by Tom Fletcher
Chapter 17
1. See Lucy Parker and Jon Miller, Everybody’s Business (2013), for their take on the eleven conversations people are having globally.
2. Pew Research Center, 2013.
3. The Canadian government established the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) in September 2000 in response to Kofi Annan’s idea.
4. Speech at The Hague Institute for Global Justice, 14 November 2013.
5. The Economist, 16 September 1999.
6. Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy (1994).
7. See Chris Patten, What Next? Surviving the Twenty-First Century (2008).
8. Global Annual Wealth Report, Credit Suisse, 2014.
9. Save the Children.
10. Deloitte, ‘Value of Connectivity’, February 2014.
Chapter 18
1. Harold Nicolson, On Diplomacy (1961).
2. For more on this, see Peter Singer, The Life You Can Save (2009).
3. Despite what Norman Angell argued in The Great Illusion (1909).
4. Or as Harvard’s Dan Gilbert put it at TED 2014, ‘Human beings are works in progress who mistakenly think they’re finished.’
5. See Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget (2010) for the case for us to fight against the danger that we are defined by our technology: we must ‘avoid reducing people to mere devices. The best way to do that is to believe that the gadgets I can provide are inert tools and are only useful because people have the magical ability to communicate meaning through them.’
1. See Matthew Parris and Andrew Bryson’s entertaining Parting Shots (2010) for a selection of the best.
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Abrahams, Harold, 19–20
Ackland, Anthony, 92
Adams, Gerry, 97, 173
Adams, John Quincy, 58
Afghanistan, 135, 217, 252–4
African Union, 259
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 75
Al Jazeera, 231
al-Qaeda, 7, 124, 127, 233
Alexander the Great, 225, 271
Alexander I, Tsar, 51
Alphand, Hervé, 97
‘ambassador’ (the word), 32
Ambassadors, 90
American Revolution, 31
Amos, Valerie, 70
Anholt, Simon, 139
An-Nahar, 137
Annan, Kofi, 97, 255, 257
Annual Register, 42
Arab Cultural Renaissance, 186
Arab League, 259
Arab Spring, 112, 134, 143, 165, 182, 229–32
Arafat, Yasser, 133
Araud, Gérard, 81
Argentina, 136, 177
Arghun, Prince, 29
Aristotle, 271–2
Ascent of Man, The, 274
Ashton, Baroness Caroline, 235
al-Assad, Bashar, 17, 133
al-Assad, Hafez, 133–4
Assange, Julian, 16, 120, 123
Atcherson, Lucile, 67
Attila the Hun, 170
Balfour, Arthur, 142, 193
Ball, James, 130
Bangladesh, 218
Barlow, John Perry, 131
battleships, 58
BBC World Service, 141, 144, 195
Begin, Menachem, 173
Berlin Wall, fall of, 69
Berlusconi, Silvio, 70, 99
Berners-Lee, Sir Tim, 31, 129, 131
Bertie, Lord, 145
Besika Bay, 48
big data, 16, 110–13, 119, 130, 161, 247
Bildt, Carl, 78, 80
Bin Laden, Osama, 7, 112
Bismarck, Count Otto von, 57, 145
Blair, Tony, 4, 7, 67, 71, 96, 170, 173, 193
Blatter, Sepp, 221
Bletchley Park, 68, 115, 119
Bloody Sunday inquiry, 169, 175
Bloomberg, Michael, 224
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 32
Bonaparte, Pauline, 51
Bono, 162, 164
Bowes, Sir Jeremy, 37
and climate change, 171
economic growth, 218
and international institutions, 219
and soft power, 140, 142
‘Statute of Liberty’, 131
Bretton Woods institutions, 64, 85, 259
Brin, Sergei, 108
British Museum, 141
Bronowski, Jacob, 274
Brookings Institution, 17
Brown, Gordon, 4–7, 70, 73, 99, 141, 161, 169, 176
negotiating style, 174–5
and telephone diplomacy, 66–7
Brown Moses, 235
Bruni, Carla, 99, 249
Bukhara, 56
‘bullshit bingo’, 155
Burnes, Alexander, 56
Burns, William, 89
Burton, Sir Richard, 55
Bush, George W., 52, 67, 97, 138, 244, 248, 253
Byblos, 214, 226
Byron, Lord, 52
Byzantines, 29
Callières, François de, 40, 119
Cambon, Jules, 149
Camden, Lord, 101
Cameron, David, 4–7, 70, 154, 161, 182, 189, 216, 289
plays tennis with Sarkozy, 93n
response to Saville Inquiry, 169, 175
and ‘smart power’, 138
Canning, George, 50–1
Carlton-Browne of the FO, 90
Carnegie, 17
Carr, Nicholas, 241
Carrington, Lord, 98
Castlereagh, Lord, 50–2, 54
Catalonia, 82, 220, 237
Cavour, Count, 95
Chamberlain, Neville, 174
Chamoy, Rousseau de, 92
Chanakya, Arthashastra (The Science of Politics), 27
Chaplin, Charlie, 272–3
Chappe, Claude, 47
Chariots of Fire, 19
Charles II, King, 35
Chatah, Mohamad, 170
Chatham House, 17
Chávez, Hugo, 75
Cheney, Dick, 67
Boxer Rebellion, 57
and climate change, 171
economic growth, 217, 220
growing inequality, 263
imperial, 27–8
Internet companies, 218
and interventions, 260
levels of optimism, 239
and soft power, 139, 142
and UN Security Council, 255–6
China Central Television, 142
Chinese Spy, The, 42
Churchill, Winston, 53, 63, 69, 77, 95, 100, 149, 155, 241
bust removed from Oval Office, 73
capacity for alcohol, 99
and democracy, 244
and diplomacy, 95, 156
and history, 7n
city mayors, 223–4
Civil Service job titles, 49–50
Clark, Alan, 95
Clegg, Nick, 4
Clinton, Bill, 78, 80
Clinton, Hillary, 70, 120, 166
Cluster Munitions Convention, 164
Cohen, Roger, 11, 240
Colonial Office, 42, 69
Columbus, Christopher, 30–1
Colville, Jock, 71
concubines, 37
Confucius Centres, 142
Congress of Prague, 55
Congress of Sparta, 28
Congress of the Tribes, 1
Congress of Vienna, 16, 22, 47, 50–5, 58, 61, 72, 74, 85, 93, 124, 220, 265
Cook, Robin, 21
Cooke, William, 47
‘Cool Britannia’, 139
Copenhagen climate change summit, 19, 171, 261, 261
Council of Foreign Plantations, 42
creativity, 145–6
Crick, Francis, 273
Croatia, 236
Cromwell, Oliver, 95
crowdfunding, 15
Cuban missile crisis, 65, 72
Cunliffe, Sir Jon, 177–8
Curzon, Lord, 41, 55, 57
Daily Mail, 153
Dalton, Chloe, 159
Dante, 32
David, King of Israel, 27
Davidson, Martin, 140
Dayton peace accord, 11, 19
D-Day anniversary, 168
Dearlove, Richard, 127
‘démarche’ (the word), 9n
democracy, spread of, 244–5
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 62
and alphabetical ordering, 35
‘Concorde Diplomacy’, 69
digital, 78–84
and idealism, 21–2
social media and, 8–10, 158–60, 163, 235–6
telephone, 66–7
and trade, 37–9
the word, 42, 48
diplomatic bags, 40–1, 57
diplomatic dinners and receptions, 98–100
diplomatic gifts, 73–4
diplomatic immunity, 29
diplomatic jargon, 156
Diplomatic Service Regulation Number 5, 68
diplomatic uniforms, 55–6
diplomats, 86–102
and alcohol, 98–9
aristocratic, 55
declared persona non grata, 65
‘go native’, 88–9
and honesty, 96–7
job titles, 49
and leadership, 97–8
‘poised between cliché and indiscretion’, 161
presentation of credentials, 32–4
‘recalled for consultations’, 65
and travel, 70–1
women, 67–8
Doha trade rounds, 260
Don Pacifico, 48
Dorsey, Jack, 80
drone attacks, 135, 258
Durand, Sir Mortimer, 57
Durov, Pavel, 129
East India Company, 223
East Indies, torture of British traders, 37
EastEnders, 195
Ebola epidemic, 259
Economist, 227
Edward I, King, 29
Eggers, Dave, The Circle, 242
Einstein, Albert, 241, 247, 273
Elizabeth I, Queen, 34, 36–7, 119, 137, 146
Elizabeth II, Queen, 99, 171
Elvan, Berkin, 230
English language, 144–5
Enlightenment, 31, 229
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 230, 289
espionage, see intelligence-gathering
Estonia, 82
European Council, 72, 170, 175, 184
European Union, 54, 71–2, 77, 90, 134–5, 217–18, 244, 256, 259
Evans, Gareth, 175
Facebook, 8, 80, 82, 141, 159, 229, 230, 236, 247, 272
faxes, 10, 43
Feltham, R. G., Diplomatic Handbook, 68, 98
Fergusson, Niall, 240
Fermi’s Paradox, 297–8
Fielding, Sir Leslie, 83, 88, 96
Financial Times, 70
First World War, 47, 58–60
Fisk, Robert, 235
Florence, 31–2
‘FOMO’ (fear of missing out), 268
Forbes list of leaders, 221–2
Foreign Office, establishment of, 42
Foreign Policy magazine, 122
Forster, E. M., ‘The Machine stops’, 241–2
Fox, Charles James, 42
declining influence, 219
rise of National Front, 252
and soft power, 139
Francis, Pope, 80
Franco, General Francisco, 156
Franco-Prussian War, 57
Franklin, Benjamin, 45, 123
Frantz, Douglas, 81
Franz-Ferdinand, Archduke, 58
Fraser, Sir Simon, 49
Freedom of Information Act, 128, 275
French, as diplomatic language, 45
French Revolution, 55, 216
Friedman, Tom, 134, 235
Frost, Robert, 91
Fukuyama, Francis, 216
G8 summit (2005), 72, 162
G20 summit (2009), 70, 151, 162, 176
Gaddafi, Muammar, 75, 180
Gandhi, Rahul, 145
Gass, Sir Simon, 177
Gates, Bill, 26, 108
Gates, Robert, 141
Geneva summit (1955), 72
Genghis Khan, 29, 64, 124, 136
George III, King, 44
Gibran, Khalil, 277
Global Pulse, 263
Goebbels, Joseph, 232
Good Friday Agreement, 170
Good, Rev. Harold, 181
Google, 8, 14, 17, 108, 114, 215, 222, 223, 272
Google Earth, 82
Google Maps 236
Google Translate, 109
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 248–9
Gore, Al, 75, 108, 223, 245
Gore-Booth, Lord, 92
Gower, Lord, 45
Great Dictator, The, 272
Greek city states, 28
Greenstock, Sir Jeremy, 134
‘grip and grins’, 12, 76
Grotius, Hugo, 40
Guantanamo Bay, 135
gunboat diplomacy, 13, 44, 48, 257
gunpowder, invention of, 28
Gutenberg, Johannes, 30–1
Habib, Philip, 180
Hague, William, 83, 108, 159, 164
Hain, Peter, 41
Hama, 235
Hannigan, Robert, 124
Hardenberg, Karl August von, 52
Hari, Mata, 119
Harper, Stephen, 74
Hattusili III, King of the Hittites, 27
Hay Festival, 222
Hayden, Michael, 122, 125
Helic, Arminka, 164
Henri IV, King of France, 39
Henry VIII, King, 40
Herodotus, 118, 215
Hezbollah, 179–80, 201
Hill, Charles, 95
Hitler, Adolf, 61–2
Hoare, Samuel, 156
Holbrooke, Richard, 147
Holmes, Sir John, 255
Homs, 233, 235
Horrocks, Peter, 141
Hotman de Villiers, Jean, 39
Hurd, Douglas, 217
Hutton, Lord, 127
Huxley, Aldous, 242
Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 131
and climate change, 171
digital government, 247
economic growth, 218
growing inequality, 263
and international institutions, 219
India/Pakistan dispute, 152, 154, 251
Indignados movement, 230–1
Indonesia, 263
Industrial Revolution, 56, 107–8, 227
inequality, growing, 261–3
influenza, spread of, 114
Innocent X, Pope, 42
Instagram, 230
intelligence-gathering, 65–6, 117–28
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 261
International Monetary Fund, 64, 219
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 130
Internet governance, 129–31
interventions, 252–8
IRA, 172–3, 181
Iran, 39, 77, 82, 90, 128, 182, 278
nuclear deal, 19, 168, 171–2, 177, 235–6
Iraq (and Iraq War), 21, 26, 61, 65, 125, 127, 135, 217, 220, 252–4, 256
‘Islamic State’ (ISIL), 16, 124, 165, 197, 199, 233–4, 270, 278
Israel, 133, 172, 256
Israel/Palestine conflict, 19, 154, 170, 179–80, 204, 237, 251, 278
Italian city states, 31–2, 71, 91
Ivan IV Vasilyevich (‘the Terrible’), Tsar, 37
Jacques, Martin, 217
James I, King, 36, 72
Jefferson, Thomas, 43, 58
Jefferson Memorial, 147
Jenkinson, Anthony, 34, 37
Jerusalem, 29, 173
Jobs, Steve, 225,
Jolie, Angelina, 164
Joumblatt, Walid, 181, 278
JPMorgan Chase, 17
Kadesh, battle of, 27
Kellogg–Briand Pact, 62
Kennedy, Senator Edward, 97
Kennedy, John F., 97, 136, 271
Kennedy, Robert, 97
Kenya, 111, 263
Kenyatta, Jomo, 173
Kerr, Sir John, 90
Kerry, John, 81, 84, 235
Keynes, John Maynard, 64
KGB, 66
Khrushchev, Nikita, 179
Kidd, Sue Monk, 174
Kikwete, Jakaya, 73
Kim Jong-un, 221
King, Martin Luther, 273
King’s Messengers, 57
Kirchner, Cristina Fernández de, 177
Kissinger, Henry, 69, 216, 218, 259
Klout scores, 243
Korean War, 154
Kosovo, 82, 150, 254, 256
Kurdi, Aylan, 165
Kurdistan, 82, 237
Kurzweil, Ray, 299
Lanier, Jaron, 300
Large Hadron Collider, 110
Lawrence, T. E., 88
Lawrence of Arabia, 165
Le Carré, John, 90
League of Nations, 62–3, 85
Lebanese diaspora, 185–6
Lebanon, 8, 15, 157, 161–3, 182–205, 266
ambassador presents credentials, 33–4
ambassador’s valedictory, 276–80
assassination of Mohamad Chatah, 170
attack on Iranian embassy, 236
and British soft power, 136–7, 140, 142–3
economic growth, 184
external interventions, 184
Hezbollah and politics, 179–80
impact of Syria crisis, 163, 201, 204–5
Islamists in, 234
‘One Lebanon’ concert, 163
refugees, 182, 204, 257–8
school textbooks, 142, 196, 204
sectarianism, 183
warlords, 134
Leetaru, Kalev, 112
Lenin, Vladimir, 149
Libyan nuclear agreement, 180
Lincoln, Abraham, 149
lingchi, 3
Liu Yunshan, June, 142
Lloyd George, David, 180
Lobban, Sir Iain, 124, 126
Locarno Treaty, 61
Locke, John, 267
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 61
London Olympics, 138–9, 198, 207
López, Leopoldo, 230
Lord’s Resistance Army, 165
Louis XIII, King of France, 36
Louis XIV, King of France, 35
Louis XVI, King of France, 45
Lu You, 3
Luther, Martin, 31
Luzhkov, Yury, 223
Maastricht Treaty, 57, 90
Macartney, Lord George, 44
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 243
McBride, Damian, 151
McChrystal, General Stanley, 166
McFaul, Michael, 81
McGuinness, Martin, 97, 173
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 21, 32, 95, 215
Mackenzie, Compton, 127n
Macmillan, Harold, 161, 179