Book Read Free

Orion's Children

Page 17

by Rohan Moorthy


  Day Of Judgement

  Himalayan Mountain Range

  Hilos stood at one of the ledges protruding from the mountain and watched as the five Oakorin spacecraft swooped over the distant peaks and descended to the valley in front of him. They grew larger with each passing second and he observed how silently they glided over the tops of the trees before finally slowing down and coming to a stop at the base of the mountain housing the Guardian of Symoor’s headquarters. The early morning sun gleamed against their massive outer skins and Hilos noted that they each had rays of blue light that flowed across their exteriors at regular intervals. It had been a week since, Derek had awoken them and Hilos recalled his first conversation with Ferox. In spite of knowing all about them, he was still amazed at how awe inspiring these beings were and understood why humans in ancient times looked up to them as Gods. “Shall we proceed your excellence?” asked the sentry standing near to him. He nodded and followed the sentry back through the stone archway and onto a transport pod located near a stairwell. It lifted up and sped through the open air over a bustling mini-metropolis below. The Symoor headquarters was an engineering marvel unparalleled by any other city from across the world. The housing and commercial units were beautifully designed and were powered by a combination of solar power and wind energy. The transport pod flew straight pass an elaborate aircraft hangar and towards a higher platform on the opposite side. Hilos descended and walked up several steps before reaching a large hallway, which led to the Court of Symoor. He was surrounded by five security personnel, who escorted him as he walked to his destination. Two large Oak doors swung open and there he witnessed the sight he had longed to see. In the middle of the elaborately decorated court stood the 15 remaining Oakors with Ferox standing at the front. Ferox himself was busy reading the inscriptions carved on polished black granite slabs, located on one side and which extended from the floor to the high ceiling. The inscriptions embossed on them detailed the history of the Guardians of Symoor.

  Everyone in the court arose when Hilos entered and watched as he walked straight up to Ferox. He bowed and the two first greeted each other in Halfecki. After which, Hilos then spoke again but in English this time. “I trust I can begin by filling you in about what has happened so far?” said Hilos gesturing to several giant hover chairs that appeared behind the group of Oakors. “We had those specially made for your impending arrival,” said Hilos with a smile. “And indeed I thank you Hilos Kalibra,” said Ferox. He then spoke to his crew and asked them to take their seats. Hilos waited till they were seated and then turned to his left to occupy his position at the high table, which overlooked the giant assembly. A series of pods circled the room translating his words for various members seated across the assembly. Derek and Victoria sat in one of the balconies to better observe the proceedings.

  Hilos elaborated on some key events that included the rebuilding of human civilisation post the worldwide flood, the discovery of Greenleaf, the sad demise of the Assiross, the recent terrorist threat to Earth made by the New World Legionnaires and the retrieval of the Agovon crystal. All the while none of the Oakors stirred or raised their voices as each revelation was placed in front of them. Hilos proceeded to touch upon Wildlife One and the role John Stroff and his team had played. Hilos finally then added that the Guardians of Symoor had been successful in reactivating the Kaivoo and that it was ready for the final phase, which was to deploy the protective shield around the Earth. He then asked Ferox to share his thoughts on what should be the plan of action to bring the Triadians to justice as well as restore order on Greenleaf. Ferox rose and bowed to Hilos. He turned to face the assembly and was about to speak when he suddenly stopped and appeared to be frozen in his posture. He then leaned carefully towards his left and then to his right. Finally he spoke. “My friends, we have a guest here with us,” he said pointing to the space above himself. There were slight murmurs in the crowd and then a giant holographic face appeared above the entire assembly. “Greetings my friends. I Amanora wish to say hello to all of you,” said the hologram, which was met with a number of gasps and whispers amongst the members of the assembly.

  “My congratulations to all of you, Guardians of Symoor. You have done well for the past many centuries and done some noble work I must say. And to you my old friend Ferox it is good to see that you are well again and out from wherever it is that you were hiding,” said Amanora. Ferox kept a very straight face and said nothing. “Are you all surprised? Well you should be. All these years and there have been so many, have not been easy at all. But in the end I have reached the conclusion of my master plan. And I think it is only fair that all of you, the so called protectors of humanity, know the truth about what is about to happen,” said Amanora grinning wickedly. He continued, “You see centuries ago I discovered that near the core of this planet there lies the highest and richest concentration of Agovon crystals ever to be found anywhere in this galaxy. But I knew that I couldn’t mine it because to do so would mean killing off the life force of the Earth and for certain the Assiross and Oakors would have stopped me. So, I worked carefully to engineer a series of circumstances that would lead to the Great War. The only drawback was the interference by the Universal Astra Regime. But no more matter, sometimes you have to give a bit of time in order to achieve a grander dream.”

  The room lay silent and Ferox finally spoke up. “You faked your death before the Great War Amanora, I confess I’m still puzzled by that,” he said. “Oh that was just for me to have some fun with but also so that no one would suspect exactly what I was up to. But owing the Astra Regimes interventions not once but twice on this planet I have had to bid my time and slowly and carefully put in place the final parts needed to obtain what I have sought and waited for, for so long. So now I can tell you this Ferox. This Earth will be no more and is set to explode within the next 30 minutes. This my friends is your day of judgement and I command all of you to hell,” said Amanora as the people across the court gasped in horror. “I have taken care of your Kaivoo satellite after I noticed it had been activated again and once more I’d like to thank you for that. The crystal within it was the last piece that I needed in order to crack this planet open and extract what I desire. So essentially you just handed me the opportunity I needed to destroy all of you,” said Amanora. “You may try to save as many as you can but remember the clock is ticking. As far as my main followers go, I instructed them to leave this planet a few days ago, which they did. They are headed to the world of Greenleaf and will soon be safe with my people. Having proven their loyalty to me I chose my elite team, who will continue to work with those on that new world. As for all of you I wish you well,” he added and then the image disappeared completely.

  An eruption of voices spread across the court as many rose up from their chairs to leave, with several lying frozen in a state of shock. They then fell silent as they heard a peculiar noise. Everyone turned to realize that Ferox made that sound and saw that he raised his right hand up high to indicate that they should retake their seats. Slowly everyone sat down again and watched him intently. “My friends, I need you to focus very carefully. Everyone here will be transported immediately on to our ships so please do be rest assured that you will all be safe. The second thing is that a part of my team will try and see if they can locate and deactivate the device Amanora has created. And third, having spent the past few days in our Great Hall of Records, we have learnt many things including who are some of the key people on Earth. We will work to save them as well and their families if possible,” said Ferox. He then nodded to one of his crew members and within a flash, the court and the rest of population at the Symoor headquarters found themselves on board one of the ships. Hilos saw that he was at placed at the bridge and was stationed next to Ferox. “This is insane. Is there anything we can do?” “For now this is all we can my friend. I feel so foolish not knowing how Amanora played this entire game,” said Ferox. He then spoke into a side panel to communicate with an
other of his ships. “Stimu take your ship and try and locate where the device or devices are placed on the Earth,” said Ferox. Hilos saw through the giant windshield as the fifth ship departed, while the remaining four headed out across the world on their rescue mission.

  Oakorian Spacecraft

  Within 10 minutes, news reports began to flash on television monitors and billboards screens around the world showing that important TASNSA, United Nation and Government personnel were going missing as well as spiritual healers and prominent citizens. The four ships then ascended into the skies and Hilos saw the inky blackness of space spread across the windshield. “Have you been able to locate the device?” Ferox asked. “Your highness, it isn’t just a bomb of sorts. It is a colossal machine with extensive piping that is spread across the entire planet just below the continental crust. Obviously this has been put in place over many centuries with the clear intent that if it was found it couldn’t be disarmed or dismantled. I am deeply sorry but there is nothing we can do to stop it,” said Stimu. Ferox cast his eyes down and sighed heavily. “I thank you Stimu. Return with your ship and crew and meet us on the flight path towards Greenleaf,” said Ferox. “What about the other Earth colonies in this solar system your highness. Can’t we go there?” said Hilos. “I’m afraid not. The radiation will destroy those colonies as well. If Amanora is using the crystal then the impact will be severe,” said Ferox. He paused and then spoke again, “It’s perplexing how Amanora managed to bypass the Endanmo and the Astra Regime and have this put in place. But no more thought for that now. As hard as it may sound, we should accept that Earth’s time in the universe has come to a close,” said Ferox. Hilos stared at him silently. “I’m sorry my friend. But be strong. I will need your help in the journey ahead,” said Ferox.

  Below the deck of all five ships, terrified people hugged each other and wondered what was happening to them. After his short discourse with Hilos, Ferox switched on his monitors and projected his image into the hull of all five ships, so all of Earth’s rescued people could see him. “People of Earth. My name is Kina Ferox, the current Oakorian king. My race existed and lived in the constellation of Orion. For many of you, you will not know who I am or my race is. But know this that are many among you, who do and know that I am your friend. I wish you no harm. You are all gathered here because tragically as you must know, Earth is going to be destroyed in another five minutes. I apologies for the shock this will have on all of you but it is true. This is a rescue mission. I wish I could have something better to tell you or more so that this coming catastrophe could be avoided. But it cannot be. We are instead bound to the planet you call Greenleaf, which will be treated as your new home. Do not fear or worry about the New World Legionnaires. We will ensure that they are brought to justice and all of you are well taken care of. Be at peace my children,” said Ferox. The image went off and in each ship hundreds of people screamed and cried and stayed close to each other. Many despaired as the people whom they cared about or knew were not with them. But there was nothing anyone could have done to change the course of this tragedy.

  John huddled closely with his wife and son as he stared in disbelief at the scene around him. He saw Ali nearby consoling his mother and Raveena hugging both her children with her husband. He felt the weight of this predicament press at his heart. Thoughts of Gyordina and her kind flashed in his mind and he wondered if even Greenleaf was in any way a safe harbour for his family and the people around them. The loud echo of lamenting voices, soon brought tears to John’s eyes. He turned and kissed his son’s forehead, while softly reciting a prayer for their and everyone else’s protection.

  Derek stared out of one of the ships windows and saw the Earth disappear from view. All he could see then were a millions stars and meteor showers in the distance. In all his life, he never once thought that he would be witnessing the end of the world. Rather he always felt that the Guardians of Symoor would be able to triumph in the end and return the world to a higher plain of spiritual existence. Now all of that had come to an end. He thought back on his family and places he visited and his induction into the Guardians of Symoor. He could hear his father’s voice telling him to be strong. As those thoughts raced across his mind, in the distance he saw it. A small orange glow, which signalled the end of the Earth. He hit his hand against the side panel while gritting his teeth. He watched the glow change colour to a dark red and finally he decided to turn away with a feeling of utter disgust churning in his gut.


  Part V

  The Aftermath

  The New Human Order

  Greenleaf Northward Prison Facility

  Toby Mackinrow stormed through one of the hallways of the prison facility. He stopped in front of an elevator and kept jabbing the button for the doors to open. He then barked some additional orders to the men, whom he was with and impatiently pulled the doors aside as they started to open. Toby jumped in quickly and banged the palm of his hand against the visual display. The elevator soon descended and stopped a few floors below. Toby headed straight for the cell, which was meant to be housing Nigel. “Open it up!” he shouted. The guard opened it and Toby shoved him aside. He had a quick look around the cell and stepped out again. “Damn it! I want a complete check on who it was that let him out and who it was that got him out of here is that clear!” said Toby furiously. “Yes sir!” said one of the guards. Toby felt his armlet vibrate and he tapped it to receive an incoming call from Buziba. “Where are you Toby?” asked Buziba. “I’m at the prison facility. I found out this morning that Nigel Greenback has escaped from here. I’m unsure who let him out but once I do they’ll be sorry for sure. And what’s worse is that Carmen also escaped as well. We’ve been so busy planning for our campaign that I hadn’t checked in on the two of them for a while and...” said Toby as Buziba cut him off. “Enough Toby. It is alright. They are of no consequence now. I need you to get back to the Temple of the Sun immediately. There is something that has just occurred, which you need to know,” said Buziba. “Yes I’ll be there immediately,” said Toby. He gestured to one of his men and asked to get his car ready.

  Temple of the Sun

  “Well I’m here as you asked,” said Toby as he walked into the Presidential cabin. Buziba stood by the window holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. “Ah good, do take a seat will you,” he said, while pointing towards a chair near him. “You will be pleased to know this. Actually there are two things here. I received word and viewed the images a while ago…Earth has been destroyed by Amanora,” said Buziba. “What you can’t be serious!” exclaimed Toby. A huge smile burst across his face. “I am very serious. More importantly, the Black Knight spaceship will be arriving by the end of this week, so we must prepare to receive them. Also, Amanora’s people informed me that Oakors made their escape from Earth along with a few hundred people. So it is not by any stretch of the imagination that they are going to be coming here,” said Buziba. Toby immediately frowned. “Well I guess we’ll have to get the army and our air force ready then shan’t we?” he said. “We will but tell me, have all the citizens of Greenleaf been restored their rights and is life going smoothly like before?” asked Buziba. “Oh yes, everything is working fine…though there is the small issue with Kenneth Anderson. When can I give the order for his execution?” asked Toby. Buziba stared back at him, which made Toby feel a slight shiver run down his spine. “You will do no such thing. Former President Anderson is still to be treated with respect and dignity. Whatever his affiliations were, he is still a great man who did a tremendous amount for the people of Greenleaf. I for one still respect him,” said Buziba as he moved away from the window and walked towards his desk. “Leave him be at his home. He is under house arrest and that should suffice for now,” he added. Buziba then flipped through a few documents and tapped at his armlet. “You’ve done extremely well Toby, which is why I am promoting you to take my earlier position as Commander-In-Chief of Greenleaf's military,” said Buziba as he began to scrawl s
omething down on the paper in front of him. Toby’s eyes lit up. “Oh thank you very much. This is indeed an honour!” he exclaimed. “I am glad for you Toby. Now you’re first order of business is to find General Ansari and his treacherous bunch,” said Buziba.


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