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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

Page 6

by Anita Lawless

  I did as requested, revealing my wine colored corset with black lace lining its top and bottom. Fishnet stockings and a black satin thong finished off the ensemble. My first instinct was to cover myself with my arms, but I was supposed to be on display tonight, so I figured that would be counterproductive.

  Then the crowd began milling in, and I almost had a panic attack again.

  “Get on the bench,” Dmitri demanded, but I almost forgot to obey as my focus glued to the people filling the seats. He reminded me that if I wasn’t comfortable, I could always use the safe word, but ice clipped his words still.

  I broke my trance and lay face first on the cold, smooth leather, inhaling its mild, earthy scent. Dmitri barely looked at me as he bound my wrists with the braided rope, then went to work on my ankles. The flatscreen directly in my line of sight kicked on, along with the others, and I was treated to a full view on myself staring back at me. I closed my eyes, breathed deep, and silenced my anxiety once more.

  The rope had that rough / soft texture like it had in our dungeon session. I supposed this, too, was hemp. Once Dmitri finished tying me to the bench, the picture on the screen in front of me changed. This time my ass, tilted high in the air, along with my legs spread wide, was on full display.

  He knelt beside my head. “The cameras are timed to change at specific intervals, so they focus on different parts of our play. Outside and inside, we’ll receive a three dimensional show. Are you ready to begin, Mistress?”

  I simply nodded.

  First he went to the glass table and selected a pair of long, glimmering scissors. My heart hammered against my rib cage when I saw him returning to me with these. What did he plan on doing with those? I steadied my breath as the cold metal kissed my buttocks, and he removed the wisp of thong with one efficient snip, then he tore the scrap of material away. Now my pink, puckered asshole and dampening pussy received a close up from the cameras. Through the speakers that also lined the cage, I heard the crowd outside murmur. I burned with humiliation.

  He returned to the table, this time retrieving a riding crop and a paddle with a red surface that appeared soft, like velvet. Next he moved to the front of the glass dome, holding these items up to the crowd one at a time.

  “Whip?” he asked, holding it up, his voice booming out through the microphones and speakers.

  The crowd gave moderate applause and uproar. I felt the shame scorch my ears.

  “Or paddle?” This time the applause and uproar were far more enthusiastic. When the cameras changed, I caught Dmitri’s vulpine smile. “Paddle it is then.” After he returned the whip, he came back to me.

  The soft surface of the paddle caressed one ass cheek. It was velvety, like a carpet of moss covering a forest floor. The feel of it brushing over my goose bumps sent jolts of electric sensation through me. I closed my eyes and tried to melt into the stimuli, but just as I began to almost relax, he brought the paddle back, then it swished forward and met my buttocks with a resounding crack that echoed through the speakers and made me release a shrill squeal. A mumble of disappointment seemed to rumble up from the crowd at my outburst.

  “How disappointing, Mistress.” Dmitri’s eyes flashed impatience at me when he looked my way. His mouth was set in a grim line, and I wondered what I’d said, exactly, to turn him into this wall of intimidating stone. “Where’s that control you showed in my dungeon? You’ll have to try harder if you’re going to impress our audience.”

  His taunt steeled my resolve. I grit my teeth, took a long inhale through flared nostrils, and waited for what was to come next.

  He dipped down beside me, whispered in my ear. “Be quiet until I tell you differently. One more outburst like that and I’ll stop the show, and you won’t get to come tonight. Maybe I won’t let you come for a week.”

  I clenched my teeth harder and spoke not a word.

  Then just as he brought the paddle down for another sharp rap that left my bottom tingling, the camera focused on a familiar face in the crowd. I almost gasped from the combination of surprise and my smarting behind, but I stopped the sound before it spilled from my lips. Mildred sat with a handsome young man, watching our performance. Renewed heat and humiliation burned my cheeks. Another shock I hadn’t expected, and a part of me did feel betrayed by them both.

  The spanking ceased, but my butt still burned as he returned to the table once more. This time he grabbed a strange little device that was curved. From some of our private sessions together, I recognized it as a vibrator, once he drew close.

  “Remember,” he whispered close to my head, before he returned to my ass. “No outbursts, no coming, until I tell you to. Understand, Mistress?”

  I nodded.

  He took his time getting back between my legs, to torment me I had no doubt. The light whirr of the vibrator kicking in perked my ears, and I tensed my muscles in anticipation.

  Little tremors erupted through my skin when he pressed the buzzing toy against the base of my spine. Slowly, he drew it down, parting my ass crack wider as he did so. The closer the humming drew to my pussy, the tighter it clenched. To keep from crying out, I bit my lip until I tasted blood.

  From the waist down I hung over the lip of the bench, so I rested on my knees. He reached between my legs and pressed the sex toy hard against my clit, then the whirring grew louder as he turned the speed up. I fisted my hands tight as stimuli zipped, like lightning, through the tiny bead of tender flesh. He rubbed the vibrator into my clit now, and my hips began moving, taking on a mind of their own. But he stilled them with a firm press of the paddle against my lower back. He held me in place while he kept tormenting me. I could feel the copious wetness trickling from my vagina.

  Then he took the toy from the swelling bud and slipped it in my quivering cunt. Without warning, the paddle drew back and cracked down on my ass again. I bucked atop the spanking bench, thrashing in my bonds, as my vagina clenched hard around the vibrator in time with the whack.

  Audience approval had amped up, and through the speakers I heard excited conversation, but couldn’t make out clear words. I heard claps and cheers for more as I drowned in an erotic fog and the sheer command on my will to keep this bliss internal. The crowd almost became invisible to me because of it.

  The paddle slipped around to my front, and now he used its soft surface to tease my throbbing clit, while he worked the curved vibrator in and out of my sex. My hips desperately wanted to buck once more, but I knew if I did the pleasure would stop until I held still. My loins ached with the growing need to come.

  I concentrated so hard on keeping it in, my forehead ached. The moss-like touch of the paddle against my tingling clit was sheer torture. Dmitri strove to caress my g-spot with the curved sex toy, and he hit it just right, making the pressure within me climb higher and higher. Finally, when he commanded, “Come now, Mistress. Come hard for our crowd,” I let my climax gush forth in a torrent. I could feel my juices trickling down my leg. I cried out loud and long, and the sound seemed to ring through the speakers.

  Through my ecstatic daze I heard applause, heard Dmitri whisper some words of approval, but my eyes wanted to close. My mind was a scattered disarray of erotic bliss. Slowly, I gathered my thoughts back to center as I felt his warm, wide hands at my wrists. After he untied my ankles, too, he helped me stand on shaky legs.

  “You did well.” He raked his gaze up and down me. “Not as well as I expected, but there’s always room for improvement.”

  I flinched inwardly at his words, wondering again about the sudden change in him. But as people milled out, and I saw the doors of The Glass Cage open, allowing Mildred to enter, I pushed worry over his ill mood aside.

  “Sweetie, you were great,” she said, then to Dmitri, “Well done, Dmitri.”

  He simply grunted, “Thanks,” and she must’ve seen the torn expression on my face, for her eyebrows drew close in a worried frown.

  She tried to ease the tension by introducing me to the slender man who stood behind
her. He was just an inch or two taller than Mildred, with dark auburn curls falling to just below his ears. His eyes were a shade of light brown, almost amber, and his sharp face reminded me of a playful fox.

  “This is my playmate, Ryan,” she said. “We’re off to perform in the Gothic Room. I hope you and Dmitri will come watch.”

  I gave her a curious frown. “You’re a member of Surrender, too?”

  She winked. “I’m one of the board members, and a femdom. Ryan, here, is my submissive.” The young man nodded a hello in my direction and smiled.

  Now it all made sense—why Mildred was here watching. There was no conspiracy going on between her and Dmitri to betray me. She was simply a member, and owner, of Surrender Inc.

  “Didn’t Dmitri tell you I would be watching tonight?” she asked, as if she could read my thoughts.

  Before I could answer, my master growled, “No, apparently I didn’t inform Charlotte well enough regarding the duties involved in her … job.”

  “You let the woman perform blind?” Mildred almost looked annoyed with him.

  I glanced at him and watched his jaw work in irritation once more. “Live play was part of the contract. I just didn’t stipulate when it would happen. I thought a surprise might be welcomed. Apparently, I was wrong.”

  “That’s a pretty big surprise for a newcomer to the club.” Mildred said.

  Dmitri simply gave her a glare, then stalked past us all to leave the cage.

  I followed after, walking close to Mildred. She opened her mouth to say something, but Dmitri’s raised voice made her stop.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he snarled, his gaze pinning a shadowy figure that came forward from the back of the theater seats.

  Mildred and I moved closer to him to get a better look. She muttered, “Oh, shit,” and I looked at her.

  A man about four inches shorter than Dmitri walked toward us. He bore a resemblance to my employer, but his hair was a lighter shade of brown and his eyes were the color of chocolate.

  “Who is that?” I asked Mildred.

  She sighed. “Dmitri’s brother.”


  Surrender To His Charms

  As Mildred, Ryan, and I drew close to Dmitri and his brother, their heated words became clear.

  “I don’t believe it,” Dmitri said, crossing his arms over his massive chest. “I know too well how you work, Yuri, and I won’t let you see her.”

  Yuri exposed white, clenched teeth as he hissed in return, “You can’t stop me from seeing my own mother. I’ve spoken to Father, and he encouraged me to go. He also wanted me to reconcile with you, but I can see that’s going nowhere. Look, I know I’ve asked you for a lot of second chances, but—”

  Dmitri cut off his words by stepping so close they were nose to nose. “How’s Astrid these days?”

  Yuri’s fists tightened at his sides. “She left me. But that’s—”

  This time it was Dmitri’s laughter that interrupted him. “Karma, my dear brother. Karma.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Dmitri.” Yuri grabbed his shoulder when he went to turn and walk away. “This isn’t about our past quarrels. This is about our dying mother.”

  “Past quarrels?” He whirled back on him, and I began to run in time with Mildred as his meaty fist came up. “You stole the woman I loved.”

  We arrived too late. Dmitri’s fist lashed out lightning quick, delivering a powerful jab to Yuri’s nose. Blood flew, spattering Dmitri’s still bare chest, staining Yuri’s shirt and suit jacket . His brother nearly fell over the side of a seat from the force of the blow. He covered his dripping nostrils and glared up at his enraged sibling.

  “Break it up, you two,” Mildred said, getting between the pair.

  I went to help the fallen man to his feet.

  “Get away from him right now, Charlotte,” Dmitri snarled.

  I looked at him, shocked by the ferocity in his trembling voice. I’d never seen him so full of wrath. I didn’t know much about the history between him and his brother, but I had heard the comment from Dmitri: You stole the woman I loved.

  “He’s hurt,” I protested. “Whatever happened between you two, he can’t deserve this.”

  His eyes narrowed to icy slits. “You have no idea what he’s done. Don’t make hasty judgments.”

  Mildred held him by one brawny shoulder, while Ryan took the other. “Chill, big guy,” she said. “Before you say or do something you’ll regret.”

  This seemed to take the edge off Dmitri’s anger. His brother murmured a thank you to me and Mildred, after she handed him a handkerchief from her purse.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing here, Yuri,” she said, her tone clipped with coldness. “But if you screw with your brother, believe me, next time I’ll stand back while he goes at it.”

  Yuri’s sigh sounded weary, heavy. “I’m not here to cause trouble. Given my past, I know that’s hard to believe. Things change, people change. I want to reconcile with my family, and see my mother before she dies. That’s all.”

  “And last time you wanted to reconcile, what happened, hmmm?” Dmitri growled at him.

  “I’m sorry. Despite what you believe, I did love Astrid. It’s because of her I’ve come to my senses.”

  Dmitri’s jaw worked as he cast a sneer at his sibling. “How did you know I was here? What, trying to get into Surrender now, too? That’ll never happen.”

  Yuri rolled his eyes. “No, brother, the sex industry was always your profession.” He gave a derisive sniff. “Not mine.”

  Dmitri lunged for him again. This time I helped Mildred and Ryan hold him off. It was like trying to temper the rage of a giant made of stone.

  “Okay boys,” Mildred said. “That’s enough. Yuri, get out of here and call your brother tomorrow. Dmitri, take your lady home and cool off.”


  “John is definitely getting a reprimand when I speak to him,” Dmitri grumbled as he slid closer to me in the back of the limo.

  “It was an innocent mistake,” I said softly. “He knew Yuri was your brother, so figured it would be okay to let him in.”

  He frowned as he draped an arm over my shoulder. “Still, he knows Sanctuary policy. No one gets in unless they’re friends of the board or on the board.”

  I shrugged. “He probably assumed your brother was your friend.” Poor John, the desk clerk who had let us in that evening. He’d receive an earful and then some, I was sure, for letting Yuri slip past the radar. And I distinctly got the feeling Dmitri didn’t care for my argumentative tone.

  His hand slid up my stocking clad leg. Once more our long coats covered our skimpy costumes, and he parted the opening of mine, inching his fingers higher. But I knew his game this time. He was trying to distract me with sex. While the distraction would be pleasurable, I admittedly felt I deserved some answers.

  “Your brother…what did he do to make you hate him so much?” I stopped his hand before it slid up my inner thigh.

  His dark eyebrows drew together in annoyance. “You really want to talk about this now?”

  I held his gaze with determination. “I think that’s fair. After all, I had to perform blind tonight, then witness you trying to kill your sibling.”

  Now he sighed and rolled his eyes at me, as if I were being a petulant child. “That’s a blatant exaggeration. I just punched him in the nose.”

  Now, he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, obviously in an effort to silence my questions. I tried to resist his lips, but he plunged his tongue between mine with a raw hungriness that would not be denied. I whimpered as his teeth tugged at my bottom lip, and I slid my hands up his warm, wide arms.

  “Did you enjoy the play inside the cage tonight?” he whispered, as he nibbled his way to my collarbone.

  “Yes.” I gasped as his fingers slipped under my wispy thong and pinched my clit. Hard, at first, as if he punished me, but then the strokes varied up between insistent and gentle, sending my more chaotic thoughts
and emotions to the back of my mind, replacing them with lust.

  “I’m glad.” He untied my coat and parted it completely. “I apologize I didn’t give you some extra training before showing you off to a live audience.”

  I tried not to think of how much I felt like a pet at his words. Like a possession and not a person, in that moment. Maybe I was just being foolish. He yanked my breasts out of the top of my corset, then dipped his head to bite the nipple, chasing my worries away with the hot spike of pleasure / pain. He alternated between each hardening tips, suckling them then flicking his tongue rapidly over their stiff peaks. I moaned and writhed beneath him, cradling the back of his head with one hand. When he bit the other nipple hard again, I cried out loudly and wondered what Lewis, our driver, must think.

  His fingers continued to work my sex, rolling my swollen clit between his strong fingertips. Rubbing it until my hips bucked into his touch with a will of their own. Finally his digits slid inside my wet opening, and I sighed in bliss as my vagina closed tightly around his penetration.

  “I’m going to take you right here, Mistress,” he murmured against my ear, while working my pulsing bud still with one hand and finger fucking me with the other. “I want to watch you come all over the seat, all over me.”

  I melted in his arms, but before I could completely surrender my will to this ecstasy, a name floated into my head. And his words, just now, conjured it forth. ‘I want’ he said. This wasn’t about me. It was completely about him. Of course, it would be, because his heart belonged to another woman.

  I pushed him back, gathered my senses enough to ask, “Who’s Astrid?”

  His face, darkened by lust, now grew pinched and annoyed. “Why does it matter? You’re awfully willful tonight, Mistress.” His lips drew in a thin line, and his intense stare seemed to demand I obey.

  “You seemed impressed with my dominant side last week,” I countered, trying desperately to ignore the command he held over my body. “So I can only be dominant on your terms, is that it?”


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