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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

Page 20

by Anita Lawless

  I reach over the back of the seat and squeeze his shoulder.

  “Mom and Dad? Well, they would’ve come to accept it with time, I think. But you know Gran and Gramps Faulkner would’ve disowned me, or worse. I didn’t want to go through that, put Mom or Dad or my brothers through it.” Another long pause, then softer. “Hell, I was a coward all those years, I know. Luke got me to admit who I really am.”

  Luke waves a hand and speaks in an overly theatrical tone to lighten the mood. “And then we concocted this wild scheme to move you and the children, along with Jake here, into my mansion. Yes, I’m conspiring to make you all my family. I know. I’m a truly evil man.” He finishes off with an exaggerated cackle.

  I’m stunned speechless. Words try to form but my awe overwhelms them and pops each one like a soap bubble. From penniless mother to well paid mistress and lover of two men in less than three months. It isn’t Cinderella exactly, but it’s a happy ending I’m satisfied with. Beyond belief.

  We pull up to the front of his country home and I still haven’t said a word. As he opens the door and offers to take my hand, Dom Luke studies my face.

  “The children are upstairs in their new beds.” There is an edge of worry to his voice. “If you’re truly displeased, you can take them and—”

  As Jake moves closer to us, I press a finger to Luke’s lips. “No, I’m…” Tears itch at the back of my eyes and a lump threatens to choke away my words. “I’m happy. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

  He swoops me up in his arms and kisses me soundly. I loop an arm around Jake’s waist and draw him nearer. “Let’s go check on the kids.”

  We patter up the wide, sprawling staircase and head to our left. Dom Luke and Jake lead me to a room as big as Jake’s old apartment above my garage. The soft light from the hall floods in and I see Preston curled up in a huge bed shaped like a hockey rink.

  “They were so excited to tell you,” Jake whispers as Luke softly shuts the door. “But I told them they’d have to wait until morning.”

  I kiss his cheek and take his hand as Dom Luke leads us to a door partly open to our left. A soft light spills from within.

  “Michael is still up painting, I see,” Luke tells me with a smile. “I think he wanted to make sure he saw you before he fell asleep.”

  My mouth gapes open. “How did you do this all in one night?”

  Luke looks positively pleased with himself. “Well, Jake and I have been fixing and furnishing the rooms for a while now. But moving all your stuff here in under twenty four hours?” He winks. “Let’s just say I’m more connected than Santa Claus.”

  I shake my head at him and chuckle as we move closer to Michael’s room. Just as I reach out for the door, it opens and a young blonde woman walks out. I see Michael slumbering before she snicks the light off.

  “Kaley!” I stumble back in surprise.

  Her eyes go wide. “Oh, Mrs. Brannigan! I—”

  Dom swoops in between us. “Kaley was looking after the kids while we were working. I’ve rehired her, also.”

  My mouth slaps open and shut like a fish. “But what about Mrs. Granger? She’s on a pension, and that money was helping her pay her mortgage.” Then I glance between Kaley and Jake and narrow my eyes. “And what about you two?”

  In unison, they say, “We’re not together.”

  Jake looks at Kaley. Kaley looks at Jake.

  “If you don’t explain to her, I’ll have to do it.” When they don’t say anything, Dom at least explains he’s taken care of Mrs. Granger. “Edith will still be compensated. She’s going to take care of the children on weekends.”

  I’m relieved to hear this, but it still doesn’t explain about Kaley and Jake. I stare at them both, waiting to hear more.

  Kaley glares at Jake. “He was just using me to get back at you. There’s nothing there, trust me.” She uses hand gestures and wide eyes to add emphasis to her words. “It was just a fling.”

  Jake casts her a sheepish, sympathetic glance. “I’m sorry, Kaley. I really am.” Then he clears his throat and turns to me. “What I told you that day you caught us was true. I wanted you to be jealous because I love you, wanted you to know how it felt when I watched you fuck someone else.” He flicks his gaze Luke’s way briefly. “But that’s all changed now.” The he looks at Kaley again. “I shouldn’t have hurt you. Shouldn’t have used you that way.”

  The young woman is tearful as she gives him a quick hug. “I forgive you. It’s in the past now. Let’s forget it.”

  She moves away but I put a hand on her shoulder and stop her. When she turns, her eyes look nervous yet hopeful.

  “I’m sorry I … did what I did with him in your house,” she says before I can speak. “I worked there. It wasn’t right. You had every reason to be angry with me.”

  “I still shouldn’t have fired you,” I tell her. “You’re great with the kids and you never did anything with Jake while they were home. Let’s call it even.” I hold out my hand, but the exuberant little blonde wraps me in a tiny hug instead. Then she says goodnight and moves out of the hall.

  My two men take my hands and Dom Luke says, “Let’s show you our bedroom, now.”

  They lead me much farther down the hall, and while we walk I steal glimpses at the two men. I think how I have a perfect life, a perfect family. Something I never really expected, especially two men who I love and are in love with me.

  And when Dom Luke opens the door and shows me our massive king sized bed draped in fine satin sheets, I think about how we won’t be sleeping anytime soon.


  Bonus Story: Surrender Ever After

  10 Years Later

  “I still say he’s too young to get married,” Dom Luke teases me as he and I and Jake make our way down the aisle set up in his expansive garden. “But we all like Emily, so I won’t protest further.”

  I chuckle and playfully swat at my life partner as I take a seat in the front row on the groom’s side. “Behave,” I warn him, before he and Jake move off to stand as Michael’s best men.

  My oldest son Michael is only twenty-two, but already he’s a successful graphic designer with a large publishing house in New York City. His goal is to have his own design firm before thirty and I know he’ll do it. He met his bride-to-be, Emily, at the publishing house. She’s an acquisitions editor there.

  At first the three of us—myself, Jake, and Luke—had some concerns about Michael getting married so young, and to a woman ten years older than him. I worried they’d grow apart too quickly and the marriage would soon end due to the age difference. Luke worried about Michael not “sowing enough wild oats before he settled down” as he put it, and Jake worried about our sweet little boy with puppy dog eyes getting his heart broken.

  “Everyone takes that risk,” Michael had told Jake first, as he addressed all our concerns one morning over breakfast at the country estate. “Getting their heart broken.” He shrugged and gave his small, lopsided smile. “I’m willing to take the chance. I love Emily.” Then he’d turned to Luke, his grin widening. “And don’t worry, Dad No. 2, I’ve sowed all my wild oats.” Then his warm brown eyes met mine. “Mom, we won’t grow apart. Emily and I have a ton in common. And her temper reminds me of you.”

  I shook my head at him and told him to eat his toast.

  Really, how could we judge the boy? Or hold him back from his happiness? We couldn’t. After all, ten years ago I found myself with two husbands and a new life that was less than traditional. Everything worked out wonderfully for us, so why couldn’t it work out just as great for our son?

  Ten years. I get up from my chair and move to the archway at the end of the aisle that’s laden with white and pale pink roses, pondering my unconventional marriage as I do so. Technically speaking, Jake and I are the only ones married, since polyamorous marriages are not recognized by law. But we both also shared a bonding ceremony with our Dom Luke three weeks after we moved into the country estate with him.

I gather up Emily’s train and help the bridesmaids and matron of honor hold it as she walks down the aisle. She casts a big smile over her shoulder and thanks us.

  Jake officially adopted both of my boys and Dom Luke became their Dad No. 2. That’s what the boys started to call him after they learned their mother had two husbands. It took them a little while to adjust, but their new fathers showered them with love and attention, making the transition easy. Now, I want to give the same trust and love back to Michael and his new bride.

  The day is beautiful and warm. A perfect early afternoon for a summer wedding in a garden. Luke’s roses are in full bloom, along with his foxgloves, chrysanthemums, and the many types of flowers he grows. A velvety carpet of pale pink has been rolled out to line the aisle, and white chairs line either side of it. These are now filled with guests of the bride and groom. A woman plucks a golden harp as we draw nearer to where my sons and husbands wait with a smiling Justice of the Peace. My men all look very handsome in their black tuxedos.

  Preston gives me a thumbs up, and I notice him tapping the toe of his polished black shoe. The poor kid must be itching to get out of what he calls a monkey suit. He’s far more at home in an ice rink, laced up in his skates and sailing toward the goalie to score another goal. He’s become a much sought after hockey player, and I couldn’t be more proud of my eighteen year old. My youngest. Hard to believe he, too, is all grown up. The freckles have all but gone from his still boyish face. There are rumors he’ll be drafted by the Toronto Maple Leafs and odds are they’ll take the cup this year.

  I never believed fairy tales could come true in real life, and I’d all but given up on miracles when Jake and I met Dom Luke Wesley ten years ago. Now, here I am feeling like a queen who’s been given a happily ever after. Gratitude warms my heart, along with love for all my men.

  Once the ceremony is over, we head into the sprawling country estate for the reception. Before they join us, Preston and Jake both head to their respective rooms to shed their tuxedos.

  Emily drifts over to me in her off-shoulder, crème colored gown. Her tight ebony curls are gathered up in a top knot that’s began to loosen as she’s jostled around the crowd of people who congratulate her and Michael. She looks absolutely radiant.

  “Thank you again for all your help with the planning,” she says, then gives me and Luke a hug.

  “You’re so very welcome, sweetie,” I say before planting a kiss on her cheek. “The cake was delicious and gorgeous. I have to go compliment your father.” Emily’s dad is a renowned pastry chef who owns his own catering business in New York. He made her a one of a kind cake that looked like an elegant wedding dress. Emily told me she hated to cut into it, and I can see why.

  As the reception winds down and Emily and Michael head off on their honeymoon in Aruba, a nostalgic sadness settles into my heart. I’m glad my boys are happy, successful, all grown up, but watching my oldest get married makes me reflect on just how grown up they are. My little boys have turned into men, and it seems like it all happened in a blink of an eye instead of over the span of two decades. Preston waves goodbye also as he heads out to a party with some of his teammates.

  Luke and Jake, now both clad in casual wear, sit down beside me at the bottom of the staircase that leads up to the bedrooms and the north wing of our mansion.

  Luke leans over and kisses my temple. “You miss them already and they’ve only just gone out the door.”

  “Don’t you?” I wrap one arm around his waist and the other around Jake’s then I pull them both closer to me.

  “Jake and I have been looking forward to this day, actually.” He grins and I return it. “Now we get to chase you all over the mansion naked.”

  Jake smirks at this. “We figured we’d start off with a food fight in our birthday suits.”

  I kiss their cheeks before I stand up between them. “You’re both incorrigible. I’m surprised all my lovely red hair isn’t pure white by now.” I pat the curls piled on top of my head for dramatic effect.

  Jake stands, smiling his wide, wolfish smile. He’s changed so much since we became Luke’s lovers. Luke helped him start his own building contracting company, and now he and his crew of contractors build homes throughout the city. Jake taught Luke carpentry over the years, and the two of them built greenhouses in the lavish garden, plus all the out buildings we have on the property. Thinking back to how they once fought, how Jake and I fought, it’s a wonder we made it to our decade anniversary.

  He bends now to brush a kiss over my knuckles. “Admit it. We keep your life interesting.”

  “That you do.” I can’t resist rubbing his short, bristly red hair. A terrible habit I’ll never get rid of, it seems. Thankfully he’s grown used to it.

  Now Luke stands also. “Tonight, not only do the bride and groom get spoiled. Our lovely lady deserves some pampering too. What do you say, Jake?”

  “I still vote for the naked food fight, but I’m outnumbered two to one.”

  Luke just smirks at him before he continues. “It’s your turn to boss us around in the playroom. After all, we have to keep things even. Not that you don’t boss us around the house, but—”

  His words stop when I give his bicep a little pinch for the crack at my expense, then he just chuckles. My men take my hands and lead me down the hall where our den of pleasure awaits.

  Our playroom is an old ballroom situated right at the end of the corridor. Dom Luke, Jake, and I have refurbished it over the years, adding more toys and different pieces of furniture every time we came home from another vacation. There is an antique tawse from Scotland. Rope we bought in Japan from Buddhist monks, an embroidered spanking bench from Italy, and a baroque king sized button bed we found in France.

  I lead them over to the bed and select handcuffs from a dark cherry wood armoire.

  “Here’s what I want,” I tell them both as we undress and I fasten their arms behind their backs. “I’m going to lie in the middle of our bed and watch you two pleasure each other, but…” I snick the handcuffs closed around Jake’s wrist and elongate my pause to torment them. “You can only use your lips and tongues, and you can’t touch me, or cum, until I say so.”

  Dom Luke looks at Jake and raises an eyebrow. “She’s positively evil. No wonder we love her so much.”

  I slap his rear. “Less talking, sub. Start licking.”

  He gives a throaty laugh at this as I sashay to the bed and situate myself in the middle to enjoy the show.

  Jake is eager tonight and he starts before Luke can. He seizes his lover’s lips in a gentle, seductive kiss, snaring the shorter, slighter man’s bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a tug. His tongue flicks out over this area he’s just bitten and his lover gives a low moan. The other man sups at his lips like they are fine wine. Another pink tongue pokes out and the two entwine as the kiss deepens. Already I grow wet watching their mouths make love.

  Their hands fidget at the base of their spines, fist in their handcuffs, and the small chain connecting the manacles clink as they fight against the restraints. I feel a wicked smile curl my lips, knowing they are eager to touch each other, but I won’t allow it just yet.

  My red haired sub now moves his lips to his lover’s ear. He nips the shell, dips his tongue into the canal, while he uses his knee to tease the other man’s growing erection. Lightly haired skin slides over his glistening, pinkish brown shaft, teasing his cock until it twitches and hardens further.

  Lips trail across the contours of a collarbone, a tongue flits over a sternum and glides lower. My red haired lover wraps this wet, slippery muscle around the other man’s nipple and sucks it hard. Then he nips it with wide, white teeth, tugging the rosy skin away from his chest. The object of his torment gasps and the chains on his cuffs rattle once more.

  Teeth pluck at skin as the tormentor moves lower still. Lips glide over flesh that is sprinkled with a fine coating of hair and beaded by sweat. Moans and growls of delight and sweet agony fill the room as I
watch on. My eyes are wide and my pussy throbs. My own fingers trail between my legs and I touch myself for both of them. They groan in approval, and one begs to be set free so we can make it a threesome, but I tell them not yet. I also select a paddle and give each man a sharp rap on his ass for his insolence. Then I dip to my knees between them and briefly taste their cocks before I return to the bed. I am a wicked mistress indeed, my one lover tells me.

  They resume their show for me. Now my redheaded lover is on his knees before the other and he laves his tongue beneath the ridge of his penis. His hole spurts more pre-cum in response and he tilts his head back on his shoulders as he lets out a long moan. My kneeling lover laps up his pearly spunk before taking the head of his cock between his lips and sucking hard.

  The sub who stands now slowly thrusts into the lips of the one kneeling. His hips pump forward and back in a sensual rhythm. I rub my clit faster in response and plunge one, two fingers inside my pussy. Their erotic show makes me greedy for release, but now they have a hard time dividing their attention between pleasuring one another and watching me. I demand they focus on the show their giving me instead.

  A tongue slithers out and curls around the glistening shaft of my lover’s cock. My kneeling sub inches his lips farther down the other man’s penis, taking his time to torture even more. The standing man gets up on tiptoe and lets out a long moan that sounds half snarl. He drives his cock deep into the sub’s mouth and then pistons it in and out. After a handful of thrusts, he holds it deep inside, against the back of his lover’s throat. I watch as the kneeling man’s cheeks collapse and balloon while he gives this expert blow job.

  My fingers still work on my clit, still thrust inside my cunt, and I have a small but strong orgasm that leaves my pussy aching to have then inside me.


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