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The Sinners Touch (A Manwhore Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Apryl Baker

  “It needs to be color coordinated. Red and purple don’t mix.” He hated purple, and she knew it. That was part of the reason she’d been picking out all purple stuff. Just to piss him off. It was cute when he got all aggravated.

  He sighed and adopted a martyred expression. “The things I do for you, woman. Next year, we are doing a traditional tree.”

  He was banking on a next year, was he? Kade always had been a smug, cocky bastard. She hadn’t even decided if she was going to try to give them a chance or not, and here he was making plans.

  His hip bumped hers, and she looked up, startled. He was holding a mistletoe over her head, a wicked grin telling her he was up to no good. “I think the tradition calls for a kiss, don’t you?”

  “What happened to you not touching me until I touch you?” She arched a brow, barely containing her laughter. He could be such a charmer.

  “Well, we can’t ignore a Christmas tradition, now, can we?” He smirked, leaning in closer.

  She took a step back, leaving him to stumble forward. “We sure can.” She turned the buggy and went to the next aisle where the stockings were, unable to control her laughter when she heard him cursing in both English and Russian.

  “Not nice, Angel, not nice,” he whispered in her ear. The tickle of his breath teased her earlobe, sending a shiver through her.

  “Hey!” The indignant shout made them both look toward the end of the aisle where the security guys had detained a tall, blond guy. His blue eyes were shooting daggers. “Kade, some help, please?”

  Kade laughed and a real smile lit up his face. “It’s fine, gentlemen. This is my brother, Dimitri.”

  “Asshole.” Dimitri enfolded Kade in a bear hug. “You could have warned me when I texted you that you had some of Viktor’s thugs with you.”

  “What’s the fun in that? Besides, I wanted to show Angel she was perfectly safe surrounded by Viktor’s thugs. What better way than to let them tackle you?”

  Dimitri turned to Angel and smiled. “Privet, sestrenka.”

  Dimitri was not what she expected. He didn’t look a thing like Kade, Nik, or Viktor. He resembled some blond Norse god, with glacier blue eyes. Now, if only she knew what the hell he’d just said to her.

  “It means, loosely translated, ‘hello, little sister.’” Dimitri gave her the same bear hug he had Kade. “Welcome to the family. I know I’m six years late, but welcome all the same.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, a little unnerved by his welcome. She and Kade hadn’t been man and wife in a long time, but it didn’t seem to matter to his family.

  “Are you guys about done? I am starving, and I saw an Italian place across the street that looks good.”


  “I’m done.” She was hungry. Given everything that had been going on, she’d barely eaten.

  She listened to the brothers chat while they stood in the checkout line. It was obvious how close they were. Their easy banter and insults attested to it. Dimitri was the next oldest, so he and Kade were closer in age than the rest of them. They’d probably ganged up on the smaller ones and ruled the roost growing up. She smiled, thinking about it.

  Once they’d loaded all the bags into the SUV, they decided to walk across the street. It was easier to leave the car here instead of trying to find new parking. The holiday shoppers were out in force, and it was a nightmare.

  Bella Luna was crowded. The hostess assured them they’d be seated within the next twenty minutes or so. Her stomach protested loudly when Kade asked if they should go somewhere else. Dimitri laughed at her obvious embarrassment.

  “The bottomless pit speaks,” Kade teased.

  “I’m hungry,” she defended. “And it smells so good.”

  “It smells divine.” Dimitri’s head swiveled when the waitress passed. She winked at him, but he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at the plate of mussels she was carrying, and his own stomach growled. “We’re not going anywhere.”

  “See, I’m not the only one with a bottomless pit.” She stuck her tongue out at Kade, feeling relaxed and happy for the first time in forever.

  Dimitri patted his stomach. “This fucker determines my schedule for the day. I need to be near food. I even keep a stocked fridge in the office with a shelf of snacks. Got to feed the muses while I write.”

  Angel eyed his near perfect abs. If he ate like that, he had to have a metabolism out of this world.

  “His two hour exercise regimen every morning helps,” Kade said dryly when he saw Angel staring pointedly at his brother’s physique.

  “True. I exercise just so I can eat what I want. I really should have been a chef.” Dimitri’s nose flared as another waiter passed by with a tray laden with steaming hot food. “Damn, I’m starved.”

  Angel shook her head and stopped one of the wait staff to inquire about the bathrooms. She had to go in a bad way. There was no waiting until they were seated. She’d laughed too much, and her bladder was protesting.

  “Just hurry. Our table should be up soon.”

  “I’ll go with you. I need the facilities myself.” Dimitri fell into step beside her as they weaved through the dining room and toward the back of the restaurant where the restrooms were down a little side hall.

  Angel nodded to an elderly woman coming out of the ladies’ room, and Dimitri promised to wait for her. She ducked into the room and locked the door. It was small, but very clean, the white tile shiny. She quickly did her business then washed her hands. She studied her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were all shiny, and she looked happy.

  Kade. She blamed it on Kade.

  It also made her realize a very important truth.

  Some of the hurt that plagued her had dissipated, leaving behind a small ounce of hope. Every minute she spent with him, that hope grew. Even when she was pissed with him, he made her happy. Lily was right. Kade fucked up. He caused her more pain than any one person should have to deal with in their lifetime, but he was also the one person who was slowly healing those wounds. She loved him. No one else had ever come close to how she felt about him.

  The damn smug bastard.

  He was going to get what he wanted. She laughed, letting the love she still held like a shield out from behind its wall. She loved the smug bastard. That was worth something. There was still pain there, but the joy she felt around him outweighed it. Now that she knew why he did what he did, wrong as he had been to do it and cause them both a lot of heartache, she understood it.

  She was willing to give them a chance. He was still Kade, the man she fell in love with, still the same goofball who could make her laugh, still the same sexy man who made her burn with desire. It wasn’t going to be all hearts and flowers. There would be fighting, anger, shouting. They had a lot of shit to work through. But this feeling of hope inside her was worth fighting for.

  She pulled out a few paper towels and dried her hands. She wasn’t going to let him know yet, though. He needed to do some major groveling. Lily was right about that as well. Smiling, she opened the door and walked out. Dimitri was standing outside the men’s room. At least she thought so at first. It wasn’t Dimitri. Same color hair, but this guy was shorter, stockier. His hair was shorter too. He was probably a waiter; he had on the same black slacks and white dress shirt.

  What was taking Dimitri so long? Given his appearance, he probably spent more time than she did on his toiletries. God only knew how long he would be. She’d rejoin Kade. Hopefully, they’d get a table soon. Her stomach growled in agreement. Just as she took a step forward, the man turned, and her heart stopped.

  He looked different. The cuts on his face were new, and the brown eyes regarding her were wrong, but she knew that face. It was etched into her memory. He smiled and raised his arm. He had a gun. Oh, God, he had a gun! Where was Dimitri? Had he done something to him?

  She barely registered that thought when something stung her. Her hand went to her neck and pulled out a small dart. She blin
ked, the world going upside down, her vision blurring.

  “I’ve got you, my Angel. Shh, it’s okay.”

  No, she shouted, but her voice wouldn’t work. Her body was heavy. His arms wrapped around her, dragging her down the hallway toward a different door. Cold winds bit at her, the first snowflakes starting to fall. She tried to yell, to fight, but her body refused to obey. He shoved her into the car and slammed the door. The dark gray interior of the vehicle was the last thing she saw before the drugs took over and she blacked out.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kade glanced at his watch. Ten minutes. They’d been gone ten minutes. Surely that was more than enough time to take a piss. Watkins was getting antsy as well. He tapped the earpiece and said a few words. When he frowned, Kade’s hinky feeling began to grow.

  Ten minutes.

  It was too long. He strode through the restaurant to where the bathrooms were. The hallway was empty. It was highly unlikely they’d both been struck by stomach cramps. When Watkins came barreling toward him, he knew something was wrong.

  “We have a problem.”


  “I can’t get Sawyer or Logan to respond.”

  Kade turned and pounded on the men’s room door. “Dimitri!”

  Watkins tried the women’s restroom door, and when he got no response, he put his shoulder into the door and hit it until the lock broke and the door burst inward. The women’s room was empty.


  Watkins pushed him aside and broke down the men’s door. Dimitri lay sprawled on the floor. A small dart protruded from his neck.

  Where the fuck was Angel?

  It barely registered when Watkins exited the door at the back of the hallway. He was frozen staring at his brother; the only thought in his head was Angel.

  “Fuck.” Watkins was back, Angel’s purse in hand. “They’re all down.”


  Where was Angel?

  Watkins leaned down and pulled the dart out of Dimitri’s throat. “He used these to knock them out.”

  “What is going on?” a waiter asked, then stared at Dimitri’s prone body in shock.

  “Call 9-1-1. We need emergency services.”

  Ten minutes. She’d only been gone ten minutes.

  “Agent Kincaid!”

  He blinked, responding to the authority in Watkins’ voice. “Yes?”

  “Snap out of it. We have a situation. Miss Lemoraux is missing, your brother is lying unconscious, and both my men are knocked out.”

  “Mrs. Kincaid.”

  “What?” Watkins snapped.

  “Mrs. Kincaid. She’s my wife.” And she was missing.

  Watkins shrugged. “Call whoever is working this case and get them here now. I’m going to check to see if we have video surveillance.”

  Kade pulled out his phone, his movements slow and unsure. He couldn’t focus. He found Bailey’s number and called it.

  “Kincaid, I was just about to call you. We’ve swept about sixty percent of the abandoned garages in the city, and so far, nothing.”

  “He took her, Ron.”


  “The unsub, he took her. She’s gone.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Bella Luna.”

  “I know where that is. We’re on our way. We’ll find her.”

  But they wouldn’t. Kade knew this. They hadn’t found any of the others. What would make Angel any different?

  His phone blared out his favorite Linkin Park song. Viktor’s face flashed across the screen.


  “Watkins called. Nik and I are on our way. You okay?”

  “She’s gone.” He felt the wetness on his face, knew he was crying, but it all felt unreal. She was just here, laughing and joking with them. It was his fault. He brought her out. To where the unsub could get to her. She’d wanted to go home, and he told her she was safe. Lies. He always lied to her.

  He was the reason for every bad thing in her life.

  His fault. This was his fault. She was gone because he couldn’t keep her safe. He slid down the wall, his legs giving out. What was he doing to her? Was she scared? Was she praying? Was she calling out for him?

  The phone slipped from his hand.

  What was he going to do without her? He’d just found her again.

  And now she was gone.


  Angel blinked, coming awake slowly. She winced when her head bounced, hitting something hard. She felt all fuzzy, and the world was moving. Her head bounced again, and she tried to sit up. That was when she realized her limbs were numb. She couldn’t move. Her eyes opened, and she saw the walls of a dirty, dingy room, the walls moving.

  No, she was being dragged. Her legs were up in the air, two meaty hands gripping her ankles as he dragged her. He stopped a moment later, and she saw the bed and panicked. No, no, no. Her voice refused to work. All she could do was stare straight ahead and wait. She couldn’t even turn her head from side to side.

  He moved around the room, and she heard a drawer open and shut. What was he doing?

  When he moved back into view, he saw that she was awake. “Hello, sleepyhead. I wondered when you’d wake up. You can’t move, I know. It’ll wear off in a few hours. The cocktail I shot you full of completely numbs your body.”

  He slapped her ass hard. She heard the crack when his palm hit her flesh, but she felt nothing.

  “See? You can’t feel a thing.” He picked her up and laid her on the bed. Then he started removing her clothes. Her shoes and socks first, then her jeans. He lifted her up and took off her coat and her shirt. She was left in her bra and panties. Her red lacy set. She’d put them on, thinking maybe she’d tease Kade enough to touch her again.

  “Beautiful.” She watched silently as he ran his hands along her body. “Such soft, beautiful skin. A gorgeous canvas. You and I are going to have so much fun, my angel.”

  She shuddered. Even though she couldn’t feel his hands, she saw his fingers caressing her skin, squeezing her breasts. Then he slid her panties off and let them drop to the floor. He parted her thighs and cupped her. She closed her eyes, unwilling to watch.

  “Uh, uh, my angel. Open those eyes of yours. No hiding from me.”

  She kept her eyes closed. Even if he hurt her for disobeying him, she couldn’t feel it. No matter what he did right now, she could pretend she was back at the apartment, teasing Kade over his reaction to Nik’s closet. She could pretend this man’s hands were Kade’s.

  “Open them!”

  Kade laughing, the two of them strolling along the shore, talking about all the places they wanted to visit. Both of them talking to the baby late at night. The nugget. She smiled remembering how happy they were that night. Kade whispering promises to her belly. Promises of the nugget’s very own supercharged stroller.

  “Have it your way, my angel. I can wait until all the feeling comes back into these lovely limbs. It will only be a few hours.”

  She opened her eyes cautiously. His were hostile, but that was not what caught her attention. Her gaze traveled down his arm to his hand, to where his fingers were buried deep inside her. She gagged, and he only laughed, removing his fingers from her, licking them.

  “You taste as delicious as you look, my angel.”

  He got down on his knees, his eyes roving over every inch of her. He reached under her, unsnapping her bra and pulling it away from her and leaving her breasts bare to him.

  “Cinnamon colored nipples.” He twirled one between his fingers, tugging on it. “Most of my canvases have a shade of pink. Cinnamon is rare in my girls.” He leaned down, his lips closing over the bud. She heard the loud sucking noise, but couldn’t feel it. When he sat up, satisfaction marked his expression. “So responsive. Look at how hard and erect that sweet bud is. Just imagine how good it’s going to feel later, my sweet angel.”

  He flipped her so she was on her stomach then handcuffed one of her hands, feeding the other cuff behind
one of the wrought iron rails before snapping the cuff on her other hand. She heard him moving, heard the metallic clink of the cuffs. He must be cuffing her feet to the iron rail at the bottom of the bed.

  “There, now, my angel. You’ll get your voice back soon enough. Scream all you want. No one can hear you out here.” His thumb brushed her lips. “I’m going out for a while, since you refuse to play. I’ll be back soon, my angel.”

  He stood and walked away from the bed, leaving Angel staring at the dirty, peeling wallpaper directly across from her.

  And wondering if Kade would find her.

  None of the other girls had been found. But none of them was his wife. He didn’t love them.

  He’d find her.

  Please, God. Let him find me.



  The loud crack of flesh hitting flesh pulled Kade out of his misery. Viktor squatted beside him, his face grim. “You need to get the fuck up.”

  Bailey’s shiny shoes came into view. “Kincaid, you know this case better than I do. Bradford’s not up to speed. Get your ass up and help me find your wife.”

  “If you sit here and do nothing, she’s going to die, Kade.” Viktor locked eyes with him. “Is that what you want?”


  “Then get the fuck up!”

  Kade took several deep breaths. They were right. No one knew this case better than he did. He let Viktor pull him up. “Did Watkins find any video footage?”

  “No. The restaurant doesn’t have cameras. There are three cameras back there, though. I have uniforms out collecting the tapes from the other stores. If he’s within range, we’ll find him.”

  “He’s making mistakes.” Kade took another deep breath. “He’s unraveling. Something happened to make him speed up his timeline.”

  “The ME confirmed the girl died of a heart attack. She had a pre-existing condition, and the stress was too much for her. He wasn’t finished. It was too soon for him.” Jeremy stopped beside Kade. “We’re doing everything we can. I have uniforms out canvasing all the surrounding stores and the loading docks back here as well.”


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