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Beyond the Cage

Page 15

by Alana Sapphire

  I clasp my hands behind his neck and stare into his eyes as he does exactly what I told him to do. With a moan, he leans forward and licks my neck before attaching his lips to the base where it meets my shoulder. I moan as he pushes deep, completely lost inside me. He pulls back and looks down. I follow his gaze, watching as his dick disappears and reappears. Seeing my wetness on the condom makes me moan with delight. This is so hot! He lets out a feral growl as he moves faster, and I know he’s about to come. As usual, I’m going to get there before him. I bite my lip as my legs shake around his waist, my sounds of pleasure coming out as muffled grunts. He pounds into me savagely before finally going still. Both breathless, we stare into each other’s eyes.

  “Have I told you that I like fucking you?” He smiles and shakes his head. “I do. Very…very much.”

  He nibbles at my lips before pulling out and setting me on my feet. As I straighten my clothes, he hands me my underwear. While I slip them on, he removes the condom, ties a knot at the end, and shoves it into his pocket once his pants are back on. He smiles down at me, leans forward, and nips at the exposed portion of my breasts.

  “Am I presentable or do I have ‘just fucked’ stamped on my forehead?”

  He chuckles and gives me a thumbs-up. I take a deep, composing breath as he reaches for the door handle, then we slip inside and head back to our area.

  “Where have you two been?” Chelsea grins at me with a twinkle in her eye as I sit next to her.


  “Yeah…and that’s not a hickey on your neck.”

  “We were just…checking out the exits.”

  “More like he was checking out your entrance.”

  Cameron throws us a curious glance as we burst out laughing. He’s stretched out on the couch looking mighty relaxed.

  “Where’d Damon go? You two seemed to be hittin’ it off.”

  “He’ll be back. He went to the office. Turns out Nick’s his uncle.”


  “Oh, there he is!” she squeals.

  She jumps out of her seat and hurries over to him. Wow…she’s got it bad already. He says something in her ear and her smile fades. It’s quickly restored when he leans in again. They exchange numbers and he kisses her cheek before walking off.

  “What happened?” I ask when she returns.

  “Designated driver…he’s taking his friends home.”

  “Okay. Come on, I’ll be your dancing partner.”

  I take her hand and we head back to our spot by the railing. At that very moment, they just so happen to start playing our jam – Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”. Side note: Robin is totally hot. Not as hot as Cameron, though! She twirls me around, pushes up against my ass, and we grind on each other. Yeah, this song brings out our inner strippers. In my position, I’m facing Cameron. He’s watching us with a very interesting expression. I know he wants it. I see him grab his crotch, no doubt…rearranging things down there. I turn to face Chels and we both shout ‘you the hottest bitch in this place!’ along with the song. I turn to face Cameron again and freeze when I bump into the last person I want to see.

  “Oh, I definitely want it,” Jamal says, replying to the line in the song I intended to sing to Cameron.

  I glance nervously at him over Jamal’s shoulder. He’s watching…passively, but still watching. Good. Just in case I need him.

  “Leave me alone, Jamal.”

  He does his LL Cool J lip-licking thing that I used to find so sexy and looks me up and down.

  “Come on…tell me you don’t miss me.”

  “She ain’t thinking about you,” Chels retorts.

  “Exactly. Now leave.”

  “What’s up with you and this MMA dude? He doesn’t even talk.”

  Obviously, he hasn’t seen MMA dude or he wouldn’t be here.

  “No. But he’s managed to say a hell of a lot more than you ever did. For the last time…leave.”

  I turn my back to him and shriek in surprise when two hands grab my ass.

  “That ass –”

  I spin around and Cameron has Jamal by his collar, dragging him away from me. Oh, dear God…I know that look. It’s the one reserved for the cage. He grabs the lapels of Jamal’s jacket and my eyes widen as he lifts him off the floor. Jared rushes forward, begging Cameron to let him handle it, but he’s not listening. He moves toward the railing and Jamal looks nervously over at the drop. I think he might be about to pee his pants. The club’s security hastily makes their way to us.

  “Cameron, put him down…please.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not begging for the jerk, but Cameron would be in a whole lot of trouble. “He’s not worth it. Put him down.”

  He looks over at me then glares at Jamal.

  “Okay, man,” Jamal sputters. “I get it. I’ll leave her alone!”

  He clenches his jaw and sets Jamal back on his feet. Jared steps in and ushers him away with the help of the security guys. I step forward and wrap my arms around Cameron’s waist. He’s pissed.

  “Let’s go home.”

  “Good idea, Jas…before someone gets killed,” Chels agrees.

  He nods and we wait for Jared to return before we leave. By the time we arrive home, exhaustion has gotten the better of me. Chelsea, too. We both have to be carried to the apartment. Through heavy lids, I see her wrap her arms around Jared’s neck and settle into his arms. I search my clutch for the key and hand it to Cameron. Following Chelsea’s lead, I tuck my face into his neck.


  Holy crap! My eyes jerk open and I sit up, looking around the room in confusion. My gaze shifts to Cameron when he hands me my phone. I answer it, stopping the loud, offensive ringing.

  “You’re dating some…fighter?” my father shouts in my ear.

  Oh…shit. The way he said it, you’d think I was dating the scum of the earth.

  “Good morning, Dad. I’m fine, how are you?”

  “Jasmine Renae…” First and middle name…this is serious. “Don’t get smart with me. Tell me why I have to learn from the sports page that my daughter is not only dating someone, but she’s dating a fighter.”

  Chelsea charges into the room, wildly waving the newspaper at me, but I raise my hand to stop her outburst. She calms down, walks quietly over, and hands me the paper.

  “And what exactly were you wearing?” Dad continues.

  I check the paper and, sure enough, there we are entering the club. We’re news? Don’t they have actual sports to write about?

  “Dad, I just woke up. Can you give me a few minutes and I’ll call you back?”

  “Jasmine –”

  “Please, Dad.” I just need a few minutes to clear my head.

  “Ten minutes.”

  The line goes dead. Cameron is now sitting up and eyeing me curiously. I look away, wondering what I’m going to say to my father. He obviously doesn’t approve, but he doesn’t know Cameron.

  “Jas, I can’t believe we made the sports page!” Chels raves.

  She follows me, reading the article aloud, as I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom.

  “‘MMA champ, Cameron ‘K.O.’ Jackson was spotted on the town last night with not one, but two gorgeous women in tow.’ You hear that? We’re gorgeous! ‘They have been identified as Jasmine Carter, left, and Chelsea Tanner, right, both students at Northwestern. There were rumors that Jackson has been dating someone, and as the night progressed, it became evident that someone is Miss Carter. This reporter likes the way Mr. Jackson chose to celebrate his victory over Chico Madden last night.’ Blah, blah, blah, they go on to talk about the fight.”

  “Chels…my dad saw that. I haven’t told my parents about him yet. He’s pretty mad.”

  “Tell you what, I’ll take Cameron and go get us some breakfast while you talk to Dad.”

  Life saver. I could use the privacy to deal with my father. “Thanks.”

  This is not the day for me to be dealing with this because I already feel the beginnings o
f cramps. I climb back into bed and curl up under the covers. After Cameron brushes his teeth, he and Chels set out. I grab my phone and take a deep breath before dialing.

  “Well?” he answers.

  “I haven’t said anything because we haven’t been dating that long.”

  “He hasn’t hurt you, has he?”

  “No! He’s not like that. Fighting is what he does…not who he is.”

  “How would you know?” he asks. “Like you said, you haven’t been dating long.”

  “I just know. He’s a good guy, Dad. I really like him.”

  “Are you happy?” he asks in a softer tone.

  “I am.”

  “That’s all I need to know…for now. Your mother wants to talk to you.”

  There’s a period of silence before my mom comes on the phone. “Okay…he’s gone. Tell me about this guy of yours.”

  “He’s great, Mom. I don’t know how else to put it.”

  “Well, if you think he is, he must be.”

  “I really like him.”

  “Oh…I understand. Don’t worry about your father. He’s just concerned about your safety.”

  “I know but, really, Cameron’s not like that.”

  “I hope we get to judge for ourselves soon?” she asks hopefully.

  “I’ll talk to him about it.”

  “Okay, honey. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”

  “Love you, too. Bye, Mom.”

  By the time Cameron and Chels return, I’ve showered and washed my hair, then curled up in bed waiting for the painkillers I took to kick in. Sparty jumps on the bed, his dog tags jingling from the movement. Now I see why they took so long – they picked up my baby.

  “Sparty! Did you enjoy your sleepover?”

  He curls up next to me and I scratch his little head. Cameron walks in, carrying breakfast, brows furrowed in concern.

  “I’m okay,” I assure him. “Nothing to worry about.”

  I don’t sound okay. How can I be when I feel like my uterus is falling out? He sits on the edge of the bed and strokes my cheek, worry still creasing his brow. This is the man my dad thinks will hurt me? Sitting up, I give him an encouraging smile.

  “What’d you bring me?”

  I empty the contents of the bag and find a breakfast sandwich and a blueberry muffin. He hands me a cup of coffee.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He watches me closely while I eat, no doubt still wondering what’s wrong with me. When I’m done, he grabs the trash and takes it to the kitchen. Chels sticks her head through my door.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head. “Common affliction.”

  “Oh…guess it’s a good thing you checked out those exits last night.” She waggles her brows.

  Leave it to her to have me laughing in my current condition. “True.”

  “Anyway…I will see you later. I’m meeting Damon.”

  It’s so cute the way she’s blushing just talking about him. Do I do that? “Have fun, babe.”

  “I will.” She glances at Cameron with a giggle. “You two behave.”

  Turning on her heels, she walks away humming. He climbs in next to me and I cuddle up to him. I hate this…the first two days are always the worst for me. He curls his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. As he strokes my arm, my lids begin to droop.

  I wake up a few hours later, in the same position. His even breathing tells me he’s asleep. Sparty is curled up at our feet. I feel a little better; at least the cramps are gone. He stirs the moment I move, watching as I walk to the bathroom. I wonder if I should send him away. I’m not exactly at my best right now.

  “How come you’re still here?” I ask when I return to the bedroom. “No training sessions today?”

  He nods but seems uneasy.

  “Did you…you didn’t blow them off for me, did you?” When he nods, I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. “How sweet are you?”

  I run my fingers through his hair and smile at him as my feelings for him elevate another notch.

  “I’m fine. I just…I just got my period.”

  He sighs audibly, shakes his head, and smiles.

  “Was that a sigh of relief that I’m okay, or that I’m not pregnant?”

  His gaze drops. I look down, wondering what he’s looking at. “What?”

  Pulling me against him, he settles me between his legs, laying his palm flat on my stomach before making small, slow circles. What the hell? Moving to my knees, I turn to him, searching his eyes. I see… What do I see? Longing?

  “Are you –?”

  He cuts me off with a nod.

  “Oh, my God. Cameron…”


  Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  This is a bombshell. What the hell do I say? We just started dating, for Christ’s sake! When did he get to the point of wanting to have a baby? I can’t have a baby! Wait…do I even want one…with him?


  He shrugs, watching for my reaction.

  “I can’t have a baby right now. I have med school –”

  Placing a finger to my lips, he stops me mid-sentence. He pulls me onto his lap and circles me with his arms, resting his cheek on my forehead.

  “You understand…don’t you?”

  I feel his nod and breathe a sigh of relief. This man is just one surprise after another. A few days ago, he didn’t even know if he wanted kids and now he does…with me! Then again, something like this is a testament to the fact that he’s serious about us. Having a child with someone means being a part of each other’s lives forever. That part fills me with optimism. He sees a future for us.

  After spending the afternoon with me, he leaves to make his evening training session. He waited on me hand and foot, even made me lunch. It was just a sandwich, but hey, it’s the thought that counts. He even texted me after he left. I spend my time alone thinking about his new-found desire, not even realizing when Chels walks into my room until she snaps her fingers in my face.

  “What planet were you on?”

  “Planet Weirded Out,” I answer.

  “What’s got you weirded out?”

  “How was your date?” I try to deflect the topic of conversation.

  “Later. Don’t change the subject.”

  I take a deep breath and look over at her as she sits next to me, taking Sparty into her arms. “He wants us to have a baby.”

  “What the fuck? So quick? He’s a serious dude!”

  “Tell me about it. I think we came to an understanding about the timing, though.”

  “Wow…just wow.” She shakes her head in disbelief.

  “I guess the age difference was bound to catch up with us. We’re at different places in our lives.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just have fun. Enjoy this for what it is. If you two are meant for each other, it’ll work itself out.”

  “You’re right, but –”

  “I know how you feel about him. Just…enjoy that feeling. Stop thinking so far ahead.”

  She’s right. This isn’t something to worry about. It’s way too soon, and we have tons of time. I’m sure he understands why a baby can’t be in the cards right now. “What would I do without you?”

  “You’d probably cave in and give him triplets…twice.”

  “Oh, really? I wasn’t the one making love on the dance floor last night.”

  She waggles her brows suggestively. “Not on the dance floor.”

  “Whatever! Back to my question…how was your date?”

  “Jas, he’s…awesome! He’s gorgeous, smart…he’s an incredible kisser. Why didn’t you introduce us before?”

  “Honestly, I thought he was interested in me. It wasn’t until I saw the way he looked at you last night that I realized he was using me to get to you.”


  “He’d always invite me places…well, us. He’d make it look l
ike a group thing. It doesn’t matter now. When are you seeing him again?”

  Her face lights up. “Tonight.”

  “Ooh…don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Like fucking in a crowded club?”

  “Chels! You’re not going to let me live that down, are you?”

  “Nope. You seeing Cameron tonight?”

  “He sent me a text saying he’d check on me later.”


  “Do you have dinner plans?” I ask. “I’m hungry.”

  “Yeah, but we can get a pizza or something.”

  My phone vibrates and I pick it up to see another text from Cameron. “Never mind. He’s bringing dinner.”

  “Cool. I am going to raid my closet for an outfit for tonight.”

  She bounces off and I look down at Spartacus. “Come on, let’s get you fed.”


  Cameron arrives just as Chels is leaving. Spartacus jumps down from my lap and runs to him, barking happily while standing on his hind legs. He smiles down at the pup, but I stop him before he can pick him up.

  “Mommy first,” I say as I meet him at the door.

  I pucker my lips for a kiss and wait. He slides his free hand around my waist and pulls me close, that panty-melting look in his eyes. Fuck. He leans down and slowly, gently, kisses my cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and the corners of my lips…sweet, fleeting kisses that affect my breathing and send jolts of longing through me. I close my eyes, holding on to his shoulders to keep myself upright. Finally, he claims my lips, teasing them with his tongue. I open up to let him in, but he doesn’t take advantage of it. He gives me one final smooch and pulls away. My lids flutter open and I find myself looking directly into the swirling depths of grey that are his eyes.

  “Damn,” I manage to get out.

  That was…life-changing. He flashes that sexy smirk and takes my hand, pulling me to the kitchen. I sit around the island and watch as he empties the food on the counter – sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, and chop suey. When I move to get the plates, he directs me back to my chair.

  “I’m not an invalid, you know.”

  He ignores me and fetches the plates himself, then loads one up and places it in front of me.


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