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Beyond the Cage

Page 10

by Alana Sapphire

  “This”—I place it between my thighs—“is Honey. Maybe you should get to know her a little better. I’ll teach you a little of what I learned in my anatomy class.” I lay his palm flat on my mound. “This is the mons pubis.” Taking his fingers, I move them down, sliding them over my outer lips. “Here, we have the labia majora.” His confused look gives way to something much better. “Here…” I gasp as his fingers touch my inner lips, “labia minora.” I slide his fingers up and he circles my clit. “Clitoris!” I whimper and grab his fingers, sliding them down then placing his middle finger at my opening. “And this…is…the vagina.”

  As soon as the word is out of my mouth, he slips his finger inside me. I close my eyes and throw my head back. My back arches, thrusting my breasts toward him. He pulls my nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking. With a groan, he slips another finger inside me. I fist my hand in his hair, writhing beneath his attentions. He moves faster, fucking me with his fingers while his teeth graze my nipple. I’m all feeling right now; every part of my body, my entire being, is attuned to him.

  “I want you inside me when I come.”

  His fingers slide out of me and he flips onto his back, retrieving a condom from the drawer. When he rolls it on, I climb on top of him. He grabs my waist, lifts me, and lowers me onto his erection. When he’s all the way in, he lies back and closes his eyes. I cover his hands with mine as I begin to move. He clenches his jaw and drags his hands away, grabbing the sheets. Shit. He’s retreating again. He probably wasn’t thinking earlier, but now…

  “You won’t hurt me,” I assure him.

  His lids snap open, revealing eyes wrought with fear. With what he does for a living, he’s afraid of me?

  “Touch me.” He closes his eyes again, shaking his head vehemently. “Cameron…please,” I beg. I place my hand on his cheek and he slowly opens his eyes. “Last night, during my bath, before you showed up at my door…I thought about you. I fantasized about you touching me…while I touched myself.”

  He inhales sharply.

  “Please, don’t deny me. I need you to touch me.”

  He looks so tortured. What else can I say to him? I’m already begging, for Christ’s sake!

  “You think you hurt me. Yes, I had a few bruises, but you know what I saw when I looked at them? Proof that you enjoyed that night as much as I did.”

  His grip on the sheets loosens. I take his hand and place it on my hip. “Here? That was the first time…and the first time you made me come. Here…” I move his hand to my arm. “That was your first…my second.” His expression begins to soften. I move his hand to my wrist. “That’s when you fucked me from the back. I still get chills when I think about that.”

  I see the hint of a smile while I trail his hand to my thigh. Good. I’m getting through to him. I give him my best smile. “And here…that’s the second time you came. My third.”

  Finally, he places both hands on my waist and I start to move, slowly rotating my hips. I throw my head back as his hands travel up my sides. Yes! Yes to the shiver running up my spine, yes to the goose bumps on my skin. Yes, yes, yes! I move faster, gripping him with my thighs, riding him. He cups my breasts, running his thumbs across my nipples.


  His fingers curl around the back of my neck and he pulls me down for a kiss. As he sucks on my lips, his other hand slides down my back and he grabs my ass, gently squeezing, massaging. Then, palm connects with my flesh.


  It was tentative, not firm and sure like before, but it’s a start. The next one is better, spurring me on like a jockey’s whip. The third triggers a ripple of current through my body and sends me galloping. I’m close, the finish line in sight. My muscles contract and I grab his shoulders. When his hand connects for the fourth time, it catapults me to the finish line. I press my palms into his chest, my body quaking from the intensity of my climax.


  He raises his hips off the bed and comes with a grunt. I collapse on top of him, breathing heavily. His chest heaves beneath my cheek as I listen to the rapid beating of his heart.

  We’re back.


  I roll over and reach for him, but my palm meets the cold side of the bed. As I make my way to the bathroom, I wonder where the hell he is. I notice my toothbrush is still next to his and it brings a smile to my face. He may have been avoiding me, but I was still on his mind. He didn’t eradicate me from his life. I grimace as I notice my reflection. Ugh…I need to make myself presentable. I brush my teeth, scrub the makeup from my face, and comb my hair. Back in the bedroom, I grab his gargantuan shirt and slip it on. The moment I step into the living room, he turns toward me and smiles. He’s in the kitchen…cooking…shirtless. Lord, help me. His sexy factor just went to a whole new level.

  “Good morning.”

  Standing on my toes, I reach up for a kiss. He plants a chaste one on me and turns back to the stove. That’s it?

  “Smells good. You’re gonna make a great wife for someone one day.”

  I turn around to head to the fridge but yelp in surprise when he smacks my ass.

  “Is that supposed to be punishment? ’Cause if so, you’re gonna be a great mom, too.”

  With a sharp turn, he grabs my waist and deposits me on the counter.

  “Ooh! I just love it when you’re all rough with me.” I bite into my bottom lip and give him a seductive but playful look.

  He just smiles and hands me a bowl of grapes.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  As he moves about the kitchen, I can’t help but watch him. I just want to touch him. And I do, every time he passes by me. I use my hands, my toes, whatever part of me can reach him. He doesn’t even seem to mind, only chuckling and shaking his head in amusement. I think most men would be annoyed…not him.

  “You have any kids?”

  He answers with a shake of his head.

  “How come? Don’t you want any?” I get a nonchalant shrug. “I think you’d be a great father.”

  He stops what he’s doing and turns his head to me, a soft expression on his face. I smile mischievously at him.

  “I mean, what kid wouldn’t be happy with a dad who doesn’t give lectures?”

  His eyes narrow and he points sternly to the bedroom.

  “Okay. Jeez.”

  I hop down and return to the bedroom, thinking I should call Chels anyway. When I check my phone, there are six missed calls from her. I press the Call button and get ready for the onslaught.

  “Where the hell have you been?” she shrieks into the phone.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. I’m fine. How’s your trip going?”

  “Good, but I’m ready to come home.”

  “Yeah, we have some partying to do.”

  “I take it Mr. Jackson has something to do with you being M.I.A?” she asks.

  “He has everything to do with it.”

  “Lots of make-up sex?”

  “Lots and lots of make-up sex,” I affirm.

  “What happened to making him work for it?”

  “Girl…he showed up in a suit…with roses.”

  “Oh, snap.”

  “Took me to Myst.”

  “He pulled out the big guns, huh?”

  “In my defense, I had a lot of wine and a near-orgasmic dessert.”

  “Yeah, blame it on the alcohol, Carter.”

  “I just couldn’t stay mad at him.”

  “No.” She giggles. “You couldn’t stay mad at the dick.”

  Cameron walks in, carrying a tray, just as I burst out laughing. “You’re right.”

  He gives me a questioning look.

  “It’s Chels,” I tell him.

  “He’s there?” Chels asks.

  “Yup. Bringing me breakfast in bed, no less.”

  “I hate you so much right now.”

  “Ha-ha…love you, too.”

  “Okay, bitch. Talk to you later…or maybe not.”

babe. Kiss Mom and Dad for me.”

  I place my phone on the nightstand and look down at the tray he set on my lap – pancakes, fruits, and coffee.

  “Yummy! Where’s the syrup?”

  He removes the bottle from his pocket and gently places it on the tray. However, it’s not syrup. It’s a bottle of honey.

  I give him the side eye and he laughs. Damn man is teasing me. “Laugh all you want. You know you love it. Honey got you hooked.”

  He laughs again and falls back on his pillows.

  “Mm…this is yummy. Maybe I should spend the night more often just so you can make me breakfast.”

  He closes his eyes, a contented smile on his face.

  “You’re not eating?”

  A shake of the head is his reply. I shrug and finish my breakfast – every last bite. Before I even attempt to move, he picks up the tray and takes it to the kitchen. When he walks back in, I smile at him.

  “You really are going to make a great wife.”

  With a groan, he falls back onto the bed. I move over and climb on top of him.

  “I mean…you’re pretty to look at, you cook, and you’re the bomb in bed. What more could a girl ask for?”

  His face lights up with a sexy smirk. God, that smirk does things to me!

  “Ooh! Let me get a picture?”

  I reach for my phone but he takes it from my fingers, his smirk giving way to a scowl.

  “C’mon…please? Pretty please?”

  He answers with an emphatic shake of his head.

  “How ’bout a trade? You give me a picture and you can choose what you want in return.”

  He raises a curious brow.

  “Within reason, of course. After all, it’s just a picture.”

  He looks to the ceiling, pondering the trade, then nods.

  “Okay, know what you want?”

  He points to me.

  “Sex?” I roll my eyes. “That’s no surprise.”

  He shakes his head and points to me again, placing his finger on my chest. Me? What about me? I stare at him, utterly confused. Again, he points to himself and then to me.

  “You and me…”

  He watches me, waiting for me to figure it out. He wants me? Then, it hits me. Oh. My. God! Is he asking what I think he’s asking?

  “Cameron Joshua Jackson…are you asking me…to be your girlfriend?”


  You never enjoy the world aright, till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. – Thomas Traherne

  After he nods, I lean forward and rain down excited kisses all over his handsome face. Is there anything in this world I want more than this man? No!

  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes…a million times yes!” My face is beginning to hurt from this huge smile. And him…he looks truly happy…and I’m the reason! “So…what does my newly acquired position entail?”

  With a smile, he reaches for the top button on the shirt I’m wearing.

  “No. No distracting me with sex. I want my picture.”

  He reluctantly hands me my phone and I slide next to him. I place my head on his shoulder and position the phone. He looks utterly miserable.

  “Dude, you just got yourself a smokin’-hot girlfriend. The least you can do is smile.”

  The moment I see his lips twitch, I snap the picture. It comes out perfectly.

  “Aww…how cute! This is going to be my wallpaper…and my Facebook profile pic.”

  As I’m making the changes, his hand creeps up my thigh.

  “Stop,” I drag out the word. “I can’t concentrate when you do that.” I break into a fit of giggles when he starts nuzzling my neck. “That tickles. Cameron!”

  He moves on top of me and I drop the phone, surrendering to his attentions. “Okay, okay.” Staring into his gorgeous eyes, I wrap my arms around his neck. “Come’ere, boyfriend.”

  He leans in with a proud smile. Just as our lips are about to touch, there’s a knock at the door. Huffing in frustration, he jumps off the bed. Who could it be? You have to go through the gym to get up here. I guess it’s probably Mannie or one of his other trainers. I hope they’re not here to drag him away, because I need my Cameron fix. After a while and no sign of him, I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom for a shower. There, I find a clean towel and wash rag waiting for me. He’s such a considerate wifey. I wonder how he’d react to being called that. That makes me smile. He makes me smile. It really is the small things that matter most.

  I turn on the shower and strip, then step under the water and let it cascade down my body. Flipping open his body wash, I inhale deeply. The last time I used it, I smelled like him all day. That reminds me…I need to find out the name of the cologne he wore that first night – the one that drove me crazy. As I lather up, the scent overpowers me. All of a sudden, I’m giddy and horny at the same time. What the hell? Just from the smell of his body wash? No. It’s him. It’s because the scent is associated with him. I could smell it on a million men and it would do absolutely nothing for me. I rinse the soap off quickly and step out of the shower, hoping he’s returned.

  As I enter the bedroom, I realize that, once again, I have nothing to wear. And he’s still not back. I don’t think he’ll mind if I raid his drawers. After all, I am his girlfriend now. In the top drawer, I find boxers, T-shirts in the second. I grab one of each and put them on. Now, it’s time for some investigating. Cologne bottles litter the top of the chest of drawers. Picking them up one by one, I take a sniff. The first one is the one he wore last night – “Gentlemen Only” by Givenchy. He was certainly no gentleman last night! Well…maybe the first half of the night. The fifth one I pick up triggers something in me. This is it! I turn it around looking for the name – nothing. It’s just a plain, black bottle. Isn’t that something? Just like him, the cologne says nothing. Oh, well. At least I know which one it is. After climbing back into bed, I turn on the huge TV mounted on the wall.

  A while later, I get the feeling of being watched. Looking up, I find him leaning on the door jamb, watching me with an amused grin.

  “What?” I ask in confusion.

  He jerks his head toward me and I realize he’s referring to my attire. Standing in the middle of the bed, I stretch my arms to the sides.

  “You like? It’s all the rage in Paris,” I say, using a French accent.

  Moving into the room, he chuckles and gives me two thumbs up. I meet him at the foot of the bed with a pout.

  “What took you so long?”

  He reaches into his pocket and hands me two slips of paper. They’re tickets to one of his matches this weekend. Ugh. I don’t really want to, but obviously he wants me there.

  “Okay…but only for you. Chels will be back by then, so she’ll be thrilled.”

  Wrapping his arms around my thighs, he buries his face in my stomach, inhaling deeply. I run my fingers through his hair and smile as he raises his gaze to mine.

  “I smell like you. I like it.”

  He steps back, raises his hand, and sniffs his armpit. I can’t help but laugh when he turns up his nose.

  “You do not smell!”

  Waving me off, he heads for the bathroom.

  “Silly.” I giggle, shaking my head. Hmm…another side to Mr. Jackson. Who would have guessed?

  When he walks back in, there’s a towel wrapped around his hips. I watch him move across the room, my mouth gaping. Shit. Using the back of my hand, I check the corners of my lips for drool. Okay, I’m good. His body is simply…divine. My eyes rove over his protruding pectorals and down to the perfectly formed ridges of his abs. The desire to run my tongue in the grooves of his V-line boils inside me. He turns away, and I watch the muscles play in his back as he moves. Lying on my stomach, I place my palms on either side of my face and observe him. Every movement is like a touch to my most sensitive parts; that’s how strong his effect on me is. How can putting on deodorant be sexy? I don’t know, but the way he does it…
br />   Our eyes meet and he gives me that knowing smile of his.

  “I think I’m obsessed with your body.”

  The smile turns into a smirk and he sticks his finger into the towel, letting it fall to the floor.

  Fuck. Me. The perfection continues. He’s not aroused at all but still totally impressive. My breath catches and my pussy twitches. As he moves, his dick swings between his powerful thighs. Yeah, I have to check for drool again. Still good. This dude…he’s just walking around like he’s not completely naked. I know he’s aware of what he’s doing to me, the havoc he’s wreaking on my body. It’s only when he’s dressed in boxers and a T-shirt that I finally find my voice again.

  “We match.”

  After scrambling up the bed, I wait for him to settle in next to me. Cuddling up to him, I place my head on his chest, my arm around his waist, and throw my leg over his. His arm curls around my shoulder just as I bury my nose in his chest. He smells clean and fresh, and his skin is cool from his shower.

  “Mm…” I moan. I swear there’s no better feeling than being in his arms. If only I didn’t have to move. “I have to leave soon for work.”

  His arm tightens around me.

  “I know. I don’t wanna leave.”

  I move into my preferred position—on top of him—and nestle my face between his neck and shoulder. “You feel…so good.”

  Leaning in, I press my lips to his neck. His hands slide under my shirt and up my back. Oh, God…The Reaction. As my body shivers, I kiss him again and run my tongue along his neck. He moans and the sound urges me on. I increase the intensity of my kisses, sucking on his flesh. His palms press into my back, crushing me against his hard body. Switching sides, I trail my tongue up to his earlobe. It induces a sharp intake of breath. I kiss my way across his cheek and to his lips, a moan escaping from mine as he covers them with his. Palming the back of my head, he pulls me in to him, deepening the kiss, his tongue storming into my mouth and taking no prisoners. I fist my hand in his hair, rocking back and forth on his now-hard dick. Fuck, I need him inside me.

  Reluctantly breaking away from him, I pull the shirt over my head. Biting his bottom lip in the sexiest way, he sits up, taking a breast in each hand and pulling my nipple into his mouth. I whimper as he moves from left to right and back again – massaging, licking, nipping, and sucking. It’s a sensual cycle that leaves both nipples taut.


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