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The Good, The Bad & The Dead | Book 1 | Once Upon A Time In An Undead World

Page 34

by Grimes, A. L.

  ‘At least we can reason with the living,’ said Claudia.

  Billie-Jo and Tom exchanged glances. ‘You may find that you have to make some difficult choices very quickly,’ said Tom.

  ‘What does that mean?’ She asked.

  ‘I’m curious myself,’ said Ben.

  ‘The living have become survivors. You will find that some will come together like we have…through necessity. Others are looking to take…whatever they want,’ replied Tom. ‘Then you have to be prepared to resist.’

  ‘Resist how?’ Asked Ben.

  Claudia was more than aware of how to survive in a cruel world. ‘How do you think Ben?’

  ‘Are you suggesting that we kill innocent people as a means of getting what we want?’

  ‘No,’ said Billie-Jo. ‘Not to get what we want. To stay alive. We too are survivors. Some people out there are seeing this as an opportunity to maybe live out some of their deranged fantasies.’

  ‘How would you both know this?’ Asked Ben suspiciously.

  Claudia guessed the answer. ‘Because how do you think they got this far,’ she answered for them. ‘And before you fall off any moral high ground, can I remind you that if they hadn’t made it this far, we would now be dead…or worse.’

  ‘We can’t just go around murdering people,’ he responded.

  ‘Behave yourself,’ said Tom. ‘We aren’t just wondering up to people and gutting them. Not everyone is like you or us, some are not looking to give or receive help. Some are looking to cause further misery.’

  ‘Have you killed any living person?’ Asked Ben.

  ‘Nobody that didn’t deserve it,’ he replied.

  Ben turned towards Billie-Jo, ‘What about you?’

  ‘I’ve not killed anyone, but I have chopped off a hand, a foot and four fingers,’ she replied nonchalantly.

  ‘From the same person?’ he asked hesitantly.

  ‘Nope, three separate people but all similar incidents,’ she replied.

  ‘What incidents were they?’ Asked Claudia.

  ‘Three males, who wanted to hurt me in ways I’m quite sure I would have disliked,’ Lola barked her agreement.

  ‘What happened to them?’ Asked Claudia gently.

  ‘I killed the first one who tried to snatch her, the other two we left squealing in the street,’ replied Tom defiantly.

  Ben turned away, he looked out across the lake. The rain was hammering down and a strong wind had picked up. ‘We have to keep hold of civilisation.’

  ‘We have to survive it first,’ replied Tom.


  The weather was wicked as they waited for the shutters to lift. The news had mentioned the pending storm a week earlier…it had omitted the arrival of the apocalypse. A few of the dead milled about outside struggling to stay upright against the whipping winds.

  ‘The weather could work in our favour,’ said Ben. ‘The dead have no coordination and are struggling to stay upright.’

  At the same moment a weakened woman was taken off her feet and smashed into the fence. Her leg snapped as it bent around a concrete post. She tried pushing herself back up but her damaged leg gave way; she didn’t give up.

  ‘Poor woman,’ said Claudia. ‘That could be someone’s grandmother.’

  Tom had a brief flashback of his own mother, he dismissed it quickly…not wanting her swimming about in his head. He walked over to the old lady and put her out of her misery. The others finished off the dead that moved towards them. Ben had picked up Bernie’s coat which was way too small but would have to do. Claudia who had worn a faux fur coat to the hotel had abandoned that for the cleaners popular bubble coat, surprisingly it fit well. Tom and Billie-Jo were already dressed for battle. Lola popped her face out of the front of Billie-Jo’s coat.

  The rain was coming down in sheets and backed up by a cutting gust. Parts of the ground they trod was ankle deep in mud and sand. ‘Whose idea was it to come out in this?’ said Claudia. Ben looked away sheepishly, Tom didn’t care and strode on purposefully. Just Lola’s nose was poking out now.

  They had got to the top of the hill with one minor altercation occurring. A dead jogger had reached out of the overgrown marshland and grabbed at Ben’s ankle. Tom was quick to stamp hand and brain into the ground. What alarmed Ben was how Tom had not bothered to look if the man was dead or reaching for help. Tom had identified the mottled skin as his trigger for stomping true death into the man. Ben acknowledged that maybe Tom was actually cut out for this new world.

  The four of them could see a darkened sky joining a bad-tempered sea. Worse still, the tide was on the move towards them.

  ‘Shit, if we don’t get across that sand and up those rocks sharpish, we’ll either be stranded here or washed off the rocks by the incoming tide,’ said Ben.

  ‘Is that a dead sheep?’ said Billie-Jo.

  ‘So it is,’ replied Tom. ‘And a penguin.’

  Lying on its side in the middle of a storm swept beach lay a fully clothed lifeless sheep. Less than fifty metres away, paddling frantically was a penguin attempting to launch itself into the sea.

  Tom scratched his head, ‘I don’t know if this day can get any stranger.’

  ‘There you go,’ said Billie-Jo pointing to a dozen or so dead coming out of the sea.


  The following twenty minutes spiralled out of control. The dead that advanced from the sea just happened to be blocking their way. Tom led the charge, slicing and dicing as he battled the elements. His favoured move was to arc his sword in a downward slash across the skull followed by a pivot and a stab to the next unfortunate eye socket.

  Billie-Jo attacked in a stabbing motion, eye, cheek, temple or chin…anything that allowed access to the brain. Claudia lacked any coordination; she swung her sword like she was trying to untangle herself from a web. Ben swung his hammer like a man should.

  While dismantling the dead they failed to notice three of the living also creep from the water. They did notice that the dead were not from these shores.

  The new threat consisted of two men and a woman. One of the men had a knife to the throat of Claudia, he shouted something at Ben, Tom and Billie-Jo. The weather wasn’t helping the audio, but it was clear to them all that he wasn’t speaking English. Maybe that explains the penguin thought Tom.

  The man pointed the knife at their bags. ‘I think he wants our backpacks,’ said Ben.

  ‘No shit,’ replied Tom.

  ‘It has all our food,’ added Billie-Jo.

  Tom stood firm; he waved his finger. He then motioned for them to pass without further incident.

  Again he pointed the knife at each of the bags.

  ‘He’s not getting it,’ said Billie-Jo.

  Tom was never really one for diplomacy. ‘Fuck off,’ he shouted through the wind and rain.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Asked Ben.

  ‘Everyone across the world understands fuck off,’ he replied casually.

  ‘He has a knife to Claudia’s throat,’ replied Ben.

  Tom turned towards Ben,’ He knows that if he harms her, he will have no leverage. He also knows that I will walk over there and put my sword through him afterwards.’ Tom had been gesturing his actions while speaking with Ben. The guy might not know what he was saying but he knew what he intended.

  The guy with the knife looked less sure of himself now. Claudia was calm as she reached for the screwdriver in her pocket. Her sword was in the hands of the other man who had no idea what to do with it. The woman was speaking frantically. The man holding the knife became more animated, he pointed it at the woman shouting at him. Claudia struck. Tom was watching. She buried the screwdriver to the hilt in the man’s thigh and rolled forward. Tom moved quickly with his upward arc. The man’s face split in two. Billie-Jo was no slouch. She had buried her sword deep into the other man before he had lifted Claudia’s sword. Both men fell face first into the sand. Tom helped up Claudia, Billie-Jo handed her the sword.

  Ben was still st
ood in the same spot. Claudia walked towards the other woman. She started to shout something across the storm.

  Ben moved, ‘Noooo,’ but he wasn’t quick enough.

  Claudia had pushed the sword through the woman’s abdomen. She dropped to her knees and bled out.

  Tom and Billie-Jo watched as Ben stopped next to Claudia. ‘Why…why would you do that?’.

  ‘Because that woman was the leader and she was telling him to kill me.’

  ‘You don’t know that,’ said Ben.

  ‘Yes I do,’ she responded. She stuck the sharp end of her sword through the skull of the woman before walking away. Tom and Billie-Jo did likewise.

  ‘Let’s get up these rocks before we get swept away,’ said Tom.

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  Leeds, UK.

  Adam had never been a hero before; he was more the goofy member of his peer group. He was more prone to accidentally damaging himself than having harm inflicted upon him. He was known to walk away from fights, act as peacekeeper or just turn away. For a split second before he threw the machete, he had a thought of what Frank would do to him if he got his angles wrong. When he threw the blade he was counting on luck and a level of calculated accuracy – skill didn’t come into it.

  The machete spun like a whirring copter blade; he held his breath. He hoped the boomerang shaped blade didn’t come back at him. The sharpness of the blade lodged into the skull of Professor Randall as he and Amy landed. The impact distracted the professor long enough for Amy to push him to the side. They lay side by side watching each other.

  Frank brought his foot down on the blade. The sharp edge sliced through the skull while his boot followed through and mashed bone and brain underfoot. Amy watched as the professor died. Frank reached down and picked up his daughter. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed, he stood up straight and lifted her off her feet and squeezed back.

  ‘I knew you would get here,’ she said.

  ‘Me too,’ he replied.

  ‘We all did,’ chipped in Jack.

  After their lengthy embrace he put Amy back on her feet. He wiped blood and bone from her face. ‘You look a mess,’ he said smiling.

  ‘You look prepared,’ she replied.

  ‘I am but for what I don’t know yet.’

  ‘What’s it like out there Mr Temple?’ Asked Adam.

  ‘The name is Frank,’ he replied extending his hand. ‘I’m grateful for your assistance with the professor.’ Adam nodded acknowledgement. ‘In answer to your question…it’s bad, worse than in here.’

  ‘Are the police trying to maintain order Frank,’ asked Jack.

  Frank looked at Jack blankly. ‘I’m sorry, I meant Mr Temple.’

  Frank laughed, so did Amy. I’m kidding Jack, it’s good to see you’re still alive and thanks for keeping the mischief maker safe.’ He extended his hand to Jack. ‘From what I’ve seen, the police are done for. Everywhere is overrun with the dead. And it’s not just the dead to contend with, no law means a free for all.’

  Miles had stayed back and out of the reunion. ‘Who is your associate?’ asked Amy.

  ‘This is Miles, Miles Wilson he says,’ said Frank.

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ said Amy. ‘Thanks for keeping my dad safe.’

  This made Jack laugh. ‘Where you from?’ he asked.

  ‘Nowhere special,’ said Miles.

  ‘For your information Jack, I suspect our friend Miles is from that special secure unit that houses some of societies less favourable human beings,’ said Frank. ‘He may have been an orderly, but I doubt this man has been receiving monthly pay checks…tread carefully Jack.’

  ‘Is he dangerous,’ asked Jack as the smile ebbed away.

  ‘I’m hoping so,’ said Frank. ‘He is also a friend now.’ Frank touched his shoulder as he walked by.

  Miles acknowledged the acceptance, ‘I knew you were a man of interest the moment we met,’ said Miles.

  ‘Oh no,’ said Amy. ‘He is boring, you’re the one who is interesting. She walked over and linked her arm into his.

  ‘Miles meet Amy, the mischief maker.’


  Miles accepted the arm of Amy, he allowed her to lead the way. She was subtle at first. ‘How did you two meet?’ she asked him.

  ‘We sort of just ran into each other.’

  ‘Is that one of those movie lines that means something else?’

  Miles smiled, ‘I may have only recently met your father, but I can see you have his brains and I’m guessing your mothers looks.’

  Amy smirked. ‘You are correct Miles, replied Frank.

  ‘Have I said something to offend,’ he asked gently.

  ‘My mother has a new man,’ whispered Amy.

  ‘My apologies, I’m sure he is not a patch on your father.’

  Amy chuckled. ‘He’s over it.’

  Frank had been looking out of a window assessing the building, the roaming dead and thinking about his ex-wife as he listened to the conversation.

  He interjected. ‘We can do the family history later, what we need to do now is find a way out of this place.’

  Nobody disagreed. They all moved to the window. Outside a few of the dead had found their way into the gated area. ‘There must be an opening somewhere,’ said Frank.

  ‘It’s probably the other block,’ said Adam. ‘It’s similar to this one in size and structure.’

  ‘We’ll have to clear them out before we move on,’ said Miles. ‘We don’t want any surprises when we leave.’

  ‘We’re not going out there are we?’ asked Jack pointing beyond the gate.

  ‘You know we can’t stay here,’ said Amy.

  ‘Why not, it’s secure and there are now less of the dead here.’

  ‘Jack,’ said Frank with a tone of authority. ‘From what I could see on the reports all the major cities are being overrun. High populated areas are causing this infection or whatever it is to spread quickly. We have drove through hordes of these things just to get here, not to mention the flooding.’

  ‘But it’s dangerous out there.’

  ‘I’m sorry Jack but it’s dangerous everywhere now,’ said Frank.

  ‘Where will we go,’ asked Adam.

  ‘Everyone is free to make a choice, me though I plan on getting Amy back to Southport. We have a secure location, with plenty of food stores to search and I feel it has good access to escape routes as well as being a coastal town. It’s a good place to sit it out until this passes although I won’t be counting on that.’ Said Frank.

  ‘Don’t get your hopes up that this will get fixed. Frank and I have witnessed the fall of society outside these walls. We don’t just have to contend with dead people trying to eat us. Other people, survivors are going to try and take our lives – sometimes for fun, other times through necessity. There is no law out there anymore, no rules – you run, or you fight and many more people alive and dead will die – let’s not be in those numbers.’

  ‘You are all welcome to come with me,’ said Frank. ‘However you must prepare yourself for what is out there.’

  ‘My parents,’ said Adam. ‘I need to get to my parents.’

  ‘What do they do for a living son?’ asked Frank.


  ‘Their profession, what is it they do?’

  ‘My mother is a schoolteacher and my dad is a product designer, what does that have to do with it?’

  ‘Because I’m sorry to tell you this but they are both dead Adam.’

  ‘Dad don’t say that. You can’t be sure,’ said Amy.

  ‘I’m sorry love but the chances are when this thing started many innocent people got caught up in trying to help, I sure as hell did. Some people are not cut out for this new life and by that, I mean schoolteachers and the more caring kind.’

  ‘They could have got to safety,’ she said. ‘Have you tried ringing again?’

  ‘Your dad is right,’ said Adam.

  ‘You can’t give up,’ she said.
r />   ‘I’m not, I’m being realistic.’

  ‘Where do they live and how far from here?’ asked Frank.

  ‘Colton village, six maybe seven miles.’

  ‘Any major roads nearby?’ asked Frank.

  ‘The M1 motorway is literally at the end of the road, why?

  ‘Let’s go and get them if they are still living, if not I’ll help you put them to rest - I owe you that much.’


  Frank and Miles killed the remaining dead. Adam had been right they were leaking out of an unlocked door. Most were just shuffling about and they were able to sneak up on them. They pulled the door shut and imprisoned the rest. Hands slapped against the glass, snarling faces ravaged by death glared out at them. All of them kids, all similar ages to Amy.

  ‘You think this is a wise idea going to look for the kids parents?’ asked Miles.

  ‘No I don’t but Amy won’t stop, and he will need some closure.’

  ‘You know we won’t find them alive.’

  ‘I think we all know that.’

  ‘It’s a huge risk travelling further into the city.’

  ‘Let’s see how much of a risk.’ Frank headed towards the Land rover. He pulled out a paper map.

  ‘Old school travelling,’ said Miles.

  ‘I think we rely too much on technology, if it wasn’t for Amy, I wouldn’t have a mobile phone.’ He traced his hand along the map. ‘This is our location, and this is where we need to get.’

  Miles looked above, ‘The roof should give us a decent vantage point, see what we are heading into.’

  ‘You don’t need to come with us if you have other places to go,’ said Frank.

  Miles laughed, ‘Frank Temple, how many times…you know I don’t have no place to be. Besides I like your daughter, she is a more approachable version of you.’

  It was Frank’s turn to laugh.


  Amy, Jack and Adam were gathering supplies from the dorms. Bottled water, fizzy drinks, chocolate all the usual forms of student nutrition. Monroe had been made a fuss over by all, she nuzzled into Amy.


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