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Simply Heaven

Page 22

by Patricia Hagan

  A shot rang out.

  Raven saw that Julius was cornered. He had fired his one-shot derringer and missed, which only served to anger his intended victim, who had drawn his own gun, which was capable of firing several rounds. "I'll blow you to pieces, you bastard," the man yelled.

  In a flash, Raven bent to whip out the knife strapped to her ankle and in a streak of silver sent it whizzing across the room to pin the gunman's sleeve to the wall where he stood.

  His gun fell to the floor with a clatter as everyone gasped.

  Raven stooped to snatch a holstered gun from the man standing closest to her and fired toward the ceiling. "Just stay right where you are, all of you, and nobody gets hurt." She motioned to Julius. "Let's get out of here."

  He could only stare at her in wonder, unable to move.

  "I said let's go," she ordered sharply, "before I have to kill somebody."

  As soon as they were back in his private office, he opened a desk drawer and took out a bottle of whiskey. There was not much inside, only a good swallow. He had hoped Lucy would see fit to loan him a bottle of her home brew till he drew his next allowance, but she hadn't. This was all he had, but he figured he'd never need it more than he did at that minute.

  After draining it, he sent it crashing against the wall behind Raven and demanded, "Now tell me what in the hell you thought you were doing?"

  "Saving your life." She was surprised he was so upset. "But that's over now. I came to ask you to come home."

  "Never. Go away and leave me alone."

  "Not till you hear me out." She sat down, carefully pulling together the tattered front of her jacket. She made a mental note to take it off before she got back to Halcyon so no one would see it and want to know what happened. And she would make Joshua promise not to tell about any of it.

  "There's no need for things to be like this," she continued. "I know you have to work here because of the will, but you can come home on weekends. And you don't have to exist on that paltry allowance you were given. I'll see that you have more money. I just don't want you going in places like that, Julius. You could get killed. And I do want you to come home."

  "Get this straight," he said through clenched teeth. "I don't intend ever to go back to Halcyon as long as you are there, and I never want to see your face around here again. This is my company, or it will be one day. And you have humiliated me. The very idea"—he banged his fist on the desk for emphasis, making her jump—"of you going into that saloon and acting like a—" He couldn't say it. He was too mad to go on.

  "A savage?" She spoke in quiet hurt. "I suppose it did appear that way, didn't it? But when I was attacked I had no choice." She stood. It was no use. He hated her and always would. Nothing she could do would ever change that.

  Julius jumped to his feet. Her words had stung to the core, for in his eyes, she had denigrated his manhood. "You're saying I couldn't save us, aren't you?" He rushed around the desk . "Is that what you're saying, that I'm a weakling? That I don't know how to handle a gun? That I can't take care of you?"

  Sadly, she told him, "Julius, I hate to say it, but you can't even take care of yourself."

  Then she left, quietly closing the door on his anger.

  Chapter 23

  The instant she stepped off the ladder into the loft, Steve imprisoned her by gently tunneling his hands through her hair, holding her face close to his. Raven was helpless against the concentrated assault of his mouth, but nothing could have made her resist, for she wanted his kiss, this moment, with an urgency that would not be denied.

  She reveled in the slow glide of his tongue upon hers, lingering as he relished the sweet taste of her mouth. She clung to him as desperately as a drowning man and felt as though she were indeed sinking into a sea of endless desire, swept by infinite tides of fulfillment.

  Steve had been waiting for her, eager to take her in his arms and guide her quickly into the safety of his room. He was shirtless, and she thrilled to run her hands over his broad chest, boldly sliding her fingers downward to caress the swell there, proof of his desire.

  When they were both breathless from the kiss, he gently scolded, "You're one stubborn filly, Raven. Joshua told me he took you to Mobile today. I should have gone with you. It's not safe for a woman to travel alone around the waterfront. You need someone with you who's armed."

  She touched the tip of his nose and smiled. "But I was armed. And I don't need a man to take care of me, remember?"

  A shadow crossed his face. How well he knew she did not need him except for anything but the moment at hand, a reality that was needling him more and more as his feelings for her grew and deepened. "Yes, I remember," he said, fighting to keep the bitterness from his voice as he drew her to him almost roughly.

  Helpless, she was once more caught up in the heat of their encounter, even though her heart cried out in silent anguish to tell him he was wrong; she needed him in so many ways, most of all to share her whole life, not just a part of it. But she dared not speak, knowing she could not beg for more than he was willing to give.

  She helped him undress her and then lay back on the bed, unable to tear her eyes from him as he peeled his breeches down over hard, powerful thighs. Neither did she glance shyly away at the sight of his naked body, for she found it beautiful. Warmth coursing through her veins, she yielded to temptation and reached out to stroke the steely length of him.

  With a soft moan, he fell beside her. Feasting on her perfection, he said, "You are magnificent." Slowly, he outlined each of her breasts with a fingertip, marveling at their shape, delighting to feel how she shuddered at his touch. Her nipples begged to be tasted, and he dipped his head to devour them.

  A shiver ran through her as she closed her eyes and arched her neck, thrusting her breasts toward him in offering. She drank in the scent of his skin, and burrowed her face in his thick hair, luxuriating in its softness, still damp from his bath, as she traced the ridge of his brow and the line of his firm jaw downward to caress the corners of his mouth upon her breast.

  Her hands began to explore farther, wandering over the firm, tight flesh of his shoulders, thrilling at the ripple of muscles beneath her caress. On down his back she moved, feeling his silent gasp as she touched his hips, the hard molded buttocks that trembled in response to the teasing squeeze of her touch. Finally, she reached and gently massaged beneath his shaft.

  He could not hold back a ragged gasp as he retreated from her breasts to cover her mouth with his in a burning, bruising kiss. His hands began their own frenzied exploration of her body, diving to her thighs and between. He did not have to feel her moisture to know she was ready, but he wanted the glory to last as long as possible. He touched the nub of her desire, and she tore from his kiss to cry out in frenzy, "I want you now!"

  He laughed softly, deep in his throat. "No, my sweet. Not yet. I want this to last as long as possible."

  Her hand closed about him then. She felt him quiver and was delighted to give him such pleasure.

  With a soft growl, he raised up to roll her over on her stomach and began brushing his hot, moist lips over her back and hips. His tongue flicked and fluttered, burning her skin, evoking squeals of shock and joy as he licked her all the way to her ankles. Her toes curled, and pleasure became one long, slow moan that seemed to reach all the way from the very core of her womanhood deep between her legs.

  He skimmed all over, up and down her body, and just when she thought she could surely stand no more, he rolled her on her back again and, without warning, spread her thighs and dove between to devour her there.

  Raven felt the supreme ecstasy peaking and twisted her face to the pillow to burrow and muffle the frantic screams of rapture she could not hold back. Even when she had been taken to the highest zenith of passion fulfilled, he mercilessly did not relent in his assault but continued to make her soar wildly to a distant realm of enjoyment from which she prayed never to return.

  She was panting when he drew his face away and smiled drea
mily at him as he positioned himself between her. Slowly, by inches, he slid into her. As always, he was gentle, afraid of hurting her for he was so large. But wickedly, wantonly, she reached to cup his buttocks and pull him toward her in a hard thrust.

  "My God, Raven, what have you done to me!" he said tightly, hoarsely, his breath hot and moist against her neck as he began to push in and out of her.

  Her mouth was against his shoulder, her nails frantically digging into his moving hips. He rode her as if she were a wild stallion, high-spirited and determined to throw him, but he held tight and the race to the sun began.

  He raised up, stiffening his arms, wanting to see her lovely face, wet with perspiration and gleaming like liquid gold in the lantern's mellow light. He continued to roll his hips upon her, driving himself deep with each thrust. He was also sweating, brow dripping, jaws clenched, every muscle in his body rigid and fighting to hold back, for he refused to allow the magic to end.

  "Again," he commanded her. "Come again, my sweet, with me." And he began to roll himself about in her, making the fire in the tunnel of her passion burn ever brighter with each searing brush against her flesh.

  She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the boiling rage within. It grew harder, stronger, spreading from head to toes and back again, rippling over her gently at first, then building as though the heat of the sun had opened her up to sear her, and she clamped her legs about him tightly and squeezed with all her might.

  She felt the throbbing deep inside as his hot release filled her. And she knew, if only for one fleeting instant, that they were one, and she reveled in the knowledge and wished, with tears stinging her tightly closed eyes, that it could always be so.

  For a long time neither moved, and then Steve rolled to the side to lie on his back. She snuggled against him, her head on his shoulder, one arm across his broad chest. He cradled her to him, and after a time he fell asleep.

  But Raven could not sleep for thinking how much she loved him and dared not let him know. He had once told her he never wanted to take a wife. To admit her feelings might ruin everything.


  What was everything? Stolen hours of passion after she sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night, ever afraid someone would see her? Forever guarding against a tender look shared, fearing her cheeks would flame with the heat of an accidental touch, lest anyone notice and wonder and, God forbid, spread gossip that the mistress of Halcyon was having a torrid affair with her horse trainer? It would brand her a hussy, a whore.

  This existence was what she clung to as everything?

  If so, was it truly better than nothing at all?

  But what if Masson Leroux had been telling the truth and Steve was actually the father of Selena's baby? Could he secretly be sleeping with her also, dividing his insatiable passion?

  She bit back a sob to think how devastated she would be if she found that to be true, because he was the one and only reason she tried so hard to make Halcyon her home. It was so frustrating she often wished she had never decided to stay, but her love for Steve had made her want to keep trying, despite all obstacles.

  Now she knew she had to leave his side before she started to cry. She slipped out of bed, dressed quickly, and then, as always, kissed him lightly and silently mouthed her avowal of love.

  He made a soft murmuring sound and stirred. She hesitated, hoping he would not awaken. If so, he would want her to stay till just before the first gray and rose shadows of dawn. He would probably even want to make love to her again, and she would yield eagerly, as always, but that was not what she wanted now. She had to be alone to nurse her misery and convince herself to continue to be grateful for a part of him, for she could not bear the thought of having nothing.

  As she let herself out, quietly climbing down the ladder, she could not know that Steve was again caught in the throes of his own misery as he wrestled within himself while sleeping, tormented with fear over how he was starting to care for her too much.

  * * *

  Lisbeth crouched in a corner of the stable, waiting for Raven to come down the ladder. It was late, but she was too mad to care. Neither was she sleepy. Her anger was all she needed to fuel her energy and keep her awake.

  She had been watching from the veranda when Raven left the house, but by the time she could get downstairs and trail after her, Raven was already in the stable and had crawled up to the loft.

  So Lisbeth had settled down to wait and find out if Selena would send for Steve during the night. After all, it was only logical to expect Masson to be so angry over Raven's ultimatum that he would throw caution to the wind and really get rip-roaring drunk. Lisbeth needed to know if that happened, needed to know if he might be anywhere around Selena's cabin.

  Because Lisbeth intended to pay Selena a visit this night and did not want anyone to see her when she did.

  She was alerted by the sound of wood creaking. Peeking out from behind a bale of hay, she saw Raven climbing down the ladder and felt a rush of fury to think how coldly Steve had spurned her but could warmly welcome another.

  She made sure Raven was back inside the house before skirting around to where she had earlier left a small lantern hidden in the bushes. Lighting it, she hurried down the well-worn path leading to the rows of whitewashed slave cabins a half mile or so away.

  She had managed to find out, without arousing suspicion, that Selena was staying in the last cabin on the end, beside a creek feeding from the river. It was a squat, square structure, one of the earlier ones built by Ned's grandfather.

  The door was open and soft candlelight fell on Selena, as she sat in a chair next to the bed, nursing her baby.

  Lisbeth could not help but be moved by the tender scene, and for an instant she hesitated. Deep down, she hated what she was about to do but saw no other way.

  "Who's there?" Selena called out as the lantern Lisbeth carried flooded the room with light. Then, seeing who it was, alarm yielded to surprise. "Miss Lisbeth. What are you doing here this time of night?"

  Stepping inside, Lisbeth glanced about at the meager furnishings: a wood-frame bed with pine straw poking through holes in the sagging mattress, another chair that looked as though it was about to collapse, a three-legged table propped against a wall, and a tiny box being used as a crib for the baby. The floor was dirt.

  She had never been inside any of the cabins and never knew how dismal they were.

  Selena could tell by her expression what she was thinking and said brightly, "Miss Raven says when picking season is over, she's going to put the men to work on the cabins. There'll be glass windows and good doors. Plank floors. She says she might even build new ones. I think Master Ned always wanted to but never got around to it."

  "I wanted to see your baby." Lisbeth stepped closer and held up the lantern. She couldn't see any real resemblance to Steve in the infant but told herself that didn't mean anything.

  Instinctively, Selena gathered the child closer. "Why?" she asked nervously, adding, "Her name is Amanda."

  "I just wondered what Steve Maddox's daughter looked like."

  Chills raced up and down Selena's spine. "She isn't his. Who told you such a lie?"

  "Your father."

  "Well, it's not so. He thinks that because Steve is my friend. That's all it is, I swear it."

  "Then who is the real father?"

  Selena lifted her chin. "That's nobody's business but mine." Only Steve knew that it was actually Luther Bendale who had gotten her pregnant. She knew she'd made a terrible mistake, but nothing could undo it, and it had been best to bury her secret with Luther.

  The baby had fallen asleep, and Selena got up and tucked her into the box cradle. "I can't understand your coming here to ask me something like that anyway. Why do you care? And what are you doing talking to my pa about me? I'm not bothering anybody. I earn my keep. Pa said I've got to start back in the fields tomorrow, and I'm not arguing. I know I've got it to do. But I don't need to be kept up talking abo
ut foolish things when I need my rest, so if you'd leave I'd appreciate it."

  "Why did you send for Steve to be with you when you were giving birth? Didn't he sit beside you and hold your hand just like an expectant father?"

  Selena was getting mad and fighting tears. "You've no right to say things like that when you don't know what you're talking about. I sent for Steve because my pa was making trouble and I was afraid he'd hurt me or my baby. Steve brought me here and stayed to make sure Pa didn't bother me. And I've told Pa over and over, Steve isn't responsible. Pa shouldn't have told you he was."

  "Actually, he didn't tell me, he told Raven."

  Selena's eyes went wide. "Why would Pa do that?"

  Lisbeth did not mince words. "Because she's tired of you interrupting her lovemaking with Steve when you send for him to come chase your father off when he's drunk."

  Selena's mouth fell open, and for a few seconds she could not speak. "Why... why, I don't know what you mean."

  Lisbeth managed a tight smile. "It's simple. Raven and Steve are lovers. And your father gets drunk and bothers you, and you send for Steve. Raven is in bed with him, and he has to get up and leave her, and she's tired of it. But she couldn't tell you that, of course, so she called in your father this morning to chastise him for his drinking. She told him if it didn't stop she'd have to let him go."

  "Oh, no." Selena sank to the bed. "That means my whole family would have to move. And I couldn't go with them; Pa wouldn't let me move back in with them now if I wanted to, which I don't. I'd be afraid he'd hurt me or the baby. He can be terribly mean when he's drunk."

  Lisbeth sat down next to her and feigned sympathy. "I can understand your concern, but there's an answer to all of this. All you have to do is agree to my little plan."

  Selena felt apprehension creeping. "What are you talking about?"

  "It's really quite simple. All you have to do is go to Raven and tell her that Steve really is your baby's father, and—"


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