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Beyond the Cage

Page 18

by Alana Sapphire

  “Thank you.”

  Will I ever get used to that? Being treated like a second-class citizen because I have something they want? I move closer to him, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. The woman glances up from her computer, and I accidentally-on-purpose brush my hair out of my face with my left hand. Bingo! It may not be a diamond but it works nonetheless.

  She clears her throat and hands Cameron’s card back to him, telling him the room number. She also hands him a key, explaining that we’ll be in a Palatial Suite, and that the room has already been personalized based on his preferences. Okay then. Now I see what the big bucks are for. A bellhop collects our bags and we begin making our way to the room.

  Once we’re in the elevator, he pulls me against him, sliding his hand around my waist. I lean in to him, breathing in his scent until we get to our floor. In our room, I move over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, while he tips the bellhop. The room is gorgeous, but the view is out of this world. Below, the city’s lights twinkle and reflect on the surface of Lake Michigan. I close my eyes and sigh in contentment as his hands slide around my waist.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  He turns me around to face him and gently strokes my cheek with his thumb. Intense, grey eyes meet mine, but seem to look beyond to my very soul. He trails a finger from the corner of my eye down to my chin and nods.

  “Why, Mr. Jackson…are you paying me a compliment?”

  Slowly, he leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. Ladies and gentlemen, The K.O. Reaction is in full effect. I wrap my arms around his neck as he sweeps me off my feet. I trace the contours of his face with my index finger, marveling at the man’s beauty.

  “You’re the beautiful one.”

  I slide my finger across his full lower lip and he pulls it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. If a blow job feels anything like this then I know why guys love it so much. He walks to the bathroom and allows me to slide down his body. While he turns on the faucet in the tub and adds bubble bath to the water, I turn to admire the room. There’s a huge mirror hanging over a double-sink, stone-topped vanity, and a separate shower with a rainfall showerhead. The whole room is limestone-finished, and I’m guessing the toilet is behind the two glass doors to my right.

  Cameron brings my attention back to him by taking my hand. I move forward, draping my arms around his shoulders. He places his hands on my hips, pulling them against his. As his head descends, I slide my fingers down his hard chest and work on the buttons of his waistcoat. His lips touch mine and my hands falter. Will this happen every time he touches me? You’d think I’d be used to it by now. I slide the garment off his shoulders and pull at his tie to free the knot. He slides his tongue along my bottom lip and I moan, grabbing his shirt to steady myself.

  I make quick work of the buttons on his shirt and dispose of it, too. I groan, realizing I still have his undershirt, pants, and boxers left.

  “Why are you wearing so many clothes?”

  He smiles against my lips as I reach for his belt, breaking away to help me by removing his undershirt. After kicking his shoes and pants aside, he grabs my hands, halting my progress with his boxers. He pulls me flush against him and buries his face in my neck, his velvety tongue sliding across my skin, making me shiver. I reach between us and stroke him through his boxers, extracting a deep groan from him. As he moves to the other side of my neck, his fingers settle on my hips, slowly pulling my dress up. I allow my head to fall back, giving him better access to my neck.


  I lose track of everything until he nudges my arms for me to lift them. After I comply, he pulls the dress over my head, tossing it on the pile of clothes on the floor. He gives me a lascivious smile when he sees I’m not wearing a bra. Since my panties are tucked away in his pocket, I’m now completely naked before him, save my shoes. He plants a soft kiss in the center of my sternum and moves down at a snail’s pace to my breast. My chest heaves with every breath I take. His tongue circles my nipple before moving to the other. I sink my fingers in his hair as he moves down my stomach. He stops at the spot below my navel, flicking his tongue against my skin.

  “Oh, God…”

  I look down and he’s on his knees, staring up at me. It’s as if he’s worshipping me with his eyes. My already-weak knees threaten to buckle, but then it’s gone. He ducks his head and concentrates on the buckles of my strappy stilettos. I wish I knew what he’s thinking. This guessing game has my mind in knots.

  With my shoes disposed of, he takes my hand and helps me into the tub before lighting the candles sitting on the edge. As I settle in, he turns the lights off. Now, this is the life. I only wish the tub was big enough for the both of us. He perches on the edge and reaches into the water, coming up with my foot.

  “What –” The words die on my lips as his thumbs massage the balls of my foot. “Oh…my…”

  I sink lower into the water as he applies more pressure. His magical fingers make circles down the length of the bottom of my foot, and I moan in delight. In the future, I’ll have to request this type of treatment frequently. By the time he moves to my other foot, I feel myself slipping into dreamland.

  Through sleepy eyes, I see him drop his boxers and move toward the shower. Okay…I’m fully awake again. He turns the shower on and steps in, standing below the spray. Right now, I wish I was a drop of that water. It cascades down his body, glistening in the candlelight. The glass begins to fog up and I can only make out the outline of his body. Damn it. I close my eyes and wait for him to finish so I can shower, too. I love a good soak but always shower after.

  When I hear the sound of the water being turned off, I open my eyes to catch a glimpse of him. I lick my lips as he steps out, my eyes trained on the magnificent appendage dangling between his legs. He obstructs my view, covering it with a towel before he grabs another one to dry his hair. As he walks past me, he drops a kiss on my forehead while scooping up our discarded clothes. He returns a few minutes later carrying our toothbrushes. I feel like a perv watching him, but hey…he’s mine. If I want to watch him brush his teeth then I will.

  After I shower, dry my hair, and brush my teeth, I walk into the bedroom to find a surprise waiting for me. On the bed, he’s laid out what he wants me to wear – a baby blue, lace-trimmed, satin slip, and a matching kimono. I slide my fingers across the silky material with a smile. He’s really going all out tonight. One of the bags is open next to it, so I peek inside, finding clothes, toiletries, and makeup. I grab the lotion and deodorant and slip on the nightie, foregoing underwear. I wonder if I should wear the kimono also. Yes, I’m definitely wearing it so he can unwrap this gift. I giggle to myself as I realize what I just did. I am a gift from God, after all. Tousling my hair, I leave the bedroom to find him.

  The lights are off and he’s lying on a blanket in front of the fireplace, propped up on some pillows. He’s staring into the flames, lost in thought. Whatever he’s thinking about has his full attention, because I enter the room and he doesn’t seem to notice.


  He turns his head toward me, hopping to his feet as I walk forward. His gaze moves slowly down my body and back up, locking with mine. I return the favor, scanning his naked chest and down to where his pajama bottoms are hanging off his hips. Hmm…that V-line and my tongue are going to have a meeting tonight. He takes my hands, kissing the backs of both.

  “Thank you for my sexy nightie.”

  I’m rewarded with a salacious smile as he reaches for the knot on my kimono. He pushes the sides apart, biting his lip as he looks on in appreciation. He trails his finger down my breast, finding my nipple through the material. I shiver and goosebumps pop up along my arms. As I’m about to throw myself into his arms, there’s a knock at the door. Ugh!

  “Ignore it,” I beg. He ignores me instead and walks to the door. “Seriously? Well, you just missed your chance, Mr. Jackson.”

  He scoffs and looks back with a ‘yeah, right’ expression.
I can’t even disagree; he can get it in his sleep. I drop the kimono and take his place on the blanket. He comes back pushing a cart laden with all kinds of goodies – champagne, strawberries, whipped cream, molten chocolate, and a box of Godiva truffles. I watch with mounting excitement as he opens the bottle of Krug. After pouring two glasses, he hands one to me then joins me on the blanket. He inclines his glass toward mine in a toast.

  “To…graduations and romantic boyfriends.”

  He smiles, taps his glass against mine, and takes a sip, his eyes boring into mine over the rim. I just want to jump on top of him, but I’ll try to be patient to see what he has planned. Holding his hypnotic stare, I down my drink in one sip. He raises a brow and reaches for the bottle with a smirk.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?”

  He nods as he refills my glass. I lean forward, giving him a better view of my cleavage. As his gaze drifts south, I whisper in his ear, “You don’t need alcohol for that.”

  Hovering over his lips, I lick mine seductively. He slides his hand to the small of my back and pulls me close. My dormant imp is about to make an appearance. When he tries to close the gap between us, I pull away and move toward the cart.

  “Chocolate would have been enough.” I wink.

  He grabs my hand, roughly pulling me back to him. I giggle, throwing my arms around his neck. The mirth disappears when I notice the mischief in his eyes. He pushes me back against the pillows and reaches for the box of chocolates. After removing the lid, he leaves it on the floor next to us. Taking my hands, he positions them above my head and brushes his lips against mine. I arch into him as he intensifies the kiss, sucking on my bottom lip. I try pulling my hands free so I can touch him, but he has my wrists in a vise grip. Vaguely, I feel something brush against my arm, but I’m too distracted by his tongue in my mouth. I groan when he breaks the kiss to straddle my hips. There’s a tug on my wrists, and I realize he’s tied my hands together.

  “Hey!” I protest as he leans back with a satisfied smirk.

  I lift my hands to investigate and find the sash from my kimono wrapped around my wrists. He forces my bound hands back into position, removing a truffle from the box. I guess I can forgive this small transgression for some chocolate. He brings it to my lips, but pulls it away just as I’m about to take a bite. Instead, he takes one, examining the remaining piece as he chews. Ugh…the tease. He offers it to me again, this time allowing me to bite into it. Oh, my God…pure heaven. As I chew, he slides my nightie up and I raise my hips, enabling him to lift it. He feeds me another truffle then slides the nightie over my breasts.

  Leaving it bunched up on my sternum, he moves everything from the cart to the floor. By now, my breathing is out of control. I’m completely at his mercy, anticipating what he’ll do next. He picks up the bowl of molten chocolate, dips his finger inside, and places it at my lips. I take his finger into my mouth, sucking it clean, our eyes locked the entire time. He dips his finger into the bowl again, this time allowing the chocolate to drip between my breasts. While he leans in, he gives me an ‘oops’ look. Oops, my ass. That was intentional. The moment his tongue touches my skin, I let out a long, deep moan. He licks up the chocolate, driving my body wild with the action. More chocolate follows, from between my breasts down to my stomach. He starts at the end of the trail and works his way up, swirling his tongue. He glides over my breasts, moving close to, but not touching, my nipples. Why is he torturing me?


  The licking stops and the sucking begins. I’m pretty sure there won’t be a hickey-less spot on my breasts when he’s done. Writhing beneath him, I desperately try to free my hands.

  “I need you.”

  Without even acknowledging me, he reaches for a strawberry, dipping it in the whipped cream. He brings it to my lips and, after I bite into the juicy fruit, he pops the remaining piece into his mouth and reaches for another. Lying next to me, he circles my nipple with the tip of the fruit. My back arches and he leans down, taking my lips between his. A moan comes from the back of my throat as I feel the strawberry slowly travelling down my stomach. He pulls back, staring into my eyes as he moves lower. I gasp when he presses down on my clit.


  He circles it slowly before moving down, parting my lips with a goddamned strawberry. I’m so wet, so turned on…if he keeps this up, I’ll explode any minute. Still holding my stare, he brings it to his lips and takes a big bite. Something lurches in my stomach and every muscle in my body clenches.

  “Oh…you’re bad. You’re so bad.”

  He chuckles, positioning himself between my legs. Pushing them apart, he dips his head to find my clit with his tongue.

  “Oh, God…”

  I move my tethered hands down to bury my fingers in his hair. His tongue swirls from my entrance, over my lips, and back to my clit. Closing his lips around it, he sucks and strokes it with his tongue. Pushing my thighs farther apart, he proceeds to lick every inch of my drenched pussy. My hips buck upward and he curls his arms around my thighs, holding me in place. I’m teetering precariously on the edge, moaning and squirming. As his attention return to my clit, I feel the quickening sensation and lose the fight to hold back a scream. My orgasm comes crashing down on me and he increases his speed and intensity. It draws out my climax, leaving me shuddering in a torrent of sheer bliss. My bones turn to liquid and I lie there, unable to move. He releases my bonds, massaging my wrists as he lies next to me.

  “You slay me, Mr. Jackson.”

  He grins, rolling me with him so I’m lying on top of him. I listen to his heartbeat, waiting for life to re-enter my body. His fingers glide up and down my spine, and I can already feel the stirring between my thighs. I sit up, smirking down at him. His skin looks even more golden in the firelight. My golden Adonis. I grab the bottle of champagne and take a sip but don’t swallow, then lean in to kiss his lips. When he parts them, I allow the liquid to trickle from my mouth to his. He grabs my hips, pushing me back so I’m sitting on his erection.

  “We’ll get to that soon enough,” I assure him.

  I take the bowl of chocolate and trail a line from his navel to his sternum. For good measure, I add two circles around his nipples then lick my fingers clean. Starting at his navel, I work my way up. His muscles jump beneath my tongue and he moans, sinking his fingers into my hair. I circle his nipple, pulling it into my mouth as I swirl my tongue around it. When I move to the other, he begins to rock my hips, rubbing my pussy against his dick.


  I slide back, pulling his pajama bottoms down his hips. My eyes lock on to his V-line. Time for our meeting. His fingers curl into my hair as I slide my tongue along the groove. Placing soft kisses across his stomach, I move to the other side. The sounds of his moans only make me want to please him more. I pull his bottoms off and toss them aside. As usual, the Kraken is in top form. While stroking him, I reach for an ice cube from the champagne bucket and place it in my mouth. I roll my tongue around it, melting it. He watches me intently, anticipation in his eyes. I wrap both hands around the Kraken and lean forward, allowing the cold water from my mouth to trickle down his length. He drags a breath through his teeth and grips the blanket beneath him.

  With my mouth still cold from the ice, I wrap my lips around him. I bob up and down, humming and moaning as I slurp him up like a popsicle. I glance up at him, and his head is thrown back on the pillows, every muscle in his body taut. It’s empowering knowing I have this effect on him. Pushing his powerful legs apart, I move lower, licking where his thigh meets his hip. I drag my nails down his stomach, heading for his balls, sliding my tongue across it before pulling it into my mouth. The sound he makes is like a cross between a groan and a whimper.

  With a grin, I leave his balls, moving back up to wrap my lips around the head of his dick. As I suck on it, I pump him with both hands, intent on giving him as much as he gave me. I take him as deep as I can, pulling ba
ck when he releases a tortured sound. When I resume my bobbing motion, he begins pulling on my hair, which means he’s about to come. I slap his hand away, making my intention clear. I’ve never swallowed before, but I want to do it for him. He growls, erupting in my mouth. Swallowing quickly, I suck up the intermittent spurts that follow. Drained, I let him slip from between my lips. That wasn’t so bad. I was expecting it to be…icky…but it wasn’t.

  I climb back up to straddle him and he’s staring at the ceiling, trying to calm his breathing. I lay my head on his chest, but the position is short-lived as he rolls over, putting me beneath him. He reaches under the pillows and retrieves a handful of condoms.

  “Ever the boy scout.”

  One side of his lips curls up and he reaches down to slip a finger inside me. We both moan and he leans in to cover my lips with his. His tongue surges past my parted lips, exploring each crevice and corner. He trails kisses down my cheek and affixes his lips to my neck, sucking at the base of my throat. I throw my head back and bury my fingers in his hair as he sinks his finger deep then switches to the other side of my neck.


  He moves up onto his knees and quickly grabs one of the condoms, but I place my hand on his to stop him. I take it from his fingers and toss it aside.

  “No. I want to feel you.”

  His eyes burn with a desire so intense, I’m shaking as he lowers himself on top of me. He grabs the base of his dick and slowly, gently, pushes inside me.


  He moans and begins to move at a smooth, rhythmic pace, rocking his hips slowly, pulling back and pushing deep. I wrap my legs around his hips as he moves in a circular motion. We stare into each other’s eyes, both lost in feeling.

  “Baby…you feel so good.”

  He lets out a sharp growl and descends on my lips, grinding his against them, sucking on my bottom one until it throbs. Grabbing my hip, he lifts me toward him as he delivers deep, gentle thrusts. Something pools in the pit of my stomach then shoots through my body like a rocket. I give in to the feeling, tightening my legs around him.


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