Orion's Children

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Orion's Children Page 11

by Rohan Moorthy


  The Triadians

  Naro Continent

  Toby watched the desert plains as the aircraft he was in cruised along the western part of the island continent of Naro, about 9,000 kilometres southward of Alita Island. He along with Buziba Chidi and eight other men sat silently. After a few minutes of admiring the various sand dunes, he tapped the arm of this seat twice and then reached for his phone. After several rings, he heard the voice of one of his security team personnel and was promptly told that no sign of John Stroff had been found as yet. Toby slammed his phone shut and grinded his teeth. “Walked off the face of the world has he?” he thought to himself. He then noticed that they had reached the coast and felt the aircraft veer to its left as it passed over the sandy beach below. After several minutes, the aircraft dived downward and splashed into the ocean. After a brief pause the outside lights flashed on and the aircraft lurched forward and down towards the ocean floor. At a depth of about 5,000 feet, the plane navigated above an underwater road way for about 20 minutes before glowing lights could be seen in the distance. As they came closer they could make out the outline of the massive dome structure, which housed the Triadians city of Sloshtro.

  Toby always enjoyed coming here, but today was extra special, as the final part of Project Independent would be ready. As they approached the dome, a large opening appeared and their aircraft passed through it into a city bustling with activity. They flew over a series of building structures and towards a massive Mayan-like pyramid that sat at the centre of the metropolis. The aircraft landed next to one of the open strips by its side. The team descended and were greeted by several Triadian guards, who bore a strong resemblance to the Assiross except for their skin tone. At the base of the stairway, a light shone from above and soon the group found themselves teleported into the main chamber that housed the Triadians council. The beings present in the room, consisted of both men and women, who wore large multi-coloured robes, with a prominent serpent design in the centre. The council members were seated in chairs that were about eight feet higher than where the two of them stood. Toby and Buziba waited at the head of a table, while their personnel stood to one side. The room had a large green fire burning in a cauldron towards their right. Above it were placed large statues of several prominent Triadian leaders. The entire room was circular with two doorways at each end, where one allowed guest to enter and the other led to the control centre of Sloshtro.

  The sound of a gong echoed through the room and everyone stood up, casting their eyes upon the gold laden door of the control centre. It soon opened and there appeared one of the most powerful and fearless Generals in Triadian history, Menax Ulrox. He walked in ever so silently and seated himself in a chair facing Toby and Buziba. Menax, was a legend amongst his kind, for his heroic work of building up the Triadian army and spearheading the annihilation of the Oakors. Further to his credit, was his covert operations in establishing secret bases on Assiross governed planets. The city of Sloshtro’s construction and continued secrecy had been attributed to him as a military master stroke. In addition to all of this, his military acumen had allowed Triadian movement to take place across the planet without any detection so far, with exception being the animals that lived on Greenleaf, whose eyes turned blue at night owing to their presence.

  Menax gestured to everyone to be seated and smiled as he cast his eyes on Toby and Buziba. “Well, my friends, to what do I owe the honour of your visit here today, besides collecting the final piece of the puzzle?” he asked. “I salute you, wise Menax. We are here to report of certain activities that we would need your counsel on,” said Toby. “Yes, proceed,” said Menax. “As you are aware from what we shared last night, John Stroff’s helicopter was struck down by us, as he ventured too close to the edge of the fly zone. But, more importantly, we were disturbed by the light that drew his curiosity in the first place. Commander Chidi feels that the light was created by the Assiross. If so, we wish to know what its purpose was, as we have never seen this type of activity before,” said Toby. He added “Aside from that, it is most surprising that Stroff survived the crash. Our suspicion is that the Assiross may have saved him with one of their force fields and possibly taken him to Roonbranook. We, therefore, wish to know if we should pursue him there.”

  Menax thought for a moment and then pulling a small bag from his side, cast several stones on the table in front of him. A purple glow rose up and formed into a small reddish cloud of smoke. “Hmm, no, do not go to Roonbranook right now. If Stroff returns do not pressurise him about where he has been. He’s very much alive, and from the looks of things, in quite an agitated state. Given that he’s an Earth human it is safe to assume that members from your own council have taken him to Roonbranook, where he has learnt of humanities secrets. Let him give you the story he feels that he must. The important thing is, for his team and him to complete their mission and then head back to Earth. For we must not draw any attention to ourselves or your own New World Legionnaire members,” said Menax. He added a couple of extra stone on the table and continued, “President Anderson suspects something, which is why even he has been very cautious in his movements. For now let him believe that all of Greenleaf stands with him and the Assiross. But when the Earth ship is close to its home planet that is when, as you know, we will strike. Concentrate on everything as we have agreed and have your team ready. The planet Earth will finally pay for their sins and all of you, my dear friends, will join us in the new order we have in store. As for the Assiross, the light which attracted John Stroff in the first place, was emitted by a sacred ritual, which is used to call forth protective spirits. This is being done because as we have recently learnt, the Assiross are beginning to suspect our presence on this planet. There is nothing to worry about for now but know this that anyone who has become a traitor to our cause has suffered dearly for it,” said Menax, his eyes blazing red.

  Toby and Buziba nodded their heads and stood very still feeling a sweat break at the back of their necks. “Oh, and one more thing. You will be interested to know that both the Flaleem’s and the Novong’s will be released from their icy prison in a few months. It has been decided by the Astra Regime,” said Menax as he smiled. Both Toby and Buziba froze upon hearing those names. Buziba spoke softly, “My dearest Menax, that is good news but my only question to you is…” “Can they be trusted not to exterminate all humans?” “Yes, my old friend, they can be. Remember, you always have our protection,” said Menax. Toby and Buziba nodded and walked backwards while bowing their heads. They then turned slowly and passed through the guest door and stopped in the hall. They along with their team were teleported next to the base of the pyramid once again.

  Menax watched the plane fly off by one of the windows. He turned back and looked at his council. “That’s the thing about human beings. They trust far too easily!” he said. Several council members laughed.


  The Return

  Sertius Ocean

  John stared out of the window as the chopper he was in, flew steadily over the Sertius Ocean. It was late evening and he watched the clouds on the horizon melt into each other and create an exotic canvas of blue and red shapes across the sky. He sighed, thinking back on his meeting with the Assiross. “How much has changed,” he thought. “I came here looking to help planet Earth and didn’t realise that my mission would, in fact, be so much different,” he reflected. “I hope that I can carry it out correctly,” he said to himself. Guessing what he was referring to, Kenneth who was seated next to John, addressed him and said “You can John. Have no doubt about that.” John smiled and said, “Thank you, Mr. President, but I am still rattled with all that I have learnt today.” “I know it’s hard, but everything happens for a reason. Now try to focus on other things,” said Kenneth as he turned towards General Ansari sitting behind him. “I think it would be good, Khalid, if you could run us through the story John needs to share with his team, as well as with Toby and his men when we land at the
Halo Airbase,” he said. “Of course, sir,” replied General Ansari. He tapped the seat belt off and moved to stand next to both John and Kenneth.

  “So, John remember, after your chopper crashed you were without any communication equipment or guidance devices. You made your way to the top of the hill range, where you then discovered you were being pursued by a Tiger. Hence, you climbed down onto the ledge and from there down the hillside to the bottom using the safety harness in your pack. Upon reaching the ground, you then proceeded to move along the coastline of the lake below where you hid in the trees for a while, for safety. Upon evening approaching, you came down and headed back towards what you guessed was the direction of the Estavo ridge. That is when our rescue team found you. In addition, we will be making it known to the Greenleaf authorities, and which can be corroborated, is that owing to the weather conditions in the area our satellite signals were unable to trace you,” said Khalid. “Great. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, Khalid,” said John. Khalid smiled and returned to his seat.

  “And remember that I met with you near the coastline of Dorenland, from where we flew back together,” said Kenneth. “Point noted. But aside from all of that Mr. President, there are some things that I really cannot accept,” said John throwing his hands up. Kenneth waited patiently to continue. “I mean would the people on Greenleaf really turn against the Assiross?” asked John. “It is so, John. Quite a large section of humanity betrayed the Assiross and Oakors many centuries ago. It’s possible for something like that to happen again,” said Kenneth. John nodded and looked out of the window once more.

  After a few miles of ocean, he soon saw the coastline of Alita Island, where the first sight to greet him was the titanic statue just outside of Axedon’s harbour. It reminded him in many ways of the Statue of Liberty, at New York City. Though Axedon’s one was several feet larger and more intricately decorated. It depicted a soldier with a large flowing beard, wearing roman type armour and holding a shield ahead of him with his left hand and a very peculiar spear-type object in his right, which was pointed out toward the sea. The posture was that of a being charging against an unseen enemy. “That statue is in memory of the Assiross, General Phabian. He was one of the key leaders who led the resistance forces when Veeronia was attacked. His valour and courage have been a hallmark of glory among the Assiross as well as many of us. A very brave soul indeed,” said Kenneth. He paused and added “If you must know he was Gyordina’s father.” John stared back in surprise. “I’d also add here John that the Statue of Liberty outside New York City, why do you think it’s designed so?” asked Kenneth. “Well as a physical testament for truth, justice and liberty,” said John. “Right you are but in addition to what you just said, it is designed the way it is with an extra purpose. And by that I mean that the torch it holds is meant to serve as a form of remembrance for all the righteous ones who passed away with the fall of Veeronia. Plus, let me mention this as well that the name Atlantic is a word from the Assiross’ language, which translates to being in memory of the wise and great,” added Kenneth.

  The chopper passed the statue of Phabian and crossed into the marina bay area of Axedon. Gesturing back towards the statue they could still see in the opposite window, Kenneth said, “To all outsiders, we just say that it is a tribute to Earth mythology. That’s all they need to know, at least for now.”

  Halo Airbase

  The full moon from the night before had vanished leaving only the stars to brighten the sky. The air was cool and Toby lit a cigarette while watching his men at work. He smiled as the team moved with extreme stealth and loaded the final set of boxes into the identified compartments on board Wildlife One. The Halo Airbase had been cleared of all personnel for the evening, under the guise that a special police training exercise had to be conducted. His watch beeped at the stroke of midnight and Toby gazed around the damp tarmac. A small air pod appeared before him and he saw Buziba’s face on the screen projected. “I trust all is well, Toby?” asked Buziba. “Yes, commander. The final parts are being put in as we speak. With Stroff back, I have learnt that the team is considering leaving Greenleaf in about a week’s time. That places them reaching Earth by late August, this year,” said Toby. “Ah, how ironic that that period coincides with the fall of Veeronia, does it not?” said Buziba. “Indeed, it does commander. I couldn’t be happier,” said Toby smiling. “Well, you finish your work now. We have an interesting time ahead of us,” said Buziba as the image switched off. Toby heard the squawking of bats from somewhere in the dark and casting a quick glance to see where it came from he headed towards the entrance of Wildlife One to speak with his team.



  Twin Sunset Resort

  The audience watched intently as he concluded his speech. “….And so, we wish you safe travels for your journey and hope that you will return as our guests once again.” said Kenneth as he raised a toast to Team Air Hawk. The farewell dinner being hosted for the team was at the lavishly decorated banquet hall, located at the Twin Sunset resort on the Riverdale hill, which overlooked a sizeable portion of Axedon city. The view was spectacular as the 30 foot glass windows spanned across the entire length of the south wall and offered visitors an uninterrupted panoramic observation of the valley below. All of Axedon’s government officials were present as well as several prominent business and social glitterati members.

  John stood up next and thanked everyone for their hospitality and support. He then proceeded to speak about his hopes for the positive re-introduction of the wildlife species on Earth, which they were taking back with them. The Air Hawk team were looking their absolute best and were all accounted for, except Nigel who had snuck off with Carmen to the open gardens outside. John pretended that he had not noticed. The past week since his return and the final wrapping up of details for the trip back home, had taken their toll on his health. He looked pale. But what weighed most on him, was the safe transportation of the box given to him by the Assiross. Hiding it from the team had not been easy, but General Ansari had ensured that it was safely stored away on Wildlife One without any problem.

  “So, please know that to all of you and to God, who gave us another chance to make things right, I say that I will be forever grateful,” said John as he raised his glass of champagne. There was a minute of applause and John looked at the media screens that flashed with images being relayed from Earth, where happy crowds of people cheered, knowing that their world would soon be made whole again.

  Outside the breeze was wonderfully cool and Nigel stopped to gaze over the city below. “You sure your boss won’t be too mad with us?” said Carmen. “Nah! Not at all gorgeous. Johnny boy knows where my heart is. Besides we’ve only been gone a few minutes I’m sure they won’t miss us just yet,” said Nigel. He leaned over to kiss her and pulled her near to him. “Nigel please don’t go. These past few months with you have been the best I’ve had. I can’t imagine us not being together,” said Carmen. “Ah! Darling in that case you’ll be pleased to know that I had thought the same thing and I plan to make my case tomorrow to John that I’m staying back here on Greenleaf and with you,” he replied. Carmen pushed away slightly and a bright smile spread across her face. “You mean that? You’re staying?” she said. “You better believe it love,” said Nigel with a wink. “But you leave in two days, how will we get the approvals done in time?” said Carmen. “Ah don’t you worry love. I’ll find a way to sort that out,” said Nigel as he leaned in to kiss her again. “Oh you think it’s that easy do you? You’ll have to catch me first,” said Carmen as she pushed away and ran towards the trees behind them laughing. “Oye! What are you on about there? Come back here,” said Nigel chuckling to himself and he plodded along towards the trees, where he saw her run towards.

  As there were no lights beyond the garden area, the tree cover was virtually black. “Ah come on Carmen. Don’t do this! Come out from where you’re hiding,” said Nigel as he smiled and looked around. He called her name again a
nd as he did not get a response, he walked around checking behind several trees to see where she could be hiding. “Darling come on let’s not waste any time….” said Nigel barely finishing that sentence. He was knocked face down onto the ground after being hit hard from behind. His vision blurred and he stretched his hand forward to try and push himself up. Once again he felt the sharp hit at the back of his head and fell unconscious. Toby Mackinrow stood over him and pushed his foot against Nigel’s ribs to make sure he was out. “Alright get this one back to the lab and have Carmen brought there as well,” said Toby. A few police officers picked Nigel up and carried him to their squad car. They placed him in the back seat next to Carmen, who had been shot with a tranquilizer dart. As he watched them take Nigel away, Toby turned to look at the man standing next to him in a suit. “You know what to do don’t you Mr. Greenback,” asked Toby. “Rightly I do sir,” replied the man. “Be on your way then,” said Toby as he watched the clone of Nigel walk back towards the banquet hall. He waited a moment and then walked back through the trees towards the parking lot. Upon reaching the cruiser, he pulled open the front door and sat down. Toby nodded to the driver to start the engine and glanced back at his two prisoners. “Disgusting when a sister of the native land wants to breed with a low-life Earth human,” he said out loud. His driver smiled and steered out of the parking lot followed by another cruiser.


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