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The Good, The Bad & The Dead | Book 1 | Once Upon A Time In An Undead World

Page 40

by Grimes, A. L.

  ‘What other choice did she have? They were probably her friends chasing her and I’m guessing when she died, she wanted to stay dead.’

  Two of the dead landed the same, heads sprayed across concrete. The third landed awkwardly breaking most of the bones in its rotting body, except its left hand which it tried to use to crawl away.

  ‘What a shame we are going to surrender humanity to a race of stupid beings that only want to consume,’ said Miles.

  ‘Yeah, it’s not like we haven’t been practising for years,’ replied Frank.


  By the time Frank and Miles got to the ground, Amy was still hugging Monroe. She was still loving the attention from all. They assembled at the Land Rover and went over the proposal, which was to drive as fast as possible to Adam’s parents.

  ‘What about plan B?’ asked Jack.

  ‘There is no plan B,’ said Frank.

  ‘We need a plan B in case plan A fails,’ he responded.

  ‘Jack,’ said Amy. ‘I don’t think we even have a plan A. From what my dad just said we are just going to bulldoze our way through. That’s right isn’t it?’ she asked.

  ‘Spot on,’ replied Frank.

  Jack’s nerves were getting the better of him. ‘You’re fucking nuts, we can’t go out there without a plan A or B’.

  Frank didn’t take offence, but he needed to snap him out of his hysteria. He walked over, grabbed Jack by his collar and marched him towards the gate. He told Jack to look. About a dozen of the dead had amassed in front of the gate, they reached through.

  ‘I said look,’ snarled Frank.

  ‘I see them. Dead people wanting to eat me, us.’

  ‘I want you to look past them. Look at the heap of bodies on the other side of the road.’

  ‘I see them too,’ he replied.

  ‘That Jack is plan fucking A and plan fucking B in quick succession.’

  ‘I don’t follow,’ he replied.

  ‘The girl, the one whose skull and brain is decorating the pavement, she had a plan. Plan fucking A was to run and when that got her nowhere, she hit plan B. Plan fucking B was to dive off that roof face first into that concrete and do you know what Jack…it fucking worked.’ He let go of Jack and walked away.

  Jack still looked confused, but Amy got it. ‘What my dad is saying Jack, is that no matter how much we plan we don’t know what we are going to encounter out there. If we stay here though, chances are we will end up like her.’

  ‘Can I have a bigger knife,’ asked Jack seriously.

  ‘Take mine,’ said Adam.

  ‘Thanks,’ he replied. He handed Adam the smaller knife.

  Frank tossed him a helmet and a stab vest,’ Put that on.’

  ‘I can’t take your helmet.’

  ‘It’s not mine, I brought it for Amy. It’s for our protection not yours now put it on.’ Jack frowned. ‘Jack, I’m hoping it will muffle your yapping.’

  They all had a laugh, including Jack. Frank unfastened the punisher sword from his arm and gave it to Adam. ‘Strap that on son, I’ll be relying on you out there.’

  ‘I won’t let you down.’

  ‘I know that,’ said Frank. ‘Let’s go and get your parents.’

  They climbed into the rover, weapons in hand and ready for battle. ‘We need a name,’ said Jack.

  ‘First of all, why? And second what type of name,’ asked Adam.

  ‘Are you serious,’ said Amy. ‘A few minutes ago you were a quivering wreck. Now, you want to name us.’

  ‘I was thinking if we met other survivors on the road it will save time. Hi this is Amy, Adam, Jack, Frank and I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name,’ he said nodding to Miles.

  ‘It’s Miles,’ he replied.

  ‘Yes whatever,’ he said barely acknowledging the interruption. ‘Look at the confusion that caused. We could be called Warriors of the undead or Saviours of the living, that’s catchy.’

  Jack was too busy talking to notice that Frank had opened the gate and the Rover was passing through. A dead hand slapped against the window and brought Jack out of his rambling with a startled jump.

  That brought more laughter, ‘Put the helmet on and be quiet,’ ordered Frank. Amy slapped down the visor. ‘And Jack, I won’t let anything to happen to any of you.’


  They travelled the road without incident. They weren’t the only cars moving but they didn’t get any bother. The supermarket to the right was overrun with the dead, some looters took their chances. The hospital on the other side looked like it had been hit hard. Ambulances parked at awkward angles, their doors wide open. Doctors, nurses, security all dead and wandering. Some poor bastard still strapped to a gurney. Miles smiled a little.

  They continued, turning right at the next junction onto Crossgates Road. They passed the railway station, once filled with commuters now packed with the dead. The road signs said thirty mph, Frank was pushing sixty. He noticed the signs for the motorway as he rushed past. At the end of the road they approached the roundabout slowly. They entered Colton Lane which was the main road leading to the smaller estates known as Colton Village.

  Frank stopped the rover and took in the scene. The others leaned in from the back to watch the battle before them. A horde of the dead no more than thirty in number were trying to make their way along the road. This had been barred by several caravans, two of which were used as gates. The gates reversed while a group of five people rushed out and attacked the dead, then they darted back in, the gates closed. Again they opened and repeated the assault.

  Four of the group were burly men, they had the look of travellers. The fifth was petite, looked to be in her early fifties and swung a mattock like she meant it.

  Adam swore loudly taking everyone by surprise. ‘Fuck, its Juanita.’

  ‘Is that someone’s maid?’ asked Frank.

  Amy chipped in, ‘Isn’t that your mother?’ she asked.

  Adam was out the rover and heading towards the fight. ‘Here is your plan B Jack. Let’s go give and them a hand,’ said Frank.

  When the dead were done, they stood over them sweaty and victorious – just like warriors.

  Chapter Seventy-Two

  Salford, Manchester.

  Bull charged towards the Range Rover; the dead were shuffling at a decent speed towards them. At least sixty of the dead things were advancing. It didn’t make sense, there might be the odd few that stumbled out of households but this many…someone had been collecting them…was this a setup he thought.

  He jumped into the driver’s seat, no keys. ‘Shit,’ he said as he searched his pockets for the keys. ‘Hang on, I wasn’t driving,’ he said out loud to himself.

  Through the windscreen Bull could see Harry waving his arms in a rant at Erik. Erik was a cool, calculated and ruthless man, whatever Harry was saying to him he didn’t look to concerned. He could see his hand on his gun. Several of Harry’s men stood around, their stare fixed on the dead. Harry continued to flail his arms about, the anger raising with his voice, he didn’t seem to care that a small army of the dead were moving towards him. Bull go out of the car as the first dead hand caressed the rear of the vehicle.

  He watched as Erik pulled out his gun and aimed it at Harry. Bull launched into a sprint, pulling his own gun. Harry stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth hung open. Erik fired the gun, Bull stopped, his warning caught in his throat. The bullet zipped past Harry’s left ear and slammed into the knee of Bamber who was attempting to sneak up on Harry. He landed heavy on the floor screaming in pain. Harry turned to see what the noise was all about. He turned back towards Erik, a look of confusion on his face. Bull pulled up beside them.

  ‘He was coming at you H,’ said Erik.

  ‘What the fuck is going on?’ Said Harry.

  ‘It’s a set up H,’ said Bull. ‘The whole fucking thing is a set up to get you out in the open.’

  ‘Who the fuck would try and set me up?’ Then he turned towards Bamber.

was rolling around the floor making enough noise to alert every dead thing that was close.

  ‘His nephew maybe,’ said Erik.

  ‘I don’t buy that,’ said Harry.

  The gunshot was heard a split second before the bullet hit Harry in his left arm and knocked him to the floor. Bull and Erik turned together and fired. The rest of the men dived for cover. Six bullets ripped into the driver of their car, sending him sprawling to his death.

  They helped Harry back to his feet, ‘It’s only a scratch,’ he said.

  ‘Let’s get you inside and take a look at it,’ said Bull.

  Erik walked over to Bamber. ‘Help me, you said…’ He put a bullet between his eyes.

  He walked back to help Bull with Harry. Why did you do that, he could have told us what this was all about,’ said Bull.

  ‘We have enough on our plate with this lot,’ he said nodding towards the dead. ‘Let’s get inside and make a plan.’

  Erik reached into the pocket of the dead man and took the car keys. The dead had swamped both cars.


  Bull ordered two of the men to cover them as they rushed Harry across the street. One obeyed and began firing at the dead. The other was on his toes and off down the street. He didn’t get too far; the dead were everywhere. The other ran out of bullets as the dead made a meal out of him. That left five of them, then four as another minion refused to stay back and defend. Bull shot him in the face. He motioned with his gun for the other to start firing at the dead.

  Harry, Bull and Erik moved up the path of house with an open door. the door shut quickly as they got closer. ‘Bastards,’ spat Harry.

  ‘You can’t blame them,’ said Erik.

  ‘Who’s side are you fucking on?’ growled Harry.

  ‘That’s a good fucking question,’ said Bull quietly.

  They caught a man running up his path, ‘You, stop,’ shouted Harry.

  The man didn’t, he almost got to his front door when the warning shot from Bull ripped through his thigh. He hit the ground with a thump and a squeal.

  The three moved towards him. ‘Who lives here with you?’ Asked Harry in an aggressive tone.

  ‘It’s just me, my wife left with the kids yesterday,’ he whimpered.

  ‘I don’t want your life story,’ snapped Harry. ‘Throw him out the gate and secure it with something so the dead can’t get in.’

  The man yelped, ‘Please no.’

  Bull dragged him along his own path and launched him into the road. He tried to stand, the pain unbearable and the blood leaving a trail for the dead. He got to his feet just as the dead reached for him. Erik helped Harry into the house, Bull closed the door behind and bolted it. He took the safety catch off his gun.

  Erik was lowering Harry into a chair, ‘Stop fussing about me, it’s only a scratch,’ he said. Check the rest of the house, make sure there are no surprises,’ said Harry.

  Erik went off up the stairs, Bull was looking out the window, he was watching the dead who appeared to lose interest in their location and also thinking things over.

  ‘A bit strange don’t you think H,’ said Bull.

  ‘What’s that,’ said Harry fingering the bullet graze on his arm.

  ‘You know I’m not usually an over thinker, but it seems to me that we walked straight into an ambush. Bamber is an efficient worker, there is no way he would be so incompetent to let a small army of the dead just be wondering about his patch. It was coordinated.’

  ‘Yeah, it hasn’t escaped my attention either,’ replied Harry.


  Erik could hear the hushed tones from downstairs, he would just play it cool. He had four rooms to check. The first at the top was the bathroom, he took a piss. The first bedroom, empty apart from a pile of junk accumulated over a period of years. There was a bed buried beneath all the crap. The second bedroom was a man’s room, probably the poor bastard who had been shot then eaten outside.

  The final room, what most people would consider the main room was padlocked. Erik remembered seeing a claw hammer in the junk room. He went back and got it, eased it into the clasp and yanked, it came off with ease. He pushed open the door with confidence and a huge slice of arrogance. The rest of the family were shuffling about. A mother, sister, wife, two kids and a younger brother…all dead and hungry.

  Erik shoved the dead mother and sister into each other, they toppled over the smallest dead child. The dead wife grabbed Erik by the arm, the other child clutched at his leg. The dead brother made a lunge for him. He reached out and stopped the brother by placing his hand on his chest and snatching his clothing. He pulled the dead brother in close and hard, headbutting him. The force of the blow caused the dead brother to stagger back and fall over a chair. The crash caused Bull and Harry to look towards the ceiling.

  Erik hoofed the other child across the room, it screeched as it flew across the room. He reached behind his back and brough out his gun. He fired into the face of the dead wife. The rest of the family were just getting to their feet when he fired another five precise shots that vaporised their skulls and sent a mist of rotting blood spraying across the room. Outside the dead reacted to the gunfire.

  Harry nodded for Bull to check out what was happening. He tiptoed up the stairs and across the landing. Erik was taking one last look at the devastation. He backed out of the room and closed the door.

  He felt the cooling nozzle of Bull’s gun touch the back of his head. ‘I hope that’s just a precaution after my altercation with the dead,’ said Erik.

  He heard the click of the hammer drawing back. ‘This is a precaution against the fucking mess that happened outside, give me your gun and I’ll take the keys to the car,’ demanded Bull.

  Erik passed his gun back to Bull who slotted it into his waistband, the keys he placed in his pocket.. ‘That fuck up was Bamber’s doing. He’s paid his dues,’ replied Erik.

  ‘A bit convenient that the only person who could shine any light on the ambush is lying dead in the street with a bullet from your gun in his face,’ said Bull.

  ‘What else is there to know. It was his patch, his fuck up. Or like you say, his ambush.’

  ‘I’ve known Bamber for a long time, he neither had the brains of the balls to pull something like this off. However he would turn traitor for coin,’ said Bull.

  ‘What would I have to gain from any of this?’ Asked Erik.

  ‘Manchester,’ said Harry from the bottom of the stairs. ‘It’s my fucking city, now both of you get down here till we find out who the fucking rat is.’

  Erik raised an eyebrow while Bull frowned.


  Bull kept the gun pointing into the back of Erik’s head as they marched down the stairs towards Harry.

  ‘I thought we had become friends,’ said Erik.

  ‘I bet your old boss thought the same,’ replied Bull.

  ‘Fair point, but that was business,’ sneered Erik.

  ‘Are you trying to tell me this isn’t,’ said Bull.

  ‘I’m not trying to tell you anything, you’re the one pointing the gun. I have nothing to gain in any of this. Harry’s men wouldn’t listen to me. You on the other hand they see as H’s right-hand man, his second in command…the right man to take over.’

  They both stepped into the dining room of the house. Harry was waiting for them both, his own gun raised at both of them. ‘Hand the gun over Bull,’ he demanded.

  ‘You’re fucking kidding me H,’ he replied.

  ‘Do I look like I am fucking kidding. Hand it over or it will be the last discussion we ever have.’

  Bull knew that he hadn’t betrayed Harry, ever. He had made some money on the side without Harry’s knowledge, but he had never fucked him over. He had killed for H, lied for him and even done a short stretch in prison. Harry’s head had been fucked since all this had begun. Paranoia had taken hold of Harry with a firm grip. He had been shoving more drugs up his nose and making some bad decisions. Bull had even tried to talk him out of comin
g into this shithole, but Harry as high as a kite had taken no notice. Now they were stood in a standoff. Bull knew that Harry wouldn’t see sense. Whatever solution that he gave to H would be met with resistance. Bull wasn’t completely sure who had set them up but Erik was playing a good part.

  ‘On your fucking knees,’ ordered Bull to Erik.

  Erik lowered himself to the floor. ‘Looks like he is already trying to give the orders,’ he said directly to Harry.

  ‘Another word from you and I’ll put the barrel of this gun in your ear and pull the trigger,’ snarled Bull.

  ‘I give the fucking orders,’ snapped Harry.

  ‘I know you do H, but he is trying to manipulate us. Turn us against each other. We have known each other for years, done things that could see us spend the rest of our life in prison. You have never doubted my loyalty to you before, let’s not start now.’

  Harry started to lower the gun. ‘Until today,’ said Erik. ‘Bull is your head of security, yet he still let you walk into a trap. Who was is that killed your assassin. That was me H.’

  Harry looked at them both. ‘I tried to talk you out of coming here today but your stubborn fucking nature went against common sense.’

  ‘Are you saying I am fucking stupid, is that why you want me out of the way. So you can have all this, my empire. I’ve seen the way you look at Hazel, do you want her too.’

  ‘What, no H…you’re paranoid. You’re letting this prick get in your head,’ said Bull.

  The gun began to raise slowly. ‘Paranoid, stupid is that what you think,’ shouted Harry.

  ‘H don’t do it,’ said Bull. He had had a gun pulled on him many times, mainly by enemies or associates during tense negotiations. He could tell whether they were going to pull the trigger or not, they never did. This was different, Harry was his friend and he knew he was going to pull the trigger.

  Bull threw himself backwards as the first and second bullet tore into the wall behind him. Erik dived for cover. Harry readjusted his line of fire.

  ‘Harry, please,’ roared Bull.

  ‘This is my fucking city, I’ll kill every last one of you fuckers,’ shouted Harry.


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