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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

Page 16

by Anita Lawless

  So after the kids are out of school, and Jake still hasn’t shown up yet, I head over to Mrs. Granger’s tiny gingerbread home to ask a favor.

  The elderly woman isn’t known as one of the friendliest people on our block, but she’s taken a liking to me and the kids, even though her idea of showing affection generally means throwing out wisecracks and harmless barbs. She rankles a lot of the other neighbors because of this, but I’ve come to learn she just wants some company and a good verbal sparring partner.

  She shuffles to the front door after I ring the bell and takes her time in opening up, even though she’s obviously seen its me on the stairs. With a scowl, she gives me a slow perusal after pushing her glasses up her bulbous nose.

  “What do you want?” she grumbles, a small grin tugging at the corner of her lips. Her snarky old lady mode is a game she plays to chase off anyone who isn’t willing to put up with her cantankerous nature.

  Not missing a beat, I shoot back. “A summer house in the Bahamas and a hot man on each arm, but a favor from you will do.” I cringe a bit inwardly, thinking how close to home I’ve hit with the hot man on each arm quip.

  She lets out a cackle and good-naturedly swats at my arm. “Coffee’s on. You want a cup? Where are the boys?”

  I point to the high wooden fence that surrounds my backyard. “Ruining my grass with their hockey sticks. What else is new? And I’d love some coffee.”

  She waves a hand as she walks away from the open door. “Get yourself in here then.”

  Over a steaming mug of java, I pop the question. “Edith, could I ask you a huge favor?”

  She sips at her brew before saying, “I knew this wasn’t just a gesture of goodwill.”

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “No, you got me. I came with ulterior motives.” Leaning closer, I try to put on my best pity me face. “I’ve started a new job, but I have to work the late shift tonight and I have no one to look after the kids. Could you do it?”

  Her smirk widens, and I can tell she knows more than I’m probably comfortable with. “New job, eh? This wouldn’t have anything to do with that sexy, rich guy who drove up to your place in a Rolls the other day, would it?”

  I try not to choke on my mouthful of coffee as I nod. “He’s my new boss.”

  She waggles her eyebrows. “I bet he is.” Then she pauses as she puts her flowered mug on its saucer. “What about Jake? He usually watches the kids. Everything okay?” I see genuine concern on her lined face.

  I squirm and fumble for an answer, not wanting to get too deep into what’s going on between me and my best friend. “He’s … not happy about my new job,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. “It’s complicated, but he left last night and he hasn’t come back yet.”

  Edith Granger reaches over and rubs my shoulder. “A jealous man needs time to cool off. Don’t worry, hon.” She gets up and grabs the coffee pot to give us both refills. “He’ll be back. And bring the boys over around 7 pm. I’m making peach cobbler. They can have dessert with me.”

  I smile and thank her, giving the old curmudgeon a hug she pretends not to want.

  “Have fun with your new boyfriend tonight,” she chirps as I get up to leave.

  “He’s not my boyfriend, Edith.”

  “No, but he must be paying you some nice cash. Preston told me all about the fixing you’re doing to the house, that he and Michael are getting goodies.” She turns and winks at me. “You must be a helluva employee.”

  I shake my head at her and elaborate no more before I leave to get ready for tonight’s performance. I just wonder what Jake confided in our old neighbor before he left.


  When I arrive at work, Dom Luke Wesley is not impressed. He’s sitting behind his desk, expensive Gucci loafers planted atop it. He places a finger against his lips and watches me like a panther watches its prey as I walk in. His scowl remains as he stands, revealing immaculate pinstriped pants, a crisp, ruffled white shirt, and a silky purple waistcoat with a faint argyle pattern sprinkled over the material.

  “Where’s my other employee?” he asks, an authoritative tone to his voice.

  “I’m sorry. Jake backed out on us,” I explain, not meeting his eyes as I sit and let my shoulders sag. “I haven’t seen him since last night.”

  When I look at his face, it has softened. He shrugs. “Not a problem. We don’t need your temperamental boyfriend anyway.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend!” I shout louder than I mean to, and Dom Luke’s eyebrows shoot up.

  “Doth protest too much,” he drawls with a smirk. “Nevertheless, we can improvise just fine without Jake. Are you ready to go?”

  I nod.

  “Excellent.” He moves around the desk like a lithe cat, takes my arm, and urges me to stand then walk toward one of the rooms in his massive office. “Your outfit is all laid out in room number three. Get changed and we’ll be off, my dear.”

  I slip into a tight fitted black corset lined in red lace, a matching thong, and fishnet stockings. A pair of shiny stilettos and a silky black cape finish off my costume. When I join Luke again, he raves over how lovely I look.

  Blushing slightly, I wave him off. “You only say that so your employee will perform well.”

  He clucks his tongue at me. “Nonsense.” Then he takes my hand and kisses it. “I mean every word that leaves my lips.”

  As we drive to his sex club, I ask questions, but he merely grins that damnable, sexy grin and says telling me will spoil all the surprises he has in store. He’s exasperating, Dom Luke, but intriguing and enchanting all the same. I feel my heart do that flutter thing again when I look at him. A sensation I haven’t felt since Colby. Well, if I’m honest, I’ve felt it for Jake in the past, also, but I haven’t really admitted it to myself until this moment. I sigh, thinking what a tangled web life can become.

  “You know, we should really get you a nanny,” Luke says just as we pull into a huge underground parking lot that is beneath his massive sex club. “Particularly if the ginger isn’t coming back, you’ll need someone to watch the kids while you work these late shifts.” He turns that foxlike grin on me again.

  “It isn’t nice to call him a ginger,” I admonish him, though I’m chuckling as the words leave my lips. “And, yes, I was thinking I’ll need a backup babysitter.”

  He waves a hand as if that’s all it takes to answer all my problems. “Consider it done. I’ll send someone around soon for you to interview. She’s a fine lady. She’s worked for some of my friends before. I’m sure the boys will love her.”

  I can’t help but smile wide at him and feel great gratitude. If I believed in saviors, he’d qualify for the rank in my life right about now. “Thank you.”

  He gets out and strides over to my side of the car to open the door for me. “Think nothing of it, Carrie. You’re my employee, but you’ve also become a friend. I take good care of both in my life.”

  “I feel the same way,” I confess, looking deep into those icy blue eyes, which show warmth now. “I barely know you and you’ve helped me and the kids so much. I can’t thank you enough.”

  He wraps an arm around my cape clad shoulders and leads me to an entrance cordoned off by red rope, holding back a huge line of people. “You thank me by doing wonderful work, by being a true professional.” The dom plants a quick kiss to my forehead. “I value that greatly.”

  One of the two massive bouncers wearing black cargo pants and tight black t-shirts unfastens the rope and steps aside to let Dom Luke and I in. Luke tips his head at the man and I see him place a wad of cash into the bouncer’s hand.

  Inside I find the club is a massive, circular place with strobing, colorful lights and an upper floor that holds a wraparound balcony. People in masks and costumes hang over its dark, carved railings, hooting and cheering, kissing and groping. There are men and women in feathery boas on a dance floor that sparkles like glass. A glittering disco ball that looks to be the size of a chandelier swirls above them, casting
down ghostly spheres of light that flitter over the white and black walls.

  As we walk, I spy people on red and black couches writhing in erotic ecstasy. On a raised stage at the back of the dance floor, a woman, naked except for the silvery half mask she wears, goes down on another woman in a velvety cat mask. She licks every inch of the woman’s mocha, sweat-beaded skin before she flicks the tip of her tongue beneath her clit hood.

  Past the dance floor and bar, near the back in a room under the balcony is where we are headed. A pair of onyx, arched doors with golden decorative handles open up before me and I’m led inside. People file in behind us, taking seats in the theater style chairs that line this large, round room. There is a round stage in the center of all these chairs that rise up in an amphitheater style, giving the crowd a 360 degree view of the circular platform at its apex.

  On top of this rounded stage sits a gigantic sphere on a glass-like pedestal. Two stainless steel tables sit close by the sphere, and I can tell from here they are laden with toys for tonight’s performance. I also note, as I walk to the stage, that the room is filled with huge television screens that loom from the rafters above.

  Dom Luke leads me to the stage and I feel fear, anxiety, tickle its way up my spine. Every set of eyes in this place is on us, watching, waiting, anticipating. I try not to lose my nerve and run out screaming.

  My dom explains the night’s performance to me as we ascend the few narrow stairs leading to the translucent bubble that awaits us on the stage. “This is one of my latest creations,” he tells me proudly as he gestures to the apparatus. “I call it the Pleasure Dome. You will be the first one to try it out with me tonight, other than private test runs I did while I was perfecting it.”

  Up close, the bubble is quite beautiful. It has a translucent oval door he opens to guide me inside. There are many small vents and gray arms inside and out. A mechanism similar to the one I found myself tied up in at my last day of work, when Jake first joined me, sits in the center of the bubble.

  “See the cameras?” He points to tiny black mechanical eyes inside and out. “Those, and the microphones we have in here, will pick up every nuance, every detail, of your performance.” He walks up behind me, wraps his arms around me, and feathers a kiss across my neck. “Are you afraid?”

  I shiver and try to ignore the humiliation that burns my cheeks as he undresses me before the crowd. “A little.”

  He kisses my cheek tenderly. “Don’t be. Remember our safe words. Green for go, yellow for slow down, red for stop. If you feel uncomfortable, you have only to say and I’ll stop. I won’t be disappointed in you.”

  Though his crystal eyes tell me he means this, I don’t want to wimp out anyway. I want to perform and please him, as well as myself. Heaven help me, but I realize in that moment I may be falling in love with this strange and beautiful man.

  Before he straps me into the device at the center of the bubble, he addresses our guests. “Ladies and gentlemen.” Dom Luke gives a sweeping bow. “I’m so pleased you could join us tonight to enjoy my latest creation, the Pleasure Dome.”

  He spreads his arms wide to indicate our glasslike home and the crowd erupts in applause.

  “The dome is equipped with many ways to give bliss.” He points to some small nozzles that pepper the inside of this glass ball. “Aromatherapy. Scented oils are released from these—the full bodied perfume of a rose, the fragrance of sandalwood and vanilla. These help to calm and titillate those inside.”

  He next walks to small openings that are well sealed and have gray sleeves attached to them. He sticks his arm inside one of these and I hear a little snap before his hand emerges from the other end of the sleeve. Then he plucks a dildo that looks as if it has been carved from polished rubies off one of the stainless steel tables.

  “The sleeves allow me to access toys and anything I need on the outside, while keeping the fragrances sealed in here with us.” He holds up a finger. “But, we don’t want the scents to overpower my lover, so these,” he indicates tiny vents, like those found in a home’s heating and cooling system, “circulate the air and smells so we have fresh oxygen and just enough scent to arouse.”

  Now he helps me into the insectlike apparatus at the heart of the globe. It’s a steely looking harness that holds me so I lay on my stomach, suspended in midair, just as I had on my last day of work. I find the weightless floating sensation quite comfortable.

  From a transparent compartment nestled inside the sphere, my dom takes out some small, flat stones. They’re polished smooth, and he lays these gray and blue stones across my back. They’re hot but not too hot. Just enough warmth radiates out from them to calm and relax me. I almost forgot the amphitheater is full of people watching me.

  My dom draws close to my ear and whispers, “Now the true test comes. I’m going to tease you, spank you, titillate you. Not one stone can fall from your back.”

  I gulp and exhale deeply before I nod my approval.

  He starts with long, pink feathers that he traces between the stones before sweeping them across my plump butt cheeks, then up and down my crack. When the fuzzy, soft tips trail down the underside of my thighs and calves, I have to grit my teeth to keep from flinching, moving. It tickles terribly.

  The feather glides over my pussy, which now grows wet from the terror and thrill of exhibitionism plus this pleasurable stimulation. It caresses my clit and I let out a little sigh, but I try not to groan, as my dom has told me I also can’t let my bliss out until he tells me to. Otherwise, he’ll stop the titillation.

  Suddenly the feather is gone and his lips brush my earlobe, nearly making me jump and hurl the stones from my back. He gives a throaty laugh, like chocolate pouring over caramel, and says, “Be still, my love. Now I’m going to up the challenge.” He shows me the tethers of a whip.

  I bite my bottom lip, squeeze my eyes shut, and ready for the first blow.

  But he keeps it light and easy at first, simply dragging the slightly rough, yet soft, straps up my calves, over the underside of my knees, across my ass. I begin to relax again, but I also keep myself ready for the sharper blows I know will follow.

  The stones have cooled against my flesh now, and the heat they radiated through me has soothed any aching muscles. I feel like putty, but I can’t get too complacent in case I jump when the whack is delivered, which would send the stones flying and make me fail this test.

  The tips of the tethers leave my skin and I inhale deeply. Moments later the first slap kisses my rounded rump. I curl my toes and clench my fists to keep from flinching. Not a stone moves, at least that I can tell. My pussy tingles and my nipples grow so hard it’s painful.

  Another sharp sting follows and I squinch up my face, trying not to tremble too much or arch my back in reaction. My dom coos words of encouragement and praise at my control. The crowd also applauds for me and I feel both elated and exposed, but the shame gives way to pleasure and pride in my performance.

  He puts the whip away and selects his next instrument of erotic torture. I’m shown a double headed glass dong that reminds me of a pink sculpted icicle. He tells me this toy has been cooled in one of the chambers attached to the dome. Before he teases me with the toy, he informs me he’ll be lubing me up.

  I tighten my stomach and hold my breath a moment while his strong, slim fingers spread lubrication around and inside my anus, then his touch moves to my now throbbing cunt, lubing it up with the cool jelly too. Every muscle in my body feels strained from the force it takes to not move too much, to not react. The lubrication he’s uses is also a sensation gel, and soon my anal canal and pussy begin to heat and tingle, as does my clitoris, which he’s also slathered with this gel.

  The cold glass tip of the dong brushes over my sex and asshole. I clench my teeth so hard they squeak, and my sex and anus tightens at the touch, but then release to let him in. The cold, smooth tips slide in just an inch, then he wriggles them and gives me only shallow thrusts. My control slips and I let out a low moan
that echoes through the speakers which broadcast the audio portion of our performance.

  All pleasure stops and his hands leave me. My heart seems to sag in my chest from the disappointment.

  “Not yet, my love,” he whispers in my ear. “No reaction, no coming, until I say so.”

  I simply nod to let him know I understand.

  The cool touch of the double dong now returns to my throbbing sex and ass. The sensation lube makes me feels like all my nerves down below are on fire, but the burning is sublime. Again he teases me with just an inch of the toy nudged up my pussy and anus. Then slowly he inserts more, and my rectum and cunt stretch to accommodate the girth. The coolness of the toy blends with the heat of the sensation lube, making my anal and cunt walls shudder from the stimuli. I tighten and release, tighten and release, milking both ends of the dong and taking all the bliss it has to give.

  He tells me to hold this inside of me while he attaches a clitoral stimulator to that pulsing bead of flesh. My kegel muscles work hard to keep the toy inside both holes while vibration zips through my clitoris. Sweat breaks out on my brow and I squeeze my eyes shut tight, bite my bottom lip and breathe deep to keep from moving or groaning.

  I come right then and there from all this stimulation. I can’t hold it off any longer, even though he commands it, and I feel my juices dripping down my inner thighs as the intense release makes me tremble slightly. This earns me a sharp rap on the ass from his hand. The crowd murmurs around us and some onlookers applaud.

  He begins to fuck me sensuously with the double dong, taking long, slow strokes. It’s all I can do to keep my hips still and not match his rhythm. My fingers clench and release, clench and release, in a pattern that mimics what I wish my hips could do. My pelvis tightens around the toy stroking it deep inside, and a delicious pressure blooms inside my g-spot.


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