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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

Page 9

by Melanie Walker

  Dressed in faded denim jeans that freighted at the seams and sold for eighty bucks a pair to ensure they looked well worn. He had a grey T shirt on and for the first time ever she saw his arms open, tattoos on display. In the past he would wear a long sleeved shirt or jacket because his tats were private he'd said, something she had been allowed to see. Today he displayed them and she itched to know why.

  His bandana was in place, containing the mop of deep black strands from falling in his face while he rode his bike. But his raven eyes pierced her as their gazes locked and for the first time in two years she felt nothing coming from him. He truly had severed their connection and she wanted to run crying from the room.

  Instead she smiled. "Fangs, daddy." Said with a nod and got right to the point. "Fangs thanks for coming I appreciate it considering we aren’t seeing eye to eye at the moment."

  He laughed and stood from his seat. "Not staying princess, your father gave me what I needed." He took a stirring straw from the wet bar and tucked it between his teeth, flashing his fangs. "See you ladies later." He said to Belle, Winter and Ash, who looked furious at him.

  "Let me guess it was a check?" She scolded him knowing it wasn’t fair.

  "Exactly Princess." He said and opened the door. "I thought you understood after we spoke last night. This is nothing more than business." He nodded to her father and left the office leaving the door open.

  She shook off his comment refusing to let it get to her, knowing it was, so she chose to ignore it instead. Walking over to Ezek she took a seat while Winter and Belle followed. Ashess had slipped back out the door and Bri didn’t want to imagine the friendly chat she and Fangs were having, because knowing Ash, she wouldn’t let a dead dog lie.

  "You and Kuyper are leaving tonight for Ontario Oregon." He drummed his fingers across the rich oak desk and looked at Bri knowingly. He knew she would argue this you-and-Kuyper-alone-time gig. Saying hell no would get her nowhere so she froze her chilly stare and locked in waiting for the reason the arch demon would make such a stupid decision.

  "Delkon Ellis lives there after a slaughter took place in Ireland three years ago and the Celt’s demanded his head. He chose safe passage to the US." Ezek leaned forward and handed her the file on Delkon, all the key elements in his capture were highlighted neatly and each page had a post it tab indicating where points of interest were throughout the report. His employees were nothing if not efficient.

  "This trip will be you and Kuyper alone, no need to take along any more back up. Seems Kuyper knows Delkon from over a century ago in Ireland when Kuyper still lived there. He believes that by Sunday you'll be back and able to test the first knife to declare if it’s a fake or the real deal."

  "Did you explain the importance of the knife?" Bri asked curious to see how big of a blabber mouth her father had. His nod confirmed it.

  "Ashess is taking the contract to him now. I contacted her earlier and asked that she bring it with her so Kuyper had an idea of the original. The Blessed Knife is distinct and reacts to the contract by a faint vibration. I wanted him to be knowledgeable enough to tell the difference. Though I am sure the fakes were infused with enough magical energy to mask as the original, the original is unmistakable. He could burn the midnight oil and never come close to recreating the magic in them."

  That explained Ash running out the door, but not why only Fangs and Bri were needed. "Well I'm sure that Winter and Ash would still be assets in case worse comes to worse so I think it would be best we get an additional room." No way was she going on a fun field trip weekend visit with Fangs alone. Now was not the time to plan sleepovers with her former lover the Vampire.

  "Belle is needed here indefinitely." He stated smiling at her and Bri softened a little to the old man, happy that he loved her friends and looked out for them. He was right, Belle was a genius and the master at ancient relics and scrolls let alone she was able to find anything. She would be crucial to helping find the knife. But Win and Ash were best suited at Bri’s side.

  He must have read her mind because he shook his head no. "Ashess and Winter will be here, hitting hot spots making sure word of you and Manna hasn’t hit the streets where suddenly every demon is looking for the knife. They stay here guarding and surveillance."

  “You seem to be forgetting that Ashess needs me for survival.” She smiled, happy for the first time ever that they were bonded by blood. “She needs to come with me.”

  “You will be gone for a day, maybe a day and a half. I think Ash may be ornery but she will be fine till you get back.”

  “And if we get sidetracked, or worse?” Now she was just picking at straws.

  “Then I will fucking feed her. This is settled Bri and the argument is finished. I created the bond; I can sure as hell substitute!”

  He had a point as much as she hated to admit it so Bri scowled instead.

  "Here is your ticket out of this contract Bri, don’t ruin it with your pride. I want you glued to his side, every minute you’re gone. You don’t piss unless he's outside the door do you understand me?" The level of his voice rose as his tone darkened. Another thing not up for debate.

  She nodded no longer interested in a fight. He sat back down, informing her that Fangs would meet at her house at ten tonight. "Also you will be staying at the Clarion Inn, same room but separate beds."

  Aaaaaand the hits just keep on coming. All Bri wanted was time to get away from Fangs, to let a little of the hurt heal and here her dad was throwing him in her face. She took the itinerary from his hand and stood. "Anything else?"

  His answering glare informed her that her attitude was not welcome and she could feel the eyes of Belle and Winter on her back. "Everything is paid for, Kuyper has a card I had his name added to and I also gave him two cell phones that are untraceable and to be used when calling me or one another only."

  "I thought I wasn’t to leave his side." She chided snottily. "Why would I need to call him?"

  "Humor me Bri." He replied rubbing his fingers on his temples. "I know you too well to even assume you would listen to me. The cells are for when you get in trouble and need me to clean it up."

  The saddest part of what he had said was that he was right. Bri would not stick that close to Fangs and he knew it. Groaning she left his office with nothing more than a nod over her shoulder.


  So normally while taking a road trip Bri would create an amazing playlist that would help the time fly, pack accordingly to whatever events they may be off to but knowing she was spending the time with Fangs she settled on flannel pajamas and turtle necks. She was not in the mood to decipher the look in his eyes when she wore something too tight or too revealing. Getting in his fj cruiser at promptly ten that night Bri realized that there would be no longing looks or sexual innuendo. Fangs didn’t so much as acknowledge her presence. She took the act of him taking her luggage for her as a good sign but that was before he tossed her Louise Vuiton in the back of the vehicle and slammed the door shoving her bags around.

  So they drove, for six hours until he finally spoke. "We will get in and get the room but I will need to feed and your father doesn’t want you from my side so you will have to tag along." She didn’t know what to say to that. Bri didn’t like the idea of Fangs feeding from someone, male or female even though she didn’t have the right to form an opinion about it. Reminding herself that she could have been the one who offered a vein but had chickened out and now had to deal with his needs and whomever he chose.

  "I can smell your jealousy Bri it's not very becoming." It was dark on the highway having only a single streetlight every mile or so, but she could see the amusement on his face courtesy of the soft green glow emanating from the stereo.

  What was she supposed to say to that? Your nose is lying? Not very likely, so she ignored him and shifted to stare out the window.

  "You know," Fangs continued completely disregarding the way she was studiously ignoring him, "I may be angry at you Bri but I don’t want to see
you slaughtered. Get over your myriad issues with wanting to fuck me and feed me and try to not be a pain in my ass."

  At that Bri snapped her head around and glared at him thankful his eyes were on the road. "My issues?" She shrieked. "My issues with you feeding are because I think it's gross. As for my myriad issues with wanting to fuck you? Wanting and needing are two very different things and trust me Fangs I don’t need you."

  Neither of them said anything for a few minutes, minutes that would span an eternity when he finally made a noise so dark and frightening she couldn’t help but glance over at him. Bri flinched at the look on his face. " Bri I need the truth, I need to know what the hell happened and even more importantly I need to know what the hell I’m up against."

  "Fangs I wish you weren’t even involved in all of this. It is so much worse than you realize and it will end up getting you killed."

  " Bri stop trying to protect me and tell me the truth."

  If he was so desperate to hear about her tortured past then she would hold no bar against the truth this time knowing that her past would make him wish he hadn’t asked.

  "I married Fil when I was sixteen, young by today’s standards but back then I was of age to bare children and be a day queen. I didn’t want to marry Fil, I couldn’t stand him but it was all about my ‘daddy issues’." She looked at Fangs and drew her eyebrows close in scrutiny. "Not Ezek but King Hubert. He knew I was Ezeks child even though I had no idea and the only time he seemed interested in anything I had to say was when we spoke of the coming marriage between Fil and I." She swallowed and felt the old wound open again. For the first twenty years of her life she had admired King Hubert desperate to make him proud, desperate to hear him say he loved her but those days were long gone and though she felt like shit about it all now, the thoughts of him still hurt.

  "I had no idea Fil was anything but a spoiled Prince and to say I was shocked the night of our marriage is an understatement. He uh...he bit me, on the inner span of my thigh and drank-."

  Bri was cut off by the low growl coming from Fangs and though she didn’t want to think about it too much she couldn’t hide the start of a smile knowing she wasn’t the only one who was a little jealous. "I never asked about him biting me, I assumed it was normal. I had been a virgin and had been promised to Fil since the day of my birth. I was given maidens the year before our union and they taught me of sex and what to expect saying that every man was different but the act itself would always be simple, basic and that instinct would kick in and I would understand. Simple as slot B slides into slot A so I assumed that perhaps this was some twisted kinky form of foreplay and let it slide. For the first five years of our union I only saw him on the nights that I was fertile. He would come to my chambers and we would mate and always before entering me he would bite me, always in the same spot."

  "Did you and he... did you have..." Kids. He wanted to know exactly how deep their union went but in fear of the children having died or something worse he asked nothing.

  "Kids?" She asked shocking him because her voice was level.


  "No. Thank the almighty because I can’t imagine the life those children would have suffered. That was actually the reason he began to sale me off. After my father’s death and my mother still standing as queen Fil became King and my nights became very free. He had stopped coming to my chamber and I appreciated the reprieve. But after my mother’s death Fil didn’t need me anymore. The first night he sold me to a Glochnar demon. I had no idea what was happening, I thought I had lost my mind completely unable to comprehend the thing coming towards me."

  She stayed silent for a long time and Fangs wondered if perhaps he could fight without pushing her for the info. She was clearly struggling with the memories and he felt like the worst kind of bastard for hedging her memories to the surface. But she broke the sad silence and continued.

  "Fil sold my body for the following four nights and you know the rest." Fangs could only nod because yeah, he knew what happened next. He never expected her to go on.

  "Fil is able to track me through my sleep." She spoke softly unable to look at Fangs because this, this part of the lies she had created and kept him from needed to be surfaced because if she didn’t tell him the whole truth he would probably get killed while trying to figure out what was going on. "I had reasons for never staying the night, or day, as it were with you. The instant I fall into REM sleep Fil summons me to him, where... where, he is able to do as he pleases....and does." She all but whispered the last part but knew that Fangs heard her loud and clear.

  "He rapes you?" He spat through gritted teeth and fang.

  Briar shook her head jerkily, terrified by the cold blast that was filling the car by the second. "He has never forced himself on me. Other than those four years he hasn’t even attempted to sexually assault me or allow another to. But he does hurt me." She sensed the extreme fury emanating from him and could hear the leather tearing from the cover protecting the steering wheel. She needed to get it out and fast before he broke the steering column completely off and they were stranded when sunrise came. "Look I am telling you this because without my shields I will not be able to hide the bruises or injuries that he will inflict let alone hide from him."

  Fangs was silent, his grip still deadly on the steering wheel. Briar could do nothing but wait until he spoke knowing that he had to work this info out. When he finally spoke his voice was calm and he had released his death grip and glanced at her through dark black eyes. Fangs was pissed and though he had the control she needed him to have, his raven black stare spoke volumes to the inferno of hate rolling through his body right now. "I have seen you sleep and you never so much as moved. Do you not fight back?"

  She shook her head no. "When I was with you before I made certain my shields were in place, if I am able to block him he can’t find me. I never took a chance when I was with you, even in the daylight when I knew you wouldn’t wake for anything short of a fire I still kept them in place."

  "You trusted me so little." He said softly. His tone not matching the anger she knew he felt.

  "No." She said sternly needing now more than ever for him to understand that this was never about him. "I trusted Fil that little. I knew if he had a chance at finding me that he would. Had he found me in your bed, during the day?" She stopped as horrible images raced through her mind. Images of the way, the style Fil enjoyed killing with. It was brutal, efficient and he enjoyed every minute of it. Had Fil known of Fangs and came for him in the daylight... Briar shuddered at the thought. "He'd have killed you before you knew he was there Fangs and though I do not think your weak or that you wouldn’t fight him to the death, it was still daylight and Fil has never fought fair. He would have let the sunlight in and watched you burn."

  Fangs laughed, actually laughed creating the darkest sound Bri had ever heard. "I can respect the fact that he fights dirty. We are not very different Bri, a Vampire and a Demon. Get in the dark place in the back of your mind and you'll see that you won’t fight fare either. Had he found me, I would have sensed someone other than you in my crypt and would have known before he was close enough to attack. Had I known that he was attacking you..." Fangs growled again and she could hear the leather straining against his white knuckle grip yet again. "I'd have smiled while killing him and he would never had anticipated the violence I would inflict." He smiled and the sharp points of his fangs made a pale imprint on his lower lip. "I'll enjoy it much more now."

  "No Fangs that right there is what I have been talking about since you showed up at my house that night." Briar wanted to pull her hair out. She was so tired of the males in her life. Her father was adamant that Fangs was more capable of keeping her safe than she was even though she had kept herself alive for over seven hundred years. Fil and his summoning bullshit that she knew would result in her death one day and now Fangs and his caveman protection crap. It was like they all thought she was talking out of her ass and had no idea what danger sh
e was in. "He has tortured Ash, Belle, Winter, Arianna and Al. At one time or another he has been able to get at them just to spite me. There are reasons that I have my secrets, reasons I use shields rather than fight. Why can’t you see that you are no more different from them in Fil's eyes."

  "Because Bri I am a Vampire, they are not. At least not Ash winter or Belle. Who is Arianna and Al?"

  "Little Mermaid is Arianna and Al is Aladdin." She said it like it made perfect fucking sense but to Fangs he was yet again taken back.

  "Let me get this straight. Disney had a hand in making you famous but in reality the story he gave was make believe on the truth right?" And there it was, the question that most wanted to know the truth of. How were the old cartoon fairytales made into something special and fun when in reality they were dark and dreadful.

  Bri nodded. “It’s the wonder and the fantasy that makes a Fairy tale what it is, people want to believe. Like wrinkle cream and zero calorie coke.”

  “Or Santa Clause.”

  “Exactly, only Santa Clause is real, only instead of presents for good little girls and boys he brings the entrails of your enemies as gifts.”


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