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Beyond the Cage

Page 12

by Alana Sapphire


  Feeling his stare, I glance over at Cameron. I think he’s ready to leave.

  “Okay,” I acknowledge him.

  “What?” Chels asks in confusion.

  “Oh, not you, Chels.”

  She looks over at me like I’m crazy. With a soft chuckle, I walk him to the door.

  “See you later.”

  Reaching into his pocket, he peels off a few bills and hands them to me.

  “What’s this for?”

  He jerks his head toward Spartacus. Oh.

  “Child support?” I smile and stuff the money into my pocket. He drops a kiss on my forehead and then he’s gone.

  “Well, well, well…look at you, Carter,” Chels pipes up behind me.

  I rejoin her on the couch and lay my head on her shoulder. “I know.”

  “You love him.”

  “My heart really, really likes him,” I reply with a sigh.

  “I’m happy for you, Jas. You deserve to be happy after what that son of a bitch did to you.”

  “Chels…he’s leagues away from Jamal. There’s so much more to him than anyone knows, like, he was a Marine.”

  “Your dad will like that.”

  “He graduated summa cum laude from Northwestern…degree in Mechanical Engineering.”

  “Mom’s gonna love that.”

  “And you’ll love that he knows about a hundred different types of martial arts.”


  If I didn’t have her full attention before, I have it now.

  “Really. From what I can tell, he’s holding back big time. Oh, he gave me tickets for his fight tomorrow.”

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!”

  “I knew you’d like that.”

  Spartacus wanders over and gazes up at me with his little wolf eyes. I pick him up, sitting him on my lap.

  “Do you need me to babysit tonight?”

  “Chels, you don’t have to –”

  “Go be with your man. Spartacus and I will watch a movie or something.”

  “You’re the best. You know that?”

  “Hey, we’re two of a kind,” she says with a smug grin.

  “Yeah,” I giggle. “Peas in a pod.”

  We play with Sparty for a while, then I hurry over to Little Sisters. When I return, Chelsea and I have dinner and catch up. Afterward, I shower and slip on my new, ultra-sexy lingerie. Standing in front of my full-length mirror, I inspect my reflection from all angles. Definitely worth every penny. It’s reminiscent of a monokini. Triangular scraps of mesh sit atop my breasts, joined to the ruffled bikini bottom by a rectangular strip of mesh with a cut-out center, leaving my sides bare.

  “Holy fuck, Carter!” Chels exclaims from the doorway.

  I turn to her with a smile. “What do you think?”

  “I think I just became a lesbian.”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh at her comment. “I hope he likes it as much as you do.”

  “If he doesn’t then there’s something seriously wrong with him. Shit, I’d fuck you.”

  I smile down at Spartacus, who’s looking quite relaxed in her arms. “What do you think, Sparty?”

  He points his little nose to the ceiling and gives a small bark.

  “See?” Chels says. “Even he likes it. That man of yours is in for a real treat.”

  “Trust me, sweetie. I’m the one in for the treat.”

  “Oh, shit. Get enough for the both of us, girl.”

  “Yeah.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll never get enough for you, nympho.”

  I grab my pumps and a button-front, cotton dress from the closet then stuff underwear and an extra outfit into my big purse.

  “I can’t help it if I have a healthy sexual appetite,” she says in a haughty tone.

  “Yeah…healthy,” I add with a giggle.


  I stand before her, feeling bad for leaving her here with Spartacus. “Well…I’m off. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

  “We’ll be fine. Go.”


  I scratch Sparty’s head and flash Chels a smile before I leave, then send Cameron a text to let him know I’m on my way.

  When I pull up to the warehouse, he’s already outside waiting for me, leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets. He walks over, opens my door, and helps me out.


  He blesses me with a gorgeous smile, laces his fingers through mine, and leads me inside.

  “Are you done training for tonight?”

  He nods, smacks my ass, and sends me up the stairs before him. Oh, really now? He wants to play? I walk up the stairs as slowly as possible, putting an extra swing in my hips. When I look back, his eyes are glued to my ass. I stop at the top, and he pushes against me. Hmm…my performance got a standing ovation. Yummy. Pulling away from him, I open the door and step inside. His TV is on, paused on a fight. I drop my purse on the couch and turn to him.

  “You haven’t kissed me all day.”

  He licks his lips, catching the bottom one between his teeth, and moves toward me. His eyes roam seductively over my body, making my skin tingle from the anticipation. Sliding his palm to the small of my back, he pulls me close. I stare into his eyes, breathing heavily as he lowers his head. God, why is he so hot? He releases his lip and inclines his head to the side, pressing his lips to mine. I place my hands on his chest, fisting them in his T-shirt as his lips set me off like a pack of firecrackers.

  I moan, leaning in to him. His kiss is slow and gentle. When his tongue slides between my lips, I wrap my arms around his neck. I need more. I need his naked body on mine. Reaching for the hem of his shirt, I try to pull it up. He breaks the kiss and takes an abrupt step back, raking his hand through his hair as he turns his back to me.

  “What’s wrong?” I move around him and place my hands at his sides. “Cameron?”

  What the hell is wrong now? Grabbing my shoulders, he turns me around and points to the TV.

  “A fight?”

  He walks to the couch and picks up a DVD case, handing it to me – The Best of Chico Madden.

  “The guy you’re fighting tomorrow?”

  He nods.

  “So…this is about your fight then…”

  I stare into his eyes, racking my brain as he watches me with a desperate expression. Okay…his fight…no sex… Oh, no. It can’t be!

  “Don’t tell me you’re one of those ‘no sex the night before’ –”

  The look in his eyes tells me I’m right. I don’t even finish my sentence.

  “Cameron…” I whine. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” His eyes offer an apology. “I don’t want an apology. I want you.”

  I take a step toward him and he takes one back. My, how the tables have turned. I’m not having it.

  “Are you sure I can’t tempt you?” I ask with a seductive smile.

  As I slowly undo my top button, he shoots me a warning glare. I move to the second button.

  “I went to Vicky’s today. Wanna see my secret?”

  He watches me, his expression slowly changing to one of curiosity. My smile gets bigger as he takes a step forward. By the time I’m on the fourth button, he’s right in front of me. He grasps my wrists, halting my progress.

  “Don’t you want to see what I got you?” I taunt him as I innocently bat my lids.

  Forcing my hands to my sides, he peers down the unbuttoned portion of my dress. Tentatively, he reaches for the next button. I watch his eyes as his fingers move down, lust seeping into them with each inch of skin exposed. Me? Every brush of his fingers against my skin sends me shivering. He pushes the dress over my shoulders, and as it falls to the floor, he gasps, eyes going wide in amazement. I kick the garment aside and turn around slowly, giving him a three-sixty view.

  “What do you think?”

  In response, he scoops me up into his arms and races to the bedroom. Burying my face in his neck, I kick off my shoes and g
iggle at his enthusiasm. That was pretty easy. He tosses me on the bed and climbs on top of me. I moan as I pull his head down to mine for a kiss, but he bypasses my lips and presses his to my neck. He’s moving fanatically, hands groping, lips skating across my skin. It’s like he can’t get enough of me. Finally, he kisses me, attaching himself to my lips like a vacuum cleaner. I didn’t expect this kind of intensity, but I welcome it gladly. Grasping my thigh, he pins my leg against him and flexes his hips. His dick, straining against his shorts, is lodged against my pulsating pussy. There’s a ripping sound and I gasp as he pulls the material away from my breasts. So much for my new lingerie. When he takes my nipple into his mouth, I grab a handful of his hair, holding him in place.


  He moans as he moves to my other breast. It’s like he’s in a frenzy! I’ve never seen him like this before. He pulls at the lingerie again and there’s another rip – the bottom half has been easily disposed of. I grab his shirt and he finally allows me to remove it. Matching his contagious intensity, I run my hands down and across his back and massive shoulders. Pushing him onto the bed, I straddle him. When I reach for the button on his shorts, he grabs my wrists. He slips from beneath me, jumps off the bed, and begins to pace the room in frustration. Shit! I watch him, the light of the moon shining through the window, illuminating his path as he moves. Guess I’m not getting what I want after all.

  “Cameron…it’s okay. We don’t have to.”

  He turns to me, disbelief in his expression. What? Am I such a sex fiend?

  “I understand,” I assure him.

  He expels a breath of relief.

  I do understand…but right now, my body is not listening to my brain. Just because he can’t, doesn’t mean I have to deprive myself.

  “I’ll just take care of it myself,” I tell him.

  As I lie back, spread my legs, and plant my heels on the bed, I smile deviously at him. I close my eyes and, like before, imagine it’s him between my legs. Reaching down, I slide my finger along my pussy, feeling just how wet I am. How wet he made me. I know he’s watching, and it’s exhilarating. Cupping my breast, I massage it, pinching my nipple as I play with my clit. I take a peek and he’s staring at me, transfixed. His arms are crossed over his chest and he’s breathing heavily. I spread my legs farther apart, arch my back, and expel a moan. Closing my eyes tightly, I lose myself in the sensations from both my own fingers and his hungry stare.

  That’s why I didn’t see or hear him move.

  I let out a surprised squeal as he grabs my ankles and drags me to the edge of the bed. I stare up at him, my breaths shallow. I don’t understand how it’s possible for me to want him so much. One thing is clear in those silver eyes of his – he feels the same.

  Leaning forward, he presses his lips to mine. They’re soft, sweet, moving skillfully and tenderly against mine. My hands find their way around his neck, stroking his skin. He moves across my cheek, down to my neck. My body quivers as his tongue darts out, leaving wet spots on my neck and shoulders, not to mention farther down. My back arches as his tongue glides over my nipple. He continues his journey south, kissing my stomach, sides, and hips. He’s barely touching me; how can this slight contact cause such havoc on my body? I whimper as he moves farther still, gently biting down on the flesh of my mound. Fuck! I prop myself up on my elbows, looking down at him to see his eyes closed. Dipping his head, he inhales deeply then looks up at me with a smirk.

  Did he just smell me? “Did you just…smell me?” I can’t believe he just smelled me!

  He ignores my question, which I promptly forget about when he spreads my pussy open and licks my clit.

  “Oh, shit!”

  I collapse on the bed, shaking as he licks me. Why am I not surprised he also has a talented tongue? Jesus, the things he’s doing to me are probably illegal in some states. Reaching up, he curls his fingers around my breasts and sucks on my clit. My hips rear up off the bed, and I grab a handful of his hair.


  He pushes my legs farther apart and slips a finger inside me. Fuck. Me. As his tongue swirls on my clit, his finger moves in and out, taking me higher and higher. Reaching up once more, he pinches my nipple with his free hand. Now, that’s what I call multi-tasking!


  He grabs my thighs, holding me in place as his tongue moves faster, pushing me toward fulfillment. It won’t be long now. I grab the sheets, pulling them from the mattress in the process. His tongue swirls on my clitoral hood, concentrating on the ten and two o’ clock positions. Oh, shit! When it slips beneath the hood, the action pushes me over the edge. A pussy mechanic…that’s what he is. I’m writhing like a demon is being exorcised from my body. Linda Blair ain’t got nothin’ on me. I scream his name as I come violently against his lips, shaking from head to toe. When he leans over me, I’m still twitching, gasping for breath.

  “You…you’re…ama…zing,” I manage to get out between breaths.

  I tug him to me, hungrily latching on to his lips, tasting myself on him. I reach for his button, and again, he pulls away. He sighs in exasperation, grabbing his crotch. With a shake of his head, he walks off to the bathroom. When the water comes on, I realize he’s taking a cold shower. There’s that discipline Mannie told me about.

  Poor thing. I won’t mess with him anymore. I can’t be naked when he comes back. In the dark, I make my way over to his chest of drawers and grab a T-shirt. I slip it over my head, fix the sheets, and climb back into bed. When he walks back in, he turns the light on, and I watch him as he moves around the room, salivating over his perfect physique. That’s when I notice the shopping bags in the corner of the room – Saks, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Barney’s.

  “Someone went shopping! Did you get me anything?”

  He gestures toward the bags, indicating I should take a look. He really did get me something? I hop out of bed and walk over to them, eyeing the two Victoria’s Secret bags I missed before. Picking them up, I move back to the bed.

  “I somehow think the contents of these bags are more for you than for me.” I smile over at him.

  While I’m rummaging through the Vicky’s bags—a mass of panties and bras in different colors, styles, and fabrics—he places the others on the bed. I glance at him out of the corner of my eyes.

  “They’re all for me?” I ask in disbelief.

  All I get is a smile and a view of his back as he walks into the bathroom. I guess Christmas came early this year! I dump everything onto the bed. There are jeans, tops, skirts, shorts, casual dresses, jackets, sexy nightgowns, sandals, and a pair of Nikes. How much did all this cost?

  Feeling his gaze on me, I look up and find him watching me from the bathroom door. He moves toward me with a concerned frown.

  “What’s all this for?”

  He takes my hand, leads me to his chest of drawers, and pulls out the top drawer. It’s empty. Holy crap!

  “You’re giving me a drawer?”

  With a smile, he drags me to the closet next. A section at the front has been cleared, empty hangers waiting to be utilized.

  Wow…this is big. Isn’t it?


  I throw my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. I do that a lot, don’t I? He’s serious…like, really serious. Thank God I’m not alone in this. I don’t know exactly what his feelings are, but he wouldn’t do this if he wasn’t feeling something. It makes me even more confident of the place he holds in my heart.

  “Thank you.”

  He kisses my forehead, and we head back to the bed. My new clothes are strewn all over it, so I get to work putting them away. A thought occurs to me, and I shoot a smile in his direction.

  “No more walks of shame?”

  He grins, patting the space next to him on the bed.

  “In a minute.” As I walk to the bathroom, I glance back at him over my shoulder. “And don’t think I forgot that you broke my orgasm rule, mister.”

bsp; He chuckles, shaking his head. When I turn on the bathroom light, the first thing I see is a small, green robe hanging next to his big, blue one. Aww…

  I also notice a bunch of products in a corner. O.M.G! I see my deodorant, favorite perfume, hair products, lotion, body wash, and my hair brush. What did he do, raid my apartment? Examining them more closely, I realize they’re all new. I had no idea he was paying such close attention. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. He’s…nesting. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and hurry back to him.

  It’s my turn to observe him from the bathroom door. He’s watching his DVD again, so absorbed in it he pays me no attention when I move to the bed. I pick up the remote, hit Pause, and climb on top of him. He places his hands on my hips and smiles up at me. I cradle his face and lean forward.

  “I could do major damage to your reputation if anyone found out what a sweetheart you really are.”

  I touch my lips to his in a gentle kiss then lay my head on his shoulder, wiggling my hips to get more comfortable. He grabs my hips and groans.

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry!” I exclaim, realizing what I did. I look down at him, truly remorseful. “Do you want me to go?”

  He shakes his head, so I carefully move to the other side of the bed.

  “Okay. I won’t bug you anymore. Goodnight.”

  He leans over, plants a chaste kiss on my lips, and returns his attention to the TV.

  Lying on my side, I watch him. God knows he’s not what I thought I wanted…but He knows best. What I thought I didn’t want is turning out to be exactly what I need.


  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

  I survey my surroundings in disdain. If it wasn’t for Cameron, I would never have set foot in a place like this again. The smoke from the special effects mingles with smoke from cigarettes and cigars. I know I smell weed in the mix, too. Chelsea seems unaffected, bouncing around like an excited child. I hope he’s as quick with this fight as he was with The Pitbull.

  I didn’t see much of him today. When I woke up, he was gone. I heard the noise coming from the gym and didn’t want to bother him, so I stayed upstairs. The text I woke up to had me feeling so good, I cleaned, changed the sheets, and did laundry.


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