reveling in the situation unfolding like it’s a spectator sport.

  “How’s work, Dan?” she asks, standing in front of us. A saccharin sweet smile gracing her lips as she all but ignores me.

  “Busy, but good. We’ve had a good year so far. And how about you? How are you parents doing since the move?”

  “They’re loving it. They said to say hi. Mom still asks after you, of course.” She sneaks a look at me, giving me a sympathetic look that tells me she knows what she’s doing.

  “That’s great, Nik. Tell them I said hello too,” he replies, a full toothed grin filling his face. I look at him and recognize the soft look in his eyes. It’s the same way he looks at me when we’re lying in bed after screwing the hell out of each other.


  Before I know what I’m doing, I’m shifting my chair towards Daniel’s, putting my hand on his lap and leaning in close to his ear. “I don’t know whether to jump you or smack the bitch. What do you suggest?”

  He swings his head towards me, his face a mirror of confusion until I see what I’ve said registers in his eyes. “Hey, now. Put the green-eyed monster away, Mac. It was a long time ago, and we’re just friends now. The only woman I’m interested in is looking straight at me.”

  I zone out, mesmerized by his eyes, his perfectly shaped brows, the lines of his jaw, those curved lips that are so nice to kiss…

  “Mac, did you hear me?”

  “Whaa… What? Sorry, totally zoned out. Was too busy thinking about all the other uses for that mouth of yours,” I say with a sly grin. I’m totally oblivious to the people around us. I can hear Nikki Nice Girl chatting with Noah somewhere in the distance, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the beautiful man in front of me.

  When I realize that our lips are now only licking distance away from each other, suddenly the whole situation becomes clear to me.

  And just like that, I’m back in the game.

  “It’s a shame really,” he says, sweeping my cheek with the back of his fingers so gently that I can barely feel them touch, but I can definitely feel the heat. “I was just saying how I’d love to bend you over this table and not stop until I’m buried deep inside you. You’ll be screaming my name so loud that everyone in Chicago will know that you’re mine.”

  Suddenly I’m panting, my heart beating so fast that it’s almost jumping out of my ample chest. “Damn,” I whisper, my brain suddenly filled with naked images of Daniel pounding me on the table in front of everyone, Nikki included. Now that would be one way to show her he’s mine.

  Wait, mine? What is this man doing to me?

  “Just as I thought. Can’t wait to get you home and naked,” he says, kissing me quickly again before grabbing my hand and placing it in his lap as I relax into him.

  The green eyed goddess has gone back to sleep for the moment.

  I manage to keep my jealousy at bay for the rest of our time here. Without leaving Daniel’s side, I have some interesting conversations with Gary and Louise, and even The Mini Walking Dildo who I find out is not single, much to my disappointment. Kate would have been all over that like a tom cat in heat.

  Louise invites us over for dinner next week and Daniel accepts without hesitation. Maybe he’s decided that steam rolling me is the way to avoid another Mac freak out. Quick learner, that boy of mine is.

  After saying our goodbyes a few hours later, Daniel and I head back into the city.

  “Thanks for coming tonight, Mac. I hope it wasn’t too horrible for you,” Daniel says, putting his hand on my denim clad thigh and squeezing gently.

  “I had a great time. Once I got over myself, that is,” I reply honestly.

  “Look, Mac, I know this is not something you normally do, and I’m kind of guilty for throwing you into this BBQ head first. But you underestimate yourself, gorgeous. You were perfect.” He grasps my hand and lifts it to his mouth before lowering it back to his lap. “You’re perfect. Bathroom freak outs and jealousy included.” He smirks at me.

  “So, talking about my little jealous streak, what’s the deal with you and Nikki? You still seem rather friendly, and Noah kept shooting me knowing looks all night.”

  “It’s the typical story. We dated right through high school. Then, when I left for college, we broke up. She wanted to do the long distance thing, but I said it was unfair to both of us. When I came back to town, she wanted to try again, so we did. But it wasn’t the same; we just didn’t want the same things anymore and our lives were going in different directions. To be honest, I knew deep down she wasn’t the one. That was about three years ago.”

  “But you’re still friends, and her parents still ask about you?” I state warily.

  “We hardly see each other, but yes, our parents are still friends to this day. Today was the first time I’ve seen her in over a year. She travels a lot with her job.”

  I’m stuck between feeling like a jealous idiot and a giddy teenager who’s just found out her crush likes her too. “Oh,” is all I can say.

  “Oh,” he replies with a grin. “But seeing you all jealous and worked up was hot as hell, Mac.”

  “Ohhh,” I say, understanding where this conversation is going.

  “Yeah, oh. Now you know how I feel when I think about you with Noah, or Sean, or Zander.”

  “But I was never ‘not dating’ them. It was always just sex.”

  “Are you sure about that, Mac?”

  I snap my head towards him. “Of course I’m sure. What’s that supposed to mean?” I can feel my annoyance level rising.

  “What did Zander give you? If Sean gave you dominance, and Noah was to pass the time, what about Zander. What need did he fulfill?” he asks deadpan.

  “Why are you asking me this, Daniel? I thought we were past all this?”

  “We are. We were. I just need to know.”

  “So I can prove to you that I can be everything you need and more. So that you can realize how much I want you in every way possible. So that you can stop freaking out and walking on egg shells around me because you’re scared I’m going to leave.”

  “Daniel, I…” I see him tighten his grip on the steering wheel, and I realize that this is not the time for questions. This is the time for answers; to give Daniel the answers. To help him understand why I do what I do, or rather, why I did what I did in the past.

  “Daniel, I thought we’d talked about this? Do we need to talk about it all over again?”

  “I don’t know,” he answers stoically.

  Now that’s got my back up. “Fine, you want to know, I’ll tell you!”

  “No…. NO. I don’t want to know, but it’s always there, Mac. Just how you didn’t like Nikki touching me tonight, I can’t stand the thought of another man, or men, touching you, being inside you. Fuck, it’s driving me insane.”

  Well that certainly explains things. He’s rendered me totally fucking speechless, which is an achievement considering I never shut up.

  “You’re worth more than any of them,” I whisper, staring out the window into the darkness.

  Without warning, Daniel steers the car into a lookout on the side of the road and turns the car off. He turns around and just stares at me. I recognize the look in his eye. It’s the same look he gives me just before he pushes himself inside me. It’s the epitome of unadulterated passion. The look that makes me weak at the knees and wet between the legs with one small glance.

  It’s the look that tells me that all he can think about right now is having me, owning me, consuming me.

  And just like that, I snap. I can’t hold myself back. I undo my safety belt and throw myself at him, straddling him in the driver’s seat. Our mouths smash together and we’re a tangle of arms, lips, teeth and tongues. My hands grip his biceps as he plunders my mouth. His hands grip my hair, angling my head perfectly for his taking.

  Hot damn!

  Jealous Daniel mixed with jealous Mac is like an atomic bomb for sexual tension, and right now we’re getting ready to detonate.



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